Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Strudeler's Expansions: Historical Civilizations
A Civilization VI expansion featuring all of my historic civilizations and leaders.
Items (70)
Strudeler's Civilization VI Deluxe
A mod that expands on gameplay: longer eras, higher tile yields, quality of life improvements, balance changes, reworks, new content, etc. With ultimate intent to turn a board game into a meat grinder. Remember that to support a modder the first thing to d...
DPurdy and Strudeler Present: Israel
Created by DPurdy
Play as the (several time) Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Israel is a land of milk and honey that was wrestled from Canaanites by Semitic wanderers. For millennia these Semitic peoples periodically shifted fro...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Afghanistan
Play as the father of Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Durrani; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Afghanistan is an land at the furthest edge of Greater Iran, nestled between colossal mountain ranges as well as the mighty Oxus and Indus rivers. The term "Afghan" was ...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Aragon and Naples Civilizations (Celebrating 40 Historical Civilizations)
Play as the Renaissance King, Alfonso the Magnanimous; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Aragon was founded as one of the Carolingian marches beyond the Pyrenees to deter Islamic invasions. Over the centuries there would be dynastic divisions leading to the ...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Argentina (Celebrating 20 Historical Civilizations)
Play as the radical Father of the Poor, Hipolito Yrigoyen; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Argentina is one of the most economically successful republics to emerge after the Spanish Empire's grip on the Americas dissolved. La Plata held some of the most pr...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Baskonia (Basques) (2024 New Year's Celebration)
Play as the founder of the Kingdom of Pamplona, Eneko Aritza; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The isolated Basques sprung up from the humble beginnings of farmers hugging the foot of the Pyrenees. Their early predecessors, the Vascones, were first subjugat...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Belarus (It's a Belarusian Halloween)
Play as the werewolf prince of Rus', Vseslav the Seer; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Belarus or Byelorussia is a historic region of the old Rus', centered around the cities of Polotsk or Minsk based on which Rurikid prince was prominent at the time. Bela...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Bohemia (It's a Czech Christmas)
Play as Saint Wenceslas and medieval revolutionary Jan Zizka; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Czechs migrated into Bohemia and Moravia sometime after the fall of the Roman Empire. They are known as Bohemians due to them settling the ancient land of the...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Bosnia
Play as the first Ban and King of Bosnia, Kulin and Stjepan Tvrkto I; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Bosnia is the crossroads of the Dinaric Alps. It is a land of great mineral wealth and jealous feudalism. The Slavs first migrated to the Balkans in the 6...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Bosnia-Herzegovina (2025 New Year's Celebration)
Play as the Dragon of Bosnia, Husein Gradascevic; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Bosniaks emerged in the wake of the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. The Bosnian national identity was tied to the Serbo-Croats living on the River Bosna coupled with an inde...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Briton
Play as the Queen of the Iceni and enemy of Rome, Boudica; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Britain was inhabited by Celts since time immemorial, in those early days they called themselves "Pretanni," translated as "Britons." The dominance of Celts eroded o...
Strudeler's Civilizations: California
Play as the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. California is a member state within the United States of America. It has a long history of waves of immigration ever since it was seized from Mexico. Eventually California becam...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Canton (It's a Cantonese Year of the Rabbit)
Play as the Pirate Queen of the Chinese Seas, Ching Shih; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Canton or Kwangtung is derived from Guangdong, this region along with Guangxi constitutes the Lingnan homeland or Yue. Cantonense is a particular dialect in the regio...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Carthage
Play as the ancient legends Dido, Hanno, and Hannibal Barca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Punic people of Carthage and those city-states submissive to it would go on to colonize new Punic cities, venturing far to settle, such as the inland of Hispan...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Castile
Play as the Catholic Monarch, Isabella de Trastamara; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Castilians inherited their way into the leading Christian polity on the Iberian peninsula, rivaled by their cousins in Portugal and Aragon by the 14th century. The Ca...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Chagatai
Play as the son of Genghis who was cast aside, Chagatai; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. After the death of the Great Khan, the Mongols had little time for grief as their vast domain required administration. Enter Chagatai Khan, the second son of Genghis K...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Circassia
Play as the conqueror of the Kuban and Abkhazia, Inal the Great; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Circassians descend from ancient peoples north of the Caucasus. The earliest of the Circassians were called Maikop, they lived to see war between the Hitti...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Columbia (It's a Canadian Year of the Dragon)
Play as Canada's preserver of nature and the rights of men, David Suzuki; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Columbia is, of course, named after Christopher Columbus; however, the explorer's name has been broadly applied across the Americas. Both Spaniards an...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Croatia
