Tour de FR-i-EN-d-CH TdFR23
Tour de FR-i-EN-d-CH TdFR23
25 May, 2023
ABOUT Tour de FR-i-EN-d-CH

𝒦𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓂𝒶'𝓈 𝒞𝓁𝓊𝒷 Spin-🕸️ff

As a 🚴‍♂️ and lover of Le Tour de France on one 👋 feat. my friend from France @Lulu as a '🚶‍♂️-gaming encyclopedia' on the other 👋, as he has introduced me to many interesting games here on Steam — especially via his huge 'Emojipedia' — and kind of toured with me as a guide, I decided to create something as simple as this ☕☕

As usual, I have plenty of ideas (🤯) that I need to diverge → converge 💡, so without further ado ... till ∞?! 😝

I'd love to have people in this group who:

1. Genuinely love to interact with either strangers or friends, and aren't júst here for gaming;
2. Are passionate about Flora & Fauna (+ Fungi, Lulu;) — Nature & Wildlife in particular;
3. 💘 to explore and go out on an adventure; either virtually, digitally or in the real world, so touring in the broadest sense 🤠
4. Believe that healthy living = happy & successful living/gaming! 🍏🎯🧠

👋 — 🐴 with no name 😁
H1ghl1ghts Ann1versary[] 🥳

𝒦𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓂𝒶'𝓈 𝒞𝓁𝓊𝒷 🎰
76 R😁yal Karma Points for Quiztion Master Lulu! 🏆
∩∩4r|< 9 Feb @ 9:26am 
Of course I had already seen the achievement-unlock%s = approval :emberwink::parHoPiKo: But that's annoying (for you) then concerning scrolling — having to see that myself, as I will buy it for sure now and may use PowerToys when needed :winter2019happybulb: I guess you had rather seen 🐭 support, so extra disappointing :/ Thank for ;pointing out the other info 💡

Let me check the rest, but diagnosed with way more lives than a 😻❣️
Lulu 9 Feb @ 3:15am 
To recover from the nervous scrolling of Pulstario, I jumped on LOVE, just long enough to get a diagnosis ! It's not a nice rank, but realistic, it reflects my remaining abilities and health well, without warming up and without retries (just after 2 tries because I lost all my lives in the 1st try):GDNormal:
Lulu 8 Feb @ 3:21am 
Easy? The % of global achievements say the opposite! :pdgrin: I tried it, the rocket is quite nervous, and what I feared is there: the scrolling is as nervous as the rocket! It will be short sessions! :pdgrin: It's only keyboard or controller, no mouse support! The keys are not remappable. The pointer next to the rocket indicates the location of the souls to be collected, it's possible to change its appearance or remove it. :Walkie::hopelight:
∩∩4r|< 7 Feb @ 11:36am 
Quick look, and I sense an appealing challenge?! :summer2019boost: :winter2019happybulb: Pulstario looks (deceivingly) easy (indeed) ... On a 2nd check, I noticed at least a cursor already, so I hope there's KB-support 🫤 Anyway, brave underd🐶g you're going to be once again then 🙏🦸‍♂️ I hope you won't regret it or I will feel responsible, H0ust0n :steammocking:
Lulu 7 Feb @ 1:57am 
Not long ago I played Gravitar: Recharged, I'm ready to get back into action! :sider: Pulstario seems much more acrobatic and nervous, like its scrolling, so it will be at small doses so as not to upset my old guts. This is the kind of game you excel at, so I know what to expect and for my part it'll be just for fun. :pdgrin: I already have LOVE from the same developer, not played yet! I'm going to buy Pulstario, I will soon be ready for takeoff! :crashtest:
∩∩4r|< 6 Feb @ 1:41pm 
:videogame:🫴📩 — While I'm tempted to buy this bundle, I actually only have my eyes on Pulstario for now ... Just, while trying to figure out what the controls are, I couldn't conclude a mouse (touchpad ...) isn't needed :lunar2020thinkingtiger: Since I could easily see this as a tiny incentive for you, would you like to try it (before me)? :naru: Let me know! :winter2019happybulb: