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Citybound Parallax Overhauled - City Planets modular patch
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5 Oct, 2022 @ 5:42pm
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Citybound Parallax Overhauled - City Planets modular patch

In 1 collection by Meteora
Modular Patches for City Planets
21 items
A rework of the Parallax of Citybound to remove that n00b planet feeling from your populated planets!

Requires Citybound installed.

-The background city have been lowered
-The trees in the foreground have been removed
-Added the third layer of the protectorate city from the vanilla assets
-Added night lights to the building of the second and third layer and some lights added in the first layer
-All the layers have been rearranged to convey a better perspective effect
-Added more flying ships above the city moving at different speeds
-The night sky color has been changed to a to a dark blue/dark purple shade to convey the idea of a highly light polluted area of a dense city. If you don't like this change use this patch to revert back to the default night color.

There is also a further patch available to add night lights to the flying ships.

Don't like the asphalt? Here's a patch for it

Want more variety for your sky? This patch adds all the other 4 vanilla sky colors.

You liked the original night lights of Citybound? Patch here

Have Elithian Races Mod ? Here's a patch that adds Aegi colonies to spawn on Populated Planets!

You want bigger planets with more dungeons and microdungeons? Planet generation overhaul has built-in support for CItybound

A patch that adds Glitch sewer dungeon is available here

Won't affect already visited Populated planets and in order to apply the changes to the parallax you'll have to travel to a region of space you haven't visited yet
delete the "universe.chunks" inside your starbound/storage folder, still new sky color won't affect already visited planets unless you terraform them with a populated terraformer.
I don't recommend doing it if you don't have a backup of your Universe folder.
In my experience It won't do anything to your builds and visited planets, universe.chunks is the layout of the stars on the navigation console, it even builds up over time the more you scroll the navigation map to become eventually several gigabytes in size so I regularly clear it when it becomes too big.
Anyway if you're deleting anything inside your universe folder you're on your own, do it at your own risk.

Or you could just...terraform :)
Part of Modular Patches for City Planets collection
Tweaks the aesthetics and some mechanics of "Populated" (Citybound) and "Earth-Like City" (Another City Terraformer) planets, all the modular patches can be combined (unless specified) between them to get to the desired effects, be sure to check the required dependencies.
Incompatibility: City Planets modular patch - Apply "Earth Like City" parallax to Citybound Planets
Lucien Shepherd, Stream Sniper, SimplePhysics the authors of the Citybound mod
Popular Discussions View All (1)
7 Oct, 2023 @ 9:47am
Suggestions and feedback
SimplePhysics 7 Nov, 2024 @ 8:02pm 
No worries my friend! Thanks!
Meteora  [author] 7 Nov, 2024 @ 1:49pm 
@SimplePhysics I'm terribly sorry for my mistake I haven't realized, I typed most of the description instead of copying pasting and I've got big fingers and a small 80% keyboard (you should see the text messages I write on my mobile XD)
I corrected all of the instances of your name in the credits on the Citybound-derivative mods in the collection.
Thanks for everything I really appreciated your mod so much!💕
Take care and have a nice day!!🙋‍
SimplePhysics 7 Nov, 2024 @ 9:56am 
Hello! Minor correction I'd like to request as an original author: my name is SimplePhysics! You've got it misspelled at the bottom of the description above. That is all, thanks for keeping up these changes for Citybound!
Lexor of Midgard 3 Oct, 2023 @ 5:21am 
I re-subscribed to this and Citybound and that fixed my issues. Great mod!
Meteora  [author] 12 Oct, 2022 @ 11:08am 
@Megamato Why not? I made this for my personal use but I wanted to release it as well so everyone can enjoy it, if the wish:
I didn't like the chunks of asphalt too, but maybe somebody liked it so I made it a patch for it, decided to make it modular all the changes I made so people can build it up on their preferences.
MegaMato 11 Oct, 2022 @ 7:02pm 
Kind of makes me want to upload my adaptation of Citybound with no chunks of asphalt and a bunch of other changes but there are probably too many city mods already.
Alasane 11 Oct, 2022 @ 4:41pm 
HEY, thats really cool!