Play as the Kings of Croatia and Dalmatia, Petar Krešimir IV and Matthias Corvinus; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Croatia is one of many Slavic realms that endured in the Balkans. The Croatian people remained united despite the dissolution of the Old Chu...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Dacia
Play as the Balkan King of Kings, Burebista; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Dacians or Getae where among the fiercest barbarians known to Greeks or Romans in the time of Julius Caesar. Burebista is the progenitor of the Dacian state, that is if a coal...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Delhi
Play as the eccentric Turco-Indian Sultan of Delhi, Muhammad ibn Tugluq; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Delhi is an ancient city upon the Ganges, but its Hindu past became supplanted by the rise of Islam in India. There was not a proper sultanate called "...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Denmark
Play as the great Viking lords Harald Bluetooth and Canute the Great; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Danes are the people of Denmark; the hearty northern people inherited Jutland after the Jutes migrated to Britain, they would also dot the landscape o...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Deseret (Utah and the Mormons)
Play as the first and second leaders of the Mormons, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Mormons are a celebrated pioneer people who continue to emit the American spirit of yore. The faithful began under their prophet Joseph...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Galatia
Play as the barbaric Gallic warlord of the Balkans, Brennus; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The term 'Galatia' is Greek for Gaul, which would denote the Gauls that migrated from the Balkans into Anatolia. It is believed that overpopulation drove the Gauls...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Great Qing (It's a Manchu Year of the Snake)
Play as the overseers of the Qing golden age, Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Jurchens where the first of the Tungusic to hold China under the Jin dynasty, a minor invasive claimant to China. The struggle caused by the Mon...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Habsan (Ethiopians and Bantus of India)
Play as the Regent of Ahmadnagar, Malik Ambar; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Africans first entered India with the success of the early Caliphate marching into the Indus River. African mujahideen, known as Zanjis as they were from the Swahili Coast or Za...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Herzegovina
Play as the rebel Grand Duke of Bosnia, Stjepan Vukcic Kosaca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Herzegovina is a peculiar realm that originated during the Slavic migrations of the late Dark Ages. Before the maturity of a Bosnian, Croat, or Serb state, the o...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Hungary-Croatia
Play as the monarchs of Carpathia and Illyria, Barbara von Cilli and Matthias Corvinus; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Hungarian overlordship over Croatia was a fine line between vassalage and an equal partnership both during the reign independent Hun...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Iroquois (Haudenosaunee)
Play as the legendary Chief, Hiawatha; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Iroquois are not a single people, and the term Iroquois-speaker denotes the very wide range of related peoples speaking a similar language, ranging from the Huron to the Cherokee. T...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Judea (It's a Hellenized Hanukkah | Celebrating 10 Historical Civilizations)
Play as the Basilissa and regent of Judea, Salome Alexandra; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Judea is named after Judah (both realms sharing a common area), but translated from the time of Persian occupation. The Persians used Aramaic as the administrative...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Khazaria
Play as the first Jewish convert of the Khazars, Bulan Sabriel; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Khazar Turks were a powerful Turkish scion. Originally they came from the Gok-Turks or "Sky Turks" which was the progenitor Khaganate of Turks, they were ef...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Lithuania
Play as the progenitors of Lithuania, Gediminas and Vytautas; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Lithuanians descend from various Balt peoples and among the last of the ethnicity, their enduring kin being the Latvians. The Rus' civilization collapsed unde...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Montenegro
Play as the Prince-Bishop of Montenegro, Petar II Petrovic-Njegos; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Montenegrins share their origins with the Serbs, both hailing from the Slavic migration towards the end of the migration period. There have been small pr...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Mughalan (The Mughals)
Play as a the Mughal Emperors, Ackbar the Great and Aurangzeb; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Mughals descend from the long lineage of Turko-Mongols (the term Mughal is derived from Mongol) that razed the Great Steppe since the time of Genghis. The Am...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Muscovy (2023 New Year's Celebration)
Play as the cruel Tsar of all the Russias, Ivan the Terrible; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Muscovites were the Rus' peoples that migrated into Finno-Ugric territory some time around 12th century at the latest. Moscow began as a fishing village on th...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Navajoland (It's an Athabascan Halloween)
Play as the leader that opposed both Mexico and America, Sir Black Reeds; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Navajo are among the most populace of the Athabascan peoples. Sometime over the last millennia, they permanently settled in far south of the Dene ...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Nepal
Play as the Maharajadhiraj of Gorkha that founded Nepal, Prithvi Narayan Shah; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Nepal is the cultural melting pot of hundreds of ethnic groups and a one of the holiest realms of the Dharmic religions as it is the epicenter of...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Novgorod
