Not enough ratings
my collection
200+ mod list that i continue editing when i find more cool immersive mods

not required they just make the game a lot faster and smoother (for me atleast)

requires experimental branch

if you dont like the version of attack slots i use or dont want it at all just unsubscribe and pick a new version, find where it says "Attack Slots x3.mod" and change the 3 to what ever version of attack slots you want (example for x5 attack slots just make it Attack Slots x5.mod)

load order:
Compressed Textures Project.mod
Reduced Particle Effects.mod
Shidan's Tweaks & Fixes.mod
Tweaks & Fixes No Research Artifacts.mod
Tweaks & Fixes No Prosthetics on Skeletons.mod
Dark UI.mod
Attack Slots x3.mod
Territory Map with Zone Name.mod
Item Grade Color Overhaul.mod
Loading Screens.mod
Font Redux.mod
Race Blood.mod
Metal Framework.mod
Don't Burst My Ear Drums.mod
Forgotten Buildings.mod
Deep Drill Mining.mod
Copper drill.mod
Heavy Flour Mill.mod
more building.mod
Tilted Spotlight.mod
Interior Design.mod
Random Furniture.mod
Advanced Training.mod
Reworked Buildings&Placement.mod
More Mine Stacks.mod
Better Building System.mod
Polynudj Hair.mod
Throes of Obedience.mod
More Combat Animation.mod
Military craft.mod
More Combat Stance.mod
More Combat Stance MIA+.mod
Anti Stun for more Attack Slots.mod
Another Stealth Run.mod
Idle Stands.mod
Blood Carrier.mod
Radiant Unique Character Dialogues.mod
Robotics Limb Base Skeletons.mod
Backpack Distribution.mod
More Bountys.mod
Weaklings give XP.mod
Idle Training.mod
Sparring - Melee Defense Training.mod
Wells Plus.mod
Immersive Furniture.mod
Interior Plus.mod
Better Crop Fences.mod
Expanded Lighting.mod
Moisture Farming.mod
Expanded General Storage Boxes.mod
Storage Amount Doubled.mod
new dialogue mod.mod
Dialogue Expanded.mod
Taxman Relations plus.mod
Relatable Bandits.mod
Companions Expanded Dev.mod
More Names.mod
Expanded Name Set.mod
all clothes have value.mod
wheat staw cape.mod
nomad cape.mod
Dread's Gear.mod
Dread Bindings.mod
Ashigaru Chest.mod
Kusari Juban.mod
heavy seath weapons.mod
Legendary Weapons.mod
LFW - VOL 4.mod
LFW - VOL 3.mod
LFW - VOL 2.mod
LFW - VOL 1.mod
IKA's Various Weapons.mod
Kit's Weapon Pack.mod
Mercenary Full Plate.mod
Leather Armor Reverant.mod
Gusoku Armor Less-Bulky Version.mod
Iron Fortress Armor Set.mod
New Weapons Dissemination Mod.mod
Euro Swords Revised.mod
Waste Tyrants - Creature mod.mod
Waste Fiends - Creature mod.mod
Vanilla Remastered - Factions & NPCs.mod
Vanilla Remastered - Additional Gear.mod
Random Enemy Squads' numbers.mod
Skelle Bandits 1.5a.mod
Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment.mod
Community Part Map.mod
Wandering Medics.mod
Ashlands Expanded.mod
Red Dragon Tail Reaper.mod
Radiant Ancient Hive.mod
Radiant Primordial Hive X MCA.mod
Higher Bounties.mod
Heavy weapon combat stance.mod
Advanced Limb Overhaul.mod
Advanced Camping.mod
Pyramid Head.mod
Archivist Cult.mod
Tech Hunters Relations.mod
Shops have more items(Lite).mod
Enhanced Trader's Guild Membership.mod
Trade Prices.mod
NPC enjoys more shopping.mod
Snowii's NPCs Shop More.mod
More Merc Contract Options.mod
Bounty removal.mod
Bounties Galore.mod
Blacksmith for hire.mod
blot baserework.mod
Universal Wasteland Expansion.mod
UWE - Kaizo Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE - AO Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE - MCA Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE- RP Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE - TB Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE Another Stealth Run Patch.mod
UWE - RB Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE - GenMod Compatibility Patch.mod
UWE - MC Compatibility Patch.mod
Better Crop Fences GenMod Patch.mod
NWDM Retaliation of evil spirits.mod
NWDM Remove Hiver Weapon.mod
RLBS RP Patch.mod
RLBS MCA Patch.mod
RLBS AOM Patch.mod
Vanila Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape.mod
Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape - No Cut Efficiency Patch.mod
Wheatstraw Cape - Revision Patch.mod
Fixing Clipping Issues.mod
Minor Mesh Fixes.mod
Heavy weapon combat stance [MCS patch].mod
Patch for Fixing Clipping and Dread's Gear.mod
Bounties Galore! Recruit Prisoner Patch.mod
Kaizo Animation Patch Utility.mod
Military craft patch.mod
Peeler Machine.mod
Let's Talk.mod
Escort Mission.mod
SCAR's pathfinding fix.mod
Reduced Weather Effects.mod
hippity hoppity you're now my property.mod
Hang Paintings.mod
Forgotten Buildings - Stackable Storage.mod
Flies Aren't Annoying Me Anymore.mod
Faction Caravans.mod
Improved Smithing.mod
Expanded Craftable Weapons.mod
The Dust King.mod
Hive Prosthetics.mod
Dropped Models Deluxe.mod
256 Squad Limit.mod
Kenshi starts.mod
Items (216)
256 Recruitment Limit
Created by Aurelia
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256 A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of squads from 10 to 20 Instructions: Simply subscribe ...
Advanced Camping
Created by Atlas
Advanced Camping Mod Mod Contents The mod contains the following new & reworked additions. Camping+ Blueprint -This Blueprint unlocks everything in one go. It's Sold at most (probably all) Travel Vendors. 1 New Material Type...
Advanced Limbs Overhaul
Created by Atlas
Advanced Limbs Overhaul This mod was created because people complained about the changes made to the original Jewys Overhaul. This mod will likely NOT be compatible with the original mod as it IS effectively the same mod Mod Content Imgur Link to full pict...
Adventurers Guild - Lore Friendly Recruitment
Created by Haend
Have you recruited all the folks in the bar? Getting tired of checking every bars just for a measly recruit? Don't you wish you can just pay an NPC somewhere to find the recruits and bring them to your base? Well now you can! Adventurers Guild introduces a...
All Clothes have Stats V2 (Now with NCE)
Created by Baby Shark
Allright Big update everyone. buffing the protection stats on these items. just putting it all in the description cause its Alot. Defense Buffs Trash tier - Ragged , ripped , and worn out clothing 6% blunt bonus 1% cut -Halfpants Ragged -Rag loincloth -Rag...
Ally the Tech Hunters
Created by Fitzkrieg
Requires Import to work. Ever wanted to ally yourself with the Tech Hunters? Well by making charitable donations to the World's End University you can improve your relations by 5, 25, or 75. I've added a new character, Ribs, at World's End. He has a fair a...
ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi
Created by ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the second on the series of female hairstyles convertions. Full credit for the meshes and textures to their creators, converted and up...
Animals, Animals, All Kinds of Animals
Created by CamelSpyd3r
Kenshi is great, but sometimes the bonedogs and garrus get a little monotonous. This mod aims to change that by adding in 6 new animals and giving the cage beast a chance to stretch its legs outside of the game files. Cage Beasts roam The Great Desert, the...
Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting
Created by Blubb
06.07.2019: I made my custom race support mod (only jrpg_race for now) public. Feel free to test it, hope it works for everyone (make sure to test with a new game first!): 22.02.2019: No upd...
Another Stealth Run
Created by UnCheat
Another stealth run animation. Only hands animation changed, the rest animation is vanilla (legs, body, head). Please let me know if you like it or it does need any tweaks. Rate it to help other people find his mod. Compatibility: Can be used with any mods...
Armor; Nomad Cape
Created by Acord
uppdate: 2019-07-30 Nomad Cape exist as an chest piece now, Nomad faction will now be using it as well. ____________________ this is the Nomad Cape, my first armor for the kenshi workshop. there are some cliping issues, it was very hard to paint weight the...
Ashigaru Armour
Created by Miliika
This mod adds a new chest armour to vendors and NPC equipment lists. It's a medium-heavy chest piece for UC soldiers and mercenaries, more in line with a peasant soldier/conscript look. The armour is added to UC territory and some neutral vendor lists as w...
Attack Slots x3
Created by Hatsune Neko Gaming
Enables Attack Slots x3 A simple mod that changes the base attack slots. Vanilla game has it set to 1, so only one on one combat is possible. This version is set to three. so three NPCs or players can attack the same target. Load order should be at the bot...
Auto-Hauler Wells [ aka Wells with Larger Water storage ]
Created by Muggins
If your like me and your tired of Transporting / Hauling water from wells to water Tanks Then I got good news for you, Farm boy Русский перевод описания by comrade GRIZLIMEN ДОБРЫЙ First of all I would like to thank @SnugSnug for all the help/tips/bug-fix...
Backpack Distribution
Created by BLKCandy
Give backpacks to various caravans, mercenaries, nomads, adventurers, wanderers and travellers. This mod is meant to be an accompanying mod for my 'Let the Cats out of the Bag'mod on because...
Backpacks Expanded 2.0 (Quivers added!)
Created by Elwo Update 2.0 is LIVE! After making my own faction/armor mod I decided to get back to Backpacks Expanded and deliver some of my promises regarding it. So the main focus of this update are quivers! I've also refied some stats an...
Become a True Noble! | TG and UC Enhanced (Version 4.1)
Created by Shepherd Sean
Quick Important Note to share, I'm personally out of Kenshi now, and have not played the game in awhile. If anybody wants to pick up the mod, you have my full consent to do so! Hope the mod was fun, and not completely bugged up. *Another Quick Edit*, I do ...
Better Crop Fences
Created by Wunkay
FOR BEST RESULTS, IMPORT YOUR SAVE. NEW: Holy Farms should no longer have floating fences. If you find an NPC farm that has floating or strangely placed fences, let me know! Will require save import for changes to take affect on prior saves. Patch for Gene...
Better Crop Fences GenMod Patch
Created by Wunkay
Created by TheSKRAY
"So wait, i can find Medics, engineers, cooks and even farmers for hire but no Blacksmith?" - Me one day while playing Kenshi. "Blacksmith for hire" is what's his name says, Blacksmith... for hire. You may find those generic recruits in a bar from most of ...
Blood Carrier
Created by ikahurula
Add "Blood Carrier" which is a robot that looks like a skeleton modified with the mosquito concept. It's a robot that's looking for blood, wandering and moving. It has great healing power and body fluid, but it is easy to bleed. The main habitat is Ashland...
Bounties Galore!
Created by Fleshly Delight
Please rate up if you enjoy the mod Preface Have you wanted to play as a bounty hunter, but was quickly saddened by how many bounties were in the game? This mod fixes just that. Mod Description This mod adds over 20+ new unique bounties to the game map. Th...
(ORIGINAL RADIANT PATCH) Primordial Hive X More Combat Animation
Created by Shiroho A simple patch that will make your primordial hivers 100% ready to embrace MCA mod's moves (More Combat Animations) ! Another patch mod made by someone else already exists but i decided to make one by myself in case i add or...
Bounty: Zabuza (V.2)
Created by Moose
--- Check out my new bounty mods here: - --- The S-Rank Criminal "Zabuza", part of a mysterious group of mist ninjas. Wanted...
Bounty: Maelyn's Outlaws
Created by Moose
Maelyn, thief, murderer and gang leader, wanted by both the Shek Kingdom and United Cities, the gang's most recent crime was stealing an expensive artefact from the Tech Hunters in World's End. The outlaw gang currently has 6-7 members, this number fluctua...
Bounty: Hammer of Okran
Created by Moose
(( IMPORTANT: Import your game if the building isn't there. )) " The Hammer of Okran, warrior serving under The Holy Nation's current Emperor. High priority target to both The United Cities and The Shek Kingdom. "The Hammer of Okran" is a title passed down...
Bounties Galore! Recruitable Prisoners Patch
Created by Fleshly Delight
Description This is a patch for the Bounties Galore! mod to add the bounties as recruitable when they are prisoners within cages. !!IMPORTANT!! Put this mod below other mods. Do not download this without having the other two mods downloaded. Both mods are ...
Companions Expanded
Created by Honest Merchant
Kenshi may be a wonderful sandbox, but I've always found the vanilla companions to be rather lacking. This is my attempt to add even more recruits to the game and some spice to your squads. They each have unique personalities and backgrounds, and I've atte...
Compressed Textures Project
Created by FG
This mod replace textures with "compressed ones". Textures compressed to DXT5 and resize down: for landscape from 2048 to 1024 for some other stuff from 4096 to 2048 Those changes will help to reduce loading time, will reduce stuttering and save some VRAM,...
Copper Ore Drills
Created by Erei
Did it never bothered you that you could unlock iron drills, but apparently you had to keep mining copper with a pickaxe forever ? Not anymore ! Add the copper drill (1-2-3) to the game. Unlock through the same research than iron drills. They are similar t...
Created by Willow
Adds a crucifix upon which you may proudly display whomever you so choose, until their eventual end... Building Category > Interior (However, may still be placed outside) The building will not spawn a player town so feel free to display the corpses of your...
Cult of The Archivist - A Minor Faction Mod
Created by Teirdalin Hello Kenshi people, so I have another mod here. #99 The Cult of The Archivist. It brings a new armour and weapon set from the random phone game Infinity Blade III as well as upgrading the vanilla cult and adds two new start...
Deep Drill Mining
Created by RustledJimm This mod adds in Deep drills. These dig deep under the ground to mine and do not require a nearby surface resource to work! There are drills for Ore, Copper and Stone Hybrid (makes building materials). They are half as effec...
Dialogue Expansion Project
Created by RustledJimm
Dialogue Expansion Project is an expansive mod aiming to add new, lore friendly, dialogue to every corner of the Kenshi world, bringing the world and it's people alive. I am planning to add unique dialogue to every faction a...
Dodge Strafe
Dodge to the side, not backwards! *Place below other combat mods. You should not use the fast dodging mod with this because I changed the dodge speed to a setting that works better for this mod. You can keep it if you want your character hopping around lik...
Dodge Strafe - Custom Races Patches
**DISCLAIMER: The Kenshi launcher may tell you that you are missing mods and/or they are out of order (and also list these as errors in your log file)! This is OK and my testing shows that this shouldn't cause any issues. The patch has to have every race m...
Don't Burst My Ear Drums
Created by OhHeyItsLee
***IMPORTANT*** This mod doesn't work and, according to findings with help from Rhadamant (you've been a massive help mate, I really appreciate it), it unfortunately never did. All those times I thought my tests were working must have been all in my head. ...
Dread Bindings
Created by MoreDread
additional variations of the martial artist bindings, male and female versions, craftable and purchaseable from the shinobi thieves guild vendors. NOW COLORABLE, PLEASE READ! i added even more variations and removed the standalone dark variants. instead ev...
Dread Gear
Created by MoreDread
2 sets of armor made by combining pre-existing pieces Assassin's Coat and Hood Sleeveless Dustcoat + Assassin's Rags Took the coats stat as a base and added the stat boosts from the rags, then increased part coverage Heavy Coat Sleeveless Longcoat + Dark P...
Enhanced Shopping Economy
Created by Matvey Traveller
Mod to rebalance economy to make in-town shopkeeping more viable and more interesting. Everyone wants to run a comfy inn, right? Now you can do it without every single peasant in town going broke from buying a single rice bowl and not regenerating money, b...
Escort Mission
Created by Stilldoll
I will add a Escort Mission to deliver the merchants and the wanderers traveling in various places to the town. NPC that can provide a Escort Mission Traders Guild Caravan Hiver Merchant caravan Slaver caravan Merchant Nomads Mercenary wanderers Drifter so...
Euro Swords Revised (Legacy)
Created by Lord Archadeas
With Permission from the original creator I have added the mod with some compatibility, proper naming, and balancing. Fuji still holds all rights to these works and at any time may request this mods removal. I will keep this up to date and compatible for a...
Expanded General storage boxes
Created by Schmidt
No import needed. Increases the capacity of white storage boxes by four times. Now they are much more capacious than a wooden chest. If you want to support me, you can send a tip via this link: Увеличив...
Expanded Lighting
Created by Wunkay
This mod adds several new light sources suitable for early base building. I will be adding to this mod periodically with new lights and other furniture. Research and build categories may change in the future. Items located in the LIGHTS build category. New...
Expanded Name Set
For Kenshi players who want to see a wide variety of NPC names, this mod adds 3,066 male, 1,580 female, and 2,781 unisex names to the game. Represented are names from a variety of cultures. To match the distribution of names seen in the unmodified game, mo...
Fixing Clipping Issues
Created by timor1234
Fixing Clipping Issues What this mod does: The mod attempts to remove/reduce clipping in game in two ways: 1)By introducing slimmed down meshes for pants, skirts and some headgear that the game uses when you put a cloak on in combination with them. The mod...
Font Redux
Created by bayrock
Subtle improvements to Kenshi's fonts by replacing them with a smoother, more legible set. Compatible with most UIs. Intended for pairing with Transparent UI. The font sets only fully support English characters currently....
Forgotten Buildings
Created by Mechanica
The largest collection of buildings and furniture from older versions of Kenshi and non-player towns. Over 400 new buildings and furniture pieces to construct, plus another 300 copies of buildings, walls and furniture using alternative textures. Forgotten ...
Game Starts +
Created by Fleshly Delight
Description This mod, quite simply, adds a bunch of new game starts to choose from that I personally used and then turned into this mod for release. Some are easier than others. There isn't much to exactly explain here; it does exactly what it sounds like:...
General Modifications
Created by Seelenschwarz
Items New: Farmers Notebook: Buyable, Lootable Skeleton Repair Kits: Simple Skeleton Repair kits , Machine Creature Repair Kit Low Value First Aid Kit: Simple First Aid Kit Black Rag Loincloth Black Armoured Rag Skirt, Black Armoured Rags Black Hiver Leath...
GenMod - Better Crop Fences Compatibility (New Version)
Created by Seelenschwarz
This is a submod and need all mods to work ! Updated Version of the "GenMod Better Crop Fences Patch" compatible to: Soybeans Cabbage Sugarcane Sunflowers Cocoa Mushrooms Raw Corn Poppies Flowers <--- New added Potatoes <---New added And all XS Cropfields ...
Item Grade Color Overhaul
Created by Sauce
You like colors? I like colors! Ever think vanilla tier colors were kinda funky? Why is standard blue? Why do we jump from blue to green to yellow? Why are specialist and masterwork grade the same color? WELL BOY HOWDY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU Now you can in...
Iron Fortress Armour Set - Lore Friendly Armor Set
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Gusoku Armor Set
Created by Dilbert
For all that want to make the armor less bulky, check out this addon below: Made an armour variant that follows up as close as possible with the game's overall aesthetic/style, the purpose f...
Grave Stone
Created by Nanogiraffe
- Adds a gravestone that can be constructed with 1 building material. Found in the CAMPING section Q What does it do? A Nothing really, but has small storage. But I like to have a visual representation of the people I've lost. Q: Did the model change? A: Y...
GenMod - Diverse Bloodcolors
Created by Seelenschwarz
The same function as the mod "Race Blood", but the races from GenMod are also affected. There are a few differences: Hive & Southern Hive same orange blood color. All Dead Hives have Milky blue/grey blood color. Race Blood:
GenMod - Military Craft - AOM Crafting - More Combat Animation compatibility
Created by Seelenschwarz
Just a compatibility patch to add animations to the GenMod uniques. You need this mods: General Modifications: Military Craft: AOM...
GenMod - Wildlife+ [Crocuta] Compatibility
Created by Seelenschwarz
This is a submod and need all mods to work ! The backpacks are now craftable and there is a thief variant, they also renamed to "Animal Bags" like the others, the stack/price/size settings are adapted to GenMod. Bonedog "the Great Desert" spawns set back t...
Hazard Unit Balance Patch
Created by ToxicCalamari
I basically made this mod to nerf everything the Hazard Unit mod by IdeaDork adds to the game. The mod is great as a whole but It quickly loses it's fun factor the 5th time you get beaten to death by a solo Oni because his armor is basically invulnerable. ...
Hazards Unit - Military Craft Patch
Created by IdeaDork
Adds animations from 'Military Craft' by SprendiX to the Hazards Unit races. Main mod found here: ...
Hazards Unit - More Combat Animations Patch
Created by IdeaDork
Adds the animations from 'More Combat Animation' by AGO to the Hazards Unit races. Main Mod found here:
Hazards Unit - New Skeleton Sub-Race and Other Stuff
Created by IdeaDork
IMPORTANT: You must start a new game or import in order to see the full effect of this mod in-game! NOTE: I have run into a repeated pathfinding issue with one of the buildings created for this mod that I can’t seem to fix into the mod itself. If you can’t...
Heavy Flour Mill
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: Adds in a Heavy Automatic Flour Mill that ...
Heavy weapon combat stance
Created by UnCheat
Adds heavy weapon shoulder resting combat stance for vanilla races If you want to use it with More Combat Stance mod then INSTALL COMPATIBILITY PATCH below order I do recommend to use it with More Combat Stance mod (adds other combat stances without changi...
Heavy weapon combat stance [MCS patch]
Created by UnCheat
Heavy weapon combat stance compatibility patch for More Combat Stance mod (REQUIRED) Heavy weapon combat stance (REQUIRED) Load order: More Combat Stance Heavy weapon combat stance Heavy weapon combat stance Other mods ...
Higher and Stronger Random Bounties
Created by Paladin Val
Adds in a few wandering squads of high and stronger bounty groups. Groups range from 1-10 men. Adds a new bounty faction...
Idle Stands
Created by Lhamabomb
Give your characters something to do when they aren't doing anything! Idle Stands is a standalone expansion of the Guardpost Mod by Winsenkiller. I would use it to keep characters in designated positions, both for aesthetic and worker control. This mod fuf...
Idle Training (Nutrient Bath Added)
Created by Vampireteddygram Want a laid back place to discuss all things Kenshi? Looking to learn how to make mods for Kenshi? Come join the biggest and best Kenshi discord on the...
IKA's Various Weapons
Created by ikahurula
This is a mod that brings together the various weapons that I made at a whim. It may increase in the future. Please check the sale location of weapons and Blueprint from the following URL. Metal Bat
Immersive Furniture
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds 5 different variants of the ...
Kaizo Animation Utility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
This mod specifically adds in compatibility with Kaizo and any animation mod that has a patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion. The created cannibal races within Kaizo are the only races that need the compatibility, but it would seem that there has not be...
Improved Smithing - New Weapon Variety - Version 2
Created by vampirecosmonaut
This mod expands the variety of weapons available from the various weapon manufacturers in Kenshi. This mod also changes the manufacturer’s bonuses on weapons and adds them to the weapon’s description with a color coded tool...
Interior and Exterior Design (Outdated)
Created by Shidan
-This mod is outdated and no longer supported. It was one of my first mods ever, and is quite messy and consistently buggy at this point. There are better and more expansive mods that you could use that do everything this mod did and more, such as Forgotte...
Interior Plus
Created by tib
-----Google Translation----- Added some interior and exterior. There is no need to import. **RESEARCH(1level)** ・Category Core ・Necessary materials 10book **BUILDING Category** INTERIOR+ Wall(4type) Table(5type) Shelf(1type) *The size of the existing inter...
Kenshi Kaizo
Kaizo (改造, remodel/reorganize) is an overhaul mod designed to make the game more dynamic and add variation to repeat playthroughs. The mod adds a large amount of content while attempting to remain lore-friendly in all aspects. Import is required for old sa...
Kenshi Starts
Created by DrakeTheLesbian
Kenshi starts:I will be making new starts almost every week for almost every situation down here is the small description some starts do have a bit of a story which you will find the story when you are in game A SHEKS LAST STAND: spawn in(last stand)get re...
Kuero Ninja Clan - A Minor Faction Mod
Created by Teirdalin Hello Kenshi people, so I have another mod here. #98 The Kuero Ninja Clan. It brings a new armour and weapon set as the Kuero set from the random phone game Infinity Blade III as well as a new faction and two new starts. The...
Kusari Juban
Created by OMOCHI
"鎖襦袢" add it to the game. This item occupies a body category. buy in the UC Vender or create in Chain Armour Crafting Bench. This Mod contains only texture and in-game settings. I do not have the skill and knowledge of 3d modeling. Although I think that th...
Legendary Weapons
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds 9 unique, high quality end-g...
Less Buggy Bughouse
Created by Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description What it Changes New building colliders! Should fix ...
Less Foliage and Rocks x2
Created by Bookhorse
Reduces foliage, rocks and other world features density by half to increase FPS. This mod does not touch grass, but may shift around the resources based on old rusted junk meshes a bit, or in rare cases cause some to disappear. Had to be done to increase F...
LessStun™ for more Attack Slots
Created by Skharr
No more you get ganged by a group of starving bandits, even if you wear full masterwork Armor. Now you can get hit, without everytime getting fucking annoying stumble & stun. You still can, but less like. As a note, NPC get same bonus. So now you cant gang...
Let's Talk
Created by BLKCandy
Did you know that Kenshi gets quieter as time goes on? That is because so many dialogues are only ever spoken once! Now everyone can waste time speaking about the same things over and over again like real life! The Dried Gristle Flaps. The singing. And var...
Loading Screens
Created by CloudsInTheSky
24 nicely crafted loading screen that have been uploaded separately as a request from the original mod: UI Beautify - If you want to remove the Loading Screen Tips to see the entire backgrou...
Lone Wanderer Recruitable Character/NPC + Companions (Optional)
Created by Asymptotic Wanderer
Mod Contains Lone Wanderer Character (Recruitable) Lesso Character (Recruitable) X IV Character (Recruitable) The Lone Wanderer has a past of his own yet to be uncovered. Born in a far away land where tragedy struck while still a young child, forced to fle...
Created by John™
- This is a Lore Friendly Weapon Pack which includes five hand crafted weapons designed to fit nicely within the world of Kenshi without sticking out like a sore thumb. - All of the weapons are purchaseable at weapon vendors (except the Totem Axe), and so ...
Created by John™
- Welcome to the second edition of my lore friendly weapon packs. This weapon pack contains 4 hand crafted weapons which are the:Junk Katana, Pilgrim's Nodachi, Turret Bat, and the Polesabre - All weapons are purchaseable and craftable, some can be seen on...
Created by John™
- Lore Friendly Weapons 3 has finally arrived, featuring 7 custom made weapons which are as follows: Hundred Blade, Scrap Axe, Scrap Tower Sword, Snapped Polearm, Snapped Heavy Polearm, Snapped Nagi Katana, Trashed Naginata - All weapons have been balanced...
Created by John™
- LFW VOL 4 has arrived. Featuring my first lore friendly gun. - The weapons featured in this pack are as follows: Blood Sabre, Crescent Sabre, Foreign Axe, and the Dart Gun. - All weapons are craftable and purchaseable, and have been balanced around vanil...
MegaKick Animation Fix
Created by wickylinn
This mod fixes one martial arts animation (megakick). Here's an example: Этот мод исправляет одну анимацию боевых искусств (megakick). Вот пример: Vanilla megakick (Visually he kicks twice, but the damage comes only once and too early) Ванильный мегапинок ...
Metal Framework for Construction
Created by RadarTruck
Everything in this world looks real, but the architectural blueprints are so strange. Does the wasteland have holographic projection or nano-robot technology? Obviously it's quite unreasonable. After subscribing to this mod, the architectural blueprint wil...
Military craft (New attacking moves)
Created by SprendiX
DONATE If you want to add my mod to another race, watch the video above! To use it on custom races C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\ 1. Find the Military Craft Mod and the...
More Dialogue
Created by tommy
I just wanted to add more dialogue to make the world more lively, so I did just that. I'm trying to add at least one line to every dialogue package; but, that will take quite some time! So far I've hit quite a bit of the dialogue packs and all of the outpo...
More Combat Stance MIA+
Created by AGO
このMODは 「戦闘状態時のダッシュ」 「戦闘状態時の小走り」 「戦闘状態時の立ち姿」 「戦闘状態時、足の負傷による立ち姿の変化」 を各武器種ごと追加し、More Idle Animationの要素を追加したものです。 おまけで隠密のナルト走りを天誅参OP風に変えるデータを入れています。 「run upper stealth」と「run lower stelth」のanim nameを「ninjarun_tenchu」に変えると適応されます。 好みでどうぞ 注意事項 このMODはバニラのスケルトンを上書きし...
More Combat Animation
Created by AGO
このMODをマージしないでください。した場合は削除を求める場合があります。 MCAの互換性が失われるためマージしないでください。 マージしたい場合は許可を求めて下さい。 マージした場合はMCAと互換性がない事と、不具合報告を私の所へお送らない事を明記してください。 Do not merge this mod. If you do, we may ask you to delete it. Do not merge this mod as it will result in MCA incompatibili...
More Combat Stance
Created by AGO
このMODは 「戦闘状態時のダッシュ」 「戦闘状態時の小走り」 「戦闘状態時の立ち姿」 「戦闘状態時、足の負傷による立ち姿の変化」 を各武器種ごと追加します。 FCSの仕様上クロスボウ専用のアニメーションが設定できない為、クロスボウのアニメーションは強制的に刀アニメーションになります。 注意事項 このMODはバニラのスケルトンを上書きしているので、同様にバニラのスケルトンを上書きするMODとは相性が悪いです。 競合した場合、kenshiが重くなったり、ポートレートが2重になったり、ランダムクラッシュを引き起...
Military craft animation patch ( For any race )
Created by LotusLily
Allows these races to use animations if they haven't recieved the fix yet from 'Military Craft' by SprendiX. -jrpg_race -deci's Synths -GenMod -Doll Race -Hiver_Expansion -Mediocre Black Arm...
Minor Mesh Fixes
Created by oi__io
UPDATE FEB 15 Change: - Armoured Hood M/F - Bucket Zukin M/F - Haircut15-roughpony2 F UPDATE FEB 9 Change: - Paladin's Heavy Hachigane M - Swamp Ninja Mask M - Turban M/F UPDATE FEB 8 Removed hammer mesh and revert all the changes made to crafting benches ...
Missing Sheath Weapons [Beta]
Created by Acord Hello, I’m making a quick workshop item this week. for now I only have sheath for Plank, but I will make a sheath for each weapon that dose not have one. Texture may look a bit ugly sometimes...
More Bounties
Created by Headhunter
UPDATE v.6: New & higher bounties! - Cloud Ninjas - Deadcat Fishermans - Flotsam Ninjas - Flotsam Jonin - Grass Pirate - Manhunter Boss - Blood Raider UPDATE v.5: Some higher bounties and optimations. UPDATE v.4: New Bounties on Blood Bandits, higher chanc...
Moisture Farming
Created by Trinimac
Ever want to set up a hydroponics lab inside a town but were dissapointed you couldn't get water from the town well without micromanaging every click? Or perhaps you just want a way to get water in your desert base? Introducing the Moisture Collector! Gath...
more building
Created by Stilldoll
This MOD to add a building. This sentence is displayed with machine translation and Japanese changed to English. ● Added buildings (display by category) -House- Ancient citadel Ancient factory Ancient Lab Ancient Lab +Gate Ancient Lab Ramp Strong Gate Larg...
More Male Hairstyles for Kenshi
Created by ketz
Since Kenshi has a really limited set of hair mods i asked permission to port some popular Skyrim/Fallout 4 ones, this is the first one on the Male series of convertions. ***FINALLY FIXED THE BEARD ISSUE*** Full credit for the meshes and textures to their ...
More Mercenary Contract Options
Created by Nashe
MMCO - More Mercenary Contract Options PLEASE: DO NOT RE-UPLOAD THIS MOD ANYWHERE. I want this mod to be as stable as possible before uploading anywhere else. This mod is vanilla-friendly. It does not require an import. * This mod will clash with other mod...
More Names!
Created by jbra1
Extended the random name lists for non-unique NPCs and recruits, so you should meet less people called "Hotlongs". Added around 700 names (almost four times what was there). Tried to keep it lore-friendly and immersive; mostly just strange phonetics, 'Name...
Mountain Ronin Armour
Created by Kitya
Adds the Mountain Ronin Armour to the game. You can get the armour and blueprints from tech hunter/shek armour shops (World's End, etc). The blueprints are also available from the Great Library. Similar to Samurai Armour, but with slightly altered stats. U...
NCE for Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape
Created by Stupid kid
A patch for Uchida's mod so you can use nomads cape without cut efficiency ...
New Weapons Dissemination Mod
Created by ikahurula
Sorry weird may be English. I will add new weapons and distribute them to the world. I mixed the weapons used in Japan, and I made it with a focus on being lore friendly. New weapons are added to many NPC's belongings. Some people possess Meitou. There are...
NPC enjoys more shopping
Created by love-tea
*Required import* In vanilla setting, NPCs who are shopping buy foods, alcohols and first aid kits. They never buy weapons, armors, books and so on. This mod adds drifting NPC who can buy many items. Their races are random, and sometimes have a hiring dial...
NWDM Remove Hiver Weapon
Created by ikahurula
Make NWDM compatible with Hives Expanded. Please note that hive will not have the weapon if you put only this....
NWDM Retaliation of evil spirits
Created by ikahurula
This MOD adds a new event to the New Weapons Dissemination Mod. When you kill an NPC in Oni Castle that was added in New Weapons Dissemination Mod(If you insert this mod, you can kill it by pulling out the soul.), Evil spirits wander around the world and a...
Old Ironsides: Creature Mod
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Outposts - Not Towns!
Created by blot
PSA: Mod is shit, do not use. Build mining outposts and farming settlements without having to worry about raids. The buildings in the screenshots will NOT create a town marker on the map which means no raids, tax collection, prayer day etc. If you build to...
Patch for Fixing Clipping issues and Dread’s Gear
Created by timor1234
Patch for Fixing Clipping issues and Dread’s Gear This is a patch that makes pants use slimmed down meshes from “Fixing Clipping Issues” when using coats from “Dread Gear” mod. Both mods are required “Fixing Clipping Issues”
Peeler Machine
Created by Vorioth
This mod adds the ability to research and an alternative place to buy the blueprint for "Peeler Machine"; designed to slowly and carefully remove the outer layers of whatever is put inside. It comes handy when you really hate someone or if you want to easi...
Polynudj Hair
Created by Polynudj
This mod adds eight new hair styles for both men and women. Some of these styles are based on ancient Mongolian styles. I plan on adding more as they are created and tested. ...
Populated Cities
Created by Eagle
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: For the correct installation of this mod. Subscribe and IMPORT THE GAME instead of loading it and it will already be working. R...
Created by ViceCase
A simple pull cart/wagon that can store a lot of totally not stolen nor illegal goods and it's very heavy. It functions as a backpack slot item. (therefore the wheels do not actually turn, not sure if that is even possible with static mesh accessories and ...
Pyramid Head - A Silent Hill Danger
Created by Teirdalin
Adds Pyramid Head somewhere into the world as a slow yet incredibly dangerous monster. Careful in your adventures....
Created by ikahurula
This MOD makes RLBS compatible with Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting....
Relatable Bandits
Created by jbra1
Adds 'Named' status to many bandits, so you can know who you are killing. Instead of "Hungry Bandit" of the "Hungry Bandits", you can deny food to "Shlep" of the "Hungry Bandits". Also adds 'named' to many NPCs whose function is clear. Ninjas are still ano...
Reduced Weather Effects
Created by FG
This mod reduce rain visual effects, making them less annoying. Donate:Donations are a nice way to say "thank you" for something that is developed and released for free. If you want to say "thanks" in that way, use the following PayPal link....
Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue (pls read description)
Created by Nanogiraffe
Hi, welcome to Recruitable Prisoners! Workshop icon render kindly provided by Schris. Find his twitter here! This mod gives you the ability to recruit captured prisoners that you disarm. You can try as many times as you like...
Random Furniture
Created by Mechanica
Armour Display Stand: Added to the Gear Storage research Enough inventory space for a full suit of armour. Bookshelf: Added to the Item Storage research The Bookshelf has enough storage space for all your books. It can also store things like notes and lett...
Race Blood
Created by Flakk Gun
A simple mod I made that gives each of the races thier own blood color. Update: I took a walk down south to see the Southern Hive. Due to their eunique coloring and the fact that the Construction Set has them as their own race I decided to make their blood...
Radiant Primordial Hive
Created by Shiroho This mod adds a new Hive strain called "Primordial Hive". I took a very special care to design their new textures and colors, it did cost me some crazy time. This primordial hive and its 4 individuals kinds all have new stat...
Random Enemies Squads' Numbers
Created by ( * )
Enemies squads' numbers is much more random now. The overall game balance is still the same. Example : - Vanilla : a Dust Bandit Squad is composed of 9 or 10 members (so 9.5 members on average). - Modded : a Dust Bandit Squad is composed of 1 to 19 members...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV Animation Compatibility Patch
Created by Ñokk
Compatibility patch for CamelSpyd3r's Ren and Stimpy mod. Should allow all races from Phineas and Ferb mod to use animations from: -More Combat Animation -Military Craft -Animation Overhaul Mod All of these mods aren't necessary and this patch works fine i...
XT-MKIII & XT-MKIV - Concept Art Skeletons
Created by CamelSpyd3r
In the back when times, before the fall of the First Empire two new versions of skeletons were designed to be stronger, faster, smarter, and all around better than their previous incarnations. This sadly fell short of the propaganda, leaving the Mark 3 and...
Wildlife+ [Crocuta]
Created by Serpy
Wildlife+ is a series of mods intending to expand the current roster of wildlife in game. This entry adds in two entirely new factions and six individual creatures to the game, building on the current roll call of canines. Faction Overview The Hyaenidae fa...
Wheatstraw Cape: Revised
Created by spong
This edit uses Accord's brilliant Wheat Straw Cape mod. Find and subscribe to it here! This is a patch for Accord's mod, generally improving integration and immersion. OVERVIEW: The names and descriptions of both items have been rewritten to better fit van...
Wheat Straw Cape
Created by Acord
“what took you so long?” ☹ I hate rigging, I hate rigging so much. It’s finally here. The Wheat Straw Cape was a project I announced for a long way back on reddit. All you need is a cloth bench and you should be good to go, and if it is not inside the clot...
Weaklings Give XP
Created by ( * )
Fighting weak enemies gives XP, contrary to vanilla. In Vanilla, a high level character has a 90% XP malus, when fighting an enemy with 25 levels less than him. With this mod, the same 90% malus only applies, when facing an enemy 50 levels below you. Enjoy...
Weak Enemies' Squads
Created by ( * )
Adds weak Enemies squads (1 to 3 members) roaming around, ready for your team to train their fighting skills. Leveling the fighting skills in the early game is very difficult, as you will only encounter large squads of tough opponents. This leads you to av...
Waste Tyrants: Creature Mod
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Waste Fiends: Creature Mod
Created by Hapless
======================================================================================== It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. As of this m...
Vanilla Remastered - Factions & NPCs
Created by James Bande 007
Vanilla Remastered is a DLC-sized expansion that adds a lot of flavor to the world of Kenshi. From armor and weapon variety to reworking settlements, the expansion will cover various aspects of the game in order to make Vanilla Kenshi great again! The goal...
Vanilla Remastered - Additional Gear
Created by James Bande 007
Vanilla Remastered is a DLC-sized expansion that adds a lot of flavor to the world of Kenshi. From armor and weapon variety to reworking settlements, the expansion will cover various aspects of the game in order to make Vanilla Kenshi great again! The goal...
Vanilla Aesthetic Patch - Nomad Cape
Created by UCHIDA
A patch for Acord's Nomad Cape mod. New Textures + Added to the world + Fixed Icons This patch replaces the textures of the original mod with three hand painted textures that are dirtier, more worn and in a colour pallet the fits closer to the Vanilla Kens...
Unofficial Kenshi Patch
Created by Lyston
The objective of this mod is to fix things I believe to be typos, bugs, or developer oversights without altering or tweaking the intended experience. This should be a mod that even someone who wants to play completely vanilla would consider downloading. v8...
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Race Blood Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and No Cut Efficiency. ...
Universal Wasteland Expansion - More Combat Animations Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and More Combat Animations. Adding the created animations to all the corresponding races created within UWE....
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Military Craft Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and Military Craft. Adding the created animations to all the corresponding races created within UWE....
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Kenshi Kaizo Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and Kenshi Kaizo. All town overrides were made compatible, everything else was already fully compatible, otherwise....
Created by ikahurula
This MOD makes RLBS compatible with More Combat Animation....
Created by ikahurula
This MOD makes RLBS compatible with Recruitable Prisoners - with dialogue....
Robotics Limb Base Skeletons
Created by ikahurula
This mod adds four additional models of skeleton, each with 3 variations making for a total of twelve different character options. Each skeleton is themed after the robot limbs found in game. It is also deployed as an NPC. The following MODs are summarized...
Sand Set
Created by Seelad
Adds 6 unique pieces of armor to the game. Each piece is close to samurai armor in terms of debuffs and defense. Pieces added are: Sand Skull - Skull-shaped heavy helmet. Hooded Sand Skull - Sand skull with a hood over it. S...
Shidan's Tweaks & Fixes
Created by Shidan
This mod is a collection of various simple bug fixes that have yet to be implemented by the devs, and some tweaks to the game that in my opinion improve the experience. I've tried to avoid any major changes, but of course major is subjective. The list is r...
Shops have more items (Lite)
Created by Dryhand
This a lighter version of my mod (Shops have more items+). original mod For the most part, the vendors have 2 - 5 times more items and 3 -7 times more money. the shop counters have also been ...
Shrieking Bandits Expanded
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands on the Shrieking Bandit faction with all new original armor, weapons, and enemies! I thought it was dissapointing that such an out of the way faction really did not have much cont...
Simple Map Markers
Created by SgtGranite
Due to lack of time and me no longer playing Kenshi simple mapmarkers is not maintained anymore. Also this is basicly a reskin, not a mod adding additional functionality. any other mod/patch modifying /gui/images/kenshi_images.xml will break this mod. i wi...
Skeleton Bandits 1.5
Created by Hell Muffin
Simple mod which makes skeleton bandits actually skeletons. Well... kinda. All skeleton bandits now have prosthetic limbs. The higher they rank the better limb they will have. And ofcorse this mod will buff their combat power. So they are dangerous now! Or...
Created by Gyropilot
This simple mod allows you to level buildings without development tools or having to carefully drag it. Buildings have a natural and realistic look and play very well. Doesn't take anything off from the vanilla game flow, balance or difficulty. It's intend...
NPCs Shop More
Created by Aphelion
(This mod took forever to make because I had to change every character in the game individually to buy certain types of items and have certain types of money. I usually don't say this but since I basically put in 6 hours of mindless grunt work for this I'd...
Sparring Mats - Basic Training for Melee Defense & Martial Arts
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods. Ever wanted to be able to train up my melee defense in ...
Storage Amount Doubled
Created by sEver
Every storage furniture building has its stack amount doubled. # Reasoning Created so I don't have a base consisting mostly of storage boxes while still maintaining the feel between industrial facilities and domestic areas. (Serious industry will still req...
