Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Cities: Skylines A'M Series Mod
All mods used in my series.
Items (99)
American RoadSigns v2.2.0
Created by Judazzz
About this mod American RoadSigns is a both stripped-down and enhanced version of hyperdrive_engaged's original American Roads, which is no longer supported, and unfortunately causes some issues for some players. The good news is that recently an American ...
American Railroad Signal Replacer
Created by ol' rdtg
This mod replaces the vanilla railroad crossing signals with an American style crossing signal. Currently the lights are non-functioning, but I am in the process of fixing that and will be adding an animated barrier soon too. Upcoming soon: Reworked small ...
Fine Road Anarchy - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Anarchy based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead. ...
Fine Road Tool - Ending
Created by Klyte45 This place used to be the old remake from Fine Road Tool based on SamSamTS. Use Network Anarchy from Quboid instead....
Railway Replacer
Created by Ronyx69
Railway Replacer is developed by Simon Royer, Egi and Ronyx. The mod is responsible of two major tasks; replacement of station tracks on train stations and prop customisation/styling of rail networks that are part of RAILWAY ecosystem. Network and Style Pa...
Cinematic Camera Extended
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Capture different camera positions and play a cinematic transition between them. Extended version of Cinematic Camera by Icob. Instruction Click on the clapboard icon (can be moved with right mouse butt...
Shadow Strength Adjuster
Created by Ronyx69
Allows to change the strength of shadows that objects cast using a slider, saves and loads the value next time. It doesn't load the slider position visually, but the actual shadow value loads correctly. The slider can be found in the options - mods setting...
No Abandonment
Created by Katalepsis
Disable Building Abandonment This mod disables abandonment in your game. Useful for people who like to play in complete sandbox mode and not worry about their carefully placed buildings being abandoned. Already abandoned buildings are not affected. Enjoy! ...
Ultimate Level Of Detail (ULOD)
Created by boformer
Make use of your graphics card! Configure the LOD distance of trees, props, buildings and networks. Updated for Campus DLC This mod enables you to increase the render distance of detailed tree, prop, building and network models. Take a look at the mod sett...
Created by Ronyx69
--- UPDATE JULY 2023: This mod is old, Nyoko and algernon made a new mod which includes Relight's features and more called Lumina: --- Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tonemapping. A...
Ultimate Eyecandy v1.5.2
Created by Judazzz
Hey all, I've been enjoying Cities: Skylines basically since release day, immensely helped by all the awesome stuff the community created. So after so much taking, I figured it was time for a little giving. In real life I'm a web developer (mainly front-en...
Move It
Created by Quboid
Move It 2.10.8 Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.18.1 (23rd October Update) New in 2.10.8: - Updated for game version 1.18.1 - Added support for Nyoko's Procedural Objects fix This mod allows you to select, move and align various things.
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack 2
Created by Ronyx69
2K cubemap pack using images from I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. Read the description of the first pack: Twitch YouTube Twitter Simtropoli...
New American Traffic Lights - NYC/NJ Style
Created by ol' rdtg
ATTENTION: This mod is now deprecated! Do not use it as a standalone mod anymore! Simply grab Cgameworld's Traffic Light Replacer mod, subscribe to this and follow the instructions on his mod. This will allow you to use the traffic signal assets from this,...
Route Shields for PO
Created by Gabrielium
This is a font for Procedural Objects that contains US route shields, interstate signage, and arrows, and more. To use this font, you'll need Procedural Objects but also some blank gantry sign assets. My signs of choice are these by Spence because they ble...
Speed Slider [v2]
Created by Rojoss
Adds a slider to your UI to modify the entire game speed. This does make your entire game run faster or slower including thngs such a the camera. See the FAQ below to understand better how this works. It's mostly used by people that want to make the game g...
Plop the Growables
Created by Katalepsis
Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain where you put them. In essence this mod removes the "Demolish me" signal growables normally send to the game when they are not in a zoned area or not in the correct distric...
Improved Public Transport 2
Created by BloodyPenguin
Also known as IPT2. Provides improved control of public transportation. Compatible with More Vehicles, TM:PE, Vehicle Selector! YOU MUST DELETE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD AND RESTART THE GAME BEFORE USING THIS! This is a...
First Person Camera: Updated
Created by tony56a
An update of nlight's First-person camera! Also: a fix for the light flickering issue when following a vehicle/pedestrian. adjustable vehicle camera offset positioning increased field of depth options for a more "isometric camera"-y feel ( reduce field of ...
Sun Shafts
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds stunning Sun Shaft effects! Note: At the moment it's for Windows only, I'll learn how to support Linux and Mac later You can toggle the effect in the F8 menu. Please note that you will probably lose a couple of fps usin...
Extra Landscaping Tools
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to place natural resources in-game + provides configurable tree brush&pencil, terraform and water tool. Provides some Map Editor tools in-game (like Resources Tool) and movable 'Brush Options' toolbar. Available throu...
PostProcessFX v1.9.0
Created by MazK
Enable additional post processing effects such as bloom, lensflare, different anti aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Bloom and lensflare Can be fully controlled with the ingame UI with the following settings: - Enable Bloom: Enables the bloom effect....
Advanced Toolbar
Created by CWMlolzlz
Advanced Toolbar introduces new functionality to the toolbar including an expandable asset panel and auto icon centre. Too many icons on your bar? Center them all by enabling Auto Centre in the options. This will shift them so they are easier to access. Th...
Surface Painter
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to change terrain surface Are you tired of endless list of filler assets cluttering your parks panel and exhausting your buildings limit? Then this mod is for you! This is a plugin for my Extra Lanscaping Tools mod th...
Network Extensions 2
Created by sniggledigit
Now Using Harmony 2.2 What's New (v. Updated for Hotels & Retreats (v. Now compatible with Better Education Toolbar (v1.2.0.0) Updated for compatibility with Plazas & Promenades Source:
Quay Anarchy
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for quays, flood walls, cargo and passenger harbors For those wondering what quay is, word 'Quay' means the same as 'Wharf'. Draggable quays were a...
Ploppable Asphalt +
Created by Ronyx69
Allows using road shaders on props for ploppable asphalt, pavement, cliff, grass, gravel surfaces. Also includes legacy asphalt props, they are outdated but still work fine if you used them before, from now on I recommend using the new set. http://steamcom...
Daylight Classic
Created by BloodyPenguin Brings back original daylight color and fog settings from pre-After Dark versions of C:S IT'S A MOD, NOT A LUT! This mod doesn't require After Dark DLC! Are you annoyed with that yellow tint that turns days into permanent ev...
HDRI 2K Cubemap Pack
Created by Sparks
HDRI 2K Cubemap Pack by Sparks Enable mod, load your save, click reload selected cubemaps then restart the game Make sure you have classic fog effect on in 'Daylight Classic' mod Or if using 'Render it' mod, make sure you have static fog effect on For more...
Procedural Objects
Created by Simon Ryr
Procedural Objects mod Made by Simon Royer from the #FrenchCityDesigners community. Version 1.7.8 compatible with Cities:Skylines 1.14.5-f1 (Airports) and all expansions. No expansion required. The Procedural Objects mod adds a vertex customization tool di...
Camera Positions Utility
Created by Katalepsis
What? Why? I've always been annoyed by the fact that the game doesn't remember your camera position when you save a city. Similarly, when making assets, I often found it tedious to line up the camera for identical screenshots across bundles of assets (eg. ...
NoPillars ( v1.1+ compatible )
Created by BloodyPenguin Its name says everything about it This is my fixed and improved version of some danny's excellent NoPillars mod.Original mod seems to be abandoned and I've adopted it. This version of NoPillars is compatible with European Bu...
Sharp Textures
Created by Ronyx69
This mod makes textures appear sharper by increasing anisotropy and decreasing mipmapping. Settings can be adjusted in real time. Anisotropy makes textures look better at grazing angles. The vanilla anisotropy varies between 0 and 8 for various textures. M...
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you paint buildings directly in-game. This mod adds a Color Field button to the Building Info Panel. Click this button and use the Color Picker to change the building's color. Buttons to Copy, Paste, or Erase are provided. Options to 'Colorize' whole ...
Decal Hover Area
Created by Ronyx69
This mod allows changing the hover area for big decals in real time. UPDATE 1: Added option to reduce decal culling. (disappearing when looking away from center of decal) NOTE: The camera will jump up over the decal, so use Cam...
More Network Stuff
Created by BloodyPenguin Adds more network stuff to Asset Editor for modders to place. Also allows editing ship and airplane paths ingame and placing regular roads and metro tunnels in MapEditor. Read description carefully before using this mod! IMP...
Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
Created by sniggledigit Version 11 (11.0.0) Thank you for scoping out the Metro Overhaul Mod. The main goals of this mod are: NEW Integrate and extend the functionality and versatility of the existing metro network. ...
Environment Changer (+ Improved Theme Selection )
Created by BloodyPenguin Allows to change a saved game's, map's or theme's environment. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. This mod allows to change environment of an existing save game. It adds a drop down to main ...
Tree LOD Fix
Created by Katalepsis
Increase the quality of Tree LODs Use the options menu to select between 4 Tree Lod Resolutions: Low = Vanilla (512px²) Medium = noticeably better (1024px²) High = great (2048px²) Ultra = totally amazing (4096px²) NOTE: Tree LODs in Cities Skylines are ren...
HDRI Haven Cubemap Pack
Created by Ronyx69
1K cubemap pack using images from I didn't make the images, I only edited and converted them. Converted using HDRI to CubeMap converter by MateuszWis: The n...
Precision Engineering
Created by Simie Precision Engineering augments Cities: Skylines by adding angle snapping, guidelines and additional information to assist you when building roads, train lines, pipes and power lines. Installatio...
Theme Decals
Created by Ronyx69
Adds decals which match the current map theme. 32m/16m versions for grass/cliff/sand/gravel/ruined/oil/ore and 32m/16m corner/16x8m edge versions for pavement. Known issues: If the mod is disabled, it won't work, because it's disabled. If you change graphi...
Airport Roads
Created by SamsamTS
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.10.0-f3 (Park Life) Fixed version of Runways and Taxiways mod. Adds runways and taxiways to the airport menu. Runway has the same cost as Highway road. Taxiway has the same cost as Small road. This mod doesn't change the p...
Train Converter
Created by BloodyPenguin With this mod you will be able to automatically convert existing 'metro'-trains into real metro trains without content creators remaking their assets. Which is especially important since Sunset Harbor patch now added ground ...
[OBSOLETE] Service Vehicle Selector 2
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to select multiple service vehicle per building + allows to select service vehicles that vanilla doesn't Please note that in case of cable car lines, you must set needed vehicle type on all of cable car stations belon...
Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance
Created by BloodyPenguin
Prevents large props (like planes, containers etc.) from disappearing on zooming out. Adjusts LOD distance for trees depending on their size. The larger is prop/tree, the further it is visible! For small props visibility distances should remain the same as...
Unlimited Trees Mod v1.12
Created by DRen72
UNLIMITED TREES MOD v1.12 Current code by BloodyPenguin and mod site hosted by DRen72 Latest Code Update: May 24, 2018 (Compatible and tested with v1.12.2 and Campus DLC) This mod unlocks the games limitation of 262,144 tree...
Bee's North America Sound Pack
Created by imabusybee
This mod changes the siren sounds to North American style sirens (including the newer rumbler/howler sirens). The mod currently includes the following sounds (vp=Variation Probability): - BeePoliceSiren1(vp=36%): An older style wailer, wobbler, and WeOh mi...
Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED)
Created by boformer
This mod is now deprecated! The game developers added official support for sub buildings in the asset editor! Sub-buildings are separate building assets which can be used to create assets which are larger than 16x8. For example, the feature is used by the ...
Marked Incompatible ]  Road Options (Road Colors Changer ++)
Created by Katalepsis
Change road colors, remove crosswalks, remove road markings and more. Provides sliders to change road colors per road category. Lets you remove crosswalks and road markings (Highways, Vanilla small and medium roads done so far, rest coming soonish). You ca...
Marked Incompatible ]  Bridge Fix
Created by Leo Mystic Magic
This fix is needed for bridges that are being placed on water with the Onwater placement mode. If you build a road system in the asset editor and set the placement mode to onwater you will get wavey roads in game which completely ruins the way you want it ...
Emergency Light Changer
Created by boformer
This mod changes the color of the emergency vehicle lights. You can choose one of the preset in the options menu of the mod: The 'American' preset changes the lights of all fire trucks to red-blue (selected by default). The 'European' preset changes the li...
Roads United: US Reworked 2018
Created by Pres
This mod gives your roads a realistic American look! HUGE thanks to Unlawful Enemy Combatant for giving me permission to rework the amazing Roads United: US Edition pack! Give this mod a rating if you like it! -IMPORTANT- - *ROADS UNITED CORE+ SHOULD STILL...
Theme Mixer 2
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you load, mix and customize Map Themes It's finally here, at long last. This is a complete re-make of the original Theme Mixer mod. Features Change map themes directly in-game. Select map theme "parts" from different map themes (Atmosphere, Structures...
Photographic LUT for After Dark
Created by Graham/Talon
This LUT updates the "Photoreal Colour Correction" for the new lighting model in After Dark ...
Created by Raffa
Highly recommended this mods: Relight UltimateEyecandy SharpTextures...
Created by Raffa
Temperate Map Theme (temperate version of original SCT-NATURERESERVE) Highly recommended this mods: Relight UltimateEyecandy Sharp Textures...
Cleyra - Map Theme
Created by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map Theme by Dexter Hi everyone, here is the Map Theme for my Cleyra project. This is a theme for temperate maps. All textures use a high resolution(4k) and gives cities/maps a better and sharper look. The style is created with natural and realist...
Owl's Albedo Theme
Created by OWL USED COLOR CORRECTION: Owl's Cinematic HDs in Owl's Cinematic LUT Pack >CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE!< TROPICAL BASED THEME CREATOR's NOTE: I am so sorry for the removal of the theme....
Springwood Map Theme
Created by Ronyx69
Outdated release, description removed, comments unsubscribed....
Cedar Valley 4K
Created by MarkFire
After almost 2 weeks of work we are pleased to release 4k version of Cedar Valley map theme. Let your creativity run wild with great looking sharp textures. This theme is for the "Temperate Climate" and the screenshots above were taken with the Evergreen! ...
Dynamic Resolution (Fixed for 1.9!)
Created by Gradius Twin
NOW WORKING IN 1.9 GREEN CITIES! KNOWN ISSUE - MAC OS X: This mod is currently broken on the Mac. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing (or disabling) it and restarting the game will fix the problem. I would love to suppor...
Cubemap Replacer (Read description!)
Created by BloodyPenguin
Replaces daytime skybox & reflections in windows and water surfaces. Photorealistic clouds without Photoshop, yay! NOTE: To see sky texture change like on screenshot you must have Daylight Classic installed with 'Classic fog effect' option enabled! That mo...
More Relight LUTs
Created by Ronyx69
LUT pack including 5 LUTs: Alpine, Lush, North, Natural, Average. The names have the prefix "Relight2". Created for the default and recommended relight settings: Since some people are except...
Skagun v2 EU
Created by Raffa
Europian version of Skagun with small changes. More space for city. New highway connection and intersections (MT). *Bridge (Jätkänkynttilä) Suomi need one click on ground with shovel at ends of the bridge for restoration of terrain. Highly recommended this...
Autumn Theme
Created by Pres
AS SEEN ON YOUTUBE IN MY NEW WINDSOR SERIES! I've finally released my long-awaited autumn map theme. This theme allows you to create beautiful fall landscapes by using the oil natural resource texture as leaf-covered grass. Use the Extra Landscaping Tools ...
New American Traffic Lights
Created by ol' rdtg
ATTENTION: This mod is now deprecated! Do not use it as a standalone mod anymore! Simply grab Cgameworld's Traffic Light Replacer mod, subscribe to this and follow the instructions on his mod. This will allow you to use the traffic signal assets from this,...
