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jbhop's mod list
A list of mods to use for starbound
Items (114)
$99.99 Blocks
Created by despacito
With a simple purchase of $99.99, you too can hold 9999 blocks! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!...
- Green's Dye Suite 1.7 - Super Ultra Matter Update DX Plus Omega Repainted Edition & Knuckles
Created by OxOOFFOO
To make the glowing dyes function, install futara's shader: Reskinning and dyeing the matter manipulator! Custom flashlights. Some bug fixes. New categories a...
Created by sleepySva Update v1.3, Nightmist Echoes This update adds a new planet, the Nightmist. Exploring the planet will lead you to encounter bygo...
Arcana Parallax Plus
Created by Adnarim
*This should be included in 1.2+ versions of Arcana, I gave the mod author my files about a year before 1.2 went live via the Workshop. However, since it has been so long, I am unsure if anything of mine has been changed or reverted. Therefore I am keeping...
Armor Augments
Created by hebiohime
This mod is standalone, adds augment slots to back head chest and legs More than one of a kind of augment does not stack (example: 4 Healing III augments). Different levels of augments stack(example: 1 each of Healing I, II, III). ╔════════════════════════...
Armor Augments Frackin Universe Patch
Created by A-Vladimir
Compatibility patch between Armor Augments and Frackin Universe. This fixes the armor UI issues that it currently has. Made by: DeFixed Reuploaded because it was no longer on the steam workshop. This brakes description of some EPPs (they still function but...
Avali Perennial Crops
Created by Neko Boi Nick
Perennial Crops Compatibility Patch for Avali (Triage) Race Mod Added support for Avali crops from the Triage mod, And adds support for the crop(s) added by, Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited. Github:
Avali (Triage) Race Mod
Created by Fevix
Avali race mod for Starbound 1.4 The cutest predators this side of the universe rift We now have a Discord chat, come on in! No account needed! If you have issues, please go to and post a new...
Created by Apple
Adds backpacks to the game. For a full description, visit the ChuckleFish forums page at:
Back Weapon
Created by 솔직님
*Requires either Stardust Core Lite or Quickbar Mini Last Registered weapon display your back when not in use If the item has a "backDisplayImage" or "inventoryIcon" parameter, "backDisplayImage" is first and "inventoryIcon" is next priority If there are n...
Avali WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship
Created by pjaj
An Avali version of the WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship. Thanks to Rikkun for his original gunship mod. All I did was a recolouring job :) Requires the WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship mod to function. Mod can be found here:
Better Ocean Parallax
Created by Amee102
The ocean parallax looks empty, doesn't it? Well... this little mod changes that! It adds more islands to the ocean biome parallax to make it look better and more welcoming. Sadly this mod does not affect pre-generated planets, meaning that only planets th...
Blood Mod Reduced
Created by BakaKemono
More blood during combat. This is the reduced blood size version. Features: -Added blood spurts for combat attacks and when killed -Improved overall look of blood drops (embers) -Blood drops now collide with the environment and stay for a longer time -Diff...
Borderlands 2 Random and Unique Shields
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Update, Notice: Version 5 is here, Player Pets can now spawn with shields, they use the shields in the "crew" section of the interface. Added compatibility with "Crew Customization+" and "BL3 Healthbars" for new npc shield display. New damage and capacity ...
Borderlands Random-Gen Weapons
Created by LimeIsFruit From the creator of that other Borderlands Starbound mod comes another Borderlands Starbound mod! This mod adds new randomly generated weapons based on the parts from Borderlands 2/Borderlands 1 The weapons can be found just ...
Ceiling Mounted Sprinkler
Created by Numenization
This mod adds a ceiling mounted water sprinkler that is meant to match futuristic style builds. It covers 8-10 blocks and constantly waters. It can be turned on/off with wiring and is a great solution to those who don't want to make holes in their crop fie...
Created by Lucien Shepherd Citybound is a simple mod that brings the Citysetting to starbound. When playing starbound, i love to build massive colonies and such. but i always missed the city atmosphere. This mod adds a Cityplanet to the unive...
Citybound Parallax Overhauled - City Planets modular patch
Created by Meteora
A rework of the Parallax of Citybound to remove that n00b planet feeling from your populated planets! Requires Citybound installed. -The background city have been lowered -The trees in the foreground have been removed -Added the third layer of the protecto...
CN More Farming - Frackin' Universe
Created by Colonol Nutty
An addon for More Farming that adds crops to Frackin' Universe Biomes as well as support for a bunch of other things. THIS REQUIRES 'CN MORE FARMING: REVITALIZATION' If you are subscribing to this version of the mod (Steam) then I'd recommend you also subs...
CN More Farming - Perennial and Compact Patch
Created by Colonol Nutty
THIS REQUIRES "CN MORE FARMING: REVITALIZATION" LOOK FOR A LINK IN THE REQUIREMENTS SECTION TO THE RIGHT If you enjoy the mod, consider donating to my patreon account here. This probably won't need much detail, so I'll keep it simple and short. This patch ...
CN More Farming: Revitalization
Created by Colonol Nutty
More farmables, more ingredients, more foods, more furnitures, new biomes, and a new way of cooking! Installing this mod is a one-way trip, there are no uninstall instructions other than to start a new game. You have been warned! !!! IF YOU ENCOUNTER AN IS...
Combinable Augments
Created by C0bra5
Combinable Augments Combinable augments allows you to combine all of your augments, collars and fishing lures into a single piece of mastery. 1 Augment to rule them all, this is the goal of this mod. What can you do? - Combine epp augments together - Combi...
Combinable Augments FU Balanced Recipe Patch
Created by A-Vladimir
Moves the augment combiner recipe to the FU Auto-Assembler and adds the augment extractor and 2 upgrade modules to the recipe requirements....
Compact Crops for FU
Created by MrHimera
Compact Crops for Frackin' Universe! "More crops on less land." This mod reduces the required horizontal space for all large crops. If you are tired of the wide spacing of crops in Starbound, and want to make endless fields of Wheat or Sugarcane, then this...
Corporate Expansion
Created by LK335q Corporate Expansion is a growing Starbound mod that aims to build upon the base game with loads of new content, including a new galactic corporation known as... General Munitions Co. specializ...
Compact Crops
Created by Kave Johnson
"More crops on less land." This mod halves the required horizontal space for all large crops. If you are tired of the wide spacing of crops in vanilla Starbound, and want to make endless fields of Wheat or Sugarcane, then this is the mod for you! * FAQ * Q...
Crew Customization +
Created by FelmastProMcLane
Now a rewrite of Crew Customization Updated to have an interface, allow full customization of gear, change name and apply augments to crew members. Changelog: Inteface can be opened opened by a tailor. Added "Disable" Button, it switches from "D" to "E", w...
Disabled drop for Survival Mode
Created by Tatsu
Disable item drop when dying in survival mode. Pixel lost is still there. Not compatible with other difficulty mods....
Earth's Finest - Crew Improvements
Created by Mickyan
This mod aims to make recruiting your crew a more worthwhile endeavour, greatly increasing the strenght and usefulness of your crew members. By making each class unique and useful in their own way, choosing the right person to bring on a mission can make a...
Efficient Watering
Created by zecra
-Water your crops without a cooldown rate -Water while walking -Watering time decreased -Watering AOE increased...
Elithain Races Weapon and Vehcile Buff
Created by The OG Koopa
Elithian Races is a mod that has been around for a long time, though unfortunately with all old things comes power creep. This mod aims to fix the power gap between ERM and other mods such as Knightfall (or at least make it less noticeable), so you can sti...
Elithian Alliance FLCN-11 Gunships
Created by Rylasasin
And here we are, with yet ANOTHER Wolfen FLCN-11 offshoot. This time of the Elithian Alliance and Avikan Nomada! NOMADA VERSION An Avikan customization with some slight Cent'an tech thrown in. You can find it for sale at the vehicle vendor at the Avikan st...
Elithian Perennial Crops
Created by RevvEmUp
Applies the same rules as Perennial Crops to seeds: - Bolbohn - Borato - Dunestalk - Kadavan Cactus - Loftgrain - Mellowroot - Selvas Requires - Perennial Crops - Elithian Races Mod...
Elithian Races Mod
Created by Aegonian [THEA]
DISCLAIMER: Back up your save files before installing. Characters and other save data, including ships and worlds, may be lost if the mod is uninstalled, so always keep a back-up! NOTICE: This mod requires a Character Creator extender in order to play as o...
