一期一会   Japan
"Hello, person-who-irrationally-wants-to-kill-me! It's so good to meet you!" -Lux :UDG_Heart:


:rinzzz: Some stuff about me without you having ever asked to know
I solve problems no one has :rinflipped:

-Final Fantasy addict
-Starbucks addicted (Can't judge if you can't catch me....yes that is how it works)
-Zoomer zooming zoom zoom
-Having to deal with an idiot...who lives rent free in my head
-YES! I like CLC, no I am not a stan. Yes I am aware that Sorn left the group. :burofailed:

Some questions you may or may not have

Can I send you a 'Friend Request'?
Friend Requests are open 24 Hours from Mon-Sun (Holidays included) I may, however, decline any friendrequest I do not trust (not knowing you or the purpose of your friendrequest)

Can I stalk you?
You don't have to stalk me, just ask, I'm pretty open about most things.

Is Lux your favorite League character because of your quotes?
No, I did play her for a bit but I prefer playing "Top-lane". However, Lux's voice lines rock.

Who is your favorite League Character?
I don't have a favorite League Character but currently I play Gwen, Riven or Fiora Top-Lane.

Some things I miss
-A "normal" sleep schedule :needy_bear:

HowLongToBeat []
Favorite Game
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Favorite Game
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Yo! ^^
"You don't like me? Well, I'd rather talk to a statue." -Lux


This cake is a lie :nkSanta:
1 (18.25-ounce) package chocolate cake mix
1 can prepared coconut–pecan frosting
3/4 cup vegetable oil
4 large eggs
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup butter or margarine
1 2/3 cup granulated sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour

Don't forget garnishes such as:

Fish-shaped crackers
Fish-shaped candies
Fish-shaped solid waste
Fish-shaped dirt
Fish-shaped ethylbenzene
Pull-and-peel licorice
Fish-shaped volatile organic compounds and sediment-shaped sediment
Candy-coated peanut butter pieces (shaped like fish)
1 cup lemon juice
Alpha resins
Unsaturated polyester resin
Fiberglass surface resins and volatile malted milk impoundments
9 large egg yolks
12 medium geosynthetic membranes
1 cup granulated sugar
An entry called: "How to Kill Someone with Your Bare Hands"
2 cups rhubarb, sliced
2/3 cups granulated rhubarb
1 tbsp. all-purpose rhubarb
1 tsp. grated orange rhubarb
3 tbsp. rhubarb, on fire
1 large rhubarb
1 cross borehole electromagnetic imaging rhubarb
2 tbsp. rhubarb juice
Adjustable aluminum head positioner
Slaughter electric needle injector
Cordless electric needle injector
Injector needle driver
Injector needle gun
Cranial caps

And it contains proven preservatives, deep-penetration agents, and gas- and odor-control chemicals that will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.

Ingredients omitted by the cake core (that are part of the recipe, according to Valve) include:

1 tsp. vanilla extract
2/3 cup cocoa powder
1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1 to 2 (16 ounces each) cans vanilla frosting
A 20-foot thick impermeable clay layer

All time favorites *Steam Games Only :nkLove:
Arma Series Incl Mods (Battlegrounds, DayZ, RPG, KOTH etc...)
Borderlands Series
Counter Strike
Danganronpa Series
FAR: Lone Sails
Final Fantasy Series Incl. XIV Online
Fire Emblem Series
League Of Legends
Left 4 Dead/L4D2
Monster Hunter Series
Persona Series
Resident Evil Series
Uncharted Series
The Last of Us
XCOM Series
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17.2 Hours played
I don't think I can spoiler anything in this review, so I spoiler now Spider-Man is Peter Parker.

Now this outta hand, if you would like to play fist and hear a simple conclusion of my review, I give it a Gordon Ramsey/The Avatar movie we don't talk about.

An honest opinion

AH yes, Resident Evil 2. A game now overwhelmingly beloved by old and new fans. This game, not only proved that remakes can be fantastic but also that Capcom knows that it is better to make money with a good game. RE2 gave me something I never knew I need.

The Original
Sadly, I was not alive when the original was published, however, only 10 years later I could enjoy... watching someone playing the game. I'll be honest, I was not only fascinated but also a little scared, YES I was scared, let me alone. Until then, I was playing Pokemon, I was young so I couldn't enjoy other great games like Fallout 3 or Left 4 Dead... yet. And there I was, watching something new to me. A game with zombies, weapons and one of my early video game crushes...Claire Redfield, but it shall not be about here in this review... not only. Almost 5 years later I was allowed to play the game. I had so much fun... fun dying a lot... fun running out of ammo... fun dealing with motion sickness...FUN. I know, it sounds a little sarcastic doesn't it, however, I mean it. All of them are things which were new to me, until then I have played relative "easy" games which were kinda straight forward. I loved it, it was my start into another video game world and I couldn't have be more happy about that.

The announcement
When Capcom announced that they are going to work on a remake of the game I was so grateful for, that they would take the old game and will give it an amazing new look, you think that, that was the best day of my life, yeah, I wished.