Ay'City Series - Map of the Series Ay'City
Created by Ay'
Hello everyone, here is the map of my famous series named "Ay'City Series" ! Ay'City is a Cities: Skylines series based in the northern United States. This series aims to create an imaginary city in the American style. I wanted to share the map. This is di...
New American Traffic Lights - Vanilla Side
Created by ol' rdtg
ATTENTION: This mod is now deprecated! Do not use it as a standalone mod anymore! Simply grab Cgameworld's Traffic Light Replacer mod, subscribe to this and follow the instructions on his mod. This will allow you to use the traffic signal assets from this,...
Network Tiling
Created by Ronyx69
Loads custom tiling values for network segment and node textures. The mod is required for people who want to use networks which depend on this mod. Makes it easier for asset creators to texture networks (roads, walls canals etc.) by allowing to control the...
Network Skins
Created by boformer Change the visual appearance of roads, train tracks and pedestrian paths per segment. This is an improved version of the well-known Network Skins mod, developed by TPB and boformer. Disable the other Network Skins mod before...
Harmony 2.2.2-0 (Mod Dependency)
Created by boformer This is a dependency for various other mods. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching library (version 2.2.2) to all mods that require it. It also hotpatches older Harmony versions ( and and adds limit...
Hide It!
Created by Keallu
Compatible with Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats) This mod allows to hide unwanted things in the game. NEW IN 1.28 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.17.0-f3 (Hotels & Retreats). NEW IN 1.27 - Recompiled for Cities Skylines 1.16.1-f2 (Hubs & Tr...
Roads United Core 2.0
Created by Killface
The original RU Core mod Fully supports the Core+ naming scheme and NExt roads, depending on the used texture packs. Road texture replacement mod - needed for applying custom texture packs. It works like Terrain Themes, i.e. gets a xml file with the theme ...
No Problem Notifications
Created by Katalepsis
Lets you disable problem notification flags from being set. When the game detects a problem on a building, it sets a special flag called a Problem Notification. This causes the little notification icons to flash at you and also it triggers some effects fro...
Created by Greyflame
ONE CLICK COLLECTION Introduction You know you're in deep when you make a map to take a break from the map you started to take a break from the map you started to take a break from the city you're supposed to be making videos for. Anyway, this map just hap...
US Complete Road Pack [One Click]
Created by Grozunol ⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤══════⦃◯⦄══════⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤             DISCLAIMER         If you subscribe to the 𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝘾𝙇𝙄𝘾𝙆 version, 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧 subscribe                  to the others single roads,                to avoid duplicate asset problems. ⏤⏤⏤...
Railway Barriers (American)
Created by Strategy Nerd
Railway: USA & CAN How to Use To replace your current barriers with the Railway Replacer mod, use the shortcut Shift + Alt + P and select one of the below styles. You can change the # tracks sign by placing one of the separate sign props over it. Pack Cont...
USRP Arrow Decals
Created by Endoraan
Please read before subscribing! It is mandatory that you subscribe to all the required assets on the right => I will remove any comments about missing assets that are clearly marked as required. Also read the required assets' description respectively. If y...
Advanced Vehicle Options
Created by Tim
Advanced Vehicle Options 1.9.12 Hubs & Transports DLC Mod Compatibility and Loading Issues If you have any issues with the new Treasure Hunt DLC, please be sure to read Avanya's support discussi...
TM:PE STABLE (Traffic Manager: President Edition)
Created by Krzychu1245
Improve lane and parking usage. and customise junctions, roads, and rails! This is the stable release with tested features. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀User Guide⠀⠀⠀⠀Report Bugs⠀⠀⠀⠀Discord Chat Vehicles despawning ...
Node Controller Renewal 3.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you change node type and shape This is renewal version of original Node Controller by kian.zarrin with improved UI/UX. The new UI allows you to make the perfect inters...
Upgrade Untouchable 1.1: Convert stations
Created by Klyte45 This new mod brings a totally new way of changing segment types of buildings, without needing to deform them "making the segments touchable", as like Touch This! Mod used to do. So, it allows ...
Clouds & Fog Toggler
Created by BloodyPenguin Disable clouds and distance fog that blocks your view when zooming out. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. (configurable) I made this mod because clouds & fog rendering changed in After Dark update complete...
