Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

868 ratings
Zombies | Weaponry Overhaul v0.84.6
Content Descriptors: General Mature Content, Frequent Violence or Gore
File Size
5.075 GB
2 Jun, 2024 @ 11:54am
21 Nov, 2024 @ 6:35am
71 Change Notes ( view )

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Zombies | Weaponry Overhaul v0.84.6

This mod is a nostalgic overhaul for the gameplay, audio, visuals and weaponry arsenal of Black Ops III Zombies.

Weaponry Overhaul replaces the wall purchases and mystery box selection in Black Ops III, and breathes some new life into the Wonder Weapons.

The available weapons will depend on which map you play. All base and DLC Black Ops III maps are supported.

Black Ops 1 maps and World at War maps both receive a unique selection of weapons.

All other maps use a combination of weapons from both eras.

The weapon selection was chosen in the spirit of the weaponry found on the original iterations of the maps featured in Zombies Chronicles.

Each map has received visual adjustments via LUTs to improve contrast, and help showcase the wonderful environments.

How to activate
To activate the mod after subscribing, go to the "Mods" section on the main menu, and select Weaponry Overhaul from the list.

After the mod has loaded (the screen will turn black, then the menu will load with yellow text in the corner reading "zm_weaponryoverhaul"), select "Zombies" and load into a match.

Patch v0.84.6 has released! (21/11/24)
v0.84.2 brings some improvements to the WAW starting pistol. as well as some other minor improvements and tweaks.

v0.84.3 fixes a bug with the fire rate of the Type 2, and modifies the appearance of some materials throughout the mod.

v0.84.4 makes some balance changes, improves presentation of some weapons, fixes some minor issues, and modifies the PAP properties of some weapons.

v0.84.5 brings some additional audio, improvements to existing audio, tweaks to some materials, and some minor animation fixes.

v0.84.6 refines some of the previous changes, and swaps a weapon scope as requested by a user in the discord.

Please see the change notes at the top of the page for more information.

The selection of weapons are comprised of guns from COD WWII, COD Modern Warfare 2019, and COD Black Ops: Cold War.

All weapons have been balanced by me, with more improvements to come with every update.

Some weapons may be added or removed with updates, depending on a variety of factors.

Please let me know of any bugs or issues you run into in the comments, or anything you'd like to see tweaked about a particular weapon.

Note about green weapon names:
If a gun has a green name, it means you obtained it after drinking Mule Kick, and will therefore lose it if you are downed.

Note about FOV:
You can use whatever FOV you like with Weaponry Overhaul, however, I can't promise there won't be issues above FOV 95, as that is the FOV I target.

Note about Gamma / Reshade:
This mod includes various changes to the visuals across all maps. These changes were designed with sRGB gamma in mind, so if you have selected Rec709 in the in-game display options, and the game looks too dark / crushed, or over-saturated, it may be worth switching to sRGB.

The same applies if you are using Reshade / Geforce colour profiles - if you have previously configured a Reshade / Geforce profile up to look good when playing standard BO3, you may need to disable it and then tune it again for the visuals in Weaponry Overhaul, otherwise things may seem too bright or dark.

Community Assets
The mod includes a beautiful Black Ops II HUD port by KingslayerKyle, used on Nacht -> Moon.

Assets were mostly ported to Black Ops III by TheSkyeLord and PMR360!

The "Circuit" Pack-A-Punch camo was created by HOGARTH935.

The "Etching" Pack-A-Punch camo was created by Smurphy.

Ray Gun splash FX + some stats in use by the Raygun were taken from Smurphy's Improved BOIII Ray Gun.

Custom maps are not currently fully supported though support is coming. Crashes may occur on some custom maps.

Finally, this mod also includes the commonly-seen LOD (Level of Detail) bias fixes:

SetDvar("r_lodbiasrigid", "-1000");
SetDvar("r_modellodbias", "10");

Zombies Weaponry Overhaul Discord
For discussion, and finding players to play multiplayer Weaponry Overhaul with!

Special Thanks!
Treyarch | Sledgehammer | Infinity Ward
- Animations / meshes / textures / sound assets

- Weapon Ports

- Paypal

- Weapon Ports (Crossbow, Ballistic Knife)

- Improved Ray Gun Splash FX (also used Smurphy's Ray Gun stats to reference while balancing my own stats)
- WaW "Etching" Pack-A-Punch camo
- Guidance and support with some aspects of BO3 modding

- Black Ops II HUD port to BOIII

- Paypal

- Artist that created the absolutely jaw dropping Pack-A-Punch camo in use on Kino, Ascension, Shangri-La and Moon

- BetterBlenderCOD

- BlenderCoDExtras
- Creation of render for main mod artwork.

+ Lots of additional help and guidance with blender and BO3 modding

- Various testing, advice, feedback, and production of art assets

- HydraX

- Greyhound

- GameImageUtil

- Original author of the amazing "Inspect weapon" script

- Author of the also amazing fixed version of the above script, that fixes some troublesome animation issues.

- Finding a fix for a crash that was preventing users with non-English system languages from enjoying the mod.

- The First Cycle Mod Author, my main inspiration to start this mod

BO3-To-BO3 weapon ports (Ray Gun Mark II asset source)

And honestly just a massive amount of hard work from Harry providing asset libraries and assets for the community to use. The guy does not get enough credit / respect!

Vanguard / Modern Warfare III Wunderwaffe port
- TheSkyeLord - Weapon Export / Custom Anims / Texture Ports
- Remarkable Zeal - Scripts / GDT Settings / Custom Textures / Pack-A-Punch Materials
- Niknokinator - Scripting Aid
- Scobalula - Greyhound
- Professor WeeWoo - Testing
- wetegg - worked on MWIII Wunderwaffe port, and found the solution for non-functional bulbs

- Killer Potato
- Topato: The port itself
- Scobalula: Greyhound, GameImageUtil, CoDMayaTools
- Aidan & Ray1235: CoDMayaTools
- DTZxPorter: ExportX, SETools
- Blak: Riley Sound Template
- TheStig: Testing

Perk Return Script

Quality assurance support

Help and support from the BO3 modding discord

- Rayjiun
- IceGrenade
- Mr_Gadd
- Vortex
- resxt
- ninjaman829
- wetegg
- midgetblaster

Black Ops III Mod Tools
- Asset Property Editor

- BetterBlenderCOD
- BlenderCoDExtras
Popular Discussions View All (11)
23 Oct, 2024 @ 1:11am
Compatibility suggestions & bugs I've found
30 Jan @ 11:31am
Mod Suggestions
4 Aug, 2024 @ 3:10pm
Discord Group?
Lil Jashy
MarBl  [author] 12 Feb @ 11:58pm 
Awh, thank you so much everyone! Really makes my day.

Feedback heard on the Gewehr - pretty much all weapons are in-between major audio overhauls atm (it's what I was working on for last patch, among some other things like reskinning weapons such as AK74U to look like the BO1 variants)

Really pleased to hear everyone is having a good time because personally, I still consider the uploaded version a very rough estimation of what I want to achieve for the final mod. I have a lot of polish and features that I want to include before I'm satisfied with it!

I just need the right time to get back into working on it. I have several major projects running that have been eating up all my free time pretty much since December last year, which is the only reason updates have paused.

I'm taking notes on feedback and bugs, still, and have a rough idea of the areas I need to focus on.
Vikrant 12 Feb @ 11:21pm 
This mod is excellent and easily one of the most fleshed out BO3 mods I've ever seen, and is probably the single best weapons mod in the game. I really appreciate the attention to detail, but if I could make one request, it's that you change the firing sound of the Gewehr 43 to the one from World at War, since a lot of us who played multiplayer and didn't want to use the MP40 have a lot of nostalgia for that particular gun. Also the firing sound just sounds really satisfying. Again, thank you for your exemplary work. I fucking love this mod.
cora 12 Feb @ 5:20pm 
this mod is the best thing ever
MarBl  [author] 6 Feb @ 1:50am 
Not just yet, I'm afraid!
Gunslinger 4 Feb @ 9:39am 
Are custom maps compatible with this mod?
MarBl  [author] 30 Jan @ 2:24am 
Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it! Sorry about Boomhilda :<
CuiMusic 25 Jan @ 8:49am 
This Mod is pretty good, I've enjoyed using it, only thing is whenever I PAP the Mauser on Origins, I don't get the Boomhilda, it's nit picky Ik, but otherwise this is a pretty solid Mod and I would recommend getting it
MarBl  [author] 22 Jan @ 10:40am 
I'm trying to get back to it as soon as possible Baisec, I wouldn't want to put a date on it right now because I simply don't know. But all the work I've been doing these last few months directly improves my ability to work on Weaponry Overhaul when I do next pick it up.

Realistically I'll be busy with the project I'm currently working on for maybe 3 years, so I'm obviously not going to wait until it's finished before I move back to WO, but I need to keep up my momentum.

I'll be coming back to WO basically when I need a break - I do dearly miss working on it and am bursting with ideas that I can easily implement, I just need the time to do and test it all.

I really appreciate everyone still keeping up with the project and continuing to play with the mod!
Baisec 21 Jan @ 10:11am 
i imagine you're busy with other projects, but i would like to ask on when can we see something from this mod? :)
Tactile 17 Jan @ 6:25pm 
Thanks, regardless if anything is possible I appreciate it. It being a fair too small issue for too few players that trying to fix or minimise it is probably too much work.

Bo3's UI even always stretched on Ultrawide it's design doesn't feel inhibiting, tbh I doubt any non Ultrawide users would notice if asked but parts of this Bo2 UI feel claustrophobicly distracting. A couple slight tweaks could help, like the scale of the leaderboard background and size of Bo2 typeface.

Can get screenshots if any help. *Fixed spelling