

Outland - Genetics
Neronix17  [author] 1 Mar @ 7:24am 
Then perish.
Syilumi lunari 1 Mar @ 7:21am 
one mistake is fine with metabolism BUT TWO IM GONA EXPLODE
Syilumi lunari 1 Mar @ 7:21am 
Syilumi lunari 28 Feb @ 10:18am 
sorry that was probably mean
Neronix17  [author] 28 Feb @ 9:50am 
Ludeon, the devs, you don’t, they won’t change the fundamental terminology used for their horrendous metabolism system two years after release.
Syilumi lunari 28 Feb @ 9:43am 
whos ludeon and how do i contact them
Syilumi lunari 28 Feb @ 9:41am 
Neronix17  [author] 28 Feb @ 9:39am 
Tell that to Ludeon, I just followed their example.
WillDigForFood 22 Feb @ 9:05pm 
Well, I appreciated your creative vision, at least.
Neronix17  [author] 22 Feb @ 3:18pm 
Because people kept complaining about it, can’t win with you lot :laughing_yeti:
WillDigForFood 22 Feb @ 2:11pm 
Is it just me, or are the ears from this mod no longer being layered behind a pawn's hair? Been trying to get my mod list back in order after an absence from the game, and I can't figure out if I'm missing something or have a conflict - because I used to use this mod specifically because it was the only cosmetic gene mod that made the aesthetically superior choice to not have the ears awkwardly pop in over hair.
Svela 15 Feb @ 3:05am 
Feathery hair/bodies is of great interest to me. Currently there is a mod called Oni of the Rim that adds Ancestral Oni. They effectively are semi-wild pawns that are larger than regular pawns with various differences. One of the main differences is that they shed feathers periodically via a hediff as most of their bodies are covered in ink-black feathers (I think regular Oni do as well, but I don't use them so I don't know for sure). I love them, but I recently had the idea of a non-Oni pawn being able to shed feathers, like a hybrid-Oni or something. Main issue is that the hediff to shed is tied to the race. As such, a gene to allow the hediff separate from a pawn's race is something I plan on looking into, but it wouldn't make as much sense for that to exist without a "feathery" body type.

If you get around to making a feathery body type then that would be great, but I don't want you to feel pressured to make such a change. If you do, great. If you don't, no worries.
Neronix17  [author] 9 Feb @ 1:19am 
YIGGITY 8 Feb @ 2:16pm 
I noticed that there's options for beaks and wings, but no feathery hair or body styles. Any thought on whether that might be included in the future?
eeveecator 8 Feb @ 10:59am 
Nice thank you for your reply
Neronix17  [author] 8 Feb @ 2:53am 
No idea.
MajorityOfTheInternet 8 Feb @ 1:34am 
Is it because of big and small genes? They also have egg laying gene
MajorityOfTheInternet 8 Feb @ 12:39am 
Why cant egg layer + asexual reproduction (from this mod) together not allow pawns to lay eggs and just makes them pregnant instead?
Neronix17  [author] 8 Feb @ 12:25am 
You’re not “missing” anything, just means some genes were made specifically for xenotypes in some Outland modules, so aren’t likely to be lore friendly to vanilla RimWorld.
eeveecator 7 Feb @ 2:26pm 
Just a quick question, what kind of things am I missing if I dont have the outland core in the modlist? Description says some genes may have been made with core in mind, is there a list of genes or something? Trying to keep the number of mods limited to prevent overhead
Neronix17  [author] 25 Jan @ 12:34pm 
No worries, it happens :laughing_yeti:
Leravi The Hyena:33 25 Jan @ 11:05am 
Sorry.... I misread your reply
Neronix17  [author] 25 Jan @ 7:55am 
It’s explained ON THE GENE. not in another mod, on the gene itself in-game.
Leravi The Hyena:33 24 Jan @ 9:16am 
My bad sorry! I didn't realize it was explained in another mod
Neronix17  [author] 23 Jan @ 9:27pm 
Try reading the description of the ascension gene, it already says what I would answer with.
Leravi The Hyena:33 23 Jan @ 7:03pm 
the xenotype acension, how does it work exactly? my colonist has gotten full max but i dont see how i acsend her
l0v3rm4n69420 26 Dec, 2024 @ 6:11pm 
ah, i get it, thanks for the response
Neronix17  [author] 26 Dec, 2024 @ 11:29am 
Not particularly, I don’t have enough time to do what I want to do myself never mind what other people want too ngl.
l0v3rm4n69420 26 Dec, 2024 @ 10:32am 
2 questions, would you be open to new gene suggestions, and can we get a JOJO menacing added to the list of auras
Blackdeath502 25 Dec, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
I'v been having some problems with the canine head, some times the pawns who have the gene have the correct canine head and some times they have just a normal human head despite having the gene active.
Neronix17  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 12:39am 
Thanks for the opinion but I'll stick with how I want it.
MadArtillery 16 Dec, 2024 @ 9:02pm 
Might want to update the gene description to reflect this, it was a bit of a shock. Since it does have auto tend better then clotting even at intended 100% values perhaps it should cost 3 in the least as it is a lot of effects.
Neronix17  [author] 16 Dec, 2024 @ 8:47pm 
The tending is part of the healing, though it’s meant to be 100% not 200%, I’ll take a look at that.
MadArtillery 16 Dec, 2024 @ 7:25pm 
I am a bit confused. Is regeneration supposed to instant tend injuries at 200% quality? Quite confused as to what is going on as the description was pretty tame and pretty neat. 125% heal rate and able to regrow limbs seems like a pretty legit gene for the metabolism but I don't understand what is going on with the instant tends I'm experiencing. Is this intended?
Rubus 4 Dec, 2024 @ 6:46pm 
Can you cut out parasitic pawn eggs?
mood 9 Nov, 2024 @ 4:20pm 
the ears are rendering underneath the hair for me, is this intentional?
TheBronzeWarrior 29 Oct, 2024 @ 1:09pm 
hello again! the eye graphics do not render correctly on children, this might've been caused by me using the swelte head (dunno how its spelled)
⎛⎝Tiùwilo⎠⎞ 21 Oct, 2024 @ 8:32pm 
The egg-layer gene specifically makes it so no ova can be extracted for IVF. Is that intentional or a bug?
TheBronzeWarrior 21 Oct, 2024 @ 6:01pm 
very nice mod! however, the earned ancesion genes need to be buffed. you can complete hard earned in a single day with a level 8 melee fighter and a decent sword.
NerdCuddles 22 Sep, 2024 @ 5:04pm 
Sickel claw but no featherss or raptor head or anything? scammed
Neronix17  [author] 22 Sep, 2024 @ 2:23am 
Probably because requiring one of any tagged gene isn’t possible without new code, vanilla only allows for direct gene requirements.

I’d also love a UI overhaul for both the editor and the gene tab on pawns, both break pretty badly and become unusable with “too many” genes on a xenotype or pawn
Bekky 22 Sep, 2024 @ 12:48am 
Half the value of this mod is organising the xenotype editor, the other half is not to be held lightly. But just the organisation work is alone worth it's own QOL mod, idk if there's a mod that makes the xenotype menu better in general but I need it.

Offtopic from that, it's kinda wild how a tail has to be prehensile or not and making it prehensile isn't itself a gene that simply requires a tail, I have to wonder why someone hasn't done that yet.
Carl 12 Sep, 2024 @ 10:24am 
I believe this conflicts with Big and Small gene's 'doesn't eat' gene, causing it to not work when loading into a save
Xenometer 11 Sep, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
When a pawn is hatched using the egglayer gene it doesn't let me name the newborn baby. How can I fix that?
Kasa 25 Aug, 2024 @ 3:01pm 
That's far, just more a heads up since you list it as a recommended mod and future users may confused as to what's going wrong.
Neronix17  [author] 25 Aug, 2024 @ 2:43pm 
Using abstract bases is very common and standard practice for RimWorld modding, the exporter not accounting for that is not my problem.
Kasa 25 Aug, 2024 @ 2:34pm 
Your OutlandGoblinoidBase file makes it impossible to use custome xenotype exporter to patch Goblinoids without first commenting out the default genetics you gave them.
Voldrath 24 Aug, 2024 @ 7:26am 
The xenotype specific implanter genes are unusable by pawns incapable of violence. Not sure if this is deliberate. The biotech implanter that Sanguophages get still works in those pawns. I noticed the firespit no longer works for nonviolent pawns either. possibly an ability code change in 1.5?
Yummyyuck 10 Aug, 2024 @ 1:09pm 
Please continue to add things to this mod, even if they're the most random useless genes you can think of. I just love making new random races with the things this mod provides. The more stuff in the mod, the more creative people can get
Neronix17  [author] 3 Aug, 2024 @ 6:31am 
Removed in 1.5 to be replaced later