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183.2 hrs on record
If you understand the ways of the blade, love Dark Souls for the challenge, Samurai's cuz they are cool, and hot waifu chicks because they have great "personalities" and becuz well....you're a gaming weeabo....then play Nioh now! Nioh is a gigantic game with so much attention to detail and so much care, that even the players that try to hate this game will look stupid. I'll break stuff down in bullet points and talk about each thing that's important to try to get my thoughts across, in order to make the people reading this understand.

(Base Game)

Levels: For starters, Nioh is a bit different from Dark Souls or Soul-Likes in the sense of not throwing you into immediate hell, only to navigate the world around you like a headless chicken, but more so goes into the linear route of levels/missions. In Nioh however there are a total of 6 Regions + 3 Extra regions (DLC's). Each mission(s) you choose has difficulties that tell you whether or not they are hard in terms of swords. ex: 1/5 swords = easy or 5/5 swords = hard. Now for level design, each level is unique and flexible as well as artistic. As the levels have purpose that make gameplay and story interesting.

Enemies: The enemies come in two types; Humans & Yokai. The Human(s) enemies are pretty cool to fight against as it feels like a 1v1 and its fair as you can use all your "skills" against them, The Yokais on the other hand are pretty much the main enemy of the game and come in more variety than the gender spectrum. But for some people, can get pretty boring as you see almost all of them within the first 3 regions. Which is kinda nice. Because at least now you got time to come up with a strategy.

Weapons: By far are the most innovative and meaningful aspect of Nioh are the weapon(s). With 7 weapons to choose from all tied to your stats aka (Strength, Heart, Body, Skill, Magic, Dex, Spirit, Nin) Its almost hard to pick which one to use, however while it may scare you that some weapons are just trash because of other souls likes, where a weapon just sucks and falls off hard in late game. In reality every weapon in Nioh actually works and can easily be used to crush anyone depending on what you wanna rock with.

Combat: For adrenaline - junkies that love that octane, high risk action. Combat can be a make or break in a game. However Nioh not only does it flawlessly but also gracefully, with so many options and mechanics at your disposal, you can always switch up your fighting style whenever and however you want, and especially more with "skills". Each weapon has certain skills that you can do that make fighting just more fun. Have a Sword? Just parry a dudes weapon and stab them in the back without looking, like Raiden from Metal Gear. Got a Spear? Shank them hard enough and fling them in the sky and then shank em again and throw them on the ground. Got no weapon? That's okay, just hand catch a dudes sword and then stab em right back, like Jackie Chan. The skills are cinematic, effective and most importantly. Stylish...so you look like bada** doing it. Plus your "Ki" which is the games stamina. Can be used to stun people. Yes stun people, using.....stamina???? Plus you have the option to do a series of attacks, regain your ki and then do it all over again.....and thats just a few of what you can do.....oh yea plus theres cool magic, spirit and ninja stuff you can do. But we would be here forever bro.

Bosses: While Bosses in Dark Souls or Soul-Like(s) carry weight to their name and legend. In Nioh half of the bosses are more so of a laughing stock....now Im not gonna lie. Some bosses are cool like I mentioned, but there are so so so many bosses in the game, half of them are humans but with different weapons. and all of them start to slowly blend in and aren't much of a threat when you look at them. Which in return kills the vibe.

Story: What can I say? The game really isnt a story telling game in the sense of being a narrative driven masterpiece that was written by Shakespeare, but it isnt a snooooze-fest either and it keeps the player well fed on whats going on with cutscenes....which then later jumps right back onto the action with more bada** Samurai combat. But the thing that's awesome about it, is that if you ever choose to learn more about the lore. You can legit pause the game in the menu, rewatch cutscenes, read upon enemy lore in your enemy logs, read about spirits and even read about character bios when you come across a new character. and let me tell you....its a lot. Which just shows the attention to detail that the devs want to give.

Now heres where things start to get rough...Ik there will be some braindead Nioh fanboy out there that will disagree but anyone with a brain and a life can see where im coming from, but ill like to talk about the problems of Nioh and what sucks about it.

(The Problem.....)

Starting NG+: For most Nioh players, this is apparently where the game "truly" begins. As builds start to matter as well as the gear or weapons. But for me...its where the fun starts to die.

