Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Love Marriage Family
Rylock  [developer] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 4:05pm
Report Issues Here!
This is a much better place than comments to report any issues encountered, as here I can reply directly and screenshots can also be posted - which is VERY helpful when it comes to finding the problem.

So please feel free to post any issues or concerns you encounter, so long as you keep a few things in mind:
  • LMF improves the marriage AI, but it can't make it perfect. You're still going to see oddities from time to time, especially since some will be caused by vanilla events and those aren't all overridden. That said, if you're seeing something marriage-related which 100% should not be happening, this is a good place to report it.

  • The above also applies to things like seduction - LMF absolutely does a lot to improve the AI targeting for the seduction scheme, in addition to making targets less willing to be seduced when they really should not be. If you're getting inappropriate lovers still, it's not necessarily the fault of the scheme. There are literally hundreds of vanilla events (activities such as hunt, feast, tournament, especially) that create lovers, and many aren't very careful about their targeting, and while LMF overrides the most egregious of these it can and does still happen.

  • Please do tell me what mods you're using. A lot of people who report issues don't mention their other mods because they think "this is an issue related to a topic that LMF specifically covers so clearly the problem is LMF" ...and then, after lots of back and forth, I eventually find out they're using an out-of-date mod that breaks files or have a mod conflict. Just because you think it's unrelated doesn't mean it's unrelated.

  • Also, please do your best to describe what's occurring, as objectively as possible. Screenshot, if you can. I test my mods extensively, so most times when an issue comes up it's either a) an outlier that requires some explaining and investigation, or b) a mod conflict that requires some investigation to see if it even is a conflict. You do that, I'll do my best to respond.
Last edited by Rylock; 5 Dec, 2023 @ 2:30pm
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Showing 1-15 of 57 comments
CavalryTanker 10 Dec, 2023 @ 10:22am 
I can't really provide a screenshot. It seems like after loading this MOD, the availability of maidens has dramatically decreased. I usually start the game with my own created ruler. Before, I would have a huge selection, now, never more than 2 or 3. I have checked the filters, and have tried with the MOD settings within the rules at game start. I am getting ready to turn off the MOD and try that, and see if it reverts to the way it was.
CavalryTanker 10 Dec, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
I just unsubscribed, started a new game, and had 27 marriage choices using the same game start settings as before.
Rylock  [developer] 10 Dec, 2023 @ 2:12pm 
Originally posted by CavalryTanker:
I just unsubscribed, started a new game, and had 27 marriage choices using the same game start settings as before.

So this is for the one specific ruler, at game start? Or something you're seeing all the time? If it's for one specific ruler, the one you made in the RD, is there anything remarkable about him?

And do you have any other mods? You didn't mention.

Because there's some information you're not telling me. If I make a ruler, just about anywhere, this is pretty typical for the list I'll immediately see if I'm trying to marry him off even if he's completely unremarkable:

If you have the time, it'd be very helpful to see the breakdown of why you're being refused. It's a bit tricky to get the list to come up, as normally the Arrange Marriage or Find Spouse GUI only shows those who will accept. But if you go to the court of someone who is on your list, you should be able to use the Change Character button to switch your target to someone who isn't available.

Then you'll see a list of factors like this:

Even better would be to see the difference in that same character between having the mod on or off. I know it's a pain, but I really can't do much about this without some more info, as I'm not seeing the same issue.
Last edited by Rylock; 10 Dec, 2023 @ 2:21pm
CavalryTanker 10 Dec, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
I ran it with just your MOD and it worked fine. There is another MOD interfering with yours, I would assume. Frustrating that it takes so long to load, but I will eventually ID which one it is :)
Rylock  [developer] 10 Dec, 2023 @ 5:00pm 
Originally posted by CavalryTanker:
I ran it with just your MOD and it worked fine. There is another MOD interfering with yours, I would assume. Frustrating that it takes so long to load, but I will eventually ID which one it is :)

If you give me a list of the mods you're using, I can check them out myself. Possibly I can even make it so that LMF doesn't conflict with it.
Big Daddy 10 Dec, 2023 @ 6:37pm 
G'day Rylock, I discovered a minor issue I wanted to bring to your attention. I think this mod may not be compatible with the 'Inspirational' mod - the issue is that when both are active, an error comes up when creating Jewelry (specifically rings and necklaces). When you commission a necklace or ring or sponsor an inspiration, the final product doesn't appear, it just has the concluding screen, but no artifact. Is this something you can look into? I've also let the Inspirational Mod owner know as well. Many thanks!
Rylock  [developer] 10 Dec, 2023 @ 9:06pm 
Originally posted by Big Daddy:
G'day Rylock, I discovered a minor issue I wanted to bring to your attention. I think this mod may not be compatible with the 'Inspirational' mod - the issue is that when both are active, an error comes up when creating Jewelry (specifically rings and necklaces). When you commission a necklace or ring or sponsor an inspiration, the final product doesn't appear, it just has the concluding screen, but no artifact. Is this something you can look into? I've also let the Inspirational Mod owner know as well. Many thanks!

Makes sense - if you check out the "LMF Compatibility" thread, you'll see there's a potential conflict with any mod that changes inspirations.

Looking at the mod, I see it also alters the ep1_fund_inspiration_events file. That's the source of the issue.

Seeing as I do so primarily to deal with the one event which can set up a character and the artisan as lovers, what I'd suggest is loading the Inspiration mod after LMF (so when you go into the Playsets screen off the launcher, make sure that Inspiration comes after LMF in the lineup). That'll make sure Inspiration's version of the file takes precedence... and, since it's rather central to its theme, probably what you want.
Last edited by Rylock; 10 Dec, 2023 @ 9:06pm
Tom Holland 12 Dec, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Hello, after the new update it seems that (for me atleast) the mod stopped working, it freezes on the startup loading screen. I assume it conflicts with RICE, RICE + EPE compatibility patch, Chat GPT Flavor pack and/or a new sensible family 3 because all of these mods updated today (2023-12-12). Help would be appreciated.
Rylock  [developer] 12 Dec, 2023 @ 2:15pm 
Originally posted by Tom Holland:
Hello, after the new update it seems that (for me atleast) the mod stopped working, it freezes on the startup loading screen. I assume it conflicts with RICE, RICE + EPE compatibility patch, Chat GPT Flavor pack and/or a new sensible family 3 because all of these mods updated today (2023-12-12). Help would be appreciated.

It's a big leap to assume that LMF is the source of your compatibility issue. The update yesterday, both from Paradox as well as LMF's, was pretty negligible in terms of content.

That said, I'm happy to help you diagnose your issue, if I can. I'd need a list of all your mods, not just the ones you assume are the problem. Since LMF doesn't crash or freeze on its own, I'd need to re-create the freeze in order to figure out what's causing it.

Alternatively, if you'd prefer to diagnose it yourself, just remove mods one at a time until your game loads without freezing. Then add back the ones your removed, one at a time, until it does freeze. That won't tell you exactly which mod conflicts with which other one, but it'll tell you where your problem lies.
Last edited by Rylock; 12 Dec, 2023 @ 2:29pm
Splendid 19 Mar, 2024 @ 9:21pm 
Hi there, I was murdered shortly after arranging an introduction for my daughter before the suitor arrived and now she's unable to marry at all. It's been three years and the suitor has married someone else and she's still stuck waiting for the introduction.
Rylock  [developer] 21 Mar, 2024 @ 10:10pm 
Originally posted by Splendid:
Hi there, I was murdered shortly after arranging an introduction for my daughter before the suitor arrived and now she's unable to marry at all. It's been three years and the suitor has married someone else and she's still stuck waiting for the introduction.

Hmm. That's rather odd - the only thing that could prevent your daughter from marrying, in relation to the introduction, is the establishment of the introduction variable... which should have been cleared upon your death and clearly was for the suitor.

Even if it wasn't, all the introduction variables disappear after a year (and I've verified that they do, in fact, automatically disappear as intended). There's no way one could still be around after three years.

Without more info or a save to look at, all I can surmise is that the issue with your daughter has nothing to do with the introduction and its cancellation.
catchameatball 13 Jul, 2024 @ 7:36am 
More of an inconvenient quirk than a real issue, but I've come into a situation where my daughter refuses to wed but has become soulmates with my courtier, had a baby together, and have tried and failed to elope. I would have let them marry from the start, but the only way to do that seems to be the "insist on marriage" interaction, which would harm my daughter's opinion of me. Now she's stuck with the fornicator trait and a bastard who could and should have been legitimate.

The first solution that comes to my mind would be to have children with both the "refuses to wed" trait and a soulmate trigger an event to ask you to approve of the marriage.

Edit: Less than a minute after writing this, my daughter triggered the "time to wed?" event, getting rid of the trait. Better late than never, I guess? But I wish that would've fired earlier, like when she got pregnant. Would've saved a bunch of hassle.
Last edited by catchameatball; 13 Jul, 2024 @ 7:41am
Celticus 13 Jul, 2024 @ 8:46am 
Hello, unsure if reported. All characters in game need a religion and culture. I see that you cull family members in ANSF by adding them to a sort of placeholder family where they are all dead but two infants are the parents. Those parents have no culture or religion. Merely opening that menu, viewing the now dead possible sibling/parent/ and those two ghost babies causes the error log to explode into hundreds of megabytes in size and if left open will balloon to multiple GB. In theory can be avoided if you never look at that menu but if accidentally done it will slow the game down significantly until restarted and possibly crash the game or even PC if left to it.
Rylock  [developer] 13 Jul, 2024 @ 9:56pm 
Originally posted by Celticus:
Hello, unsure if reported. All characters in game need a religion and culture. I see that you cull family members in ANSF by adding them to a sort of placeholder family where they are all dead but two infants are the parents. Those parents have no culture or religion. Merely opening that menu, viewing the now dead possible sibling/parent/ and those two ghost babies causes the error log to explode into hundreds of megabytes in size and if left open will balloon to multiple GB. In theory can be avoided if you never look at that menu but if accidentally done it will slow the game down significantly until restarted and possibly crash the game or even PC if left to it.

Hm. The two infant characters are the game's default male and female - maybe I can assign them a religion and culture when you start the ANSF event, to avoid this, but I'm afraid there's no other way for me to remove a character from a family tree once they've been assigned a mother and/or father.
Rylock  [developer] 13 Jul, 2024 @ 10:00pm 
Originally posted by catchameatball:
More of an inconvenient quirk than a real issue, but I've come into a situation where my daughter refuses to wed but has become soulmates with my courtier, had a baby together, and have tried and failed to elope. I would have let them marry from the start, but the only way to do that seems to be the "insist on marriage" interaction, which would harm my daughter's opinion of me. Now she's stuck with the fornicator trait and a bastard who could and should have been legitimate.

The first solution that comes to my mind would be to have children with both the "refuses to wed" trait and a soulmate trigger an event to ask you to approve of the marriage.

Edit: Less than a minute after writing this, my daughter triggered the "time to wed?" event, getting rid of the trait. Better late than never, I guess? But I wish that would've fired earlier, like when she got pregnant. Would've saved a bunch of hassle.

There's a yearly check for characters with the Refuses to Wed trait - I *think* there's already a check for them being in love, so I'm not sure why that didn't fire for you. I'll look into it.
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