Mewlin the Little Tea Cup   Flintshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Hello and welcome to my weeb filled profile. Here you can find screenshots, Gmod Add-ons, Artwork, and a lot of other things that are not that good.

Upset Noelle... I will break you. Make her happy. I will give you a cuddle. :nekoheart:

How my life was ruined by Vick's Vaporub.

I am the original MogMaster3000 :D:

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Noelle - Full
The Best Info box ever.
Portal - 7 Minutes 56 Seconds
Half-life 1 - 40 Minutes 13 Seconds

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Can open a Coca cola box!

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Eucliwood Hellscythe
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This addon is what the title said. A lot of maps do not have map icons. So I did that. I know someone did this but I felt like making my own because why not? If you have a map that doesn't have an Icon send it to me and I will work on adding it! Want to po
58 ratings
Created by - KittyCatChan
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Ever wanted a poorly written Hud? Well you came to the right place! This simple hud has been built to be simple in design and is made super poorly! This is mostly to learn some ways to code in Lua for Garry's Mod. In this I change Health Armour (I am a Bri
3 ratings
Created by - KittyCatChan
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Review Showcase
137 Hours played
For this Review, I will be giving spoilers on a major level. So, if you don't want spoilers PLEASE DO NOT READ ON!

The Gameplay is improved since the Redux. And I played this game on Ranger Hardcore Full Dive. So, learning the new controls was smacking my keyboard and hoping what wasn't easy but when I learnt what keys to press it helped because I could improve easily. I focused this to mostly say how the guns were improved but still had a lack of power. Yes, Headshots are a one-shot kill in Ranger Hardcore what is the only reason I play on it because if you play anything less the target you're trying to kill eats bullets and take way too long in my option. Full Auto takes way too many bullets to kill and Semi-Auto just feels slow and doesn't deal a lot of damage expect the valve what is a Bolt Sniper what is the only gun I had no problem with. In older games, I did have a problem with everything but the Magnum what I did have in this game. The Magnum just felt slow and toned down on damage, but I am going to place it down to the modding system that is now in the game what I have no problem with. Modding a gun on the go was a great feeling. Swapping from Night Vision to a Red Dot Sight to enter a building is just great. It makes having a small selection of guns a useful one. The overall gameplay is improved but just not perfect yet.
The AI has been a bit turned down since Redux due to the open world aspects it added. I remember having to Stealth because if I was spotted it was either die from the flank or struggle to survive the onslaught of back up you snuck by. One would pin you down and if you peak out of cover it would lead to death (Ranger Hardcore) but they were also covering their allies and what added to this was the Faction. Redline would keep sending in units to die. Reich would flank and pin you down. Bandits would push up while laying down fire and would push while doing so. They all had this style of how they would fight. In Exodus, they do not do this but mostly stand still yelling insults waiting to be shot. If you move, they will fire upon you to stop you moving out of cover.

Map Design:
I thought the open world would ruin what Metro has done but it hasn't. Yes, I cannot do some things in Metro like I did but I can do new things a lot more. In Metro 2033 & Last Light, I could walk with my allies and they would talk like bourbon would speak about the tunnel or with Anna as she explores the tunnels but in Exodus, it's a lot of standing around on the Aurora what is fine for me because I love the story of the game but it's sadly a downgrade. But I love the maps openness and having to find a way around the town in the Forest map what is the most closed outside map and it doesn't fail because it's greatly done. Just exploring a small bit. But other maps like the first zone in the snow is great. It doesn't fill the map with firefights like a Ubisoft open world like Far Cry or The Division Encounters of bandits beating up citizens. Exodus doesn't do that and leaves spaces with maybe a mutant or a house with a little bit of scrap what is fine and gives the feeling of Metro as it should. It's done to how it should be, but I did have a problem with AI & Mutants having no pathing and shooting and seeing through walls and cover blocks. This happened many times to me and was annoying, but I just reverted and did it at night because at that point it was easier due to Stealth. I did enjoy the Day-Night Cycle. In the Day More people fewer mutants. Night more Mutants fewer People. This was fun because it leads to problem-solving and how you should attack a place.

Like always the story was amazing and still told very well. How build-up happened. But keeping Artyom as a silent person isn't really working as well as it once did. Like there was one sense where I was rubbing Anna… Not saying a word… And just doing random things… Questing what I was doing… Even in the start where I was just happily getting through the start I don’t know if I said I was looking for Anna or if I had dog tags saying Artyom that he knew. It’s confusing and out dated. He has a voice and I know this because of the dairy entries where he speaks on loading what is a lovely filler. I also do love how they added a reader mode, so you can venture though the game just for story and nothing else what is a nice touch.
Going to keep is short and simple. It’s great! They kept it very nice like the did in Redux and it never let me down.

♥♥♥♥ THE EPIC STORE. What happened wasn't right and I don't agree with what happened. I can see why they did it but I don't like it...

Enhanced Edition is toooooo sexy
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Created by - Shadow
95 ratings
A player created list of goals, tasks and challenges for all players in Project Zomboid as Steam Achievements are not yet implemented.
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Noelle - Full
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84 Hours played
So I removed the Review by mistake... Whoops...

So if you want a STALKER like game in VR this is the game for you. You will get scared by enemies coming at you. If you are a gun nut. You will love the game. So many guns that people can spot from a mile away. AS Val, SVD, AKs, M4s. It's really good.

Other good thing is the looting. It feels so scary at first because you have limited ammo. It makes you question. "Sneak around" or "Risk the fight" when you can just end up bringing in EVEN more hostiles. I love Scouting out targets and then making a move.

Combat is fluid. Very food and feels a little responsive. I feel it could be a lot better but when you get a headshot. Oh my god now THAT is responsive as hell and the sound que just makes you feel EVER better. I wish you could clean knifes or at least keep them safe and protected. I hate losing them because I cannot tell how dirty they're and it's annoying. I love using them to finish off Fragments or when sneaking around.

My grapes about the game have to be the fact that the opening and closing of draws and other similar things is really annoying as it doesn't always pick up I am trying to grab on. It's like I am fighting with it just to get through.

Armoured enemies need a HUGE rework. They're so annoying and shouldn't have an RNG state to the bullet. Just make the normal bullets deal less damage and the AP rounds do normal damage so it's like using AP is the same as FNG if they were not armoured or something. Right now Armoured enemies just put progression on hold what really kills the flow.

I feel the story could be explained better. But thats all I am going to say now.

I cannot wait to see what else is added to the game as I am really enjoying it!

One day I will play a good song on my lovely Guitar!
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GlintyTear 24 Nov, 2024 @ 8:10am 
She's the best kitty!!
JamesBondscool 16 Aug, 2024 @ 9:43am 
Nero 31 Mar, 2024 @ 5:01am 
Nero 23 Jan, 2024 @ 6:53pm 
Wuv you <3
Nero 14 Jan, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
marinメ 18 Aug, 2023 @ 3:22am 
ok friends :rinflipped: