Cities: Skylines
One-Way Train Tracks
Коментарів: 424
link01 28 листоп. 2024 о 22:30 
Boy are they not kidding about this mod breaking saves if you remove it. I switched to Steam and thought I subbed to all my city's mods but I missed this one, so I went back to not Steam but my save was still a mess (many errors, terrain levels minned and maxed, several assets not showing) so I abandoned CS for 3 years. Tonight I was exporting what I could via Move It to see what I could salvage and noticed my tracks were missing along with any roads that were near them. Turns out I had put this mod in the assets folder by mistake, oops.
MrFox 10 листоп. 2024 о 12:59 
This is in game. why is it a mod?
Dimensional One 22 серп. 2024 о 16:36 
Just downloaded this and combined with his double track station, I finally got my Main cargo area working very nicely... As of 2024 aug 22. Great set of tracks that still work with no issues so far... Do yourself a favour and get these.

By the way,,, if you use the unlock function of the Network Multitool 1.3.5 mod, you can use it and without deleting the station tracks, upgrade to his oneway double tracks and take great control of the cargo trains. It works without worrying about spawn points for trains or industry bringing in goods to export or import. Awesome.
Great set of tracks that still work with no issues so far... Do yourself a favour and get these.

Just an fyi for people,,, no longer supported doesn't mean deprecated... The word should be obsolete when it's been replaced by another mod or updated by someone else carrying on the mod. Deprecated doesn't mean the same thing. It actually means disgust or disapproval of something...
Doc001 3 черв. 2024 о 16:56 
Yes, it still works.
Leute 20 квіт. 2024 о 6:26 
is it still working?
Mollgrave 24 січ. 2024 о 9:54 
This mod is deprecated. There is no longer support for this mod.
Frog 18 листоп. 2023 о 18:54 
hmm turns out a lot of assets still use this
Frog 16 листоп. 2023 о 19:51 
@vellis you have probably placed a train station that uses the station track provided by this mod
shan501a 4 лип. 2023 о 21:37 
Work me, @Wutru
Wutru 14 черв. 2023 о 8:11 
still working?
Vellis 16 трав. 2023 о 3:33 
I'm having trouble with safely remove this Mod.
I don't have any of the tracks placed on the map. I then try removing the mod but causes startup error.
macluk 12 лют. 2023 о 14:12 
it does. i, myself, am looking for mods that stopped working after... weirdly - end of last year. update itself didn't change much.
VNDK8R 15 груд. 2022 о 21:13 
Anyone confirm if this works with Cities: Skylines 1.16.0-f3?
StayHungryStayFoolish 15 верес. 2022 о 13:51 

One-Way Train Tracks is fully compatible with Plazas & Promenades DLC.

Please follow the Plazas & Promenades DLC Compatible modlist.
Life Alert 9 трав. 2022 о 17:46 
Any mod that requires this one does not work for some reason. Has anyone gotten this to work?
apparently 31 берез. 2022 о 1:10 
There is no freight train coming. Does anyone know what to do?please tell me
apparently 8 берез. 2022 о 3:02 
Sorry, I thought it was an asset
apparently 8 берез. 2022 о 2:56 
The content management of the game and the game can't see it at all. You can't find it with find it, but it shows that the download is complete
apparently 6 берез. 2022 о 5:28 
where can find it
Metal-Deus 7 лют. 2022 о 7:14 
As long as i connect a station with those one way tracks, no outside trains spawn (neither in or outgoing). When I use the normal tracks everything is fine.
The normal Trains on my own routes have no problems using the One Way Tracks.

A fix would be nice.
happysmash27 26 січ. 2022 о 6:26 
Problem solved: This error message seems to go away after I verify the files to force update all mods.
happysmash27 25 січ. 2022 о 14:41 
I am getting an error on startup:

[code]A Mod caused an error [System.Exception]

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching an exception method static System.BooleanOutsideConnectionAI::StartConnectionTransferImpl(SbuildingID, Building[/code]

This is one of the mods that looks like it could have something to do with outside connections that has not yet been confirmed to be compatible with Airports. Is anyone else having this issue with this mod and Harmony installed?
AlexALX 9 жовт. 2021 о 3:46 
Hi, can this be combined with (rendered tunnels) so your tracks will have tunnels visible?
vsvg.scattered 1 жовт. 2021 о 13:08 
When this mod is active it appears to *TrackBlock* building the stock two-lane two-way tracks. It does not *Trackblock* the one-lane one-way tracks, both the stock and modded tracks can be chosen.

This is odd, as if one type is not blocked why is the other blocked? I would prefer to lay stock tracks, in General, except for the liquid Gold two lane one way tracks.
kt8144 29 серп. 2021 о 3:16 
I would like to ask if there are any solutions to the problem of which trains derail when departing from a curved one-way train station? Or is this a fundamental issue that is related to the pathing behaviour in the game's code?
Nuka 18 серп. 2021 о 15:16 
A road version of this would be lush.
Sir Sheikhs Pears 17 трав. 2021 о 3:57 
Hi @BloodyPenguin, i'm glad to see you come back. Your new Barges mod is awesome!
I know, you are now focused to update some others mod, but i have a question (and heartfelt wish):
Do you plan to update the rail mesh of this set of tracks to the new rectengular vanilla
mesh? Would be really nice!
Finwickle 1 трав. 2021 о 12:02 
@LemonsterOG: Ow, didn't know that. Weird that they didn't include that for asset builders.
LemonsterOG 1 трав. 2021 о 9:51 
@Finwickle -- The vanilla one-way track doesn't include station track.
Finwickle 1 трав. 2021 о 4:48 
@squirrelarmyuk: This mod doesn't need the Network Extensions mod. But why not use the single train track from the game itself for your station? That would eliminate another dependency for your asset.
squirrelarmyuk 30 квіт. 2021 о 12:02 
I'm in the progress of creating a new station which would make use of the single tracks from this mod but I have a question about it's use.

Does this mod depend on users having Network Extensions installed? I know that mod is slowly being phased out as the vanilla game road editor fulfils its role. I'd prefer not to have to rely on people having that mod as I know it can cause issues with saved games

Is this still the best mod to use for a single train station track or is there a better alternative now?
dmyatt 12 лют. 2021 о 9:21 
@LemonsterOG. Issue is now sorted. I unsubscribed and resubscribed to Network Extensions 2 and it worked. Cheers
LemonsterOG 12 лют. 2021 о 7:56 
@dmyatt -- I'd be happy to review your subscribed mods, you can find instructions on how to share your mod compatibility report here in the "Sharing Your Mod Compatibility Report" section. Please follow ALL the directions.
dmyatt 11 лют. 2021 о 14:43 
I'm trying to get the excellent Utrecht central station working and this mod is required, however it is causing a conflict with something and its causing a simulation fail upon map loading.

This and the station are the only mods/assets I have installed in the last week so it has to be this.

Any ideas what the conflict is between?
WHR | TMaekler 29 січ. 2021 о 12:29 
Since there is a one lane one way train track in Vanilla, is this one still needed (except for stations who use it)?
Frog 20 січ. 2021 о 19:45 
Don't unsubscribe this mod if you are subscribed to train stations that require it
nhatanh0475 11 січ. 2021 о 5:56 
@Bobby Digital
SingleTrainTrackAI is no longer working, and without it, this mod is kinda useless unless you know how to handle the AI yourself.
nhatanh0475 11 січ. 2021 о 5:55 
@Siem_72 The game will alway refer vehicle to use the left/right hand traffic depend on your initial start. You can use TMPE to force it to use any specific track you wanted to.
Siem_72 21 груд. 2020 о 4:19 
I can't figure out how you can get trains to use the left track of the 2-lane 1-way track. When I make a train line, they always choose the right track. Does anyone know how this works?
Bobby Digital 19 груд. 2020 о 16:32 
I'm using the 2-lane 1-way track and very often my trains get stuck next to each other when one train tries to switch lanes (causing massive queues). Does somebody have a solution? SingleTrainTrackAI did not resolve this problem.
vsvg.scattered 8 груд. 2020 о 1:50 
That "Mod Compatibility Checker" is not necessarily infallible. The vanilla game does not yet include two-lane one-way tracks nor one-lane two-way tracks. I would rate that opinion as premature, at best.
LemonsterOG 7 груд. 2020 о 8:44 
@Frog -- While one-way train tracks are included in the base game, someone may still find a need for this. As you just mentioned, the one-way station tracks. After all, there are still over 188,000 subscribers.
Frog 7 груд. 2020 о 1:29 
However it doesn't say whether station tracks were added. I doubt it, so if you want train station tracks don't unsub
Frog 7 груд. 2020 о 1:27 
AutoRepair.log (Mod Compatibility Checker) says that this mod is no longer required because one-way tracks were added to the game in version 1.7 (the free patch released with Mass Transit)
vsvg.scattered 5 груд. 2020 о 19:30 
a nice compact train-about (just a half-car short, ugh!)

the two passenger trains barging, this would have cleared with slightly longer circle arcs, but barging trains can jam almost anything when they try hard enough

Thanks BloodyPenguin for the two-lane one-way train tracks.
vsvg.scattered 5 груд. 2020 о 18:28 
Awesome tracks. They let compact effective train-a-bouts be built with just a 40xU circumference. The two cargo trains will come in together from the left leave the train-a-bout together, then split one going left (up) and the other right (down). Great to watch.

Of course, if one leg is just a half-car short (like the right leg), then two pushy red passenger trains (coming in from the top) can push their noses forward and each block traffic in a junction they could not have made it through just then. Gridlock. Operator (user, my) error. And theirs.

TM:PE does help restrain the cowboy engineers. At some point, though, C:S should send these lead-foot engineers back to train school (if they even even went, or graduated). Far too many engineer-at-fault train wrecks in the past 4 years.

Oh, I cannot attach a picture. Let me look in tio that.

Ultra Gravy 3 листоп. 2020 о 17:10 
Will these be upgraded to the square track mesh like the vanilla 2 way?
Joker | Slava Ukraini 25 жовт. 2020 о 4:16 
@Lemonster -- no i don't use single two way tracks. I will try it out, thanks.
LemonsterOG 24 жовт. 2020 о 20:56 
@Joker @ Ubuntu 20.04 -- Are you subscribed so the SingleTrainTrackAI mod? That should resolve your issue.
Joker | Slava Ukraini 24 жовт. 2020 о 14:24 
My trains get stucked when lane changing on this one way tracks.
Any idea how to prevent this or how to remove trains who a stucked automatically?