Intersection Marking Tool 1.14.5
Created by macsergey Overview This mod allows you to quickly create road markings at intersections. This is for detailing and aesthetics ONLY and WILL NOT tell your traffic where to go. If you want to control traf...
Marked Incompatible ]  [DEPRECATED] Prop Anarchy 0.7.6
Created by Quistar
UNSUBSCRIBE this Mod and use algernon's version instead! New in Version 0.7.6 Includes all fixes implemented by Algernon in the temporary fix Bringing this mod up to date with latest version of Cities 1.15 With Extended Mana...
Marked Incompatible ]  [DEPRECATED] Extended Managers Library 1.0.3
Created by Quistar
UNSUBSCRIBE this Mod and use algernon's version instead! I'm an avid detailer, and the primary source of limitation when I build my city is the prop limit. That's when I finally decided to create this mod, instead of going a...
Loading Screen Mod Revisited 1.1.10
Created by algernon A replacement for, and continuation of, thale5's original Loading Screen Mod. Includes improved performance and compatibility with other mods, as well as some new features: Skip network and tree prefabs (in addition to the o...
BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer 1.0.1
Created by algernon Beautify Our Builds (BOB). OR Universal Beauty Manager Tool To Change Ugly Props And Trees Or Bury Them (UBMTTCUPATOBT). More details on usage you'll find in the basic BOB guide. New in 0.9.4 New feature: ability to add new ...
Game Anarchy 1.2.1
Created by Mbyron26
Overview Extends and optimize game's functions. New in version 1.2.1 Fixed serialization exception issues. Contains Functions: GA has a control panel in the game, use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+G or the UUI button to invoke! Fa...
Ploppable RICO Revisited 2.5.6
Created by algernon Check out the wiki page for additional information, descriptions, guides and FAQ. New in 2.4: Configurable cost overrides. Option to automatically lock the building level of plopped growables (requires Advanced Building Leve...
Mesh Import Rotation Tangents Fix
Created by Ronyx69
Fixes the asset editor mesh importer rotation feature. This mod is only for asset creators. When using the mesh importer rotation feature in the asset editor, the tangents are incorrect, therefore breaking normal maps. The problem this mod fixes is visuali...
Extended Asset Editor 0.7.6
Created by Acc3ss Violation
Adds some stuff to the asset editor for dealing with vehicles. (And perhaps more asset types in the future) Trailer variation loader requirement This is needed if you want to see the effects of changing the Variation fields of submeshes in-game. If you don...
Custom Effect Loader
Created by boformer
This mod is required for props and vehicles with custom light effects. It sets up and enables the effects on level load. Just install and enable the mod and enjoy the lights :) Cool assets with custom effects! Get them! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.n...
Find It! 2
Created by sway
This mod allows you to search, filter, select, and place assets. It also provides some extra info that are usually not available in vanilla game. Unsubscribe the BETA version before you use this mod! This mod was forked from...
ModTools 3.8.0
Created by BloodyPenguin ModTools is an in-game scene graph viewer and a toolkit for mods and assets authors. THIS IS NOT A MOD. MODTOOLS IS A DEBUGGING TOOL FOR MODS/ASSETS AUTHORS. Note: auto-evaluating properties in scene explorer might cause err...
PropRotating Params
Created by Ronyx69
While previously created rotating props still require the PropRotating Params mod, a new method for saving shader parameters by boformer has removed the requirement for a mod. See the PropRotating Shader article:
Improved Mod Upload Panel
Created by BloodyPenguin
Automatically sets preview image on mod publishing and update, automatically sets title and desctiption on publishing, automatically adds tag with current version of the game This is a mod for modders. If you're a regular pl...
Advanced Building Editor
Created by BloodyPenguin
Allows to edit spawn points, sub buildings + more in Asset Editor. Carefully read description before using! This is a mod for modders. If you're a regular player, you won't need it. This mod is essential for making buildings...
Linked collections (2)
In 2 collections by Ay'
Cities: Skylines A'M Series Assets 1
921 items
Cities: Skylines A'M Series Assets 2
940 items