Surgery to remove bounties
Created by Levelord
A lore-friendly mod where plastic surgeons can now perform radical surgery on your characters to remove bounties they may have acquired. Surgery cost has been put to 10,000 cats for balance reasons. This is to discourage players from clearing bounties over...
Universal Wasteland Expansion - TameBeasties Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and TameBeasties. Adds all the corresponding dialogue, for recruiting an animal, into all created squads from UWE. The "domesticated" versions of animals are not a part of these squads, for the most p...
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Recruit Prisoners Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and Recruitable Prisoners. Adding the recruitable dialogs to all the corresponding dialogue packages utilized within UWE. You WILL likely experience many issues with world states if you recruit import...
Training swords
Created by Gariba
Craftable swords for training that deal 0 damage. To be used along with a captured bandit to train your squad. Requires Training Swords research to craft, which is unlocked by Weapon Smithing research. NOTE FOR TRAINING MARTIAL ARTS: Characters using train...
Tweaks & Fixes No Prosthetics on Skeletons
Created by Shidan
Simple patch for my Tweaks & Fixes mod, to remove the randomized prosthetics on the Skeletons of the South East regions. For those who are not a fan of the changes. Looking for a place to discuss Kenshi or Kenshi modding? Feel free to join the Kenshi Commu...
Tweaks & Fixes No Research Artifacts
Created by Shidan
Simple patch for my Tweaks & Fixes mod, removing the respawnable research artifacts from vendors. For those who were not fond of the change. Looking for a place to discuss Kenshi or Kenshi modding? Feel free to join the Kenshi Community Discord We're alway...
Universal Wasteland Expansion
Created by TreadLightly77
A singularly developed mod with one vision and executed by one person. An expansion in every sense of the word... Universal Wasteland Expansion sets out to expand the world of Kenshi in many ways. Vanilla mechanics and lore were taken and expanded upon, in...
Created by Petrus.91
This mod lets you recruit Beasties after capturing them. Also available on the nexus! Chinese version here: 这是 驯服的野兽 中文翻译版本地址 Supports most if not all the vanilla critters. 1. Find unconscio...
Taxman/Tribute/Prayer Relations+
Created by Howls@TheMoon
You would think that co-operation with the locals would improve your relationship right? Well now it does! This mod adds a small relations increase to Shek, TradersGuild, UnitedCities and HolyNation visits that involve the player having a base in their ter...
Territory Map with Zone Name
Created by nArrAtor
I originally created this map for myself, so it is unlikely that bug fixes and element modifications will be made. The materials produced are: Original Kenshi map(Kenshi\data\gui\gfx\; Height map(Kenshi\data\newland\land\fullmap.tif); Road map(...
Thrashers - New 'Old Machines' Enemy Type
Created by IdeaDork
In times of old, whole battalions were mown down by lines of thrashers - mobile ranged platforms capable of doling out a wall of razor-sharp harpoons at a moment's notice. In the modern age, these infamous war machines are incredibly rare, but wherever the...
Throes of Obedience
Created by Minic78
My attempt at spicing up one of the coolest zones in Kenshi. All credit for the idea goes to noppy, whose Spanking Spider mod adds security spiders with arms attached. DISCLAIMER This is extremely rough and likely will be for some time. Expect janky animat...
Tilted Spotlight
Created by MARH
This mod adds tilted spotlights and searchlights. Those new lights do not snap to the light nodes on buildings and walls. Researching "Basic Exterior Lighting" unlocks all new Spotlights along with vanilla ones. Likewise, researching "Searchlight" unlocks ...
Trade Routes Intensified
Created by jbra1
This subtly skews the economies of the different factions to open up the 'Trader' style of gameplay. It now becomes much more worth your while organizing trade routes between factions and regions, importing exporting goods. A faction will generally want wh...
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Animation Overhaul Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting. Adding the created animations to all the corresponding races created within UWE, as well as adding corresponding animations to the created building fuctionalitie...
Universal Wasteland Expansion - General Modifications Compatibility Patch
Created by TreadLightly77
A compatibility patch for Universal Wasteland Expansion and General Modifications. All animal bags were made wearable by all corresponding created races. All created animal races were balanced across appropriate spawns....
Advanced Training - Submod LVL 50
Created by HeroinAction
Submod for Advanced Training: Do not use without. *LOAD SUBMOD BELOW MOD* -exchange /removal of Submods seems to work flawlessly Decreases the training-limit to lvl 50 (and also the training ...
Advanced training dummies
Created by HeroinAction
-Adds Training dummies to lvl 70 at normal speed for (lvl 100, 50, 30 as Submod): Assassination Stealth Armor smith Weapon smith Crossbow maker Lockpicking Attack Defense Strength Dexterity Toughness Turret Martial Arts Dodge Friendly Fire/Aim Perception C...
18+ Female Body
Created by Stumple
Warning this mod is strictly 18+ only. If you are not age 18 or older, please do not use this mod!!! This mod added: . 18+ stuff... visible female top body part... Enjoy!!! ...
Created by Azazellz
A bed combined with a cyber doctor. Provides a high rate of healing from injuries - five times faster than a regular bed. Use a science bench to unlock technology. (The second character in the screenshots is for show only, the cyber doctor is fully automat...
Ashlands Expanded
Created by Peter FoxDill
The remnants of the Second Empire will have a more significant presence in the world of Kenshi. This is a fairly straightforward mod that adds hostile skeleton patrols to more areas of the world, and a new location that acts as the source of a number of th...
Cannibals Expanded
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands on the cannibal faction with new armors weapons and enemies! This will make the cannibals a more formidable force with several new powerful units like. The Mancatchers Tenderizers...
Created by Mechanica
This mod adds buildable copies of almost every item in Kenshi, including some old item models that are not used in the current version of the game. Armour, weapons, food, medicine, materials, limbs, robot parts and more, there are hundreds in total. They d...
Combat Boots
Created by ONJOY
Add 3 kinds (light, medium, heavy) boots. Leather Combatr Boots (Leather Armor Crafting) Plated Leather Boots (Plate Armour Crafting) Iron Greaves (Plate Armour Crafting) The boots and the blue prints will be sold in the major city. Importing is unnecessar...
Crossbow Expansion
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus An expansion to the available crossbows that adds 6 new ranged weapons with new original models made by me. It is intended to be as lore friendly and balanced as possible. Crossbows have been adde...
Dark UI
Created by Eldryn
Dark UI changes majority of the UI to a darker and cleaner look. Optimal resolution: 1920x1080, borderless window. Alternative download links Nexus mirror. Known issues Problem: Parts of the UI appear stretched or illegible. Solution: Try a different resol...
Created by Sae
Notice of current status of mod development Development of this mod is currently on hold, and I've given permission to RustledJimm to incorporate whatever parts of DialoguePlus he likes into Dialogue Expansion Project, so check his mod out here! Hi, welcom...
Expanded Craftable Weapons v2.1
Created by Vorioth
This mod adds the ability to research and craft both Edge Type 3 & Meitou grade weapons; also makes Homemade weapons as strong as the existing ones and boosts their sell price. Additionally it unlocks several new, previously unobtainable, Meitou weapons. F...
Faction Caravans
Created by Shidan
Adds caravans belonging to many of the various factions in the world. They generally only spawn in the areas around their homes or outposts, so don't expect to find a Hiver Caravan up on the Leviathan Coast for example. They also tend to behave as you migh...
Guards Give a Shit (AI Enhancement Mod)
Created by Kindrad
Do not repost! Thanks. Updoots appreciated! They tell me I'm doing a job well done and keep morale up. See my other mods here: Description Guard AI enhancement mod. Guards for most groups/fa...
Gusoku Armor Less-Bulky version
Created by Space_Lettuce_OG
This mod takes the Gusoku armor made by Dilbert and makes it less bulky and makes it scale well when character bulk increases due to stats increases in things like strength and smithing. This mod also makes some alterations to the original mesh for my pers...
Hang Paintings
Created by Mechanica
Decorate your outpost with this collection of paintings. There are currently 160 images to choose from, each available in four sizes. The majority of the pictures are official Kenshi artwork, and the remainder are screenshots that have been altered to look...
Forgotten Buildings - Stackable Storage
Created by Mechanica
Please read the description before subscribing! This mod removes usage nodes from all Vanilla/Forgotten Buildings barrels and crates, allowing you to stack them without using the editor. Without nodes, containers cannot be opened automatically from certain...
Hives Expanded
Created by Microwaved Roe
Mod development and updating currently on indefinite Hiatus This mod expands the 3 major hive factions in the game with unique armors, weapons, races and characters! brought down to more acceptable levels, Reimport is recommended to make sure changes take ...
Hive Robotics Expanded
Created by Wunkay
Welcome, no-hive! Are you tired of having floppy leg-ends and all those excessive amounts of fingers? Or maybe you're one of those.. hiveless... that is tired of having floppy robot appendages when a beak thing ate your limbs because you disobeyed our glor...
Hippity hoppity you're now my property
Created by RustledJimm This mod started off as a joke, adding a simple line to slavers that I felt was funny. Now it's adding fun dialogue all over the map, as well as serious dialogue that should be indistinguisable from vanilla dialogue. I have ...
Flies Are Muted
Created by ^1Ruby
Flies don't make any sounds with this mod. I'm not 100% sure about that ,but my tests proved positive....
Impaler Armor Set
Created by 3DConductor The second set of armor that I have managed to create for this game, it's a plated medium type, I tried at the best of my ability to translate kenshi's current raider style, a little bit of the drifter's and some metal plating...
Interesting Recruits!
Created by Josef Senpai
Lofigames Official Forums Page: Nexus Mod Page: A relatively low-key mod that adds in a multitude of Unique followers who will each have...
Mercenary Full Plate
Created by Big Tino
This mod adds a heavier version of the mercenary plate armor. It is essentially an unholy chest plate with the pauldrons and arm plates of mercenary plate, plus some armor for the back. It has slightly better protection than the unholy chest plate and cove...
More Mine Stacks
Created by Louis_Kramer
This is translated by DEEPL. This mod increases the stack of copper, iron and stone veins by 20 times. There is nothing else to it! --- Update history 2021-07-14 Changed the content of the mod to increase the number of stacks in the vein by 20. Fixed an is...
More Plate Options
Created by recatek
Adds two new armor items (with three variants each) to the game: Plate Pants (+ White/Black Plate Pants): - New armor piece to match the Plate Jacket with Medium Armor stats. Plate Boots (+ White/Black Plate Boots): - Retextured version of the Plated Longb...
Community Part Map
Created by Arkhiel
WARNING : Incompatibility with Yet another kenshi nude mod, or any mod editing the part maps This mod is a ressource for modders, and I hope it will help people to get into 3d modeling. I need your feedback so we might adjust the used zones. So, what is a ...
Radiant Better Faces & Eyes
Created by Shiroho This mod reworks most of base eyes and faces in the game with a realistic take and adds few other custom cool faces. Don't judge too fast by the screenshots, those are randomized characters, too lazy to make an army of hands...
Reworked Building&Placement Plus
Created by Muggins
Tired of having storage everywhere occupying precious space in your home ? Want to easily stack storage on top of eachother ?!! You're in luck, because I'm here to realize your hoarding needs Summary : Adds storages that can be stacked, giving you more fre...
Revenant Armor - Modular
Created by Skharr
Hello people here are my first armor. It is a modular armor. What that means, same armor, just different parts. You have 5 sets for your disposal. Everyone has it own advantage and disadvantage. First armor set unlocked at research bench lvl 3. After some ...
Skeleton armor slots unlocked
Created by ShadowAngel
This mod unlock all armor slots for all skeletons. I did not like how skeletons are hard to maintain at the beginning of the game and when endgame finally arrives they completely lose to Sheks in all fights. I made this mode for my own skeleton only playth...
Skeleton Limb Storage
Created by Brandenfascher
This is a very simple mod to fix a very simple problem for those (such as myself) who wants to mass produce skeleton limbs without babysitting the crafting bench. After researching Hiver Skeleton Legs, a new, fast and no-cost research option will become av...
Sensible Spider Range
in the base game, blood spiders have a weapon reach of SEVENTY. for comparison, a naginata has 28, and a MUCH BIGGER skin spider has only 35. if that sounds like some ridiculous nonsense to you, good, you are sane. this mod lowers the blood spider weapon r...
The Dust King
Created by Stupendous Man
Small Armor change for the Dust King. His Equipment is now Master Gear :) He wears Samurai Armour, Samurai Legplates, Samurai Boots and a Skeleton Mask. Changed the color of his Equipment to look weathered and dustier. Skeleton Mask doesnt cover the hair. ...
The Dawnguard
Created by Horatio
This mod adds a new start and a new faction : The Dawnguard. The history of the Dawnguard is vague and long since forgotten. What little is known, however, is that the group was formed by the Holy Nation to help against anything that could pose a threat to...
Weapons look metallic - Improved Smithing Compatibility
Created by besthsq
Makes weapons from Improved Smithing also metallic. You need both: Improved Smithing Weapons look metallic Load order should be: Improved Smithing Weapons look metallic Weapons look metallic - Improved Smithing Compatibility (Improved Smithing included tex...
Weapons look metallic
Created by besthsq
Gives a metallic shine to ALL melee weapons. I've always hated how my Meitou weapons looked like they were made out of some sort of white PVC tubing. Here's a mod that aims to fix that (and all of the other weapon grades). This mod makes the more "metal" p...
Wandering Medics
Created by SpaceDog
Adds a new faction of wandering medics called the Menders. The Menders wander from town to town patching up wounded people because there are good people out there and not everyone wants to kill you. Even in Kenshi. The Menders will heal you if you need it ...
Better Floor Models
Created by Forks
Welcome to the first entry in my Kenshi+ Project! The Kenshi+ Project is my personal goal to create an overhaul which expands on the vanilla content of Kenshi without fundamentally changing the experience. If you want to support Better Floor Models and eve...
Reduced Particle Effects
Created by Shidan
A fairly simple mod that should reduce particles by an average of about 50%. Giving your system an easier time, while not removing them entirely. Looking for a place to discuss Kenshi or Kenshi modding? Feel free to join the Kenshi Community Discord We're ...
Industrial Blade and Foreign Greatsword
Created by Kitya
Nothing crazy, just a lil weapon mod. Adds two weapons; the Industrial Blade (katana-type weapon) and the Foreign Greatsword (heavy weapon). You can find them in most weapon shops, along with blueprints. Added Meitou/Cross versions! You can find one at a h...