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68.8 hrs on record (52.5 hrs at review time)
This game in reality is just like every other Battle Royale, except for the twist being you playing as a vampire. The thing that makes this game fun however, is for the simple fact that you are a vampire. Because there are many types of vampires to play with that intensifies gameplay, Especially with specific abilities such as phasing, radar, shields, shockwaves, flashbangs, self-healing and much much more. The weapons/melees while having a decent variety are all mostly well-balanced and go off a rarity from green - yellow that help your guns carry more ammo, have closer spread, get faster reload, etc. The map that you always play on, always has a randomizer system that helps switch things up. Such as more enemy npcs, faster circle closing, more loot, or extra resonance abilities. This game as fun as it sounds even has little to no Skill-Based-Match-Making. Which means you dont even have to worry about them sweaty hardcore G-fuel players for a very long time.

However this game still has a weakness that affects its lifespan, and that's...its repetitiveness. This game while fun is only just a battle royale.....and its just a game that has the same old modes just like in every other battle royale like solos, duos, trios and yes even a deathmatch mode, that is alright at best. But that's it. This game is almost designed to be played once in a while, but I will say though, since it is a high quality free game. It gets a pass.


- Balanced Vampire's
- Balanced Gun's/Melee
- Intense Battle Royale
- Battle Royale
- Fun with Friends
- Free


- Repetitiveness
- 1 map
- Not a lot of modes

Game Overall: 8/10

Posted 26 March, 2023.
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40.4 hrs on record (24.3 hrs at review time)
If you enjoy a star wars game. Get this. If you enjoy a game with a "Souls - Like " experience, look for another game. Jedi Fallen Order is nonetheless a game that pays tribute to its star wars fans, by showing you environments that feel like it belongs in star wars, combat that makes you fight and feel like a cool jedi, and has a well told story that sets it up nicely for part 2. However....It does come with its set of issues, especially in the game/combat design and game direction and level design. For example, you can be done doing a mission and now all of the sudden you have to crawl, and navigate yourself going all the way back to where you came from or sometimes you fight like a cool Jedi Master, only to be Indiana Jones the next second. Trying to solve tedious and unnecessary puzzles. For the most part 65% of the game is just you climbing, running, jumping, exploring and doing puzzles and 35% of it is just stimulating combat. Another thing I like to mention is that for a game that has the tags of a " souls - like " genre. It really fails to meet to that level of standards when it comes to that genre. Fallen Order Bosses/Minibosses don't have lots of variety as there are only 4 main bosses, and the rest are common creatures turned mini bosses, but more aggro. Not to mention that they are all a breeze and take from 1 - 3 attempts on Jedi Master. Even on the Jedi GrandMaster difficulty it really isnt that much of a challenge with the exception of maybe only 1 main boss. The combat while still done great, doesnt flow as well as the actual souls - like games like Elden Ring, Sekiro, Wo - Long, or Nioh. As fighting can feel clunky, delayed and the parry unresponsive at times. With that aside however, as a star wars fan there is still much to do. As you can customize your lightsaber, unlock references and relics that tie it back to clone wars, see popular characters that make a scene in the game, unlock force powers that make you fight like a jedi and be told a well written story with good narrative that leads it up for part 2. And even after you beat the game, there is still so much to be done as you unlock rewards, and modes for when you beat the story. I will say though. If you want a " Souls-like " game, then find another game. If you want to play a better game then look somewhere else. If you are a starwars fan, wait for this game to go on sale. As good as this game is, it isn't worth so much to the point where you have to rush in and buy it. wait for a sale.


- Star Wars style game
- Star Wars Music
- Pays Tribute to the fans
- Clone Wars references
- Realistic Graphics
- Unique Jedi Style Combat
- Semi - Open world
- Cool Skill Tree
- Lightsaber Customization
- Pretty Good Story
- Well Written Characters


- Not lots of Main Boss Variety
- Too many puzzles for a combat game
- Bad Level/Game Direction in particular worlds/areas
- Doesn't feel or play like a " Souls - like " game
- Unpolished Combat

Story Overall: 8/10
Game Overall: 6.5/10
Posted 20 March, 2023. Last edited 17 July, 2023.
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53.2 hrs on record
Dying Light:

Intro: I used to have this game on ps4 and liked it alot when I was a kid ,and then I decided " you know what? Im gonna get it again, cause why not? " So I bought it and played it again and let me say, this game ages like fine wine. This game....is absolutely.....amazing, this game is pretty much would happen if dead island was less comedic and more serious. Especially when you combine elements of parkour, realism, and zombies altogether. For starters, this isn't your average zombie game. In games like dead island, left for dead, dead rising, resident evil and black ops you pretty much always mow down zombies or slice and dice with no care or stress in the world.

