Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

265 ratings
[DeathMatch] Powerdown
Other: Summer
Game Mode: Specialty
File Size
79.554 MB
18 May, 2024 @ 1:45pm
29 Jun, 2024 @ 10:23am
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[DeathMatch] Powerdown

VScript Free-For-All starring the Open Fortress Mercenary!

Bloink - Powerdown map
Magnus & MrModez - "Deathmatch! - Open Fortress OST"
Alaxe - Mercenary model, textures, qcs and vmts
Arsen - Chaingun and Grenade Launcher models and textures
Batandy - Super SMG model
Benjamoose - the Announcer
Cazsu - Chainsaw, Chaingun Tiny Pill sounds
Coolchouzhao - first-person animations for Chainsaw, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Lightning Gun, Dynamite, Rocket Launcher and Quad Launcher
Dr.Pyspy - Mercenary concept art, Crowbar textures, Chainsaw model, Railgun concept art
Ficool2 - Mercenary's gibs and VScript tips
FissionMetroid - most of weapon particles
Hex - first-person animations for G.I.B. and Railgun
HypnOS - Grenade Launcher concept art
iiboharz - Crowbad model
KaydemonLP - Mercenary qc/qci, G.I.B. particles, Mega Health model, Tiny Health textures
KrazyZark - G.I.B. third-person animations
Lizard Of Oz - Gamemode VScript
N-cognito - first-person animations for Crowbar, Pistol, Revolver, Supre Shotgun, Chaingun, Super SMG, Railgun and Grenade Launcher
Omniary - Super SMG sounds
Overlord Lettuce - Chaingun concept art
OverPovered - Rocket Launcher model, Lightning Gun textures, Revolver concept art
Scarlet Ruby - Mercenary qc
Silvermace - Mercenary animations
Skerion - G.I.B. textures and concept art
StacheKip - Mercenary VA, sounds for most weapons

...and the Open Fortress team.

Thanks to Pinewabble for the Victory Screen Stage edit.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
25 May, 2024 @ 9:08am
PINNED: Bugs & Suggestions Thread
Lizard Of Oz
18 May, 2024 @ 10:45pm
[US-West] Server hosting this map
Lizard Of Oz  [author] 6 Dec, 2024 @ 4:54am 
(The comment below asks why bots don't work)
Here's the main reasons why bots currently don't work.
• Bots "don't know" that they are supposed to collect guns by walking over weapon spawners.
• Bots won't shoot their teammates, and since you can't have 23 teams, some of the players are technically your teammates with friendly fire enabled.
• Bots are constantly trying to switch weapons because DeathMatch deviates from TF2's standard primary-secondary-melee formula.
All 3 can be fixed in principle, which I hope to do in the first half of the upcoming year.
боевик 6 Dec, 2024 @ 3:23am 
а чё не работоет
Lizard Of Oz  [author] 24 Aug, 2024 @ 4:36am 
Unfortunately, you can't play with bots.
TankDestroyer 24 Aug, 2024 @ 3:04am 
Can I play with bots
Lizard Of Oz  [author] 30 Jun, 2024 @ 7:04pm 
Found a way to drastically improve the gamemode performance. Stay tuned!
Lizard Of Oz  [author] 29 Jun, 2024 @ 10:29am 
An update has dropped!

- Added the Chaingun.
- Reduced Rocket Launcher's splash radius (146 -> 109.5) for Open Fortress parity.
- Fixed an FPS issue related to the Merc's cosmetics and the third-person weapon model.
- Fixed Previous Weapon bind not working correctly.
- Fixed dropped super weapons having max ammo, as opposed to the ammo left.
- Fixed GIB bomblets sometimes exploding the owner upon the main projectile's impact.
- Fixed being able to switch off of GIB during its attack charge.
- Fixed the Assault Rifle "feeling laggy" on high ping.
- Fixed the Assault Rifle and the Pistol Akimbo not having unique third person animations.
- Code improvements and optimization.
Lizard Of Oz  [author] 7 Jun, 2024 @ 8:04pm 
An update has dropped!

- Added outlines to weapon pickups you don't currently possess.
- Improved Weapon UI performance.
- Fixed botkillers in your face.
- Fixed pickups not respecting the assigned bounding box.
- Fixed inactive (picked up) pickups blocking certain attack types (namely melee hits).
- Fixed dropped weapons not providing the weapon sometimes.
- Fixed a bug when not having reserve ammo for certain weapons caused the Railgun to become unselectable.
- Now using Soldier as the base class so that the taunt animations will match the length.
- Code improvements, optimizations and safeguards.

Open Fortress parity improvements:
- Enemy HP is no longer visible.
- Added the visual countdown indicator for Super Weapons.
- Players drop small ammo pack on death.
- Added the weapon spawner plate prop from OF.
- Super Shotgun now gibs the opponents upon dealing more than 150 damage in 1 shot.
Crazy Boris 29 May, 2024 @ 2:53am 
Honestly, I would write my opinion on other maps and modes, but then it would be some kind of spam!

Please tell me why the "savetf2" campaign is needed, why other updates are needed, why deal with bots and bugs - you can leave everything as it is. Even write to Valve so that they don’t touch anything in the TF and don’t even add headers. If my words above bother you, it means you want something new to appear in TF2! This is a mode about the confrontation between mercenaries - the plot does not contradict TF2, the gameplay, yes, it differs from the concept of team against team, but at the same time the whole basis is taken from TF2. +new guns.

Crazy Boris 29 May, 2024 @ 2:53am 
I remember when Saxton was added in the summer of 23 - it was Hype, so many crazy videos, I myself played this mode for a long time, but this mode did not throw out other modes, we all continue to play them every year, why can’t we get that - something new? The zombie mode was also fun and appealed to many. At that moment, it seemed to me personally that TF2 had finally woken up or gotten up from its chair... then there was a scandal with one mode on New Year’s Day and it was not added.

In December, a guy in the Workshop tried to propose the concept of “Arcade mode”, that it was in the main menu and modes from the community could be added there, but even there people came out against it - although this is the real golden mean of solving the issue, but again..

Crazy Boris 29 May, 2024 @ 2:52am 
Such modes attract new players and bring back old ones -> increases online play -> opening cases increases -> valve everyone sees this and perhaps begins to watch their creation a little more!

And now I’ll tell you the most offensive thing about all of this - for many years we have been accusing valve of not having GOOD updates from them, and now when the community has a chance to at least BRING something new and interesting (NOT REPLACE), another part has appeared a community that doesn’t fucking need all these updates.