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Arthas animation made by: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/r52819228 I just added the Wrath of the Lich King music.
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Created by - Mech
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This guide houses ALL of the text-information displayed in Doom '16 - including the Demons, Characters, Weapons, Environments, Artifacts and the general Database.
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593 Hours played
Path of Exile
Who should spend time playing this?
  • Any fan of Diablo 2, Torchlight, and other similar ARPG’s
  • If you want a difficult and incredibly deep game with endless grind potential.
How much Money Should I spend?
  • This is F2P, though it is certainly worth a $60 investment if you enjoy ARPG’s.
What’s it about?
  • You are an exile that has wound up fighting for survival on a disturbed, violent, and hostile land.
  • Your goal is to collect gear and wealth and work your way through ever malicious boss encounters and waves of monsters.
  • Open ended Grind focused gameplay with tons of variety and loot gathering galore.
What is the Gameplay?
  • There are 6 classes, perhaps the most well developed and complex skill tree I’ve ever seen in a video game, and hundreds of different unique skills that really will let you play the game in a whole new way dozens of times over.
  • The game uses a skill slot system that is essentially Materia from FF7, you pick up items called skill gems which you slot into your gear to grant your character spells and attacks.
  • The PvP is decent though most of your time will probably be spent focusing on PvE grinding and gear farming.
  • The game is much more difficult than other ARPG’s such as Diablo 3, there is a lot to learn within the game and it is very punishing for players you haven’t mastered certain game mechanics and interactions.
  • The game has various leagues that change throughout the year and add special gameplay properties that really help to keep play fresh and exciting.
  • A good looking game with a macabre art style that is constantly improving all the time.
  • The animations and movement is fantastic and everything moves and interacts smoothly.
  • The effects are the high point here, though certain character models are to a degree stale and bland, the games spells are vibrant and pop magnificently.
  • The music is rather good and fits the dark and somber mood of the game.
  • Spells and attacks sound crisp but never become too messy or overcrowded.
  • Dialogue is voiced very well and the tone of character voices suits the atmosphere of the game.
What does it compare to?
  • Diablo 2
  • Torchlight 2
  • Titan Quest
  • The achievements are very straight forward and primarily focus on progression.
  • Keep in mind many of them require hardcore progression, so if you want to 100% this game you will really have to invest the time to learn the mechanics and practice your gameplay.
What are my overall thoughts?
  • The best ARPG since Diablo 2 by far. Significantly greater depth, and difficulty, compared to something like Diablo 3.
  • The game runs great and is very well optimized.
  • I have found myself spending hours just sitting in town looking at websites trying to theory craft a fun and unique build.
  • The PvE is incredible and is constantly updated with new content and leagues to keep things fresh. I can’t speak for the PvP, didn’t play it much, but the story is well done and the zones are all unique and interesting.
  • This game is F2P and there is absolutely no reason not to try it out. If you like action RPG’s or just RPG’s in general you could get your fix with this game easily. I personally Invested at least $80 into this game and encourage anyone who enjoys it to support the team as well.
Review Showcase
58 Hours played
My Game of the Year for 2020, Best shooter I've ever played
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