Draconem Deae
Hi, call me Deae!

:U >:U
Currently Offline
About me:
Written in last first name, so call me Deae! I pronounce it as Dra-Co-Nem Day, but I don't really mind how you say it as long as I know you were talking to me. Since people ask, I'm not a furry/scalie. While my main oc is a dragon, my oc's actually human-looking most of the time.

Currently, I'm the #2 red army robin collector. #1 is r/F and #3 is Crow Yo. Also shoutout to #5 Perplent. Cheers to my fellow collectors! :) My specialty is crafted numbered robins. Despite my collection, birds aren't my favorite animal. I just find the cosmetics to be neat. Also interested in lowcraft birds because of its associated history. From old profile crafters to collectors, you get to see quite the range when it comes to the simple robin. :)

Not a friend collector. If I don't remember your name and why added each other and/or we haven't talked in a long time and/or I'm not interested in connecting otherwise, I will remove you. Comment and add me back if necessary.

TF2 + Binding of Isaac

-Favorite TF2 class: Demoman
-Favorite DRG class: Scout
-Favorite ROR2 class: Loader
-Favorite RORR class: Huntress?
-Favorite Hades weapon/god: Malphon/Artemis
-Favorite Spiritfarer character: Gustav
-Favorite Madness Combat character: Sanford
-Favorite Starbound race: Novakid
-Favorite Stardew Valley character: Sebastian
-Favorite Rimworld mod: Deep Storage lol
-Favorite The Long Dark region/base: Mystery Lake/Camp Office
-Favorite Don't Starve characters: Wilson/Walani/Winona/Willow
-Favorite BG3 companions: Astarion/Karlach
-Favorite Pokemon: Dialga
-Favorite color: Purple, preferably a dark amethyst
-Favorite JoJo: Honestly like all of them in their own way except for Jodio (he's new) and Josuke 8 (I don't find him to be as likable as the other JoJos). Going with Jolyne though :)
-Favorite JoJo part: Hard to decide, but I'm going to go with 6. I do like 2 through 7, and I think each offers something interesting. 1 is a bit too cheesy for me (nothing against 1 for that since it was fitting with the times back then) and 8 is just not my thing. 9 is unranked b/c new.

While I find the robins to be cute, I'm mainly interested in the history behind each robin. Why was the robin gifted to this person and why was it eventually sold? How many people previously owned the bird before it ended up in my hands? Who was the crafter? What kind of meaning did the robin have to the previous owner? If I had infinite time and resources, I would make a substantial story behind each bird but that would require interviewing far too many people and bp history was wiped in 2022 so :/ Anyway, I am usually open to buying robins so feel free to hmu if you have any!

-Have at least one of each of the bird-related cosmetics
-Craft every craftable bird-related cosmetic
-Low crafts of craftable and numbered bird-related cosmetics
-All SFN Civilian Gentlemannes
-All SFN Coffin Nails

-Have every bird head
-Have a bird and Strange bird for each class
-Have every SFN Civilian Coffin Nail
-Have 1-100 level for the robin

-Collecting red army robins. Gimme birb. [BN]
-Low craft (#1-5) birdman/archimedes/compatriot. Please comment/add me if you have one! [BN]
-Buying one of each bird-themed item. Paying more than bots :V [BN]

BN = buying now
NB = not buying atm

-There is a spec killstreak robin out there and I want it :,)
-There is a lowcraft archimedes out there that I've been waiting patiently to strangify :,)
-Some SFN tomislav
-Lowcraft bird-related cosmetics
-Merc's Muffler (VFB + BP). Would be open to other footprint spells if I like how it looks
-Maybe rest of FN dressed to kills but ehh
-FN Strange Coffin Nail Grenade Launcher (meh I would rather use the iron bomber)
-All of the SFN gentlemannes (as if lmaoooo)

-Kill-a-watt Federal Casemaker
-Violet Vortex El Mostacho
-Green Energy Full Metal Drill Hat
-Strange Orbiting Planets Rotation Sensation
-Circling TF Logo Dark Falkirk Helm
-Disco Beat Down Brim-Full of Bullets
-Purple Energy Dustbowl Devil
-Sunbeams Beret
-North Star Shutterbug
-Circling Heart Armored Authority
-Cloud 9 Punk's Pomp
-Galactic Gateway Vampire Vanquisher
-Fireflies Classy Capper
-Fairy Lights Classy Capper
-Sakura Smoke Bomb Burning Question
-Frostbite Ol' Geezer (EOTL tagged)
-Prismatica Hawk Warrior
-Morning Glory Rebel Rouser

UPDATED AS OF 8 March 2025
Favorite Guide
23 ratings
I initially was using https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Bird as a reference, but at the time, there were several items missing that could be classified as bird-themed but weren't under the category. I decided why not make a guide and have a more extensive
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Not actually up for trade! I’m simply using this as another item showcase for my lowcraft birbs! Hmu if you happen to have any lowcraft bird cosmetics!! :)
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
1. Uncrated from a Blue Summer 2013 Cooler or Unlocked Cosmetic Crate
2. Crafted
3. Purchased from the Mann Co. Store
4. Gifted
5. MvM Badge completion reward
6. Timed drop
7. Received from leveling up from dueling (only 2 exist)

1001 robins (Updated as of 8 March 2025)
Newest crafted red army robin: #88761 (Updated as of 5 January 2025)

What do I look for in robins? I like low craft numbers, old profile crafters, and robins with name and/or description tags!

I like interesting robins. Sell yours to me for 3.33 ref!
I doodle sometimes. Cautiously leaving this here for now:
Ko-fi doodle requests [ko-fi.com]

Currently working on 1 request(s)
UPDATED AS OF 8 March 2025
Rattlebones 7 Mar @ 8:48pm 
DarkFireEclipse 7 Mar @ 12:55pm 
Hey medic gal! im tryna friend u again but it says Error, can u add me? ..
ChogothVolj(TPK) 3 Mar @ 8:46am 
Not on my main rig atm (working atm) let’s ♥♥♥♥♥♥ gooooo!!!!!!!!!
frigider 2 Mar @ 9:07am 
+rep fast response, lmk if you need anything else from my inv ^^
Sean 9 Feb @ 8:32pm 
added for trade
Kaczor24 14 Jan @ 7:12pm 
ermmm -rep
dosent like josuke part 8