

Nova VX
RiggedQuarter 13. nov. 2020 kl. 13:12
"use components to make better uses of the batteries" hint discussion
Would love to hear of some examples of components or wire improvements that could be made in-game on this sub since it comes with so many wires and a few placeable objects. What are some things you have tried?
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Viser 1-9 af 9 kommentarer
RainDreamer  [udvikler] 14. nov. 2020 kl. 6:10 
So here is a further tip: the fire is caused by the reactor pumping more power than the load of the sub. You can upgrade the batteries recharge speed and then build circuit that increase recharge rate on overdrive mode to increase the load to counter the increased power output. It will extend a few seconds of overdrive.

This is somewhat limited at the moment though due to the current infinite power bug which made me having to severely lower recharge amount to balance it.
RiggedQuarter 21. nov. 2020 kl. 23:28 
what exactly is this infinite power bug? does it affect all subs or is there something about this one hat causes it?
RiggedQuarter 21. nov. 2020 kl. 23:57 
" build circuit that increases recharge rate on overdrive mode" not gonna lie, no idea how to do that yet xD
RainDreamer  [udvikler] 22. nov. 2020 kl. 18:25 
Oprindeligt skrevet af RiggedQuarter:
what exactly is this infinite power bug? does it affect all subs or is there something about this one hat causes it?
All subs. If you feed battery to itself, it create an infinite loop that charge itself, and you can extract power from that loop.

Oprindeligt skrevet af RiggedQuarter:
" build circuit that increases recharge rate on overdrive mode" not gonna lie, no idea how to do that yet xD
I am not gonna give the answer here, but it involves math, hah.
RiggedQuarter 24. nov. 2020 kl. 22:32 
Math is fine, i just don't know where to start and what components i would even need. I'm guessing by the overdrive recharge you mean messing with the supercapacitor?
RainDreamer  [udvikler] 25. nov. 2020 kl. 0:12 
Oprindeligt skrevet af RiggedQuarter:
Math is fine, i just don't know where to start and what components i would even need. I'm guessing by the overdrive recharge you mean messing with the supercapacitor?
Nah, make the battery turns off until overdrive, as power increase above the current load, increase battery arrays recharge rate to match. Currently there are 6 batteries, each with 250 recharge speed, meaning it can tank 1500 Kwm power from the reactor. This is not a lot, but it should give you like 1 more second of over drive.

If the devs fixes the battery bug, I would have leave it with 1k recharge each, which can let you tank up to 6k of overload power. But oh well.

Also, I should lock that super cap, that thing is kinda important to the special attack discharge.
RiggedQuarter 25. nov. 2020 kl. 0:25 
Is there a way to control when the special attack goes off consistently? I tend to get level 2 charge after i turn overdrive off and it just wastes it most the time.
RiggedQuarter 25. nov. 2020 kl. 0:29 
Also, how can i tell the battery not to charge unless i'm using overdrive? More specifically, how would i even let the battery know whether or not it's active?
RainDreamer  [udvikler] 25. nov. 2020 kl. 22:29 
Oprindeligt skrevet af RiggedQuarter:
Is there a way to control when the special attack goes off consistently? I tend to get level 2 charge after i turn overdrive off and it just wastes it most the time.
It is intended, so you don't keep it forever. Lore wise the special attack discharge is supposed to be a side effect - it is a way to tank the over voltage generated by the reactor by dumping the overvoltage to a super capacitator.

I should review the values of the thing, I guess.

Oprindeligt skrevet af RiggedQuarter:
Also, how can i tell the battery not to charge unless i'm using overdrive? More specifically, how would i even let the battery know whether or not it's active?
Eh there are many ways, from making the overdrive button from the terminal activate a circuit to measure an overvoltage between power/load from reactor and so on. I leave this as an exercise to people who want to improve the sub in game to do so.
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