Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Ethernal Content Pack
Dies ist das Offizielle Content Pack für das Ethernal Projekt
Items (46)
Aerodynamic Wings - blocks for planet atmosphere
Created by Digi
This mod adds 3 wing blocks for small ships. They're all slightly different wing variations, a straight, a slightly angled and a more angled one, all of which are 5 blocks wide, 1 block tall and 1 to 3 blocks in length. These blocks apply lift when moved a...
Created by Schrodinger4
Draconis is a violet dwarf star, blanketed in a thick layer of fast moving dust clouds, and a set of bright rings on its outer edge. This celestial body is not for the inexperienced player to venture onto, with its lack of atmosphere, intense gravity and l...
Guardian's Vanilla Modified Target Lead
Created by BigPimpJunior
Balanced for Guardian's Vanilla Server based on the original mod Target Lead Indicator by Zkillerproxy. Original mod link. Guardian's Vanilla Server Direct Conne...
S - Modular Thruster - DX11
Created by Sektan
S - Modular Thruster DX11 - DX9 You can create a long thruster :) Build Progress Models I will improve. ----------> Atmospheric Modular Thruster <---------- ----------> Hydrogen Modular Thruster <---------- Large ForceMagnitude - 3800000 MaxPowerConsumptio...
Star Trek Jump Drive Lines
Created by Alysius
This mod introduces Star Trek style Warp Lines to Jump Drives. Animation runs completely Client Side. Thruster Lines Placement The double line placements are guessed based on your ship dimensions. To fix the lines to specific points on your ship (e.g. plac...
Created by Angel
Planet Type: Earthlike terrain Style: Terraces (Sorry, since im unable to smooth out this Terraces issuse. hopey someday soon can get things better) Has ocean: Yes NOTICE: don't worry about that dark ring see in pic. something to due with VIEW in game. kee...
Splitsie HUD for Survival Impossible - 1.201 Ready == With Targeting Indicator
Created by NorcaSystems
- Adds a small power warning symbol at 25% power and a larger power warning symbol at 10% power with countdown - Adds a O2 warning at 75% if you have no bottles and are using suit O2 only - Adds a H2 warning at 15% if you have no bottles and are using the ...
Automatic Ore Pickup
Created by Gwindalmir
Summary Tired of floating ore slowing you down and giving you concussions? Phoenix Manufacturing is back with something to take care of that! Now your drills all include a micro gravity generator* which will cause it to collect all floating ore nearby. In ...
Cargo Container with Fill Level Bars
Created by Eikester
This Mod adds Fill Level Bars to Cargo Containers (similar to Batteries) in 5% steps The Bar will change its color depending on the Fill Level of the Cargo Container: <75% = GREEN >75% = YELLOW >90% = RED in Creative Mode: >100% = BLUE = you will lose item...
MA Fighter Gunner Cockpit
Created by AutoMcDonough
FGC for short. Cockpit for gunner, fits behind Fighter Cockpit and matches style. Compatible with rearth's Advanced Combat Systems mod. If ACS mod is active, this cockpit will control all turre...
MA WeaponCore Weapons
Created by AutoMcDonough
A variety of energy and ballistic weapons This mod runs on the Weaponcore framework, as such it is a required item. Since this mod has it linked as required, your game will load weaponcore automatically (no need to add it separately). This also means gamep...
Modular Encounters Systems
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here for more details. What is Modular Encounters Systems? This mod was designed to be a flexible framework that will handle nearly all spawning of NPC grids in your game world. It also includes a behavior system...
SmartRotors: Solar
Created by AutoMcDonough
SmartRotors, rotors with built-in functionality for ease of use. This is the solar variant, it automatically tracks the sun. Other variants to follow later, currently planned are VTOL and PMW. Isn’t this the same effect as running a script on rotors? Yes. ...
Target Lead Indicator [Obsolete]
Created by Zelious
This mod adds target lead indicators to the HUD. They work with any weapon and any other HUD mod! A Little Example: Tell Me More... In all cockpits you will now find 4 new setting. A switch to enable or disable target indica...
Avatar s Pandora
Created by GHOSTXV
Pandora is the fifth moon of the gas giant Polyphemus, which orbits Alpha Centauri A in the Alpha Centauri star system, the closest star system to our own sun. Discovered by space telescopes at some point between 2050 and 2077, Pandora has been the single ...
Helghan (Weather Update!)
Created by Almirante Orlock
Helghan is a planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri A located in the Alpha Centauri System, 4.2 light-years away from the Solar System. It is home planet to the Helghast. Helghan is a remote and desolate world with unfavorable conditions for human habitat...
Kharak (Beta)
Created by Entersprite
New! HydrogenWars Alpha Test map is now available. It includes the currently available planetary structures, respawn vehicle and essential mods. Key features - 8K height map - Surface roads (textures temporarily borrowed from Lavuc) - 3D Clouds (inspired b...
Created by Doctor Octoganapus
Neirri is an Earth like planet with unique vegetation and large grasslands. The first explorers called the planet an Eden of life and beauty. Its dense untamed grasslands have been able to grow to their highest points and the forests are dense but calm in ...
Planet Ryke117
Created by SMU
Since Space Mining Universal's incursioning in comercial space ship design, the company has been settling new horizons for the industry. SMU has established a new exploration division with the sole purpose of finding planets, plausible for huge mining oper...
Animated Jump Drives
Created by Gwindalmir
Do you think the jump drive is missing something? So did we. In conjunction with SEModder4, we have animated the jump drives! Features: Animation state is dependent on jump drive status Spins faster the more depleted the charge Slow idle animation while re...
Clean Assembler Tab
Created by Arstraea
When we playing SE with a lot of MOD (which is Weapons or contained special components), our production tab becomes messy. And in this case, this mod could help us. This mod adds new 1 tab and re-arrange blueprints in Components tab. Components - Remains v...
ModCubeBlocks Upgrade Module
Created by Willy
Productivity Module Productivity Module x2 Productivity + 200% Productivity Module x4 Productivity + 400% Productivity Module x8 Productivity + 800% Productivity Module x16 Productivity + 1600% Effectiveness Module Effectiveness Module x2 Effectiveness + 2...
Scifi Ore: Azurium
Created by DonCDXX
This is Azurium from my Sci-fi Ore Series I explain the premise of the series, post updated info, and take suggestions there. This mod adds New planet- Azureplanet A world covered in "oceans" wit...
Scifi Ore: Duranium
Created by DonCDXX
This is Duranium from my Sci-fi Ore Series I explain the premise of the series, post updated info, and take suggestions there. This mod adds New planet- Duraniumplanet A plain world covered mostl...
Scifi Ore: Kaelnium
Created by DonCDXX
This is Kaelnium from my Sci-fi Ore Series I explain the premise of the series, post updated info, and take suggestions there. This mod adds New planet- Kaelniumplanet A world of soft rolling hil...
Tiered Jump Drives
Created by N1Ran
Tier 1 -Maximum Jump Distance = 3000 km -Max Stored Power = 5 -Max Power Input = 42 Tier 2 -Maximum Jump Distance = 4000 km -Max Stored Power = 7 -Max Power Input = 52 Tier 3 -Maximum Jump Distance = 5000 km -Max Stored Power = 9 -Max Power Input = 62 Tier...
Imber Corporation
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here for more details. Introduction Imber Corporation adds several NPC Grid Encounters to your game. This includes Space and Planetary Cargo Ships, Random Encounters, and Planetary Installations. Encounter Inform...
Faster Cargo Ship Spawn Rate
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Description This mod changes how often Cargo Ship Events will trigger near the player. Specifications - First Spawning (Game Start): 5 min (Default: 5 min) - Minimum Spawn Time: 2 min (Default: 13 min) - Maximum Spawn Time: 5 min (Default: 17 min) Compatib...
OKI Grand Weapons Bundle
Created by Okim
State of the mod! The current version is very outdated and is no longer supported, so please use one of the reuploads provided below! Seff's fixed reupload Please use this much more up to date variant of the pack fixed and maintained by Seff: : https://ste...
Parallax Concepts
Created by Meridius_IX / Lucas
Meridius_IX has retired from modding. Click Here for more details. Introduction Parallax Concepts adds several NPC Grid Encounters to your game. This includes Space and Planetary Cargo Ships, and Planetary Installations. Encounter Information This table pr...
[VSI] Recolorable Thrusters
Created by Darkmist
Void Star Industries proudly presents the technology to recolor any thruster flames from the control panel. No more predefined flame colors that don't match your paint job. Simply go into the thruster's control panel and set your preferred color with the c...
Nanobot Build and Repair System
Created by Dummy08
Nanobot build and repair system for small and large ships/stations (automatic welding/grindig/cleanup system) Features This system could repair damaged, build projected and grind marked/enemy blocks within range around the system. It also could collect flo...
Golden Zenon
Created by Zenon
The planet with a huge amount of the gold (Au). Looks as well in 15 km Ø as in 120 km Ø. O2 = No Atmoshpere = No Gravity = 1.8G Au = 100% Gold is from 5m to 250m deep (on the whole surface of the planet - basically it is everywhere) Tools used: - Notepad++...
Created by Doctor Octoganapus
Lavuc is a large and lifeless barren world. Unlike most planets of its size Lavuc's atmosphere is extremely thin with the high peaks on the planet towering above the atmosphere. With the extremely thin atmosphere and high gravity ships equipped with atmosp...
Created by DeltaGhost88
Postion from Sun - 9th Gravity - 1.14g Primary Resource - Ice...
Object-85 (Weather Update)
Created by Almirante Orlock
English: Object-85 is a rocky moon with large craters scattered all over its surface where it formed a thin layer of atmosphere due to the accumulation of gasses in the bottom of these regions. Gravity: 0.3G Resources: U - 76.9% Fe - 12.8% Ni - 10.2% Ice -...
Created by Ludwichs
: I no longer support any of my mods, if you want a working version feel free to modify it and upload your own version. Io-inspired moon. Spawns all tiers of ores. Spiders! Recommended size: 50km Gravity: 0.4g Ice: a lot Oxygen: none Breathable: false Atmo...
P-954D Veatrice
Created by 9K
P-954D Veatrice This mod contains three celestial bodies: The planet P-954D Veatrice and its moons. This is a full-sized planet and contains all ore types. P-954D Veatrice (planet) Veatrice is a rocky planet with a poisonous red atmosphere. If you're on th...
Dusty Desert Planet
Created by SlowpokeFarm
Planet mod Inspired by Tatooine with unique terrain and ambience. Surface primarily consists of sands and rocks, oppressed by a scorching climate. The planet has no water or ice, but rich with ores both beneath the surface and in the rocks. Get ice from Mo...
Nanite Control Facility v2.2(11) - Automated Construction
Created by nukeguard
Nanite Construction System V2.2! Automated floating object cleanup, mining, welding, and grinding. So you're free to do other things! ==================================================== Guide for Nanites -
Alien Alarms (Soundblock)
Created by Alpha
A collection of seven different loopable alarm sounds from Alien and Alien: Isolation. This is my first mod for Space Engineers so please let me know if you have any problems with it. Enjoy!...
Frozen Nebula
Created by Chuunimaru
Based off the Horseshoe Nebula, one of the coldest places in the universe. Fire up those space heaters. Images from Space Engine. Update: DX11 now supports skyboxes, so you should be fine now....
Elite: Dangerous Jump Drive Sound Effects
Created by CatCraftYT
Replaces the vanilla jump drive effects with the Frame Shift Drive sounds from Elite: Dangerous. Sounds quite clunky but I couldn't get it sounding any better. If anyone has something that would sound better, send em to me and I'll take a look....
HoverRail (deprecated; see description for continuation)
Created by FeepingCreature
Update 2021-08-15: Since I can no longer even start the game on Linux: THIS MOD IS NOW RUN BY IZION Thank you for your offer to take over support! Everyone, please switch to their version! =...
Modded Sensor
Created by Mr.AoKay
This is my first mod, the reason I decided to make this is to make a alarm system from my station so when the enemy is in range the alarm will sound. I know there is a mod out there that probably does this already, but as I wanted to learn how to mod in Sp...
Directed Energy Warfare [Abandoned]
Created by Seff
A couple years late on this, but sorry for abandoning this mod with no explanation or updates. I'm sure we've all been there, when it comes to Space Engineers and burnout. I tested this mod today (July 26th, 2021), and it does appear to still work, in that...