Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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TTT Saw a5
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Comic, Fun
File Size
2.426 MB
27 Jun, 2022 @ 6:37pm
27 Jun, 2022 @ 9:56pm
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TTT Saw a5

In 1 collection by wget
ESB TTT with unvivianed maps
34 items
Overwhelmed by government forces, a group of terrorists have surrendered and are taken into custody. They wake up in a strange facility where they have become unwilling participants for a twisted experiment.
This map focuses on testing the cooperation and communication skills of its players. To win the round, the innocents have to complete some simple puzzles. Each puzzle requires 2 players to complete.

The innocents do not win when the round timer hits zero. Instead, everyone loses. All of the terrorists are fitted with explosive collars that will blow their heads off when they run out of time.

By default, the terrorists start with 5 minutes on the round timer and they get a bonus 30 seconds for each puzzle that they complete.

The players start out with only pistols at their spawn area, so they have to complete puzzles to be rewarded with better weapons and more ammo. The puzzle rooms are initially guarded by a few NPC enemies to waste some of the players' ammo.

Once 3 puzzles are complete, the innocents gain the 4-number code for the two exit doors in the map. Opening and going through an exit door lets them escape and win the round. The traitors do not receive this code.

The map provides a bunch of cvars for server owners to configure the experience:

ttt_saw_roomstoclear 3
The number of puzzles that the terrorists need to complete to unlock the exit code. You can set this to a higher number if the players in your server are able to complete the puzzles way too fast.

ttt_saw_timer_starting_minutes 5
Overrides the initial round timer and forces haste mode off. Set to 0 to disable.

ttt_saw_timer_minutes_per_room 0.5
Number of minutes to add to the round timer for each puzzle that gets completed. Only works if ttt_saw_timer_starting_minutes is enabled.

ttt_saw_lastinnocent 1
Automatically provide the exit code to the last living innocent if they have not been killed in 1 minute. This is to try to force the traitors to aggressively hunt down the final innocent player.

ttt_saw_spawnnpcs 1
Spawn NPCs to guard every room. You can turn this off if you think the NPCs are too annoying to deal with.

ttt_saw_startammo 1
Gives players some of every ammo type on round start.

ttt_saw_explosivecollars 1
Blows up everyone's heads when the round timer runs out. Turn this off if it causes some issues with the ragdolls.

more info:
current filename: ttt_saw_a5.bsp

this map doesn't require anything else installed to work

if you get the "LUA_RUN FAIL, BLAME THE SERVER OWNER" error, then you have something that's preventing gmod's lua_run entity from working
(the map needs it to work properly)

this map is compatible with Custom Roles and TTT2

this map was designed for mostly-vanilla TTT with 8-16 players (though there's 32 player spawns)

credits to early testers for their feedback: various esb members, figardo's interloper server

if you want a vmf, then contact me and i'll send it to you

anyone is free to use any element from this map or make their own versions of it
my addons:
my maps:
wget  [author] 11 Sep, 2022 @ 2:29am 
@gleb hleb#0981
there's a video already in so i won't bother with putting in screenshots
xlebio 28 Aug, 2022 @ 6:26am 
it's been two months and still no screenshots 🚬
wget  [author] 28 Aug, 2022 @ 6:16am 
do note that the "Label" bug wasn't a bug with this map specifically, but apparently they happen to be using an older version of CR where there's a bug with maps forcing a win while a drunk hasn't sobered up yet
MutantBison, PhD 27 Aug, 2022 @ 3:59pm 
The Yogscast seem to like your maps because they just released a video featuring this one too. And man, did your map’s features really make for a hilarious video.
wget  [author] 28 Jun, 2022 @ 2:09am 
@E.I.V. Gleb Alexandrovich forgot to take screenshots, i'll put some up later
xlebio 28 Jun, 2022 @ 12:53am 
It looks like an interesting concept. Can you provide more screenshots?