Long War of the Chosen
BUG- Time does not pause when doing things in base.
Not sure if this is the best place to put this, and would appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction.

When I am doing things in the Avenger time continues to pass; missions continue to spawn, research/training finishes, rebel activities, etc. Everything, as far as I can tell, progresses at the passive (not scanning) rate of 1 min/sec. I didn't notice a problem like this in the 1.1 LWOTC version and don't have any mods which could affect this in any way.

I noticed the problem after getting up for a while and coming back to see a new reaper in my barracks. A covert action had completed while I was away, but no notification had popped nor could I assign a new covert action (there was an active action but zero time left). Once I went back to the strategic map all the notifications triggered at once, including a 170+% infiltrated mission launch which I'm sure should have expired before reaching that level.

Thank you.
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Having done some testing, the bug seems to be triggered after entering the squad view of any squad through the avenger barracks ---> squad management for the first time after loading a save. Entering the geoscape returns the game to normal (no time passes while in the avenger), however, entering the geoscape before triggering the bug will not prevent the bug.

I can only trigger the bug when loading a few specific saves.
Two of my manual save games, as well as any manual saves I made to duplicate them, are bugged. Duplicate saves created and loaded before the bug is triggered are still bugged. Duplicate saves created and loaded after triggering/resolving the bug (by entering and exiting the geoscape), seem to no longer be bugged.
None of the autosaves I have tested were affected, even those related to the bugged saves.

Saves made while the bug was active, would revert game time back to when the bug first triggered, though the save would still show the game time as it was when saved. (Loading the game save would show the time would be 10:01 am, but once loaded the game time would be 9:50 am at the bottom right of the screen). I could no longer trigger the bug for these saves once loaded.
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