STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

696 ratings
Empire at War Expanded: Revan's Revenge 0.5
File Size
15.241 GB
30 Jan @ 7:52am
18 Feb @ 7:36am
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Empire at War Expanded: Revan's Revenge 0.5


In the time of the Old Republic the Mandalorians prey on the Outlying Regions! One Jedi Knight named Revan leads the charge against them, but after discovering an ancient weapon, he and his Sith followers may turn out to be a bigger threat than the Republic has ever faced...

Playable Factions:
- Galactic Republic
- Sith
- Mandalorians

In Empire at War: Expanded, the traditional Empire at War tech level is traded for an era-based system that impacts different story events, factions, unit rosters and heroes are available, with the galaxy set up to recreate various conflicts within the Star Wars Legends lore. There are also new government mechanics where you can interact with other subfactions and story events in new ways, along with a planet loyalty system, giving extra income, unique units, and other bonuses at high levels, but with other negative effects if your member worlds become too unhappy with your leadership.

Older versions put on Mod Database to continue old saves.

If you would like to join early testing or keep track of updates, the best place to do it is on our Discord server[] or by following Corey Loses for preview playthroughs and other news videos.

Running the Mod

To play: After subscribing, make sure to let the download finish (see your Steam download manager, it'll say at the bottom of your Steam client), then launch Forces of Corruption. Once ingame, go to the Options menu, then Mods, and enable it from there.

If the game doesn't re-launch when you enable the mod ingame, or you want to just directly launch into the mod, go to the properties for Empire at War in Steam and paste the following into launch options:

We have two mods, covering two different periods of Star Wars history.

Clone Wars: Fall of the Republic

Post-Endor: Thrawn's Revenge

Shield Penetration: Allows missiles to bypass shields, for those who absolutely need it.

The mod is designed for English language versions of the game, so if you have a non-English version, your text may be missing. To fix this, to into:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\32470\3417277973
And rename the MasterTextFile_English.dat to MasterTextFile_YourLanguage.dat
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3 hours ago
PINNED: Revan's Revenge Bug Reports
18 Feb @ 8:35am
8 Feb @ 11:19pm
Just Want To Say Thank You
Ponyus 5 hours ago 
Mandalorian Dungeon ships go down to like 5% health and then suddenly just stop taking damage?
420 18 Feb @ 7:06pm 
Will the Republic get interdictors in their roster or only select heroes?
Gogeta the Druid 18 Feb @ 11:53am 
i deleted my previous comment as i worked out what the issue was.
Neikotori 18 Feb @ 10:20am 
Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to increase star base garrisons in this mod? I change the number of starting units and reinforcements in the "MainStarbases.xml" file, but nothing changes in the game. What am I doing wrong?
Lord Admiral Daniel Phillips 17 Feb @ 11:08am 
It's not really that counter-intuitive. The mod by design wants you to consolidate your gains and punishes over expansion. This doesn't mean you can't expand rapidly but you do need to stay on top of your infrastructure needs either before or after a conquest.

It's funny you specify playing as the Mandos though... given how often I get random missions with a nameless Crusader telling me that the Field Marshal wants us to build infrastructure but they not getting why the Field Marshal would want us to do that.
Rothmanns Ice Of London 1890 17 Feb @ 10:56am 
Absolutely enjoying this mod so far, I'm currently going to the "Mandalorian Triumph" Campaign as the Mandalorians and I gotta say, the infrastructure system is really punishing. Early on in the campaign, you are tasked with taking Terephon from the Hapians, taking it grants you support in the form of a very powerful pirate fleet. With that done, I had 2 350+ fleets on hand, which allowed me to easily blitz the Republic and destroy their most powerful fleet, but after that offensive, I am left with an infrastructure of -32, which leaves me with a net income of 82. There's now nothing I can realistically do to fix my economy, I could either disband a fleet and turtle for multiple cycles to get my infrastructure back up or I could simply just blitz the rest of the Repbulic before even finishing the first Story mission. I feel like the mod forces me to play slower, which seems counter-intuitive especially when I have such a large force at my disposal. Anyways thanks for this amazing mod!
ultrus 16 Feb @ 6:15pm 
Is it just me or are the sith ships severely underpowered?
cyRix 16 Feb @ 5:24pm 
Hey, first great work! i played booth other mods but this one somehow does not start download after severeal re trys just like the others.. any advice?
:) 16 Feb @ 4:10pm 
you could engage with the mods mechanics or complain like a karen

since it has thousands of players I'm gonna go and say its a you issue

AKA are you smarter than a 5th grader and can read one paragraph of text?
wizard23PR 16 Feb @ 3:03pm 
take that horrible tax system out of the game is not fair you make 0 income and you lose full planets cause they whant you to use a new system of controling the people on planets or they revolt and you fully lose them so you will have 0 units to build and 0 income cause all you can do is build stupid buildings with heart symbols so that you dont lose the planet and when you do lol good luck getting them back ai spamms more than 10 capital ships on all planets all your mods suffer from this tax bullshit trawn campaing and fall of republic is the same mod is build for players who like bullshit imposible odds i dont recomment this mods they broken and unfair