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Advanced Camping
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23 Sep, 2021 @ 11:28am
16 Dec, 2021 @ 1:13pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Advanced Camping

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316 items
Advanced Camping Mod

Mod Contents

The mod contains the following new & reworked additions.
  • Camping+ Blueprint
    -This Blueprint unlocks everything in one go. It's Sold at most (probably all) Travel Vendors.

  • 1 New Material Type: Camping Supplies.
    -Every addition Requires 1 of these. This may change in the future due to player feedback but i would rather keep this "easy" than i would overwhelm players with a bunch of new setups.

  • 2 new research benches
    -Both require 1 camping material to build and both are the equivalent of tech 1 and tech 2 respectively. Research on the go!! :)

  • A "Outpost" flag. This is for creating a town and allowing full AI capability and ensures your "base" is not acquired by a nearby town!

  • 10 Tents.
    -2 act like sleeping places. 2 more tents are brand new. 6 others are just reworked to be functional so players can use them. In total there are 8 Tents that protect from acid and some weather. 2 of the tents act like sleeping places.

  • 3 New Beds.
    -Beds include a new alternative camping bed (which also needs a sleeping bag). A rock setup & a hammock.

  • 17 New Furniture & Crafting Stations.
    -Bonfires, folding tables, new chairs, new cooking pots, new looms, a hand grinder for flour, a camping "well" (works exactly like a normal level 1 well but it requires 1 camping material), a new smaller animal feeder.

  • Fishing!
    -You can now fish grandfish or thinfish with nets and rods and you'll have two nicely modeled drying racks!

  • 9 New Storage Containers.
    -The models are all made to portray they're easyness to build and are easily identifiable so you know what box is which!

  • 1 New Fence type.
    -This fence is easy to build, and is really only meant to provide a visual effect to your camps. If you want actual "camping walls" this may raise the cost of your camping trips significantly. The health of walls is based off their material cost. Meaning that in order for these to be strong enough to protect you, they'd be expensive to build.

  • New farms!
    -the farms are easy to build but they suck. So there's an obvious trade off.

  • 2 New Platforms.
    -Sadly these will not fully function without shift + f12 FOR NOW.


-Azazellz for all his models and hard work on starting this mod. He sadly has left the modding community for now.

Mod Suggestions & Feedback!


-IF you notice issues with AI or towns claiming your items make sure you use the outpost flag! None of these items (should) create an outpost. So you can camp on the go! While fun this does come with issues! If you notice buggy AI or Towns claiming your stuff, Slap a flag down!

-Some of this may not fully function like you think they will (pallets for example need to be built on with shift f12 menu). I plan on fixing this.

-The Bonfire fire looks a bit odd at angles. Azazellz was having fun with the effects and i decided to leave it.

-YES THIS MOD LIKELY NEEDS AN IMPORT OR NEW GAME. Azazellz originally had this setup as research but i changed this to a blueprint to avoid needing a full research import. The vendors SHOULD restock the blueprints and materials eventually. If they do not, try importing FIRST.

-The new materials can also spawn in many ruins, in various construction vendors and in many travel, trade good and item shops throughout the world.

-The blueprints will ONLY spawn in travel shops.

-This mod should technically be compatible with almost every other mod. If you are using Genesis. Yes this will be included.

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Popular Discussions View All (1)
1 Sep, 2023 @ 2:13pm
PINNED: Suggestions & Feedback!
Mandalf 4 Jan @ 1:22am 
Advanced Camping from Azazellz and Atlas is my favorite Kenshi camping mod. It packs a lot of power and functionality into a mobile package that gives the Kenshi landscape a chance to shine. I thought I would try to give it some love. And so I give you Advanced Camping +

Increased availability in vendor and loot lists!
Dedicated camping supplies storage (50 crates)!
The ability to craft camping supplies via the Kenshi Basic Workbench!
rhinogaming536 24 Dec, 2024 @ 12:51pm 
Is there a food store for only dried grandfish because the camping food store just fills up with raw fish
Mazz 4 Dec, 2024 @ 6:51am 
I can't find the camping stuff to build
Atlas  [author] 4 Dec, 2024 @ 5:20am 
There is not a way to craft camping supplies
DeweySkunky 4 Dec, 2024 @ 4:13am 
Hi, what a great mod! Love to play with it
Is there a way to craft camping supplies?
Atlas  [author] 3 Dec, 2024 @ 2:55pm 
Im not entirely sure what you're asking?
Mazz 3 Dec, 2024 @ 2:36pm 
I can't find any item to build with camping materials in build mode it's not showing
AMBUSH 31 Oct, 2024 @ 12:54am 
Кароче я нашел, он в Краю Мира у путеводителя продается, выглядит так же как на скрине в виде записки 1 на 1 бесплатный... у Святой нации его вообще нету в продаже у союзников не попадалось тоже.. Шеков хз не проверял, так что одно место точно есть. Автор мог бы и дописать что он есть в одном городе.

The BP is sold in a specific city, this city is World's End
AMBUSH 30 Oct, 2024 @ 12:28pm 
я своими персами 47км в час оббежал всю карту я не могу найти Изучения на этот мод... смотрел и все записки на розыск и книги и принты. ниего, подскажите кто им пользуется какая иконка и в каком городе вы покупали ?!
[PIGZ]MrTango 20 Oct, 2024 @ 10:24am 
Uninstalled mid-save, how to i relearn the vanilla campfire etc recipes?