Space Engineers

Space Engineers

VCZ Multifloor Cargo Elevator
*****PunkMall 4 May, 2023 @ 11:48am 
Hello, I might have a work around for you that seems to work for me.
Place everything backwards!
Sounds daft but start at you top level, place the floors, shaft doors and filler blocks.
Then last of all place the elevator base in a 5x5 hole that you have left in the lowest level for it
and . . . . . . . . . it seems to work.
It's happy moving up and down to the correct floors, the shaft door opens with the correct timing etc.
Hope this helps, as I have sent a few hours battling to get this to work but now my WIP Base has cargo levels that my forklift can access easily !!!!!
[I-I]-[BC] Asmodeus 2 May, 2023 @ 5:58am 
can anyone help? I have set the base elevator down and i have my runners and floors set. It has power etc and when i hit 1 for floor 1 it does not move. Unless i change the velocity in the control panel. Is this working still or broken as i have used this before? Cheers in advance.
Fire_breath 2 Mar, 2023 @ 8:35am 
@Grog, many thanks for sharing this solution. Cheers!
Lunalphabet 16 Nov, 2022 @ 12:47pm 

can we increase the max height of the elevator ?
and if yes how ?

I have try of modifying the max height in the mod files and it try to reach a higher height
Grog 25 Jun, 2022 @ 12:51am 
Still need to change the line 142 of VCZ_MultifloorCargoElevator.cs with the notepad.

#1 go to:

#2 edit and go to line 142:
Replace the line:
if (!Elevator_block.ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId, 1.15f)) return;

if (Elevator_block.ResourceSink.SuppliedRatioByType(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId) != 1) return;
Katarina [WolfCraft Industries] 24 Jun, 2022 @ 6:38pm 
this mod is confirmed to be broken. there are some fixed version out there on the workshop i think
AprilsRealm 24 Jun, 2022 @ 2:53pm 
Does this still work? or does it need fixing?
[RU]Nner 9 May, 2022 @ 6:00pm 
Is it possible to make shaft door airtight somehow?
Grog 20 Apr, 2022 @ 10:51am 
To work the elevator need the script.
Since the update, the function "IsPowerAvailable" does not work anymore.
Edition of line 142 in the script to replace the use of "IsPowerAvailable" by the use of "SuppliedRatioByType" function make it work again.

@AutoMcDonough: as you've been added to authors list, is it possible to republish the mod with the script line corrected ? :steamhappy:
maxipuch92 19 Apr, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
Does the mod only work with the script? Or is that just a extra feature to add for convenience?
Donimir Trutin 11 Apr, 2022 @ 4:16am 
you're amazing Grog
Grog 10 Apr, 2022 @ 11:38am 
I fixed it some time ago for myself, works for me:

#1 go to:

#2 edit and go to line 142:
Replace the line:
if (!Elevator_block.ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId, 1.15f)) return;

if (Elevator_block.ResourceSink.SuppliedRatioByType(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId) != 1) return;
Pentium 9 Mar, 2022 @ 1:54am 
can you please update your amazing elevator mods? they are the best ones
Skunk 4 Mar, 2022 @ 11:02am 
Hi. Running into trouble. Piston only moving 2.5 meter up. In info Tab it detect every floor correctly and say Ready. i tried flipping the filler block every posible way but it not grabbing on it to climbe higher
Gray 28 Feb, 2022 @ 8:00am 
There is 'supposedly' a fixed version of this by 'Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh' but well, see below (smh)

Gray 37 minutes ago
@Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh Well i give up. I put the base piston down, both on the flat surface of my ship and also free floating in space. Raised the platform at least 20m up and then scrolled through each and every floor and filler and am unable to place any. I can however, place a normal block all around the top edge of the base. The info in the control panel of the base states below:

Current Position: 20.8m
[>Base Status<]: Not Ready!
[>Platform Status<]: Ready!
Elevator Height: 0 Blocks
Floors Count: 0
Donimir Trutin 14 Feb, 2022 @ 5:03pm 
I can't place a filler or floot between the elevator base and elevator platform when i have the platform moved up, due to a invisible block in the middle of the elevator
Krupterz 11 Feb, 2022 @ 7:08pm 
Wouldn't mind a fixed version, i have one with the fix by @Oneofmystery but cause Steam has made it a real pain to upload stuff thee days i can't share with the community or even share with the people who i play with, would be sweet if there was a public fixed version like the regular elevator. Have fun either way i guess :D
TrueWhiteKnight 7 Feb, 2022 @ 8:24am 
Is this mod abandoned or is there a fixed version somewhere?
Geronimo 30 Jan, 2022 @ 12:51pm 
pls update! really want to use this on our server
Kees van de Wiel 29 Jan, 2022 @ 2:20pm 
@Oneofmystery80 You Sir, are great! The elevator recognice the floors again and works properly! THX very much
Oneofmystery 80 26 Jan, 2022 @ 3:18pm 
Finally found a fix hope this helps.

Go to Program Files(x86)/steamapps/workshop/content/244850/1711861968/Data/Scripts/MultifloorCargoElevator/VCZ_MultifloorCargoElevator.cs

then open in notepad or notepad++ and change line 142,
you should find this,

if (!Elevator_block.ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId, 1.15f)) return;

Change to this,

if (Elevator_block.ResourceSink.SuppliedRatioByType(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId) != 1) return;
Bucko 26 Jan, 2022 @ 4:36am 
plz fix
Oneofmystery 80 16 Jan, 2022 @ 2:09am 
@Veloci & nimru wrong mod for that fix, looked at this mods code to see if the same, but is completely different.

Hope someone can fix this mod for version 1.199, it works in version 1.98.033
nimru 15 Jan, 2022 @ 10:05am 
open this file in C:\Program Files x86)\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\1154898843\Data\Scripts\MultifloorElevator\Classes\Elevator.cs

Go to line 81 and replace this code:

public void CheckPower()
IsPowered = Block.ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(MyResourceDistributorComponent.ElectricityId, 0.10f);
if (IsPowered != oldIsPowered) Block.RefreshCustomInfo();
JustGotPower = IsPowered != oldIsPowered && IsPowered;
oldIsPowered = IsPowered;

with this code:

public void CheckPower()
IsPowered = true;
Veloci 11 Jan, 2022 @ 8:48am 
To anybody that gets the "Not enough power" bug, you can fix it by opening the code file :\Program Files (x86)\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\1154898843\Data\Scripts\MultifloorElevator\Classes\Elevator.cs
Go to line 81 with the method "public void CheckPower() and change IsPowered = True. Its only a quick fix and gets rid of that important code, but its an easy fix.
VS-lockon 31 Dec, 2021 @ 9:57am 
so wish some one would take up the mantle of this or make some thing similar so i did not have make a 15 block ramp just for a truck to leave my station
VS-lockon 23 Dec, 2021 @ 7:01am 
@ SeY read the comments this mod dose not work no more it need fixed
SeY 18 Dec, 2021 @ 8:45am 
Someone could do a video tutorial because I can't get the elevator to work thanks
VS-lockon 8 Dec, 2021 @ 2:19pm 
hoping someone takes up the task. to i need a Elevator that dose not piss if lord clang
BCMortis 7 Dec, 2021 @ 4:19pm 
@AutoMcDonough Ah, well that explains things. That's a very good reason, having to prioritize RL over a hobby. Just would have been nice if he had let people know rather than leaving everyone to wonder, but I'm glad he's still kicking. Unfortunately I know nothing about scripting for SE, but here's hoping someone takes up the task.
AutoMcDonough  [author] 7 Dec, 2021 @ 12:23pm 
if someone fixes the script i will give permission to use the models. contact me on discord about it. VCZ got very busy IRL, new kid new job all of it.
CIA_Megalomaniac 7 Dec, 2021 @ 9:29am 
@Battlemage - I've asked around, seems the mod developer moved on, which is always a shame. I looked at the Elev code by Vicizlat and compared it with CiberX15's 1.199 Fix and then looked at the Cargo Elev code for further comparison to see if any reverse engineering can be applied. However, It appears to all be completely different, atleast to an untrained eye. Plus, I'm not a code expert in any way, but this issue of Mods going to the junkyard due to lack of interist and NO MONEY, has given me some interest in learning C sharp. As i'd like to create a larger Cargo elevator! NOTE to ALL; Ill pay for lessons. and this Cargo Elev Fix
Battlemage 1 Dec, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
So someone dropped a 1.199 fix for the regular elevator (I'm using that right now - - I imagine that this mod is an extension of the original elevator, so it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a fix.
VS-lockon 28 Nov, 2021 @ 8:33am 
TrueWhiteKnight yep i think so as well and it sad bc this mad underground bases very viable
TrueWhiteKnight 23 Nov, 2021 @ 4:28am 
I'm just going to assume that this mod is considered dead and won't be updated anymore?
Katarina [WolfCraft Industries] 15 Nov, 2021 @ 2:25pm 
both elevator mods are broken. the mod author is gone / not playing SE anymore so yea someone else would need to take over this mod or already did i dont know.
CIA_Megalomaniac 15 Nov, 2021 @ 1:24pm 
Both VCZ Multifloor Elevators, the Single Cab and the Cargo 5x5 are my favorite and just amazing mods. I look forward for an even larger ship elevator!?!?

I currently have two of each in one of my servers built and have been fully functional for a long time. Recently in the latest updates to space engineers, I now find them inoperable. I tried rebuilding and still no result. Do you have any idea what might have caused this or a fix i need to do? I tried uninstalling the mod and reinstalling. Tried rebuilding all movable components, tried building a new one and nothing seems to happen with the piston to recognize the floors.
weberspy 13 Oct, 2021 @ 3:23pm 
"cant atach piston head" error is showing up for no reason, ive tried moving theelevator but it just wont exist when i place it making the elevator unusable
sachabrisard7402 18 Aug, 2021 @ 12:31pm 
Hello the buttons does not work with you help it thank you.
Sirshartsalot 14 Aug, 2021 @ 6:13am 
Anychance of this being updated to work :)
BCMortis 30 Jul, 2021 @ 7:05am 
Anyone by chance found a fix for the power bug yet? I tried using the same script edit that fixes the smaller elevator, but the line in question seems to be missing in the cargo elevator's script.
Typhon Plume 4 Jul, 2021 @ 12:38am 
I followed Hegemony_Cricket 's guide below and it works pefectly fine for me in my survival game, no issues what so ever.
Xero Effect 21 Jun, 2021 @ 4:31pm 
Literally yesterday, 6/20/2021, this mod worked flawlessly in creative. I've since built the same system in survival today and it wont do what it's supposed to. It was a hell of a task getting the elevator to even link up to the piston, and once I did that, the terminals on the elevator floor wont actually work. I have to click the blue button on the side of the floor block, which is supposed to close the gates, just to 'call' the elevator. Then I have to go down, or up, to the next floor and click the gate button there to move the elevator. The terminals that have the floor numbers isn't interactable for some reason. Like I said, just yesterday they were in creative, but now today no matter what they aren't. I haven't added any new mods or anything since the start of either world so I don't think it's a mod issue. Cool mod nonetheless, just wish it was bigger.
Convict666 21 Jun, 2021 @ 6:56am 
neither work worst mod
fatboymcc 15 Jun, 2021 @ 12:06pm 
both elevators do not work for me
MyxRSC 24 May, 2021 @ 8:55pm 
can you link the mods used?
Maison De Cornusiac 21 Apr, 2021 @ 11:11am 
Love all your elevators. About this one I have a suggestion: could you make the shaft door, when closed, airtight? This would be a huge improvement and add sense to using shaft doors at all.

I have cargo elevators in a station which has many floors plus at the upper end of the elevator a gate to space. So I would like to have the station across all floors not depressurized each time the top gate opens and leaves a spacecraft to start from the elevator. An airtight shaft door would reduce the depressurized area to just the top floor. Same applies to side gates, shaft doors to next levels would keep other floors still pressurized. You see, many good reasons for that request.
Thank you.
Mr_Baker99 14 Mar, 2021 @ 3:00pm 
heyya just wondering how we call the lift to a floor? say im on first and the lift is on second how do we call it down? the button on the side of the elevator floor doesn't seem to do anything any help would be great
Steve_Raglan 2 Mar, 2021 @ 5:20am 
So i have made a pit on the moon and i am gonna use the elevator as a underground base/garage but when i place the elevator floor it says that it cant place the Head but when i move up a few blocks it places the Head