Zombies: However in dying light, it takes more of a realistic approach into the game and makes the " infected " more beefy In the sense that if you try to fight a group alone, you can easily be cornered and the weapons themselves don't have lots of power (At least until your near max level). Unlike your average zombie game where you can keep killing zombies with one hand. As for the special infected in dying light, they are actually a threat unlike in techlands 1st game (dead island). For example, you have these zombies called " virals " that are pretty much recent turned infected and if you make any loud noises ex: (explosions, gun shots, hazmat zombies on death, and structure damage) You pretty much have a horde of them called to your location in which they will chase and hunt you down, no matter if you have good parkour. The " goons " are " mini - tanks " of zombies that are beefy, big and have huge weapons that will require you to remove other zombies before you can take out the mini tank and so forth.

Parkour: Now with that in mind, the game has an amazing mechanic that mostly revolves around the parkour system. In which not only can you escape, but you can also use your parkour skills that you learned on youtube to kill zombies in style. But as far as parkour goes, this game nailsssssss it. throughout the entire time I never felt bored of running, climbing, zip-lining, and hopping over obstacles as I traveled through the city and the best thing about it, is that the more you do it, the more of a parkour master you become. Plus there are these parkour mini games throughout the map that reward you for beating them in a certain amount of time, which is not only fun, but also addictive.

Night Cycle: Now the night cycle is pretty much what makes dying light so fantastic because in a zombie game the most important element is horror. and let me say at night, not only is it pitch black where you cant even see 3 feet in front of you (no lights), but also among you are these special infected called " volatiles " that are even faster, stronger, and more deadly than " virals ". In the sense that even a high powered weapon will not stop/stun them and if 1 of them. Only 1. Sees you. You are pretty much dead, and are better off standing still, closing your eyes and embracing death. Because if you try to run, they will chase you down better than " virals ". Unless you are a medium - high level ninja, with a super powered weapon, with a set flares then....you might have a chance to fight back... Now with this mind you might be asking " Why in the hell would I go out at night? Like at all??? " The answer to that, is at night. The game gifts you, for spending more time at night with double xp on your fighting and parkour skills. Which means you can level up faster and get stronger quickly. And if you ever want to, you can always sleep at a safe house and sleep it till morning or vice versa and wait for night (optional choice everyday).

Story: As far as story goes, the story is no winning novel, but it also isn't written like someone who makes fan-fics. The story for the most part really is interesting and always makes you wonder " what happens next? ". The campaign for the most part is 40% action packed and 60% story that can get dark at times. With its slight issues here and there but nothing too major.

Problems: As good as the game was, there were still some problems that lowered the game. Like 1. there's a special infected boss that becomes a regular special infected in which I wont say what it is, but has little to no reward for going out of your way and killing everytime you see them and the way you kill them is so boring and tedious its not worth it. Plus some annoying side quests that involve them 2. They should have stuck with the dead island looting system instead of having an animation to open every. single. thing. you. touch. 3. There are way too many skyrim chests, that you have to lockpick. Which is one of the major ways to get loot, but not only do you have to lockpick, the reward for unlocking every chest is 2 items. random rarity, every time. 4. Quest trackers, again like dead island they should have stuck with the tracking, I swear there were missions and side quests that I got so lost in doing because the marker would tell me to go into a building when in reality, I had to go underground or do something inside to trigger the next step. Sometimes I would even have to look up sidequests just to get it done. 5. Equipment, I wish they would separate throwable equipment and not make it a part of your weapon slots, because it really discourages people from having any in the first place since theres lots of throwables and weapons. They should have had a pouch system or something that allowed you to carry a certain amount of throwables in a separate spot and not have it bunched together.

The Following (DLC)

Intro: After the events that took place in the ending of dying light you Kyle, Crane must help save your people in Harran by investigating a country side village by helping the locals and gaining their trust. In a whole new open area.

Gameplay: As far as the DLC goes, "The Following" is a perfect example of how to do a DLC right. By not only providing so many new cool things to do, but also making the story of Dying Light for better or for worse depending on how you see it.

Story: I can't say too much, but it does get not only more interesting as the story unfolds, and darker the more you play it, but with a finished ending that ties it in with Dying Light.

Problems: I cant say too much, but navigating or traveling in the country side can be annoying. Even with what they give you.

Good (Dying Light)

- Original
- Parkour Mechanics that flow with the game
- Skill Tree that has lots of variety
- Night Cycle Mechanic
- Near Realistic Atmosphere
- Near Realistic Graphics
- Amazing Environment
- Lots of Scary/Threatening special infected
- Really Good Story
- Open World
- The best easter eggs/references I have seen
- 30$ (For game + DLC)
- 50+ Hour gameplay

Bad (Dying Light)

- So many locked chests for as a way for the looting system
- Quest Tracking was Tedious and got you lost
- A certain special infected that's tedious to fight (rinse/repeat)
- Throwing equipment counts as weapon slots

Story Overall: 9/10
Game Overall: 9.5/10

Good (The Following)

- New area
- Darker Story
- Replay value
- New Mechanics
- New Ability's
- New things to do
- 20+ Hours

Bad (The Following)

- Hard to Navigate
- Not lots of Parkour Involved

Story Overall: 10/10
DLC Overall: 8.5/10
Posted 17 March, 2023.
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89.3 hrs on record (38.7 hrs at review time)
If you ever get bored and want to play a game that doesn't require lots of skill or investment. Get this zombie game. With 4 playable characters with different set of skills, 4 acts, and a unique pallet of open - world environment, comes a casual zombie game that is just dumb fun. For the most part this game has everything you would want in a average zombie game. Survivor skill tree, Weapon Combinations, Special Infected and a Decent story. However with that in mind, it comes with a set of issues which I shall mention in the negatives. But in order to have the " best " fun in this game, you must pick the best starter character out of the 4: Sam B (Blunt Expert), Xian Mei (Sharp Expert), Logan Carter (Throwing Expert), and Purna Jackson (Firearms Expert). Which in this case comes down to Sam B because he is " the tank " or Xian Mei because she deals the most " damage ". While on the other hand Logan throws his weapons which isn't great and, you always have to pick up thrown weapons, and the game mostly revolves around combat and as for Purna. You don't really get good firearm blueprints or guns until act III. Which is already 65% into the game. So unless you are playing with friends play as Sam B or Xian Mei.


- Unique Open World
- Cool Weapon Combinations
- Fun w/ Friends
- 20$
- 20+ hour game


- Not as much Special Infected/Humans
- Tough/Not as much fun Experience if you pick the "wrong" character
- Mid Story
- Inconsistent Act(s) Length

Story Overall: 6/10
Game Overall: 7.5/10

Posted 23 February, 2023.
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24.5 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Listen, I could write pages, and pages, and pages of why this game is such a masterpiece, but in all honesty, I would feel that if I did write a book on why this game is such a masterpiece, that I would rob you of your experience. And wholeheartedly I know that the best way to experience an adventure to the unknown land of Skyrim. Is to experience it for oneself. Regardless this game to me, will always be hailed as one of the greatest games of the decade 2010 - 2020, and maybe even of the Century.


- Adventure Awaits


- See for yourself traveler

Game Overall: 10/10
Posted 16 February, 2023. Last edited 16 February, 2023.
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85.5 hrs on record (76.9 hrs at review time)
Look man the game is a decade old and I had played this game since the XBOX days, but I don't think I have to be the one to tell you just how good this game is, but for those who are just casually reading reviews and want to play this game, but have doubts. I just wanna be the one to tell you that this game is worth getting for a variety of reasons in which I shall explain. For starters its a zombie game, most zombie games have a cool gimmick, setting, or zombie that makes it stand out. But this is more than a zombie game, its a zombie masterpiece that refined its craft and paved the way for what zombie games should be. This game in its entirety is just plain dark, gritty and dirty. As this game is just a reflection of what a disaster, involving zombies would look like, from the dark atmosphere of the game, to the broken and dilapidated ramshackle of a building. The game has a way of telling its story through its visuals and game play. For the most important part of the game, comes the zombies. The zombies are so detailed and so real that the studio themselves has designed over 50 gore FX and walking animations for each one and they all react as if they have had a separate mind. Something that zombie games don't go out of their way to do because of the lack of attention to detail. The zombies in of their own also mark of story of the human shell that they once were and highlight the inhumanity and the beast that they obscure on a day to day basis. For example, some special infected have behaviors like the smoker who is cloaked in poison gas and is tall and lanky and coughs, this human in " his " past life probably smoked his life into misery, The Hunter wears a hoodie and is quiet, slow and deadly and pounces on its prey. This human was most likely an outcast when " he " was alive. The Witch is a crying zombie that has claws for weapons and probably tells the player that in her past life, " she " was a shy woman who had to carry the guilt of " her " past. Overall I think I made my point, this game is just a master in its craft and even after a decade of time has gone by, many people still look back to this game and point to this game as the standard. Hopefully if you made it this far, I would hope you have tried to buy this game.