Until now, remakes are considered a curse to the video game industry. So many remakes and a lot of them are considered the worst games in history. And it doesn't stop there. Movie remakes were getting more common now, but all remakes fail to give us the satisfaction that the old movies gave us. I was worried when Capcom announced a remake of Resident Evil 2.

Resident Evil 2
I have to be honest here, it took me nearly 6 months after the release to get some time to play the game. I watched people playing it and read some reviews. The reviews were fantastic. All the people who played it had genuinely fun and loved the game. I heard some criticism, but they were not overwhelmingly. And when I started the game, I was hooked for at least a couple of days.

Characters - Claire

Claire Redfield
Let's start with her, I'm sorry I gotta do this. As you all have read before Claire was one of my video game crushes but let's talk about Claire and how she changed things pretty early on. In video games and movies Girls were either annoying or just there for the guy. Sometimes you crushed on them, that is totally fine, they were there for crushing on them. Claire is not like THE OTHER GIRLS tho. She is mostly independent, the only thing what she had in mind coming to the city, was looking for her brother. She wanted to know if he is okay and safe... she was a sister. And that makes her different to other girl characters who show no or little fear and could battle anything at any time. She had a reason to be there, she always had a reason to fight and continue the journey. At the start, it is her brother, and then it continues with her being an older sister for Sherry. Claire never gave me the vibes that she was scared... confused certainly but never scared. She was prepared to take this world on. She did rely on Leon for a couple of minutes yeah, but sure everyone would. That is normal in a world were you could die at any point and there is a cop with a weapon, I sure would have relied on Leon. However, that is not for long. Both have their own story to tell, and there is little interactions between them. Claire has no problems to depend on herself and that makes her a great female heroin in this world.

Leon S. Kennedy
There is not much to say. Leon is an amazing character and I like him and his interaction and story with Ada Wong are great. I wished there is a little more in his story arc but you can't have everything I guess. I enjoyed playing his side of the story but it felt like something was missing. I can't explain it and I won't. Let's agree Leon is Leon and Leon is a cool character.

Ada and Sherry
I like their short playable times. But I can't really say much about them without going to far into lore and story. So I will move on.

Mr X
I love this guy. I don't know what it is about him, but while being in the police office I never felt save. Not only because of the Zombies and Lickers. But also this guy could appear at any time. It was stressful. His looks are great, I love his hat and the fact that is an achievement to shoot it down. Great guy, just wished he wouldn't try to kill me, I might have talked about the weather or something.

Had anyone else the feeling that it was a game, I mean a real game for gamers. Okay, let me explain. Nowadays it is common to make everything close to real life. That it looks like the real world and feels like the real world. Whereas it is true that RE2 and also the newer games look real which is an amazing thing in a survivor horror, it certainly doesn't move the characters in a real way. It feels very game like, like in the old days. Movement is weird, how you scope and shoot is totally different to most shooters and it is amazing. Because in most shooters you have enough ammo to battle an army. Here you miss one shot and you cry because you might die because of that mistake, and it very easy to miss a shot. The game certainly doesn't make it easy for you. But what I like is, it isn't easy but not impossible like other titles. Don't get me wrong, I love titles impossible to beat, but RE was never such a game and I am soo glad that it isn't. Because you can emerge in this world easier and you have time to think what to do next and how much supply do I have now. Do I need to explore more to get some more supplies or have I enough for the next stage.

Boss battles
I kind dislike the boss battles, especially the final boss in Claire's arc. It feels weirdly easy and nothing special. Even on hard difficulty it doesn't feel like a boss. More like an annoying mutant with too much HP. But we all know Capcom has changed that in Village, which is amazing and I hope they continue like that.

Can we talk about how amazing and atmospheric this game is. I know in some stages it looks a little 'washy'? yeah, just weird. But overall? this game looks and feels so atmospheric, it just feels like the world is going down, that you need every single supply you can find to survive and then the dark corridors of the police station with all sorts of dangers, the sewers with this ugly mutations and then the Umbrella Corp. facilities. All of them bring another feeling with them and the atmosphere is just incredible well done and never stops during playing.

RE2 Remake is just one of the best remakes in video game history, in my opinion. I did play it fist on a console and a couple days ago I decided to play it on PC again. It wasn't a mistake and I would do it again. The sad reality is that remakes getting worse and worse because of money and missing love for the franchise. I am glad that RE2 is an amazing game and Capcom did a great job with it. Props to the team who worked on it, you gave me something I never knew I needed.

This was it for me, I hope you have an amazing day.

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Dexter 11 Mar @ 2:29pm 
Hypothesis 9 Feb @ 5:13am 
EP_Thoughts 26 Aug, 2023 @ 6:30am 
looks cute in white hair :BErainbow::steamhappy:
AniiSoon 15 Jan, 2023 @ 2:12am 
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pumpkye 25 Dec, 2022 @ 5:43pm 
Merry Christmas!
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In Narnia? :rinconfused: