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WatchmenWakeUpOnYT 14 ott, ore 11:25 
"Touhou vore roleplay"

Hope tribulation was worth lying about how you read the bible to us then you come and justify statue worship and sunday and trinity crap from catholicism
Ezekiel2&3 14 ott, ore 2:43 
I don't care what furries are. Whenever people look at that stuff it makes them think you're weird. You aren't supposed to be super in love with worldly things either.

James 4:4
[4]Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Now go actually read your Bible about these things since the world is about to be destroyed with great tribulation.
Ezekiel2&3 14 ott, ore 2:41 
Yeshua tells his disciples to keep the Sabbath day. Not Sunday.

Matthew 24:20
[20]But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:

And the people in the kingdom of heaven are going to be keeping the Sabbath, not Sunday.

Isaiah 66:23-24
[23]And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
[24]And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.
Ezekiel2&3 14 ott, ore 2:40 
Acts 2:46 says they gathered every day. They didn't specifically gather on Sunday to celebrate the resurrection because he didn't even rise on a Sunday. He rose on the Sabbath.

Why Easter/Sunday is false worship:

First, the death wasn't even on a Friday. Daniel 9:26-27 prophesied that Yeshua would die in the midst of the week.

Second, the resurrection was not on Sunday. The tomb was already empty Sunday morning.

Third, 3 days & 3 nights do not add up to Friday evening to Sunday morning.
Yazami 14 ott, ore 0:59 
Numbers 23:19 doesn’t “debunk” the Trinity. God being all-powerful means He’s beyond simple human logic, so yeah, He can be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at the same time. It’s like the ultimate fusion—God is kinda like a Trinity of god, furry, and scaly. Imagine that: Father is God, Son is furry, and Spirit is scaly. All different, but still one. Totally makes sense if you stop trying to pin God down like some math equation.

You don’t call a furry not a furry just ‘cause they’re also a scaly, right? Same thing here—just because God shows up in different forms doesn’t mean He’s not one being. The Trinity is like a divine roleplay; one being, three vibes. So let’s not act like Numbers 23 cancels out the whole cosmic game plan.
Yazami 14 ott, ore 0:54 
Look, Acts 20:7 shows Christians met on Sunday ‘cause Yeshua rose that day. Doesn’t mean they were “changing” stuff; they were just celebrating. Sure, they still hit up the synagogue on the Sabbath—why? ‘Cause that’s where the people were! They weren’t doing it to keep old laws, they were there to spread the message.

Acts 13, 15, and 18 show them preaching, not making the Sabbath the main holy day. The New Covenant isn’t just a repeat of the old one.

And by the way, if we’re talking random stuff, did you know furries are half-god, half-dog? Yeah, they totally get what it’s like to be in two worlds, just like how Christians could celebrate Sabbath and Sunday. Stop overcomplicating everything like it’s some big conspiracy; early Christians just weren’t that legalistic, and neither are the furries.