These Trying Times©®℗™
Etienne 3 Feb @ 12:22pm 
To be or not to be, now that is a serious question. :samstone:
Reported for being too funny :koller:
HuggingLover 3 Feb @ 10:15am 
This man here, he knows how to murder children. He once used 3 children to feed an entire city. he cooked the children to perfection, a master chef. not a single piece of child was wasted, and everyone got to eat. I grant you the Wholesome award for this.
Etienne 1 Feb @ 5:47am 
Average person, neutral to eight legs, doesn't have a vehicle and doesn't care about furries. :jcdenton:
Bad human, hates arachnids, despises cars and loves furries :duke:
HuggingLover 1 Feb @ 12:20am 
Good man, loves spiders, loves automobile and hate furry :gordon: