Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Zombies | Weaponry Overhaul v0.84.6
Smalllbuddy 4 Aug, 2024 @ 2:51pm
Compatibility suggestions & bugs I've found
Firstly I just want to thank you, because this mod is everything I've ever wanted and more out of zombies chronicles! That being said I have a few suggestions regarding compatibility...

I've heard that the Zombies Experience mod had the ability to run a script to disable itself for any custom maps that had incompatibilities/crashing. It'd be cool if this mod automatically disabled itself when loading custom maps, in the sense that you'd never have to unload this mod!

New bug reports:

on Zetsubo no Shima the ak74u wall buy chalk isnt visible (the one on the pillar underneath the power station)

Swimming in Zetsubo messes with alot of animations and causes glitches

Previous suggestions you've already seen:

Bugs I've noticed:
-The double barreled shotgun always has the same reload sound even when only one shot has been fired, and thus sounds wrong.
-When you go down, you get the wrong PaP starting pistol.
-The Sten/Bootlegger wallbuy doesn't have chalk, and upon purchasing, it shows the Bootlegger instead of the Sten in the wall.
-Restart level button only works once, then disappears
-Mp5k wallbuy in Ascension is messed up, same with gewer in gorod krovi
- some wallbuys are slightly forward from the wall, or are misaligned with the weapon that comes out
-No olympia wallbuy on ascension?
-sometimes after mod loads, no guns have any shooting sound effects (this has only happened to me once)

Additional suggestions:
-It'd be super cool to see claymores/WW2 potato masher grenades ever get added!
-Increased dog health would be a good way to may dog round scary again!
-Also, I'm not sure if its possible to load the custom weapons while the mod is being loaded as opposed to before a match? I suggest this so that you could start BO3 with the custom mod launch option and negate the load time.
-Additionally, the Bloodhound on Shadows is a very fitting starting pistol, and imo it should be the starting pistol for Shadows!
-Finally, adding PHD to the chronicles maps // Removing mule kick and wunderfizz on WaW maps would be a nice touch.

Sorry I cannot comment on the main mod thread due to no Steam Guard (I prefer to have it off for internet reasons) Thank you again for such a great mod, and for reading these suggestions! (I know its alot lol)
Last edited by Smalllbuddy; 9 Aug, 2024 @ 5:42pm
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
MarBl  [developer] 6 Aug, 2024 @ 3:41am 
Hi there Smallbuddy :) Thanks very much for taking the time to write out such thoughtful feedback.

1.) Unless the mod fully unloads itself, which I don't think is possible, disabling itself wouldn't be useful for Weaponry Overhaul, it includes a lot of assets and these will always be loaded. This means that big custom maps will just crash anyways, regardless of whether I load the wallbuy replacement. And the weapontables (mystery box roster) cannot be swapped at runtime.

2.) The Double Barrelled Shotgun has unique audio files and animation notetracks for both reloads, they just sound reasonably similar. It's fine for now, I'll be replacing reload effects completely once I'm done with gunshot audio anyway :)

3.) I have a fix for the starting pistols, it will be in one of the next patches :)

4.) The STEN does in fact have a wall chalk, just not for that specific one in SOE. The one on Verruckt is fine, for example. Same with the World Model of the weapon that comes out the wall.

The SOE one is unique. It is the only one in the mod like that, and I don't think I can fix the chalk. This is because I spawn a chalk at a specified point in the world, then nudge it into position inch-by-inch until it looks right.

The SOE bootlegger is on the tram, so it moves. I'm sure the wallchalk is in the level SOMEWHERE - floating wherever the tram originally spawns! It is simply placed in the world and cannot therefore follow the tram.

I have a fix for this, I just don't have time to do it right now.

5.) My restart level button is working fine for multiple uses.

6.) As for other wallchalk issues, please understand than NONE of the wall chalks are even close to aligned by "default" - the only reason any of the wall chalks look "correct" is because I've spent all night, for days on end, reloading the game, taking screenshots of all the gun chalks, and then offsetting them in code and hoping I guessed the right amount to offset it by (you cannot edit them live while the game is running).

It's seriously a lot of work to fix them, but I'm doing the best I can. To align them I literally have to define the offset, in inches, then rebuild the mod and reload the game and hope they ended up where I intended. Oh, yes, and that offset isn't relative to the chalk's model either, it is relative to the world, so I have to fix it for the same guns over and over on each level, and the directions of left / right / forward / backward are different in each level 0.O

I haven't finished with any of the maps yet, and many wallchalks are harder to fix than others, as they either are not aligned to a square grid, or they are rotated in some way, as with Diamatti, MP5K on Ascension.

7.) The Olympia is in Ascension, in the same position as always, right in front of you upon spawn :)

8.) This audio issue makes the third suspicious bug that makes me suspect you may have a corrupt installation. It may be wise to delete the mod files and allow them to re-download fresh.

9.) Potato mashers are coming, I cannot promise anything else but I am trying.

10.) Dog health changes are coming as soon as I have the time to test them, I know how it's donw.

11.) No, fundamentally that is just not possible I'm afraid.

12.) The Bloodhound will not be returning

13.) PHd is coming, I have all the assets, I just haven't worked out how to implement them into Treyarch maps yet, as all the instructions and files for PhD and most other Devraw assets are aimed at mappers rather than modders!
MarBl  [developer] 6 Aug, 2024 @ 3:43am 
Just as a follow up to point 1:
It is not possible the CURRENT way I'm doing things, and the other way to do it is significantly more complicated to do and maintain.
MarBl  [developer] 6 Aug, 2024 @ 5:12am 
I take it back about the DB shotgun - while it actually does have unique sounds, they aren't set up right. I'll make sure it sounds good in the next update! I had actually just finished working on another tweak for the DB shotgun that I think you'll enjoy (removed the gold)
MarBl  [developer] 6 Aug, 2024 @ 5:12am 
Thank you for finding that one
smalllbuddyyt 6 Aug, 2024 @ 10:55pm 
wow, thank you so much for such a thoughtful reply Spodey! its clear you have a strong passion for this sort of thing! Especially for a mod I am so invested in, I appreciate that alot. btw, I had no idea it was so pain staking to add all the chalks!! Nothing is worse than having to reboot black ops 3 WITH this mod lol, it takes FOREVER, so I appreciate how close you got the chalks lol.

Havent had the sound issue since reinstalling the mod! Also for the Olympia I mustve just missed it with the lack of color :p

On second thought, I believe the faulty restart button is due to the BOIII client I use which adds restart button to stock maps (eg SoE) and that button is the one that is faulty, tested on vanilla BO3 on Chronicles maps w/ ur mod, and its fine :)

Looking forward to potato mashers! Hey I know this modding thing is alot ESPECIALLY unpaid, so dont feel pressured to promise anything, we are lucky we get anything at all :p

I am also super excited for phd! there so many guides for map mods, too bad modeling takes forever. I am curious tho, will it be for chronicles mainly or will it replace widows wine entirely?

I LOVE the audio work you've done, the original cold war sounds are so horrible lmao. Though as an mp5k lover I must ask- do you have any plans to give the mp5k reload (slider thing) a satisfying SLAP sound?

yw for finding the DB sound!

One more thing, while you are already setting up the discord, you should set up a patreon or paypal! I, and Im sure, many others, appreciate your efforts and dedication to your subscribers!! Tbh I was about to commission someone else for $130 to make this EXACT mod (Ive been dying for a mod like this but I lack scripting experience in anything 3D) but I luckily stumbled into your mod first!

Again, much thanks :)
MarBl  [developer] 6 Aug, 2024 @ 11:01pm 
Hey there smallbuddy, I'm really pleased you are enjoying it.

I'll let you in on a secret - it takes about 3x the time to load this mod when launching from mod tools, for whatever reason X)

I am glad to hear your issues are somewhat subsided. I do believe there are some bugs with my restart button but I haven't nailed them down yet.

I'll be improving the chalks incrementally over time.

PhD will simply replace Widow's Wine.

If you enjoy the audio work I've done so far, you'll love the next update. Please, feel free to check out the development branch, just be aware it is WIP:

The MP5K is actually getting a full reload rework, and yes the HK slap will be with it :P

I really appreciate your enthusiasm, but that's just not something I am interested in!

All the best, and the full update should be out by Friday.
smalllbuddyyt 6 Aug, 2024 @ 11:52pm 
oh god thats terrible!! For this mod specifically, I moved BO3 to my NVME drive compared to my old external HDD, and it loads much faster now. Maybe check what drive you have mod tools installed on // its read/write speed?

And thanks for the info! Once you do figure out PhD, it might be worth considering keeping widows on zetsubo since theres a boss for Widows Wine, and the map is spider themed // on shadows because it fits the theme/would be less work to adjust the randomized broken perk bottle (just figured I should mention it, but dont let me sway your preference, it is your mod after all)

Installing the next branch rn (cool sunglasses emoji)

I appreciate your selflessness and passion for the community, looking forward to the future of this mod :)

also I cant help but notice you are old fashioned with the zombies maps, and I just wanted to let you know I always have been too! I recently learned origins and der eisendrach with family and its been really fun, if you ever need some pointers, I'd love a friend to play zombs with :p

Take care!

p.s. while writing this I noticed that when the m1911 is out of ammo (the slide is racked backwards) and you slide, the gun racks forward abruptly, then back again when the slide is stopped as if the slide animation fails to account for the status of the slide.
MarBl  [developer] 7 Aug, 2024 @ 8:40am 
Just to mention regarding load times, it's only the first match you play of the session. All other loads that session will be fast.

I'll consider keeping Widows on BO3 maps, but it could present additional challenges to do that as I was planning a simple asset replace and to load the PhD scripts with the names changed to Widows Wine names.

I wanted to remove Widows Wine because it is a very performance intensive effect, and thus drops framerate below 60fps on Steam Deck. But I could alternatively just improve the optimisation of the effect.

Why, yes, I am rather old fashioned.. so old fashioned, in fact, that I haven't even played a Zombies map later than Moon on a serious level. Which has presented many challenges when trying to support BO3 maps!

I'd definitely be happy to join you for a game some time, just drop me a friend request and let me know when you are thinking of jumping on.

The M1911 issue is a sad one. BO3 DOES have an animation slot for empty-weapon animation for MOST actions. But, not for sliding.. So therefore, there is no reasonable way to fix that issue, and the way I will solve it will be to remove the empty-gun animation entirely.
MarBl  [developer] 7 Aug, 2024 @ 8:43am 
There is one way to fix it, which would basically be the same as the inspect animations - hijack an animation slot intended for something else, and use a script to play it when you detect sliding. But I can imagine that causing various bugs, and would also be annoying to maintain, though it would really only be necessary for a couple of pistols. I'll consider it down the line, but I have more important things that are more worth doing at the moment!
smalllbuddyyt 9 Aug, 2024 @ 3:41pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this new update is fire.
also I just got the ray gun for the first time and I cannot believe how perfect it is, every map needs to include this version instead lol

Quick question- will the perk limit // bo4 powerups eventually have an option to enable/disable like you plan on doing with the gobble gum machines? thanks :)
smalllbuddyyt 9 Aug, 2024 @ 3:42pm 
I said gosh dang, idk why it censored that lol
smalllbuddyyt 9 Aug, 2024 @ 3:42pm 
every custom map** i mean
MarBl  [developer] 9 Aug, 2024 @ 3:45pm 
Hi there SmallBuddy,

Correct, basically anything I modify over vanilla will become an option, at least, that is the plan. Some stuff is harder to make optional than others, but I won't rule anything out at this time.

I'm really glad you are liking it, I have spent many late nights on that baby - I'm very passionate about the Ray Gun and Waffe. I have new audio coming for Ray Gun soon, as well as Ray Gun MK II overhaul in the same vein :) Something to look forward to.

Hope you have a great time with the new version, and I'm already at work on the next one. Thanks so much for your kind words.
DragonBlood121 11 Aug, 2024 @ 11:46pm 
Hey so this mod removed gobble gum machine for me. I am not running any other mods, i am only on chronicles mod. It also makes the game so much harder, more zombies, more health, etc. but only after you turn the power on! this never happened on regular unmodded zombies for me, if i turn the power on the zombies take longer to kill, with the bar it was 3-4 shots, power on, it turned into 8-9 shots in one round. not only that but it makes the wonderfizz terrible! I only get TWO HITS out of it before it switches locations on every map. I am not sure if this is intentional, or not but it is happening, it happens every time i play, and if i disable the mod, on more than one occasion all my issues go away! why remove the gobble gum? this is a weaponry overhaul mod, if i wanted the gobble gum gone i would have used a mod to remove it... it is very annoying to pick specific gobble gums i want to use and then not be able to use them on maps where there are gobble gum machines.
MarBl  [developer] 12 Aug, 2024 @ 3:20am 
Hi there, the recent update put the Gobblegums back in. The other issues you describe are not related to my mod. I do not affect Der Wunderfizz behaviour, nor does zombie health scale with power state.
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