Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Ultimate collection for my dedicated server!
Don't mind of this collection, it is only for my beautiful server that will be full of things.
But... If you consider finding nice addons out there, feel free to poke around!
Items (81)
Double Jump!
Created by sophie
This lets players double jump. The addon is made properly and even predicted ~oooo~. You'll get errors if you don't have Team Fortress 2 installed (it's free, come on.) Configuration The multijump_default_jumps console variable sets the amount extra times ...
Bouncy Toyota Yaris
Created by Goonya
It's funny, isn't it? Song name: Niko B - Why's this dealer? Car created by ruMpel from Cry of Fear, ported and animated by me. ©GAnimator (Goonya Animator), Goonya's Animations DO NOT REUPLOA...
Created by Speedy Von Gofast
Do you enjoy violence? Of course you do! It's a part of you. And who are you to deny your own nature? This is a faithful re-creation of SYNTHETIK's HUD and fully replicated animations from the original game. Animations update: Added a new animations when l...
Custom Chat
Created by StyledStrike
But people like to talk, don't they? A simple and customizable chat box that can format text, display images and emojis. Features Customizable Has built-in emojis Has a direct message/chat channels system Supports text forma...
Newtonian Physgun
Created by Bonyoze
Adds a F=MA compliant physics gun. Can be found in the Weapons > Other section of the spawnmenu. Features The world, props, npcs and even other players can be grabbed. Picking up an object will also apply force to the player. Objects that can't be moved th...
Super Mario 3D World Mario PM (Fixed)
Created by JustSempron
THIS MODEL WAS NOT MADE BY ME!!! IT WAS MADE BY GabryTheSniper!!! Original: Luigi: This is a fixed version of the SM3DW Mari...
Sonic Generations: Sonic the Hedgehog [PM/NPC]
Created by MIRALEN
I'm deaf. includes: *Playermodel *Ragdoll *Arms *NPC...
Autistic Hat (prop)
Created by Squishy • c •
be patient I have autism...
CS:GO Weapons
Created by RetroSource
An (almost) faithful recreation of the Counter Strike: Global Offensive guns in Garry's Mod. Please note that this addon is incomplete, and some features are currently missing. Pressing Reload when you do not have to will instead inspect your weapon. You d...
GTA Online Player List
Created by
A "scoreboard" based on the one from GTA Online. // Originally created for the sixth version of SweptRP, I'm releasing this to the public as I shift my focus elsewhere. GTA Online Player List is essentially just the player list from GTA Online. Who would h...
Wallace Player Model
Created by Hell Inspector
Now you can play as Wallace and Gromit!!!! Get off me cheese!!!! Model ripped from Wallace and Gromits Grand Adventures Comes with Playermodel,Npcs,Viewmodel,and ragdoll. Npcs have more health than normal npcs because i didnt want wallace to die as much,th...
Empty Hands Swep
Created by Tatrabbit
Hands by your side for roleplaying, movie making, and when you just gotta put your crowbar away! The functionality is pretty minimalist by necessity, but I've tried very hard to have a nice icon for the swep and everything, to match the theme of the HL2 we...
Created by Artayoo
Your favourite map is coming back, with a sequel! -------------- gm_construct, but renovated and v2 (wow!) Day and night versions available as seperate maps, inside one addon. Includes AI Nodes for ground NPCs. -------------- Artayoo - map creator Anetrex ...
Addon Share
Created by Major Tom
Makes your friends to download same Workshop addons that you have, while they join your game. Significantly reduces amount of "error" models. Displays your subscriptions in Q-menu with links to Workshop. Limitations • Legacy addons are not supported • Moun...
[Deltarune] Ralsei (Playermodel/Ragdoll/NPC/Props)
Created by Viba
Shouldn't you guys be studying? The awaited fluffy boy is here, in many ways! Models, textures, rigs by myself, ported for GMod usage by Charma. In this addon, you will have... - Two ragdolls, Ralsei and an Alt Ralsei, including face posing, finger posing ...
Throwing Crowbar SWEP
Created by
This SWEP is for Admin. You can throw much of crowbars prop. Primary Attack:Throw crowbar. Secondary Attack:Throw 10 crowbars. Please enjoy....
Fast Crowbar
Created by Blixibon
A superspeed crowbar without the damage buffs. Only sped up. The perfect crowbar nobody's looking for. -Sped up 20x the normal speed of a crowbar swing. -Fast Stunstick version. That's it. No damage change or fancy secondary powers, but it's fast enough to...
Untitled Goose Game (PM+SWEP)
Created by NoAimNoBrain
Best Game needs best Gmod addon SFM version ...
Disguise SWEP
Created by Jon a scone
This SWEP allows you to disguise as props! Works in multiplayer too! Instructions: To change the model you disguise as, aim at a prop, then right-click at it to use its model. Left-click to disguise as a prop or undisguise when disguised. Please report any...
Arctic's Damage Numbers
Created by Arctic
"Why are numbers beautiful?" “It’s like asking why is Ludwig van Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony beautiful. If you don't see why, someone can't tell you. I know numbers are beautiful. If they aren't beautiful, nothing is.” -- Paul Erdos An actual version of the...
Cool™ Killchains
Created by Darsu
Silly icons of skulls and other things that make chain of your killstreak on your screen when you kill npcs or players BEST USED WITH Cool™ Hitmarkers Initially Killchains were made as part of Cool Hitmarkers, but now seperated and can be used with any oth...
Aaron's Revamped Killfeed
Created by Aaron
Aaron's Revamped Killfeed CHANGE TO X64 + CHROMIUM BRANCH FOR IT TO WORK, CODE USED INSIDE ADDON IS NOT PRESENT IN DEFAULT BRANCH. This is reworked version of my older addon. I rewrittten entire killfeed to be good looking, animated and sleak. Supports: -L...
The Boykisser (PM/Ragdoll)
Created by Vertlex
"You like kissing boys, don't you?"... no. this addon includes: -Ragdoll -Playermodel Credits to xytanimous for the Boykisser model Don't forget to support me if you liked the addon. WARNING! Do not reupload or will be in tr...
M1A0 Cat Gun
Created by xdshot
Don't be fooled by the adorable appearance! One of the most dangerous weapon is now available for Garry's Mod! Features: Working Ironsighting and Sprinting animations; Viewmodel arms (c_arms) compatible; Can be given to NPCs; Sandbox and Trouble In Terrori...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector Fesiug's Edit
Created by Fesiug
Incompatible with the original. Unsubscribe from it if you install this one. If you can't see the hands tab, you have the original mod installed. Comments are disabled because people can't read this part!! Sorry. Select your hands separately from your play...
Chat Bubbles
Created by _Undefined
Shows chat bubbles above players heads when they are typing....
Disgusted Cat P.M
Created by willard!
this is a playermodel made from the image of a cat looking with a disgust face, it's so scuffed It has: Bodygroups A LOT OF BODYGROUPS (some of it is being requested by the community) Finger Pose good rig (i think) and a scuffed face also i added some scuf...
Shrekzooka - by Gidz
The Shrekzooka (Panzershrek) Blast away your enemies with the new and original Shrekzooka! Launch Shreks out of the end of your bazooka. Custom sounds, models and code! Please report any bugs if or when they may appear, I'll fix them asap. See the video fo...
Shrek Playermodel
Shrek is love, Shrek is life. After a bloody century of keeping this private, i've finally decided to release it. You can now play as the ogrelord himself. your deepest desires now achieved, you can now die happy....
Accurate Windows XP Toolgun Screen
Created by Radixliner
I created this to look like a mimic from Windows XP and I know there are some addons that already existed, but I make this more even accurate (almost) just taking from my Windows XP VM and keeping the same layout as the original....
Tower Tez
Created by shortnamesalex I won't bother writing a backstory for this one since it was really more of an experiment. I always wanted to create a map that took place on top of a building since it allows for some incredible looking visuals. The map its...
Kerfuś / Bellabot (Prop)
Created by KBL24
PM and NPC Kerfuś / Bellabot from Carrefour My model and textures And probably the only 3D kerfuś model, so if you want to use it for something, write to me first;) Model named "kerfus"...
Outfitter: Multiplayer Playermodels!
Created by Meta Construct
You can also test it on the servers of Meta Construct. How to use? See the video or look here: HELP???? PLEASE NOTE Some models are automatically blocked from being used as they may cause crashes on player...
Sans (Undertale)
Created by Denic
A lazy skeleton with a humerus attitude and a taste for bad puns. Make sure you stay on Sans' good side and you won't have a bad time. Also on Source Filmmaker! Download the playermodel here! --- Terms of Use (Rules) Questions & Answers --- Notes Images ar...
Kirbo [PM & NPC]
Created by EmperorFaiz.wav
>>>AVAILABLE ON SFM<<< Say chicken in Spanish Based on TerminalMontage's character. FEATURES: Playermodel and NPC models Flexes Paintable Puffy NOTICE ABOUT PAINTABILITY For playermodel, go to playermodel menu to change playermodel color For NPC, use TF2 h...
Cat Wearing Pants Playermodel
Oh good lord, it's wearing PANTS!...
Are you bored playing on gm_construct? It doesn't matter, Maxwell will help you cope with boredom! Addon Constains: - Maxwell - Maxwell - Maxwell Music Located in: Maxwell the Cat Credits шизео кодзима -
Counter-Strike: Source - Knife
Created by Vorzeigebürger
CSS is not required to use this knife Counter-Strike: Source - Knife Open spawn menu -> weapons -> Counter-Strike: Source -> Knife This addon also fixes the "missing texture error" for the knife on gamemode Murder: As serveradmin: Just add the Workshop-ID ...
Henry Stickmin Playermodel
Created by Berunas
A Henry Stickmin playermodel! This addon includes the playermodel with some bodygroups. Modeling and basically everything else by Berunas100 Addons used in screenshots: PAC3 Edit: PAC3 doesnt exist anymore : ( Henry Stickmin owned by PuffBallsUnited and In...
Minecraft SWEP
Created by McKay
Spawn it first from the Weapons tab, then select it, then press R (or your rebound weapon reload button) to open the menu. Features: - Auto block rotation and intelligent placement (fence alignment, torches, etc.) - Growing vines - Exploding TNT - Animated...
Simple Player Resizer
Created by Meetric
A small script I made that allows you to resize the player. A slider for the size can be found in Utilities -> Player Resizer -> Size OR use the console command (scale_multiplier) Size is limited in a scale from 0.05x-10x. (source engine starts getting ang...
Created by Bigwig
A big open city map. Fully noded for AI...
Dynamic Bhopping
Created by Phonky Does Things
Dynamically increases jump height based on player movement speed! The faster you are, the higher you'll jump! You are also able to cancel your mid-air momentum by releasing the jump button... All settings are under the Options tab. This addon only adds to ...
Pokken Braixen Playermodel + TTT
Created by Vincent
One of the most beautiful creatures ever created in the World....
Pokemon NPCs (Reupload)
Created by DABEST
This is a reupload of an old Pokemon NPC addon from by Treevis121. The available NPCs are Arcanine, Flygon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Umbreon, and Vaporeon. The nope icon was the only one I could find that would work, just in case you're wondering wh...
Umbreon plush
Created by Hiroko
Umbreon / Nachtara Playermodel
Created by Core-Community
This Addon includes Nachtara as Playermodel ! I dind't made this Playermodel , this is a Upload with only Umbreon /Nachtara in the Pack! Credits to: SilverBelle...
Flareon / Flamara Playermodel
Created by Core-Community
This Addon includes Flamara as Playermodel ! I dind't made this Playermodel , this is a Upload with only Flareon / Flamara in the Pack! Credits to: SilverBelle...
Glaceon Playermodel
Created by Artanis
Player Health Changer
Created by gekon
Player Health Changer is a tool that allows you to easily adjust player's health using easy to use HUD. This addon (should) work both on singleplayer and multiplayer. Mod's menu can be found in context menu under "Health Changer" button Commands list: Comm...
Health Tool
Tired of people destroying your builds ? unbreakable tool broken after admin cleanup ? want to do challengin boss fights ? default health for simfphys and LFS too low? them this thing is for ya! The tit...
Created by Blueberry_pie
A large, snowy landscape with a sprawling underground research facility. No other games or addons are required! To fix crashes and lag/performance issues, read this thread. For other issues, check out the FAQ and troubleshooting guide first. Features - An ...
Instant death screen
Created by 󠀡𝅵󠀡𝅷
The death experience now feels more authentic. truedeath4 changelog Another code optimizations New features: -- now you can switch between several extra options: turn off muffled sound or blackout screen on death -- please die (with the mode switched) TO-D...
LED screens
Created by MacTavish
LED panels are here! LED screens are similar to text screens but they add a little bit more realism and fun to use in RP servers Features: - Different types of running text - Color customization - Text scrolling speed - WireMod support - Effects for the te...
Seatable Pool Rings
Created by Nerdy
Your Best Summer Pal ! I like pool rings. They're smooth, round, colorful and the most important---------floatable!!! So I made this for this summer. Enjoy :) You can find them under Vehicles>Pool Rings in Q-menu Skin 6 is colorable skin, You can use toolg...
SYNTHETIK targets health bars
Created by Speedy Von Gofast
This is a separate addon to my SYNTHETIK HUD set. As the title suggests it simply show health bars above targets heads. It is highly customizable. You can change the rules for the bars appears on the screen, the size, the elevation and the colors. Check my...
what a nice gentleman
Created by Dejtriyev
"i guess that marks the conclusion" -the nice gentleman hes just a very nice british gentleman with a stabbing licence and possesses a knife probably and gave people mind blowing thoughts with his blunderbuss its just a playermodel . . . they couldnt behav...
'OKAY' Swep Patched
Created by Padwtms
NONE OF THIS BELONGS TO ME, I SIMPLY FIXED A FEW ERRORS. If they want me to take down this addon I will. This SWEP has been extracted from Dr Ocelot's 'OKAY' Swep addon and so full credit goes to them for all assets. Please check out the original creators ...
Steve Playermodel (Minecraft Movie)
Created by ChrisMNGames
Uploaded with gmpublisher Hello, here again with a skin from the controversial Minecraft movie, this is Steve, who is played by Jack Black, he has c_hands and ragdoll by default in the addons extension. Maybe the first person hands look a bit strange, I'm ...
Fart Gun v2
Created by AwesomeGraczGie47
We are proudly presenting The FART GUN version II How to use Go to Weapons, Frasiu R&D, Fart Gun 2. There are, at the moment, two modes of operation which you can toggle by pressing R (reload key): Vortex fart + rockets Press left mouse button to shoot the...
(New Update!) Omega Punch
Created by ymo
Omega Punch New update! (5/22/22) Added: Omega Slap Punches now effect physics objects Punch anything you wish! Taco Bell Bong included! (optional) Punch striders, combine, hunters, gunships, antlions, ANYTHING YOU FEEL LIKE PUNCHING (I am not liable for s...
Created by 🕛
Rober bober Unidentified specimen found in ukrainuan biolabs, might be explosive slightly if used without caution. FORBIDDEN Any republishing of this addon or using materials from there without permission of the creators CREDITS Rem - Code always has bean ...
Toybox Classics (Reworked)
Created by [FG] Shark_vil
Disclamer I am not the full developer of this supplement, nor do I claim rights. You can download the original addon at this link: SEE THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ORIGINAL ADDON I reworked this a...
Darken217's SciFi Weapons
Created by Hedron
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION TO AVOID UNNECESSARY PROBLEMS Introducing my latest creation: Darken217's SciFi Weapons. This is my first gmod addon. Please keep that in mind... I've updated it over the years to address issues and add more content. It's a coll...
[ARC9] PolyArms Project
Created by Darsu
A stylish, low-poly, fast-paced, heavily customizable, and most of all, FUN weapon pack! Made using custom assets and pure love, all you need is the ARC9 base! Some notes: This addon has tons ...
Created by Maniac
Controls: Left Mouse Button = Middle Finger Right Mouse Button = Thumbs Up Reload button = Cross your arms Originally made by: TechedRonan...
Created by Jakey
Bread A trick of the mind (a SWEP) which contacts the Gods to summon a loaf of bread that will float around your head in circles. Using your mind (really just Primary Attack), you can make the bread go flying to wherever you're looking at breakneck speeds....
Steel's Cars - Shifter Kart Pack
Created by Steel
I don't do requests. Please don't ask. Join the Steel's Cars group! INFO Drivable Shifter Karts, ported from Project CARS. All rights for the original model go to Slightly Mad Studios. Sound is recorded from Project CARS, recorded by me. Some credits: Me: ...
the j
Created by EL PEPE
a bouncy j...
Bouncy Gwagwa
Created by Kaboose
Bouncy gwagwa in 2 forms! Normal Gwagwa Big Gwagwa Simple reskin of bouncy ball Gwagwa...
remove sandbox velocity cap but it isn't hacked
Created by shade
i hate the goats ORIGINAL DESCRPITION: This addon removes the Player Velocity clamp from jumping in the Sandbox gamemode ONLY! (or sandbox derived gamemodes) Basically, this addon lets you bhop and build speed insanely fast....
Player Status Icons
Created by Haaax
What is this? This addon will show what players are doing in the form of an icon above their heads. Features Only the server is required to have this addon, it will work properly for any player that joins - Contains no additional models or sounds, it's jus...
Door Bust!
Created by Lee Koldun
Always wanted to just run into the door and bust it on full speed? Well, now you can! This small addon lets you do badass door busting while sprinting (so you won't have to open it with "+use" while running away from NextBots, for example) Features: • Ramm...
Cigarette SWEP
Created by Seefox
Official Description : Vape sucks, go smoke like cool guy! (Réupload) It contains three types of Russian cigarettes: -Belomorkanal (cheap cigarette, -1 hp when smoking) -Capitain Black (expensive cigarette, contains 2 types of smoke) -Yava (default cigaret...
[INABAKUMORI] Osage-chan Playermodel
Created by Seven-8 ッ
The girl from INABAKUMORI's songs. Features - Playermodel - Ragdoll - C_arms - Face flexes and blinking animation - Jiggle bones (hair/cloth physics) - Cartoon Shading ($lightwarptexture) Mods used Pistols
Pizza Tower Taunt
Created by
Press `T` (default) to taunt. You can parry most attacks by taunting. Use the `pizzataunt_setkey` console command to rebind the key; you can also use `+sl_bind pizza_taunt` to proc it manually. For parrying, check `pizzataunt_parry_...` convars for more se...
[Vmanip]Entity Drag/Pull
Created by YongLi
simple entity/prop pick up addon og codes from Jmod Walk key(Alt as default) + E to pick up Entity you can customize pull force, reach distance and viewbob in the options menu you can enable Walk + E only mode in the options menu so you wont grab entity ju...
Better Bouncy Ball
Created by somefoolouthere
Better Bouncy Ball (BBB) improves the default Garry's Mod bouncy ball with more spawn color variations, more customizability, and better audio. More color variations have been added for when a ball is spawned, and includes a gray variant, though it's not r...
Aaron's KillList
Created by Aaron
Aaron's KillList This is rewritten KillList addon i released long time ago. Not it returns with points system, few bonus points for headshot, long range kill or killing after death! Supports MWIII Revive System if ReviveHooks addon is installed. TODO: Add ...