(NG+ Way Of The Strong) - For starters NG+ (Way of the Strong) is pretty much payback time. All those enemies that have killed you, by being cheap or wronged you in the past by killing you before reaching your guardian spirit to get your lost amrita, don't know whats headed their way....and neither do the bosses themselves as hell is just around the corner. and that hell is you.

(NG++ Way Of The Demon) - Is ultimately where the game died for me.....back in base game you could literally play the game regularly and still manage to beat the game because every level you played dropped the recommended gear for that level. So theoretically your gear was up to that level and at that point the burden of skill fell on you. But on "Way of the Demon." Not only do the gears drop the same for every. level. in. the. fk***. region. and slightly better in the last region. But you also had to grind and combine armor/weapon pieces to get better ones and it was pretty much a time consuming slog that the devs did to pad out the time....So the games difficulty by that point, was no longer relied on skill...but instead....relied on gear....to which just ruins the point of a Souls-Like game by removing the challenge and having the challenge instead be entrusted into the next enemy RNG drop. Mind you, on Way Of The Demon, this was the run where enemies ganked you, 1-2 shotted you, enemies also had modifiers that boosted their attacks and could paralyze you and the NG+++ list goes on.....btw i stopped on the last NG++++(Way Of The Nioh)....

To end this review, The base game of Nioh and NG+ is what really matters, the attention to detail and effort in this game, clearly shows and despite my problems with the game at the end. It still is a game that is worthy and unique that defines its own self and is at least worthy of something to try out.

Good (Nioh Base Game)

- Cinematic and Flexible Combat
- RPG and looter system dream land
- Level/Mission system
- Library of Lore
- Challenging at Times
- Impactful Characters + Waifus
- Decent Story-Telling

Bad (Nioh Base Game)

- NG+++ and up
- Gear Grinding Slog
- Forgettable Bosses

Game Overall: 9.5/10
Story Overall: 8/10

Good (DLC)

- Fitting Story Ending
- New Spirits
- More Gametime

Bad (DLC)

- BS DLC bosses

DLC Overall: 8/10
DLC Story: 8.5/10
Posted 31 July, 2023. Last edited 16 August, 2023.
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27.8 hrs on record
At first I thought that Code Vein would be a promising title, especially after knowing that its a combination of two of my favorite genres. "Souls - Like/Games " and " Anime ". It also helped the fact that I heard tons and tons of people praising this game and saying that it was a "Really good game".....That was.....until I got to the 3rd boss, that I realized.....that this game was a try-hard.....and SOULESS carbon copy of a masterpiece known as "Dark Souls" and it lacked the creative mind to not only tell a snooooooze-fest of a so called "story",but also be lazy enough to call this game "Difficult" when the game is built around enemy ganks and enemy spam.

First, lets get into the positives....

1. Customization - The customization of your main character is amazing and addictive. From so many accessories and colors to choose from, you could literally spend your time and your money in a better way by just making your character in the customization menu for HOURS on end than to be playing this Hit or miss game.

2. Builds - The builds on the other hand, offer a breathe of fresh air from the typical soul series where you have to commit to only ONE build. Instead what you have in Code Vein are these things called " Blood Codes " which are pretty much presets of actual builds like (Tanks, Int, Magic, Drain, Skills, Dex, Range etc.).

Now back to the Negatives that lowered this games potential and made this game a soon to forget experience and an instant uninstall from my Library.

1. Combat - By far the most crucial trait to have in a " Souls - Like " game is the combat. Without good combat, the game is gonna be very lacking and very stale....and it was just that...lacking and stale....While the blood codes did give you diversity in builds, it still didn't matter because the combat was not only clunky, slow, and stupid (Your character hits in the direction it faces + the swipes or overheads are random) , but it also lacked the fluidity and flexibility thanks to the way this game was built. As well as the enemies that didn't make it ANY BETTER. Its as if the devs couldn't decide to either scrap the combat or scrap the enemies, so instead they decided to make an AI system that could solve both problems at once.

2. Difficulty + A.I - Which leads to my next point, the A.I. The A.I is not only OP in the sense that.....idk.... it can dish out insane dmg, tank insane dmg, and also revive you...Multiple times....But is also the MAIN mechanic in which this game is built around. So much so that if you want to even dream of a "challenge". Removing the A.I will literally not make the game harder but extremely BRUTAL. Almost as if you are doing demon bell + Kuros charm or doing a no armor hollow run, because Code Vein likes to give you a "challenge" through enemy spams, enemy ganks, and mistles (bonfires) that are a mile away from each other....so by the time you are at the other mistle. You have either died a million times and finally made it, or you are a PIXEL of health away from seeing death and starting ALL OVER.

3. Bosses - A hero is as good as the villain right? Well yea, but in code vein the V in Villain stands for absolute VIRGINS. Cause either a.) My A.I destroys the Boss b.) The Bosses projectile spams and runs like a pu**y so much that its easy to tell the patterns it has or c.) both....Regardless the bosses are both forgettable and laughable and arent even a threat until you FINALLY reach near end game. But even so my death counter didn't reach higher than 10 on all bosses....and this is a "Souls - Like " in 2019.....

4. Story - At first when I saw Io's stunning "personality" and her habit of doing long stares into nothingness while the camera focused on her "personality" I thought that this game was gonna be a fun "self - aware " anime game or at least a decent anime game like "MGR". (IK not anime like but at least self - aware).....spoiler alert...it wasn't. It was your generic " lets all be friends + we can do it " type story, with cut-scenes and exposition dumps sh*tted all over the place. Like I kid you not, by the time I was on the 4th out of like 15 levels I was already skipping cut - scenes and major plot lines because it had no tension or no risk....it was a by the numbers story with zero progression. EVEN in character development, if any, the only character(s) that had a development was Jack, Yakumo and Io....everyone else had one bad obstacle and then was never ever seen/relevant ever again.

5. Map Design - People like to applaud and give awards to the artists and the writers for characters and story, but also forget the people that focus on environment and map/level design. This too plays an important role in almost any game. Because if the map and/or environment is memorable or awesome. People will have more of a reason to explore much much longer. Unfortunately for those who want to find good reasons to play Code Vein. The only thing you want to find in every level is just the EXIT, but even then..... good luck in finding that sh*t as well because in almost every map the game penalizes you in some way. Whether it be in the bad case of absolute BOREDOM from seeing, the most bland and dull level design ever, Fighting groups of enemy ganks and spam in every section you go because THATS the "difficulty" of Code Vein and/or having your HP/Time/Ichor drained from your character. Because level Design.

6. DLC - Apparently there's DLC for this game, but who cares? When you have to pay 3 installments of 15$ of DLC of re-skins of character skins, bosses, enemies and Blood codes. Especially when you realize all the "DLC" is short and locked in an area called the "Depths" which is short mode in the game where you can collect gear and spend a bare maximum of an hour. I never played it DLC to be fair but I dont have to when ALL the DLC is getting bad rep everywhere and has mostly negative reviews.

Overall.....people can tell you that Code Vein is a "good game with friends"....but isnt every game w/ friends? I mean...friends make EVERYTHING fun, and even in the MOST boring and DIRE situations can friends turn something boring and bad into something great and fun. But when you gotta choose a game to spend time on by YOURSELF, Code Vein reaaaaaally isnt it. Even in the "Souls - Like" Genre, Code Vein never gives you that DESIRE to explore hidden areas and discover secrets that tell a deeper story...like in Dark Souls. Neeeeeever gives you that THRILL in a fight when fighting multiple enemies like in Nioh. Neeeeeever has that TENSION, that each and every boss has in Sekiro where the stakes and fear were high. Neeeeeever has that HYPE like Bloodbourne has when it comes to finishing the game or Neeeeeever had the AUDIENCE that even encouraged people stick around to play the sequel, like in Fallen Order. In the end, if you somehow want something fun. Buy a better game or wait for this game to be on sale if you want this game down bad. If you want an intro to " Soul-likes" you can try out other games that are fun like " SIfu ", " Fallen Order ", or even " Nioh " tbh. and if you still enjoyed this game......more power to you. But this game wasn't anything special. Aside from the fact that it's a " Anime Souls - Like " that tried to be the next " Dark Souls ". Only to fall flat on its face.....


