

Arcana Parallax Plus
the_silver_bandit 17 Sep, 2024 @ 9:21am 
Okay, thank you for the response!
Adnarim  [author] 13 Sep, 2024 @ 11:54pm 
@the_silver_bandit Hey there sorry for the late reply! Yes, this should be merged but I gave the files about a year ago, so I am unsure if anything has been changed or reverted. Just in case I am going to keep the mod up, that will make it easier anyways if I want to add more in the future :)
the_silver_bandit 30 Aug, 2024 @ 7:00am 
Hello! Has this mod been merged into the recent 1.2 update?
Adnarim  [author] 5 May, 2023 @ 2:21pm 
@Rnova2 I would be open to taking a look at Sanguine again, however I didn't initially have it on my list of parallax to change. I will probably work on finishing my current list first. I know Ruinous planets are supposed to be dark, they're kind of a more dangerous version of Desolate planets. I didn't think they were too dark so it might be a matter of screen brightness. However, it would be pretty easy to make different parts of the parallax fullbright or emissive and it could add another layer of interest. I'll consider it for sure!
Rnova2 3 May, 2023 @ 6:19am 
Could you touch up the sanguine and ruined biomes? I say because sanguine looks like a forest when the trees are made of crystals, in the case of the ruined biome it is so dark that it is almost impossible to differentiate it from the sky, that is, everything looks black, which makes a parallax image totally unnecessary, my suggestion is that it is possible that some crystals in the parallax emit light (in true Tron style) that way it would stop being just a dark silhouette on an even darker sky.
Adnarim  [author] 25 Apr, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
@Razyer thank you!
Rnova2 25 Apr, 2023 @ 7:03am 
I just saw the link you gave me, as I thought, the conflicting IDs must be the planets IDs, since almost all the ancient cosmos IDs have been replaced by new IDs, the only IDs that match fu are the ones of the biomes, vegetation and fauna, I suppose that it is normal because ancient cosmos I understand that it was "born" because the author of fu gave permission for the planet aether to be used as an example for the ancient cosmos project
Adnarim  [author] 24 Apr, 2023 @ 11:34pm 
@Rnova2 hmm as far as Arcana goes, it should be compatible with FU. I use it without issues. Honestly it is rare for me to run into a mod that is incompatible with FU and cannot be replaced by something similar. So I would say if you end up missing FU, maybe give it another try. Just pay close attention to their incompatibilities list and you should be golden. But if you like Ancient Cosmos more, thats great too! Hopefully they have a FU-compatible version released in the future.
Rnova2 24 Apr, 2023 @ 9:25pm 
@Adnarim I understand, I also used the fu, I used it for a long time, unfortunately due to compatibility problems I had with arcana (and other mods in general) I left it, I don't know if these bugs are now corrected, but I know that the world of aether from fu and the comic planet from ancient cosmos are exactly the same, perhaps. Having such similar elements prevents them from being compatible
Adnarim  [author] 24 Apr, 2023 @ 5:03pm 
@Rnova2 I'm not familiar with Ancient Cosmos, but have been curious about it. If / when I try out that mod, I would be open to looking at what you suggested. I don't have anything planned for the immediate future but that could change down the line. Right now Ancient Cosmos isn't compatible with FU, but if it ever is or a compatible version is made then I will definitely try it. Unfortunately FU is something I never play without.
Rnova2 23 Apr, 2023 @ 11:54pm 
I wanted to ask you if you only improve arcana parallax, since I wanted to propose that you improve the parallax of another particular mod called ancient cosmos, I say this because the predominance of dark violet becomes oppressive both in cosmic planets and in half- moon, on the other hand, many of the parallaxes of artificial planets are only gray (especially in the subterranean parallaxes) which in this type of planets that encloses a miniature sun inside it should not be, (sorry if I gave spoilers for that mod but I don't see how else to explain it)
Adnarim  [author] 22 Apr, 2023 @ 8:19pm 
@Sva I'm honored you like them! I've joined the Arcana discord so can find your user through there, will message you :)
sleepySva 22 Apr, 2023 @ 1:07am 
Heya! I saw the mod and really like some of the parallaxes, would you like to merge them with the main Arcana mod? (I'm more active on Discord if you'd like to talk more there instead)
Adnarim  [author] 18 Apr, 2023 @ 1:33pm 
Update: I made the yellow foliage on the new Vermillion parallax images a bit brighter to restore some of the old vibrancy. See the updated preview pictures. As per my comment to @Rnova2, feel free to alter this for your personal use if you only want some of the changes I've made. Just don't redistribute of course.
Adnarim  [author] 18 Apr, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
@Rnova2 I do miss the vibrancy of the old Vermillion parallax! I just couldn't get over the red + green looking like Christmas lol. I might tweak the foliage colors in the future to be a bit brighter. If you want to use this without the Vermillion changes, you can download the mod and delete the image files. There are tutorials on google for how to download a mod from the workshop, unpack it, and so on but if you need help let me know.
Rnova2 18 Apr, 2023 @ 5:20am 
I like the changes that you have created in the parallax... except for the change for vermillion, I think the old version was much better