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:Uranium: Не меняюсь и тем более не торгую! да, такой вот жмот:seriousboss: хотя вряд ли что-то найдете

Screenshot Showcase
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145 Hours played
11010000 10100001 11010001 10001110 11010000 10110110 11010000 10110101 11010001 10000010 100000 11010000 10111000 11010000 10110011 11010001 10000000 11010001 10001011 100000 11010000 10111101 11010000 10110101 11010000 10110010 11010000 10110101 11010001 10000000 11010000 10111110 11010001 10001111 11010001 10000010 11010000 10110101 11010000 10111101 101100 100000 11010000 10111111 11010000 10110101 11010001 10000000 11010001 10000001 11010000 10111110 11010000 10111101 11010000 10110000 11010000 10110110 11010001 10001011 100000 11010000 10111111 11010001 10000000 11010000 10111110 11010001 10000000 11010000 10110000 11010000 10110001 11010000 10111110 11010001 10000010 11010000 10110000 11010000 10111101 11010001 10001011 100000 11010000 10111000 100000 11010000 10110111 11010000 10110000 11010000 10111111 11010000 10111110 11010000 10111100 11010000 10111000 11010000 10111101 11010000 10110000 11010001 10001110 11010001 10000010 11010001 10000001 11010001 10001111 101110 100000 11010000 10010100 11010000 10111000 11010000 10110111 11010000 10110000 11010000 10111001 11010000 10111101 100000 11010000 10111011 11010000 10111110 11010000 10111010 11010000 10110000 11010001 10000110 11010000 10111000 11010000 10111001 101100 100000 11010000 10110000 11010001 10000010 11010000 10111100 11010000 10111110 11010001 10000001 11010001 10000100 11010000 10110101 11010001 10000000 11010000 10110000 101100 100000 11010000 10111100 11010001 10000011 11010000 10110111 11010001 10001011 11010000 10111010 11010000 10110000 100000 101101 100000 11010000 10110010 11010001 10000001 11010000 10110101 100000 11010000 10110101 11010001 10000001 11010001 10000010 11010001 10001100 101110 100000 1001110 1101001 1100101 1110010 100000 101101 100000 11010000 10110010 100000 11010001 10000001 11010000 10110101 11010001 10000000 11010000 10110100 11010001 10000110 11010000 10110101 100000 11010000 10110111 11010000 10110000 11010001 10000001 11010000 10110101 11010000 10111011 11010000 10111110 100000 11010000 10111101 11010000 10110000 11010000 10110100 11010000 10111110 11010000 10111011 11010000 10110011 11010000 10111110 101110
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291 hrs on record
last played on 8 Oct, 2024
82 hrs on record
last played on 8 Oct, 2024
376 hrs on record
last played on 6 Oct, 2024
Карбюратор 1 Feb @ 12:03pm 
Мой любимый чмоня
faesarebaes 26 Sep, 2024 @ 3:03pm 
i could have just blasted hefty rock pots at you while you were fighting that dragon you know ^^
faesarebaes 26 Sep, 2024 @ 3:02pm 
that's not my point I was waiting for you guys to finish the dragon, cheering when you did and you just run and gank xD no etiquette whatsoever
as for running i was just luring you in the next room so i have enemies with me, why would I want to give a free 2v1 a bunch of rude players lol
faesarebaes 26 Sep, 2024 @ 8:14am 
jesus would it kill you to say hi ?
KingBoss 26 Apr, 2024 @ 4:56am 
point down while ganking, ye, sure xd
Leprechaun 8 Nov, 2021 @ 8:10pm 
аа меня преследуют..