Play as the great knight and prince of Rus', Alexander Nevsky; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Novgorod was one of the great Russian cities that rose to prominence after the southern Rus' had fallen to Mongols. Novgorod developed a particular Russian diale...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Odisha
Play as the Maharaja that patronized the Konark Sun Temple, Langula Narasingha Deva; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Odisha is a region that is known as Kalinga in ancient times and Orissa in the middle ages. The land of the Odia people is known for its ex...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Pakistan
Play as the father of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Pakistan is one of the few sovereign nations on the Indian subcontinent. Pakistan may be as Iranian as it is Indo-Aryan as its name stands for: P-Punjab, A-Afghan, K-Kashm...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Parthia
Play as the first Parthian Shah to embrace the title "King of Kings," Mithridates II Arsacid; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Greek empire of the Seleucids was subsumed by an upstart Iranian people that had migrated from the Sarmatian Steppe and into P...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Poland-Rus' (Celebrating 50 Historical Civilizations)
Play as the only Polish king to be known as 'the Great,' Casimir III; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Prior to the unification of Poland and Lithuania as a commonwealth, both nations marched to claim the remnants of old Ruthenia. As the great city of Kiev ...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Pomerania
Play as the Captain of the Likedeelers, Klaus Stortebeker; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Pomeranians represent a unique synthesis among the Central Germans and Western Slavs. Before the arrival of Charlemagne and the later Holy Emperors, the westernm...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Portugal-Brazil
Play as the madly pious monarch, Maria I; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The State of Brazil was always a Portuguese colony as dictated by the Treaty of Tordesillas and this symbiotic relationship was rarely disrupted. However, Napoleon and his desire for...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Punic-Iberia
Play as the conqueror of Spain's vast wealth of silver, Hamilcar Barca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Carthaginians became the most prominent of the exiled Phoenicians of the west. This does not mean that cultural and economic activity was wholly cen...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Rajasthan (Celebrating 30 Historical Civilizations)
Play as the hero of Hindus everywhere, Prithviraj 'Chauhan' III; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Rajasthan is a sweltering land inhabited by the Rajasthanis and the Rajputs. The Great Indian Desert dominates the geography of the region, creating a caravan ...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Romano-Israel (It's a Judaean Christmas)
Play as the restorer of the Temple, Herod the Great; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Romans first marched into withered Judea in 63 BC when Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus saw it fit for the the Republic to civilize those squabbling Hellenic despots that spoile...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Rozvi
Play as the first of the Changamires, Dombo; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Rozvi or Rozwi, or baLozwi people, emerged in the late seventeenth century as the most formidable force on the Zimbabwean Plateau. Their kingdom emerged as a reaction to the h...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Ruthenia (Kievan Rus', Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia)
Play as the great Saint and legendary Varangian, Olga and Igor; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The region known as Ruthenia in Latin or Kievan Rus' was first populated by the Eastern Slavs who may have been led there by their fabled progenitor Rus. The la...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Serbia
Play as the mighty Emperor of Serbs and Greeks, Stefan Dusan; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Serbs began as one of the many Slavic peoples migrating into the Balkans from the fabled "White Serbia" in the north. The Serbs halted their journey in the fo...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Sindh
Play as the Islamic invader of India, Muhammad ibn al-Qasim al-Thaqafi; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Sindh refers to the Indus River in the Persian language, it is from this term that the Arab conquerors divided the east between "Sind" and "Hind" or tha...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Sudan (Modern Nubia)
Play as the awaited hero of the Samaniyya, Muhammad al-Mahdi; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Sudan was once the land of Nubia until the Rashidun Caliphate introduced the Bedouins to the Nile. Centuries of peace and commerce was gradually tore down powers ...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Syro-India (Nasran) (It's an Indian Christmas)
Play as a disciple of Christ, Thomas the Apostle; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Nasrani people encompass the earliest Christians of India. St. Thomas, the Disciple of Christ, went forth to spread the good news in Parthia and India. It is believed his...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Tamilakam (Cheras, Cholas, and Pandya Tamils)
Play as the master of the Indian Ocean, Rajendra the Great Chola; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The Tamils have lived in the southernmost portion of India since time immemorial. Despite their longevity, popular belief holds that there have only been thre...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Tuscany (It's a Pazzi Conspiracy Easter)
Play as the patron of the Renaissance, Lorenzo the Magnificent; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Tuscany is one of the most cultured regions in Italy. The name is derived from the ancient Etruscans and the Latin term for their land, Etruria. The Etruscans t...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Ukraine
Play as the free Ukrainian leaders, Nestor Makhno and Volodymyr Zelenskyy; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Ukrainian identity came about during the time that Rus' was occupied by European crowns that were, at first, not Eastern Slavic and long after the Vi...
Strudeler's Civilizations: Vandalia (The Vandals)
Play as the King of the Vandals and Scourge of God, Gaiseric; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Gaiseric was among the most successful of the Germanic conquerors towards the end of the Roman Empire in the west. Prior to his kingship, the Vandals struggled li...
Strudeler's Leaders: David Suzuki (Canada)
Play as Canada's preserver of nature and the rights of men, David Suzuki; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Canada is home to many larger than life figures. Many of these historical characters have had a profound impact across the Anglosphere and elsewhere. ...
Strudeler's Leaders: Domitian (Rome)
Play as the preserver of Roman bureaucracy and finance, Domitian; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The rapid succession of the Flavian dynasts gave rise to Domitian, the saviour of Roman coinage. His rain was one of reform and defensive stances. Rome constr...
Strudeler's Leaders: Gallienus (Rome)
Play as the reformer of Rome's cavalry, Gallienus; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Gallienus was among the many, many Roman Emperors that flourished (or suffered rather) during the Crisis of the Third Century. Though the Syrian King, Odenathus, remained lo...
Strudeler's Leaders: Hamilcar Barca (Carthage)
Play as the conqueror of Spain's vast wealth of silver, Hamilcar Barca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Punic civilization extended from the foot of the Lebanon Mountains to the Pillars of Hercules. Far from home, the Carthaginians cemented their position ...
Strudeler's Leaders: Hamilcar Barca (Phoenicia)
Play as the conqueror of Spain's vast wealth of silver, Hamilcar Barca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Punic civilization extended from the foot of the Lebanon Mountains to the Pillars of Hercules. Far from home, the Carthaginians cemented their position ...
Strudeler's Leaders: Hannibal Barca (Phoenicia)
Play as the ancient legend Hannibal Barca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Punic civilization extended from the foot of the Lebanon Mountains to the Pillars of Hercules. Far from home, the Carthaginians cemented their position as the dominant Punic port in...
Strudeler's Leaders: Hannibal Barca (Punic-Iberia)
Play as the ancient legend Hannibal Barca; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Punic civilization extended from the foot of the Lebanon Mountains to the Pillars of Hercules. Far from home, the Carthaginians cemented their position as the dominant Punic port in...
Strudeler's Leaders: Hanno (Phoenicia)
Play as the ancient legend Hanno; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Punic civilization extended from the foot of the Lebanon Mountains to the Pillars of Hercules. Far from home, the Carthaginians cemented their position as the dominant Punic port in the Medi...
Strudeler's Leaders: Lech Wałęsa (Poland)
Play as Poland's first president by popular vote, Lech Wałęsa; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Lech Wałęsa represents the flaws in communism representing the proletariat class. As an electrician fresh from his compulsory military service, Wałęsa quickly jo...
Strudeler's Leaders: Numa (Rome)
Play as the second King of Rome, Numa; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. The death of Romulus and Remus left the fate of Rome and all Latins to fate. It is said that Rome's second monarch, the Sabine ascetic known as Numa Pompilius, was chosen by the heavens...
Strudeler's Leaders: Pompey (Rome)
Play as Rome's beloved general, Pompey; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Pompey took up the mantle of "Magnus," or "the Great," to emulate his hero Alexander III early in his career. He extended his name to Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus after his forces praised hi...
Strudeler's Leaders: Prithviraj Chauhan (India)
Play as the hero of Hindus everywhere, Prithviraj 'Chauhan' III; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. India is a land of countless rajas and emirs. Before the great sultanates of the subcontinent could take root, a handful of Dharmic lords protected the western...
Strudeler's Leaders: Yekaterina II (Russia)
Play as the devious Tsarina, Yekaterina II; in Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Tsarina Yekaterina II, known as Catherine the Great in English, represents the great crossing of Eastern Europe into the age of Enlightenment and the eve of Napoleonic warfare as w...
Linked collections (12)
In 13 collections by Strudeler of the Tart Society
Strudeler's Civilization VI Deluxe and Compatible Items
184 items
Strudeler's Civilization VI Deluxe and Compatible Items Lite
117 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Beyond the Indus
28 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Ahistorical Civilizations
17 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Heroes & Legends
20 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Shahs of the Four Heavens
29 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Collaboration Civilizations
19 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Plus Ultra
31 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Arose From the Azure Main
23 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Pax Romana Aeternum
37 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Land of Milk and Honey
32 items
Strudeler's Expansions: From the Varangians to the Greeks
35 items
Strudeler's Expansions: Mandate of Heaven
21 items