- Realistic Atmosphere
- Realistic Zombie Animations (Behaviors/Movement)
- Lots of Weapon Variety
- Masterpiece in Abstract Storytelling
- Map Variety
- Insane Replay Value
- Addictive Multiplayer
- Atmospheric Sounds/FX/Music
- Unique Zombies


- None

Game Overall: 10/10
Posted 16 February, 2023.
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51.1 hrs on record (46.9 hrs at review time)
The Forest is a survival game where you get stranded after a plane crash and are in a adventure island to find your lost son, As cool the game looks in a trailer. The Forest really is like minecraft survival, minus the fun in MOST of my gameplay. Dont get me wrong, the game is fun AT TIMES, but it really REALLY is rough to play alone without ANY friends. Mainly due to the " Mobs " in this game known as the " Mutants ". Which are cannibal creatures who try to kill you or invade your base if you don't have it built. And for the simple fact that the BEST WAY to progressive in this game and UPGRADE your character is to climb down PITCH BLACK CAVES, that take FOREVER TO GET TOO. I'm telling you, HALF OF YOUR GAME-PLAY will be trying to navigate in the dark caves only to grab at MOST 1-2 things that will help you build, or fight better against the mutants. Which you might say "Its a survival game what did you expect?" But at the same time idk about you, but trying to travel miles to go into A PITCH BLACK cave and navigating into an UNDERWORLD CAVE to obtain 1-2 objects, sounds TEDIOUS than it is CHALLENGING. Which now that I think of it this game should not be called "The Forest ", but more so " The Caves " for how much time you spend down there. That is not to say that the game is bad, IT CAN BE FUN. For example if you are a creative fanatic. The game allows you to build AWESOME FORTS, zip-lines, TREEHOUSE FORTS, ISLAND RAFT etc. This game SHINES MOSTLY above land rather than in the caves, but it truly is a shame that this game was built around under-ground caves that are difficult to navigate even with a flashlight/torch. At the end of the day if you have a group of friends to play with, this game IS FUN, but if you are playing alone. The experience is tarnished, time-consuming, and tedious.


- Realistic Graphics
- Nice nature sound FX
- Lots of creative freedom (Forts, Furniture, Traps etc.)
- Lots of Weapons
- Realistic Survival Mechanics (Energy/Water, Hygiene meters)
- Fun to Play with Friends
- Lots of Replay Value with Friends
- Lots of Hours


- Half of the game play is in caves
- Cave(s) are tedious (Navigation, Mobs, Objectives etc)
- Awful Mob(s) pathing
- Not geared towards solo players
- The Game should be called " The Cave " rather than " The Forest "

Game Overall: 6/10
Posted 10 February, 2023. Last edited 10 February, 2023.
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50.0 hrs on record
To be honest the game is alright, its just halo + portal had a baby and got spiltgate. The games fun and cool to play with friends here and there, but its not a game that you should go out of your way and play and grind hours and hours on end. I will say though, the games pretty much " kinda " dead but tbh, Its free. So what do you have to lose?


- Unique
- Cool Montages
- Alright Multiplayer Modes


- Boring after a while
- Not a game that hooks you in
- Dead lobbies
- Not a lot of replay value

Overall Rating: 5/10
Posted 10 February, 2023.
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35.4 hrs on record
Dont buy this game! Only make accounts and play it for free, I got banned for "Harrassment/Hate Speech". Sure I trash talk alot, but I have played mobile versions and trash talked as well and have gotten AT MOST WARNINGS. But when I committed to actually buying the game I got BANNED, NO WARNINGS, NO OFFENSES, 1 LIFE MODE ON YOUR ACCOUNT. Dont buy this game, play it on mobile or somewhere FOR FREE. Cause the devs/mods have rules that make everyone walk on a tightrope for this game.

Game Rating: 0/10
Posted 10 February, 2023. Last edited 10 February, 2023.
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33.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
If you are a fan of Doom, this game is for you. This is pretty much 8 - bit doom with better secret levels. Now does this game live up to the hype that Doom has? Some people seem to agree. That's how good this game is, if you are a fan of Doom this game will fit right in for you.

If you never played Doom then this game is just a fast first person shooter, so Call of Duty but faster shooting experience. With you battling different types of zombies and demons and angels. With short levels but lots of "layers" (worlds). With so many great mechanics like shooting bullets off of coins, combo damage, stomping, melee, ground/air dashing, deflecting etc. And has lots of lore and story for those who also want to be interested in it, and if you also don't want a mindless shooter. Dont worry. ULTRAKILL has a story and a good one. Plus its 25$ for a game that plays like a 40$ game.


- Lots of replay value
- 8 - bit Doom
- Lots of investing lore and story telling
- Amazing Level designs
- Awesome and challenging boss fights
- The coolest secret levels ever
- 25 $ for a game that can easily be fooled for a 40$ game
- Lots of modes
- In - game mods that you can toggle


- Whiplash

Game Overall: 9/10
Posted 20 December, 2022.
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