- Character Customization (Make your own Waifu Sim)
- Blood Codes
- Music for Sure
- New Idea
- Too Easy w/ A.I
- Short Game 12 - 30 hrs.
"If you like Anime..." type


- Sluggish and Unpolished Combat
- Enemy Spam + Ganks
- Difficulty is fixed
- Forgettable Bosses
- Labyrinth Maps
- Snoozing Story
- Too Hard w/ A.I
- 3 Bad DLC's 15$ each
- Capitalized on " Souls - Like " and " Anime "

Story Overall: 4/10
Game Overall: 5/10

Posted 19 July, 2023.
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5.3 hrs on record
Puzzle games nowadays aren't as popular or as hardcore for gamers like you and I.....or sometimes they are just simply too too boring.....Superliminal however is the exception to this rule.

With only 9 levels/sections and on average 3 hrs tops to finish main story....this game is really something you should definitely try. Not only because its a trippy creative game that messes with your mind in terms of depth and perception, but is also a game that ties itself poetically by the time you are done. Even after you finish the game, there are still things like secrets, endings, items and references you probably missed or didn't get the first time around. Which not only encourages replay value, but also sprinkles in some exciting game play by allowing you to experience something new when you come back...Even. iffffff. You have collected everything and 100% completed Main Story. There is still more to do for those who want to flex their brain power in challenge mode. Which is pretty much the same levels, but with certain restrictions and new obstacles so there is always something new to do. and if you are somehow still bored. You can always make your own level and tinker with some items in the creative mode.

But for the love of games and for the name of fun, if you want to spend 3 hrs on a good game that costs 20$ this game is definitely the one. You wont regret it.


- Optical Illusions
- Trippy
- Creative Genius
- Challenging Puzzles
- Lots of Good Secrets
- Slice of Life
- Reflective Story
- 20$
- Replay Value


- Needs to Add Sprinting

Story Overall: 8.5/10
Game Overall: 9/10

Posted 12 July, 2023.
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116.3 hrs on record (52.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
BattleBit is literally just like if battlefield met roblox. With lobbies ranging from (32 v 32), (64 v 64), and (127 v 127) and with modes like "frontlines" where you slowly take over enemy points in order to advance further and further into enemy territory, from "domination" where its sole purpose is to capture points, and from "comquest" where its all about the team winning with the most tickets. With. that. in. mind......You also have a huge variety of cool weapons you can choose from, ranging from (AR, SMG, LMG, Snipers, Carbines, and Personal Defenses) to Your fun and basic Classes like (Medic, Pointman, Recom, Support, Assault, and Leader). This game also has " leveloution " which means the map changes as the war and battles go on. Which only adds to its dynamic gameplay and its massive replay value.

And in all honesty if you haven't played battlfield or if you just need a game to play with your friends? This game right is it.


- Funny Artstyle
- Funny Mic Deaths
- Classic Good ol' Days Toxicity
- Lots of Maps
- Lots of Replay Value
- Lots of Guns
- Big Lobbies with 200+ people
- OG Battlefield Vibes
- Kicks Cheaters
- Fun w/ Friends
- 15$


- Too Grindy for some Guns (Rank 150)
- Some Maps are a snooze
- Moving from Easy AntiCheat to FACEIT

Game Overall: 8/10
Posted 11 July, 2023. Last edited 11 July, 2023.
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17.1 hrs on record
When I saw this game win 2021 for the game awards I was definitely part of the crowd that thought that this game was a joke and that there was no way in hell that it could have won because 1. It didn't look good and 2. I never heard of it. But after playing this game, I truly must say....that this game is a creative masterpiece. Especially on a Da Vinci type level, because my god out of those 15 hours I played....I enjoyed every last one of them.

From a decent - told story, to creative and mind blowing chapters, to a fun laugh with friends. This game has exactly everything you would want in a co - op game. Plus the fact that only ONE person has to have the game while another person has to have the "Free" version. Which shows to prove that this game was a "Passion Project" and not some greedy company that wanted to suck your wallet dry. I will say though, while the story is decent, the game-play definitely makes up for it 100%.


- Mario Type Movement
- Art-style
- Creative Genius
- Short Story/Game
- 40$
- FREE Game if Friend already has it
- Hilarious Game
- Fun w/ Friends + Family
- Awesome Cinematic Moments
- Mini-Games


- Not a lot of Replay Value
- Story is Mid

Story Overall: 7.5/10
Game Overall: 10/10
Posted 28 June, 2023.
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67.9 hrs on record
After playing the first Danganronpa game and having just a taste of its visual novel I instantly fell in love with the story and its characters. However as amazing as the game was, I became really really skeptical about how the sequel was gonna turn out to be. Because as we know...games and movies have a huge knack of dropping the ball or losing its momentum when it comes to sequels. Thankfully however....This game doesn't suffer from that issue, but instead delivers itself 10x better than its last game and yet finds a way to improve itself in many different areas that could have made the first Danganronpa perfect, but imo "Goodbye Despair" is wayyyyyy better than the first game, so much to the point where I'd say this game is legendary.

In case of those who dont know what Danganronpa is about, its really just a mystery game that tells a story and has you trying to figure out, just exactly whats going on. Whether it be through trials, investigation, or its story telling. On the other hand if you have played this game. Then expect the same shocking, heartfelt , suspenseful, and exciting experience you had in the first "Danganronpa" but.....Better (I know right?). With not only a fresh pallet of new and unique characters, but with somehow better writing that kicks off, jaw - dropping twists that you know is coming but would never expect, and f***ed up executions. As far as story telling/world building goes...they really did expand and dive into the lore of the Danganronpa universe and really explain in great detail why things happened the way they did and how they connect into the first game. And I will say once you understand the way it works it really is just a breathe of fresh air and its just so so so satisfying to say the least. In the end, there's not much to say other than the fact that this game really made me hooked from beginning to end, and if I could erase my memory ;) to play this game again, I would.
Note: If you want to enjoy this game to its maximum potential 1. Play it consistently 2. Play the game by its chapters or in bites 3. Save alot


-New Unique Fleshed Out Characters
- God-Like Story Telling
- New Mechanics
- Major Improvements Game/Story Wise
- Beautiful & Diverse Settings
- Better Music
- Psychological Thriller
- Mystery
- Anime Novel
- 50+ Hr. Gameplay
- Alt StoryMode


- None

Story Overall: 10/10
Game Overall: 10/10
Posted 14 June, 2023. Last edited 14 June, 2023.
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156.3 hrs on record (89.3 hrs at review time)
For a Elder Scrolls card game, there is nothing more you can ask from a fan. This game is kinda like hearthstone or like your other card games except its the Elder Scrolls version of it. From many types of play styles to choose from like (Red)Strength - Which has cards that attack the moment they are placed and/or have high attack power. (Yellow)Willpower - Spells that can wipe the board and have troops that can build an army fast. (Green)Agility - Be sneaky and switch lanes, and/or insta-kill your enemies with poison. (Purple)Endurance - The longer the turns go the stronger your enemies become with high health and/or damage as well as build up Magicka quickly to throw down more cards. (Blue)Intelligence - Use spells and defend yourself from damage by using wards.

But its just stuff like that, plus there is a story mode in the game that is fun and most cards are tied to fun references from other Elder Scrolls games that can do cool abilities. However while the game might look like its a pay-to-win. Its not. You can definitely build and get a good deck within 2 weeks of playing and you don't have to be good. Plus the game still alive.


- Game to Kill Time
- Mobile + PC
- Elder Scrolls
- No Pay-to-Win
- Free
- Lots of Elder Scrolls Lore


- Meta Based in Ranked

Game Overall: 9/10
Posted 31 May, 2023.
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126.4 hrs on record (58.9 hrs at review time)
If you ever have trouble getting into fighting games because they aren't as cool as the other genres, then MK11 is an amazing fighting game to get into. While fighting games are usually hit or miss because they are so boring or a copy paste. MK11 is definitely a hit. With over 100+ hrs. ,multiple tournament ranked matches and all trophies on my PS4, I decided to get this game again on PC just to remind myself of how awesome it is. While some people might think that this game is just another 2-D fighting game like all the other ones. MK11 is not only completely revolutionary from other fighting games, but also of its previous games like MK9 and MKX. I'll go deeper in depth on the game and compare it to MKX as well as make a list, that way you can use it to navigate on the stuff you really care about.

Fighting: The fighting in MK11 is not only hardcore....rewarding but....also very bloody. As you aren't solely rewarded or guaranteed a win for doing long and mindless combos, but instead rewards, a more so....tactical approach. By adding "offensive" and "defensive" meters which have different functions, New mechanics like "Fatal Blow" which is now tied to health, and even "Krushing Blows" which are special requirements that you do in a match in order to deal more damage and extend kombos.

MKX - you used to have 3 meters to which you could use to do kombo breakers, get-ups, X-Rays (which are characters ultimate move) and to even extend kombos, but the only way to get the meter to refill are either by certain character abilities, mostly getting hit, and as well as hitting your opponent (although you dont get a lot of meter). No krushing blows

MK11 - you have 5 meters....2 meters which are the "offensive meters" that are located at the bottom that you use for kombos (which they slowly refill as the battle goes on) as well as get-up attacks. The 2 "defensive meters" which are located to the side which are used for roll aways, and breakaway/kombo breaker. and lastly the "X - Ray " which is now called "Fatal Blow" is no longer tied to the offensive meter, but instead tied to health which can only be used 1 time per match and can only be accessed if your health is 30% or less and if you miss your attack you have a cooldown before you can try again. Plus there's a new mechanic called "Krushing Blow" which are special requirements that not only deal more damage, but can also extend kombos if you pull it off (ex: Scorpion Spear will trigger if you use this move to Punish or Kounter someone, or Regular Uppercut while the enemy does a HIGH attack will trigger Super Uppercut, or on the 3rd time you use Sub-Zeros ice slide trigger Krushing Blow)

Tutorial: With this in mind not only does the game mechanics add more tension which can lead to legendary matches, but it also adds a desirable way to fight your enemies as it rewards skill and not mindless braindead combos. Plus the best part of MK11 is that if you are new, there's an entire tutorial that goes over beginner, intermediate and advanced techniques that dives deeper into detail over each and every character combo, frame data, demos for moves or maneuvers that have very detailed explanations of how to play the game. This my friends...is what you call passion in a game and for that I got to give it credit.

Characters: Some Mortal Kombat characters make a return once again and 2 new additions to the cast like Cetrion who is a zoning god. or Geras who can stop time, pause kombos, deal insane damage, and even lower the overall match timer....Not to mention for ALL characters you can customize specific moves and apparel from hats, weapons, uniforms etc. unlike in MKX where every character was stuck with only 3 unchangeable variations which meant that you were stuck to that preset, as well as only deal with very specific skins. (Imo MKX had better skins tho).

Story: To be honest no one ever plays fighting games for the story....especially in MK11. While the story is fun and entertaining, the moment you think.....everything falls flat on its face, and stuff just simply does not make sense, just don't think too hard on this one as there are plot holes, weird power - leveling, and plot armor. Unless if you are doing the Arcade endings for your own personal character, then that's the exception. But overall MK11 story is just there to have dumb fun and the game is self aware about it.

Multiplayer: For the most part you can pick and choose who you want to fight and it gives you a % of your chances of winning based on how good you are at the game. I will say though...For the most part now, most people are good cause this game is old and MK1 is about to drop so, if you want to have a chance online know your character well. But there are still lingering noobs.

Kontent: There's towers of time that have modifers that make the matches more "freaky" or "weird" than they are, there is a Krypt mode which helps you get more loot and random skins, there is AI battles to which you can assign your characters to fight for you, and theres arcade to which you can get a specific character ending depending on what character you pick but for the most part. There is so much that you can do, and it never gets old especially with Krypt, arcade and on holiday occasions towers of time.

DLC: Not only does it offer a 2nd side of the story but as well as add awesome characters that are a MUST PLAY. Especially when we are talking about Mortal Kombat. And we allllllll knowwwww that they are one of the few games that have the best guest characters. But in MK11 you get to play characters like Spawn, Rambo, Joker, Robocop and yes....even Terminator.