Elithian Races Mod: Frackin Universes Patch
Created by Rylasasin
A small patch to allow Elithian Alliance encounters on Frackin Universe worlds. NOTE: this is for those who (for whatever reason) use the Workshop version of Elithian Alliance/Elithian Races. If you instead use the Github version, please use this one: http...
Enhanced Storage
Created by Neo
Enhanced Storage is a quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound. On the one hand it adds a lot of new features to the usablity of containers, and on the other it adds many new content concerning storage and containers. Contai...
Enhanced Storage Patch for Arcana
Created by Lubius
Enable Enhanced Storage features for Arcana crates, chests and other storages. Now it is possible to modify storage slots, fast stack and sort your stuff in all Arcana storage furniture. If you find any bug, please open a issue or a pull request: https://g...
Enhanced Storage-Starforge Patch
Created by Wyvern
Makes containers added by Starforge use features from Enhanced Storage. Slot counts are based on object size, just like the original Enhanced Storage mod. Credits: Neo - Enhanced Storage Frykas, Nebulox, Monica, Raiizy - Starforge...
Extra Zoom Levels
Created by Patchumz
A very easy and basic mod that simply adds extra zoom levels to the options menu. You can select from between 1 and 10 zoom power instead of the default 2 to 4. The mod will be compatible with any mod that doesn't mess with zoom levels, so you don't have t...
EZ Mech Deployer
Created by lophatkao
-- From the XS Mechs guy -- Deploy your modular mech. Anywhere. Anytime. Just like a regular vehicle. Press 'C' to craft - 250px You must have unlocked mech from Dr. Akaggi at the Outpost first! -- known issue -- the click event to spawn mech gets passed o...
Frackin Crew Size - 99 Crew Edition
Created by SerpentsBlight
This mod is a version of my other mod, Frackin Crew Size, except expanded to allow 99 crew. They should not be used together, but switching from one to the other shouldn't cause problems. Beyond that, the information about this mod is the same as its other...
Frackin FLCN-11 Gunship
Created by Rylasasin
At long last, the Frackin Universe version of the venerable Wolfen FLCN-11 Gunship is here for your enjoyment! New weapon types, new sounds, etc. This is based off of the NEW (1.3) Wolfen FLCN-11 Gunships, so it has alternate ammo types as well. I'll leave...
Frackin Patch For U.S.C.M. Alt. Progression mod
Created by The OG Koopa
This mod will patch the armor from my "U.S.C.M. Alt. Progression" mod to work with frackin' enrionments Nothing too crazy but hopefully it encourages frackin users to try out my mod Requires both Frackin Universe and U.S.C.M. Alt. Progression Mod...
Frackin GiC race patch
Created by irRegularGuy646
Patches GiC's realistic races to share most of the stats of their vanilla counterparts in frackin universe, excludes things that can be considered "training", like weapon masteries and special weapon effects....
Frackin Universe - Avali Food Patch
Created by .WiredSpr173
This mod adds the foods from Avali (Triage) to the frackin races 'diet system'....
Frackin Universe Perennial Crops New
Created by RevvEmUp
Updated version of Perennial Crops FU Compatibility Patch Edition to include new crops. Applies the same rules as Perennial Crops to seeds: - Apalite - Alpha Seed Bulb - Bolbohn - Cottonbop Bulb - Crystal Plant - Duskiline - Dunestalk - Emera - Exonite - F...
Frackin XS Mechs
Created by Rylasasin
Patches XS Mechs (Modular Edition and Modular Weapons) so they align with the recent changes to Frackin Universe. * Mech blueprints are now unlocked via the research menu (Sigma and Elite Sigma = Tier 2, Rho and Priate Rho = Tier 3, Rhonin and MEKA = Tier ...
Frackin' Music
Created by Sayter
Note: Does NOT require FrackinUniverse, but is recommended since most of the music will play on those biomes. What is FrackinMusic, and why is it so gigantic? It adds (does not replace) over 250 new songs to your Starbound experience pulled from various co...
Frackin' Universe
Created by Sayter
FU Discord: Wiki: Disclaimer: Installing FU is a one-way trip. FU will affect your game universe and ALL characters. Note: Uninstalling the mod will cause crashes, unless you w...
Frackin' Universe - Elithian BYOS Ships
Created by Zarra
Note: You must have this patch to be able to use the Frackin' BYOS system on modded races. Adds Frackin' BYOS ships themed after the Elithian Races. You don't need to play an ERM race to choose these ships. Both mods are required, since FU adds the BYOS sy...
FU + Avali Triage Patch
Created by Khe
What the patch does: Adds missing categories to blocks, for better Item Network support. Made adjustments to some descriptions, and to some names which were shared. Replaces references in produce-related recipes with their FU counterparts (including terram...
FU / Shellguard Mech Compatability
Created by Sayter
Nothing fancy. Adds compatability for Shellguard mech parts to utilize FU mech stats, such as Mass, health bonus, energy adjustments, and so forth. 2 : updated damage values of a few weapons, but primarily balanced the Rotary cannon. 1.2: added support for...
FU BYOS GiC Race Patch
Created by Bam4000
Galaxy in conflict patch for Frackin universe BYOS ship!...
FU-Redemption integration patch
Created by Armok
What does this mod do? This mod basically exists to smooth things out between Frackin and Project Redemption, including resolving some minor incompatibilities and offering some integration, in particular it: Allows for USCM remnant bunkers to spawn on a va...
Futara's Dragon Pixel Full Bright Shader
Created by FutaraDragon
Render Pixel As Full Bright =========================== Futara's Dragon Full Bright Shader =========================== Current Version 1.0 =========================== Attention!! This mod does not function when using Steam's subscribe function! This mod mu...
Galactic Dungeons + Frackin Universe patch
Created by BlossomDancer
Allows GD dungeons to spawn on Frackin Universe planets. Dungeons can now spawn on the following FU planets: Unknown Shadow Superdense Primeval Forest Volcanic Primeval Forest Dark Primeval Forest Bloodstone Bog Chromatic Red Wastes Frozen Volcanic Dark Sn...
Gardenbot2 : Reboot Edition
Created by lophatkao
The automated gardening bot. SB FORUM LINK Original art & code by tynaut Additional code & bots by LoPhatKao Miniskip art by HuggableCreep aka Royal Jelly FAQ how do I move bot? - use a Relocator, or kill it how do I kill bot? - hit it with a bugnet or mel...
Galactic Dungeons
Created by BlossomDancer
Implements new dungeons for every race- from Miniknog mansions to Novakid fortresses. Currently, this mod introduces 9 dungeons; Apex Mansion Avian Raider Fleet Floran Hollow Glitch Siege Camp Glitch Towers Human Settlemnet Hylotl Monastery Hylotl Ronin Fo...
Historical Armor and Clothes
Created by Tea-Loving Lad
What does this mod contain? This mod adds a custom workbench and new dyeable vanity items, that are inspired by actual armaments and clothes from the past history of humanity, for all body slots with different variations. How do I craft these items? The wo...
Hylotl Megacities
Created by FUS
I don't remember where I saw it, but someone wanted to make Hylotl Ocean Cities spawn on the surface but had an issue with the water spawning in as well while doing so. And I thought to myself, that'd be cool, I want that. *a few hours in Tiled later* Pres...
I Want Those Clothes Too
Created by Tea-Loving Lad
Have you ever looked at objects such as paintings, display armor or statues in Starbound and thought something along the lines of: "Damn, why isn't there a playable version of that outfit there?" The answer is: NOW there is a playable version of ! I recomm...
Improved Food Descriptions
Created by Neo
This mod improves the interface of food and medicine descriptions and make it possible to show additional information. It needs to be installed on both server and client. The new designed tooltips now showing: Amount of food (the player's max food amount i...
Job Offers
Do you really, really want a NPC as a crew member? No worries, now you don't have to hope for them to give you enough quests to trigger the change. With one of these craftable/buyable job offers you can instantly make them happy to work for you. - Make any...
K'Rakoth Mod: Arcana Patch
Created by Angry Turret
This is a patch for K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos mod that makes new dungeons and mini-biomes spawn on Arcana planets. Obviously, you need to install both mods first. Dungeons: - Glitch Devout Tower spawns on Blistering, Windswept, Stahlern Badlands, ...
K'Rakoth Mod
Created by Angry Turret
K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos This mod adds dungeons, biomes and lore related to K'Rakoths, an old aquatic race that used to have advanced technology, expanded knowledge of the universe and several servant species. However, no matter what they did, th...
Created by Credo
- - - - - A B A N D O N E D - - - - - Kenopsea is a large scale mod that aims to add Worlds, Weapons, Objects, and Tiles. All tiles can be acquired by crafting the SEL Primary Workbench from the T3 Inventors table, from the Workbench the Black Ice Market c...
K'Rakoth Mod: Maple32 Patch
Created by Angry Turret
This is a patch for K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos mod that makes new dungeons and mini-biomes spawn on Maple32 planets and vice versa. Obviously, you need to install both mods first. Dungeons: - Glitch Devout Tower spawns on Bioindustrial, Steppe and ...
K'Rakoth Mod: Frackin' Universe Addon
Created by Angry Turret
This is an addon for K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos mod that makes new dungeons and mini-biomes spawn on Frackin' Universe planets, as well as introduces more content and resolves compatibility issues. Obviously, you need to install both mods first. Pl...
Less Dead Moons - Moon Dungeons
Created by AnomNom Do you feel like moons are a bit boring? Then allow me to introduce you to... Less Dead Moons! This mod adds multiple structures to Starbound's various moons, giving them more depth than a simple, flat landscape. Scattered acr...
Letheia Expanded
Created by sleepySva Update v1.0 In update v1.0, we've overhauled most visuals for items and furniture! To commemorate this, we've also added a couple of new furniture as a bonus, as well as new Letheia tenants! N...
Created by Lemon Drops
Adds The Following and More: 2 playable species, 'Glutt' and 'Nuu'.* Over 300 new structures and encounters (some of which are in space) to discover, steal, and explode. 7 planet types and one moon, containing over 30 new biomes, many of which are undergro...
Maple32 Nuu FU/FR Patch
Created by A-Vladimir
A patch for Maple32 mods Nuu race: Adds FU/FR race stats Fixes ship locker inventory Fixes S.A.I.L. interface Adds respawn cinematic for hardcore mode Adds the race stats on the character creator and personal tricorder Will change racial stats if I get any...
More NPC Ships
Created by Angry Turret
Are you tired of those default NPC ships? Do they look same to you? This mod should help you a bit. This mod adds several space dungeons including: Friendly Ships - Cargo Ship, inspired by in-game space stations - Astronaut Shuttle. It's vertically-oriente...
Created by Degranon
Like Starboy, but older. Welcome: Classic Minesweepe!r A small game console with never outdating cames. Spawn a Cartridge Box in the default crafting menu, buy a console and a catridge; insert the cartridge into the console by pressing Right Mouse Button w...
More threads - Lag reducer - 8-thread edition
Created by Null_Error
Ever get tired of how much lags NPCs can cause? This mod changes the number of threads starbound uses from 2 to 8. It's probably worth noting that if your computer has only 2 cores or less, this won't actually cause a speedup, in which case this mod isn't ...
Npc Drops Gear
Created by Laserbeam
All npc characters drop their gear upon dying. It is suggested to play with other npc enhancing mods such as Frackin' Universe to obtain valuable loot. Drop Rates: ~10% to drop weapons ~10% to drop one piece of armor ~20% to drop back gear Note that these ...
Npc Drops Gear - Stalker Difficulty
Created by A-Vladimir
This just reduces the original mods chances to: ~2.5% to drop weapons ~5% to drop one piece of armor ~3.3% to drop back gear...
NPC Mechs
Created by lophatkao
Ever wished your crew could hop in their own mech and help cause mayhem... on planets? in space? Now you can! Just have crew ready to beam down with you, and press the "Deploy Mech" button non-Steam?
One Handed Hoe
Created by Yeyy♪
It tilted me that i couldnt use watering can and hoe at the same time, so i made this....
Perennial Crops
Created by Toyi
--Perennial Crops-- Plant once and avoid the annoying chore of replanting your crops! What does it do? This little mod makes that every base crop of the game (wild and planted) behave like tomato, grape, banana and coffee plants; so once you harvest them, ...
Placeable Dynamic FTL Drive
Created by Kais
Do you miss the fancy FTL drive visualization from before Starbound 1.3? Wish you could really see the fruits of your overwhelmingly spooky erchius mining expeditions? Yeah, me too... This mod adds exactly what it says it does: a Faster-than-Light Drive ob...
Placeable Dynamic FTL Drive [FU BYOS patch]
Created by zoomah
Adds a copy of the great Placeable Dynamic FTL Drive, acting as an actual Frackin Universe BYOS FTL Drive. You only need this patch if ALL 3 of the following points match your needs: - you use FU - you use BYOS mode - you want the animated drive be your pr...
Planet Navigation Tools
Created by Dread_Lord369
This mod is no longer being actively worked on I built this reworked mod as a hobby project because it was something I wanted for my own gameplay. Due to life and responsibilities, I no longer have the spare time to work on this mod. If anybody wants to ex...
Project Knightfall
Created by Nitrosteel Project Knightfall is an ever growing expansion mod for Starbound that centers around a brand new, highly advanced military faction called the Knightfall Initiative. Enhance your Starbound exp...
Project Redemption
Created by Armok
Yes, this is FU compatible :P //The following is an emergency broadcast from the Terrene Protectorate "With the fall of Earth comes our own fall. Humanity is either under some new power or near extinct. To any and all remaining Protectors in this dark gala...
Raptorframe: addon for Project Knightfall [Valor Update]
Created by Jetfire
Important note: this addon does require Project Knightfall and Avali (Triage) Race mods. Make sure you have these mods installed before attempting to launch the game with this addon. Links can be found here: Click here to open Avali (Triage) Race mod main ...
Redone Ship Encounters - Names, Icons, Descriptions, and Horizions
Created by AnomNom
Ever get confused what ship you're flyin' to? NO LONGER! If you're like me, you've been in a place where you've wanted to see what ship your going to go to before you actually go to it. Prehaps you wanted to find an Astro Ship to purchase some furniture, b...
Raiizy's Forge: Corporate Expansion Colours Addon
Created by innabush
Allows some weapons from Raiizy's Forge to spawn with colours from Corporate Expansion's General Munitions. Current version affects only wood and steel guns....
Raiizy's Forge
Created by Raiizy
Raiizy's Forge is a large weapon pack, adding 400+ unique guns with custom spritework, randomized colors and ability to actually dye a lot of them! Bandits and Cultists overhaul addon: Find ...
RPG Growth
The mod that adds RPG Mechanics to Starbound! This mod adds the ability to raise stats and make your character stronger. Defeating monsters grants experience and raises your level. Allocate stat points, unlock techs and weapons, and choose a Profession, Af...
Skizot's Dozers
Created by lophatkao
MiniDozer + MegaDozer Vehicles Buy the Controllers at Penguin Pete in the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) Original art & code by Skizot Updated code by LoPhatKao More Info: --]...
Skippable Cinematics
Created by v6
This is a client-side mod. Skip any cinematic with ESC-key. It does not reduce any loading times that are covered up by cinematics. For a non-Steam version, visit
Shellguard: Starbound Expansion Remastered
Created by Travelling Merchant
Welcome to the Shellguard: Starbound Expansion remaster! We have a public discord here! This mod is a full expansion to Starbound, focused around a new faction called Shellguard. Shellguard is a large scale mercenary group as wel...
Slow Hunger
Created by Helari
A quick edit to make your character become starved in about one hour realtime (It only takes 25~ minutes in vanilla which interrupts gameplay way too often for my taste). With this mod you still need food to survive but you aren't constantly annoyed by sta...
Stardust Core
Created by Zia Satazaki
Formerly (and internally) known as StardustLib. System features and support code for the modded experience. NOTE TO SERVER OWNERS: this mod contains a second .pak! Make sure this is loaded or unexpected behavior may occur! metaGUI A custom UI system design...
Starboy Handheld Games
Minor Change: Changed the value of handhelds and arcades to 1500 / 2500. :ATTENTION: All Starboy crafting has been moved to it's own crafting table: Starboy Crafting Station. This table can be crafted from any Inventor's Table New! Ruination Game and Arcad...
Stardust Core Lite
Created by Zia Satazaki
Formerly known as Quickbar Mini. A vanilla-server-friendly subset of Stardust Core, including the Quickbar, metaGUI, the unified settings panel and selected pieces of library code. You don't need to install this if you already have Stardust Core! metaGUI A...
StarTech - Stardust Technologies
Created by Zia Satazaki
~ Stardust Core required! ~ A leap in technology unlocks boundless potential. Construct complex machines to do your gruntwork for you; batteries and generators to power them. Wield an arsenal of unique and powerful tools and weaponry. Leave traditional arm...
The Starforge v1.1.5
Created by Frykas
Welcome to the Starforge expansion Before downloading the mod, I recommend you make a backup of your universe & player files, Starforge is a mod that adds a lot to your universe, monsters, dungeons, quests... Uninstalling it will corrupt some of your plane...
U.S.C.M. Alt. Progression Mod
Created by The OG Koopa
About the Mod: The U.S.C.M. may be gone, but that doesn't mean that their equipment has to vanish as well... This mod aims to add a new equipment progression line in the form of weapons armors and other assorted items. These items are a stronger than their...
Titanbound FU Patch
Created by Niko Beniko
Frackin Universe does something with the "power" value of mech arms, so without patching it's makes weapons overpowered. So this patch just decreases the "power" value to make it balanced with FU....
UIR Cities & Industry
Created by Cpt. Litznitsky
The UIR or Union of Industrial Republics is my spin on on a galactic power made up of various different planets and the cities and industries that inhabit them. This mod has been a on and off project in parrallel with UCDF whenever I was tired of doing mil...
UCDF War & Destruction
Created by Cpt. Litznitsky
The UCDF is my spin on a space-based military force where the equipment it primarily mobile for quick assembly and disassembly and built with transportation in mind with all the armor and weapons are iterative building upon previous designs. After two long...
Created by Niko Beniko
STAND BY FOR TITANFALL Hey, Pilot, you showed good score at our new virtual testing field and we apreciate that. We decided to reward you by givin' a new Titan. Make a choice, and take the Titan which looks more pleasant for you! *Some images is photoshop:...
Wiring node resprite
Created by V O I D
Resprite wiring nodes so is more comprehensible which is input and which is output....
WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship
Created by Rikkun🔥🦈
A solo/duo operated gunship with set of weapons and projectiles switching. It can be a mobile platform that can carry 6 passengers and other features. HOW TO GET You can get the gunship from Penguin Pete from the Outpost for 150,000 pixels. FEATURES https://...
WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship: Shellguard Edition
Created by Rylasasin
Yet another WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship offshoot mod, but talored especially for the Shellguard. This is not a simple recolour, it features shellguard custom weapons. Update: I have FINALLY gotten around to making a new version of this, and it comes with a bran...
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA)
Created by Tiniebla
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA) Old name is : Mech New Body Thank you Tshinzon! Your XS Mech graphic is AWESOME! THIS MOD IS OPEN FOR ALL. FREELY MODIFY AND UPLOAD! - Is that LEGS!? Yes. That is legs for your nice mech! - I stretched up the mech skeleton...
Xbawks Character Extender
Created by Kawa
Adds 36 easily-extended species buttons. FAQ Q. How do I add species? A. Find and install them. This comes with none. Q. How do I make species? A. This is not the place to tell you. Q. When I run it, it looks like crap. How come? A. You may have two mods i...
[OFFICIAL] FU BYOS Modded Race Patch
Created by Hubnester
A patch to make it so modded races that can use the Frackin Universe build your own ship. Chucklefish Forum Version: Github Link:
XS Mechs : Modular Weapons+ Pack
Created by lophatkao
XS weapons and more parts for XS Mechs : Modular Edition --- WORK IN PROGRESS - BUGS HAPPEN--- REQUIRES XS MECHS : MODULAR EDITION 14 weapon Arms + 4 more Legs for your modular mech! All parts available by finding bluebrints. They're not perfect yet, but t...
Even Less Dead Moons
Created by Armok
While Anom might have been a bit too harsh in addressing vanilla moons (I for one will never get tired of the adrenaline rush that is being chased around by the erchius ghost), I do feel that moons are indeed a bit empty and overly-specialized. Amusingly e...
K'Rakoth Mod: Project Redemption Patch
Created by Angry Turret
This is a patch for K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos mod that makes the USCM remnant bunker from Project Redemption mod spawn on Ashy planets, as well as adds some new content. Obviously, you need to install both mods first. Crafting: - On Scorched plane...
Starforge: Project Redemption Integration Addon
Created by Armok
What this mod does This mod pretty much integrates Project Redemption with Starforge, not a necessary patch at all, just made purely for fun (and to provide a non-racial option to go with Starforge's new racial sets). Among its features include: A reworked...