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Останні рецензії користувача GrimmSword

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Показані результати 1–10 із 57
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
19.8 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
AW MAN, this game is so cool. Though I have some issues, it isn't a full release, so I reserve some judgement.

- Controller Compatible, and that works amazingly...
- Runs VERY well
- PLAYS like you want it to.
- LOTS of optimism for the future.
- Driving 9/10- excellent control
- Building 8/10- loving it so far
- Activities 7/10 - Best Clean GTA so far


- No Invert Y axis in the menu
- No hunger/energy/Sleep management. (No need to die, just working slower, means extending the day.)
- Gotta really get used to picking up and placement of stuff...
- Character Gen needs a little more.....

Right now, everything is awesome (v0.5)
This is officially my chill game, all of the activities and building, decorating... these guys have cracked the code on the ultimate life sim.

The reason I would love this to have Survival stuff is to mainly "live" in this well crafted world. Everything can revolve around commerce {food, drink, Rent), but as it is, it's just a great great game.

I'll update as the game updates. as a package, 8/10.

Додано 25 лютого.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
0.6 год. загалом
I know, I know. The time it says I've played. I've played it before, and I don't know if I've written a review of this before.

TLDR: great, just could be greater.

- Exactly what you hope it is; a COD competitor. Absolutely competent.
- Feels great.
- Maps are dope.
- Weapons are dope.
- killstreaks are dope.
- controller has feedback.
- Professionally put together.


- The skins of these soldiers don't go hard..... The most limp d***, generic milk toast....... Ok, ok, a few skins are great. But I don't really feel like a badass on the main screen. I think the developer should lean harder into giving the characters more of an identity, since there is no real story.
- No story. Well.... There is an overarching story, but nothing to ground you into the fiction. I like shooting, but unless they come out and say "black ops 2 is the back story"....
- controller support... I know it's primarily m&k, and they did a valiant effort in the steam controls. But man.... Do you guys hate us controller users? It's not satisfactory.... It's like an unfinished handy.
- I keep hoping for a package that sells a full base experience, but everything is in pieces, and the seasons...

Look, I'm not ragging on the game, it's excellent. The few people I've played with have embraced me and we have played together, and I think the frustration from the "cons" is that as a console transplant, I REALLY want this game to be successful.


1. Package purchase: a $15-$20 package with a few badass skins and guns, immediately adds value to the hardcore fan.
2. PVE modes, I like the bot invasion in the tutorial. You should also have mercenary invasions as well.
3. More serious controller investments. At least pretend this is a console release, others will see it as that, or desire it on console as well.

I guess I could go on forever about this stuff. I'm greedy. I'm both a payer and a player. I think there should be a paid tier, and a free to play tier for broke folks. I don't want to pay for victory, but I love "GIJOE", and action figures, it would be great if you guys approached HASBRO for some character licenses. Or lifted ideas for skins, for collection. The skins you have are great for free to play, but time to take this to the next level!

Додано 6 жовтня 2024 р..
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3.8 год. загалом (3.1 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
I love survival games. so to play this, it's way more chill. I have tried enough to say that this is definitely a personal hit for me.

{Early access wishes}
1. I'm still broke, so I'm unaware if there is a compass or GPS. I Hit 2 pedestrians trying to read the map. I wish for a GPS, but an onscreen map when driving would be cool, if not, just a compass.
2. A bald option, since the hair choices are so few.....
3. Skin tone tuning? I like the faces,just want to customize a little bit.
4. Driving is a little sensitive, maybe let us use the mouse to steer? I know Gamepad will fix this.
5. Oh man, if you guys dare to open the steam workshop......

-Everything is great, no crashes, smooth framerate.
-Music choices actually help the atmosphere in the game. definitely feels like an escape into a "regular" life.

-A few more player faces and hairstyles needed
-Car turning too sensitive.{definitely needs analog}
-No zoom in on map yet, but still functional.
-Some of your guy friends look like prison whimps.

Early Access score? 8.9/10

There are other games out here, but with what is here, you can see the developer can add more, and I hope they do. one of my favorites this year.
Додано 4 травня 2024 р..
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1.6 год. загалом (1.5 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Early access, Early review lol.

Fun Factor, 10/10.

I like the customization, and the graphics get the job done for this style of game......

1. you put food in the game, and lodging, time to add hunger and inventory, and "bills" lol.
2. Skin textures we could earn. like yarn, leather, wool....The yellow is OKAY. (sigh)

I love this game. Cant wait to see what else these guys come up with.
Додано 25 березня 2024 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
1.1 год. загалом
Played on the phone first......

I probably love too many games, but this one is a little more special because it really does a lot in terms of survival, building, crafting, decoration, and combat. After you fix your controls here on PC, you realize that your character doesn't transfer from the phone, or from your online account.

You MUST start from scratch. That said, You don't even have to buy anything, because if you're a purist, you wont like the cosmetics. BUT if you like building, the store has TONS of awesome stuff you can use to decorate.

This game does give you the chance to LIVE in its world. Poo/Pee, Shower/Bathe, Cooking,sleeping.............So why only one hour?

Starting over SUCKS. so forgive me for waiting to play this game so I can get over my disappointment.

The Asians sure know how to make an inn depth RPG. You just have to get over some of the quirks that are non-cultural to us U.S. types.

Its a great game.


The UI is WAY too sloppy in places. but I know we need every single but of it with the systems in play. I wish We could set up our own servers. Great game.....or busy simulator.....It would be great if I could play on my phone and continue on PC.


Додано 30 жовтня 2023 р..
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0.5 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
good playing game. the operator system, though i like the level up aspect, i don't like a bunch of them enough to invest my energy or money in earning or buying a mask, respectively.

it is a great shooter, but man i hate all but 3 characters, and I cant play as any of them in DM.
Додано 11 червня 2023 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
16.6 год. загалом (5.6 год на момент рецензування)
Edit of my Review:

Still Recommend!

After My growth with the game over these hours, I'm going to say there is a problem I have. I have the phone Version, and I cannot open my steam account on it, but I guess I can open my Android account...

also, I want to see a deathmatch version of the museum. at least make it 4 players only.

Still great though.
Certifiable Hit, Takes the best of most FPS games, boils it down to DR Disrespect speed, momentum, high death counts, controls, everything is here. just need more maps, and more skins!

9/10 for me.
Додано 23 квітня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 6 травня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
1.2 год. загалом (0.6 год на момент рецензування)
Look, you see the time played, and don't know that I'm an old guy, who grew up on SOR and Final fight (to name 2 of the many). This is a cross between the two aforementioned, with the snaz and energy of some of the SNK franchises.

The graphics are FANTASTIC. The audio and feel is FANTASTIC. This developer "gets it". I mentioned my age range because I have a job and I can't sit down and beat it in a single sitting. Played it on hard, NO CONTINUES. 🤣 I love it!!

10/10 purchase.

Gripes? Bruh. Only 2 player co op(not 3)? Only 3 characters? I wish I could let that go, but it's like a missed opportunity.

DLC characters please. Then I'll let the only 2 player co op go 😉.

I don't know, I really like what this developer did. I can't wait to play this with my bro.
Додано 21 лютого 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
24.9 год. загалом (10.2 год на момент рецензування)
The story sucks. But everything else is great. I like the missions overall, but how they tie everything together is weak. I would have felt better if Cobra commander was in charge here.

I don't like drones, but they are a viable enemy.

Fun Factor, 10/10.
Додано 7 лютого 2023 р..
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80.0 год. загалом (5.5 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
It's probably going to be the greatest FUN survival game of all time, behind 7 days to die.

It has everything you ever wanted, however, it definitely needs a bit more streamlining when it comes to controls... I know it's a PC game, but a scrollable tool belt would go a long way.

Also, more translation definitely would help some, bigger icons (skill tree, equipment tabs, etc)

-More furniture crafting
-Remove aiming dot when holding melee weapons

There is so much here. I only played 5 hours. I'll probably end up changing my review up some, but for now, money well spent. This is an awesome early access game.
Додано 26 січня 2023 р..
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Показані результати 1–10 із 57