- Bloody Fatalities/Brutalities
- New Fighting Mechanics
- In-Depth Character Customization
- High Replay Value
- Jaw-Dropping DLC characters
- In-Depth Tutorial
- Realistic Graphics/Artstyle
- Great Score


- Story

Story Overall: 6/10
Game Overall: 10/10
Posted 31 May, 2023.
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40.6 hrs on record (40.6 hrs at review time)
I know im late to the party, but I never thought in all my years I would ever play this game. I heard so many things about this game that were so good, but was never interested in playing it. And with enough motivation, holy cow. I gotta say. This. game. Is absolutely a masterpiece.....From start to finish this game straps you in for an amazing ride. With interesting story telling, unsolved mysterious, crime-scene detective work, and hour-long trials where you become your own lawyer. This game has the knack for wonder, the writing of an artist, the mystery that sucks you in and the best part about it. Is the fact that the longer you play, the better it becomes and the more you wanna know, what in the hell happens next?!?!? The art is so unique and brings life out of each and every character, the music is electric and groovy and never. gets. old. The characters in the game actually make you care for them and lastly the effort and the work that are put into this game. Also shows, and for that my friends I gotta say " well ****ing done, I salute you ". Even after you are done with the game there is still so much to do, as there is side bonuses like: Character art/music tracks/re-playable cut-scenes/NG"What if?" mode and much, much more.

Now word of advice is this.....I know that the gameplay can look. or be. Fairly boring, as it is a " point and click " game. So my best recommendation is to take each chapter into small bites, as well as realize the fact that the game is all "build up" and progressively gets more interesting the deeper you are into story. But when it comes down to it, you gotta realize that it is a visual novel. Which it is to say that the writing, character development and story are peak here and trust me...You will get your moneys worth.

Note: Advice from a nephew to avoid spoilers for this game and its series. This game/fandom is spoiler heavy so the best way to avoid spoilers is to never type the name of the game. Anywhere. Never read off game reviews. Dont go on Youtube comment section. As well as skip the cutscene everytime you play the game until you beat it.


- Cinematic
- Unique 2-D Art style
- Addictive Music
- Creepy Atmosphere
- Mysterious
- Anime-like
- Psychological Thriller
- Exhilarating Story-Telling/Moments
- 50+ Hr Game
- Lots of Side-Bonuses


- None

Story Overall: 10/10
Game Overall: 10/10
Posted 21 April, 2023.
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68.7 hrs on record (24.3 hrs at review time)
If you like over the top martial arts action movies that have kung-fu then, get. this. game. With fighting games being a dying genre, Sifu is a game that makes fighting games what they are supposed to be. Fun and bad***. With 5 hard missions and 3 difficulties ranging from Student (Easy), Disciple (Medium), and Master (Hard). I played on Disciple and oh boy, this game is tough.

The main mechanic of this game revolves around death and age. From the start of the game you start at the age of 20, and every time you die, you get to come back to life.....but with this amazing ability.....there is a catch to this monkeys paw. The catch is when you come back to life you increase by 1 year (20 -> 21) and your age counter goes up by 1 until you fight certain amounts of enemies for the age counter to go down. So if you die again, you go from (21 -> 23) and so forth until you reach the age of 70 where you are officially dead. With this you must complete only 5 missions and beat the final boss all before you reach the age of 70. While it may sound easy, its not. Granted while the difficulty may shy most people away, death is your friend. As with the more you play the more your skills and age can carry over. So even if you do die, as long as you permanently unlocked a skill, you can always use it + re-try levels to beat it at a younger age and carry on over.

However, the combat is amazing. With its versatility. fluidity. and high-skill ceiling. You have many different ways to approach your enemies, you can dodge, "avoid", block, and parry your way through gangs of evil foes. The combat. is stylish and impactful that every hit you do feels like it has some sort of weight to it, the executions and the choreography is masterfully done that you never get bored of takedowns or movesets. The enemy/boss design has so much variety and spice that every fight is stimulating with the final boss being the hardest and the most satisfying fight.

Now some of the problems I had with this game which are nitpicks, are that there are some visual bugs and I wish there were more enemies in some areas. Also that they should have added in more moves. Like I said before, the movesets are fun. But I know there are so many moves in kung-fu that they could have added just a bit more. Other than that this game is a must play and while it is only 5 missions that could take you from 8 - 40hrs or maybe you might never even beat it, even if you don't like fighting games you should 100% try this.


- Cool Age Mechanic
- Beautiful and Fluid Combat
- Aesthetically Pleasing
- Very Hard Game
- 40$
- Good Replay Value
- Well Balanced Gameplay


- None

Story Overall: 7.5/10
Game Overall: 9/10
Posted 3 April, 2023.
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