Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

62 kommenttia
Kermit (GER) 27.12.2016 klo 14.35 
Thx for this infomation @Mas71 and good luck for 2017
PaperClip 25.12.2016 klo 17.33 
im not too fond of zooming out to far away anyway :)
Mas71  [tekijä] 25.12.2016 klo 17.32 
No problem, dont worry ;)
This seawall has an issue which is couldn't be solved X( so you don't move a Camera on this pls ;)
PaperClip 25.12.2016 klo 17.12 
fount it! man im so sorry for being stupid lol .... turns out i was looking at the wrong user account folder lol btw thanks for the help really appreciate it :))
Mas71  [tekijä] 25.12.2016 klo 6.09 
k, could you find a folder option in the Windows right ? This is a topic like this ;)

Generaly, a folder is be find in here if even you installed a game-program anywhere ;
C:/Users/'Use rName'/AppData/Local/Colossal Order/~~~

chek this out agai pls ;)
PaperClip 25.12.2016 klo 4.36 
well i tried looking for the ckecked hidden folder but there appears to be no hidden folders..... am i suppose to look at it in C:\ ? cause my steam is in so i search in D:\steam\SteamApps\common\Cities_Skylines
Mas71  [tekijä] 25.12.2016 klo 4.28 
that folder(AppData and more under folders) is be hidden by Windows's option (by default)
so you should remove a check-mark on 'dissapear a hidden folder' on folder's option at first ;)
PaperClip 25.12.2016 klo 4.23 
why can't i find the addons folder as the readme text says?
Vertex_Thug 4.4.2016 klo 11.09 
I can't find it in my game
Kermit (GER) 2.4.2016 klo 11.07 
Very nice idea and it looks great on game, I hope this will be updated, good job and thx.
johan.eusoff 17.3.2016 klo 10.27 
I really hope this will be updated because it's such a great work and it looks good in my cities. Thanks for working on it.
Nytcep 24.2.2016 klo 10.25 
Ah thanks, ill read the description next time :')
Gfurst 24.2.2016 klo 10.10 
@Nytcep, read the description (and title for that matter)
Nytcep 24.2.2016 klo 7.44 
This asset is causing problems since the snowfall update :(
When i try to zoom in around the placed seawall my screen turns blue.
Mas71  [tekijä] 23.2.2016 klo 18.48 
I'd try to remake and re-import and update, however I don't know why could not update right. PROP is visible right in an Asset-Editor, but it will be invisible(disappear) when plop(place) Asset in a game..... X(

I don't have any idea for solved it now, I'll update when find a cause of that.
Thank you for your understanding.



Mas71  [tekijä] 16.2.2016 klo 5.51 
That's good ;)
but You talked about a 'Seawall 02' ? (lol)
Seawall 01 and Retaining Walls(JPN Walls) - in PARK menu
Seawall 02 and Tetrapod(break water block) - in SHIP(Transport) menu
sorry to make you confused with them ;) Thanks
clockmaker 16.2.2016 klo 4.11 
Thank you so much! I found it on the Transport Ship menu! :D
Mas71  [tekijä] 16.2.2016 klo 3.14 
Now,a manufacture is delayed now because I can't solved yet a issue of Asset(modeling) for a part in 135deg(45deg) X( I'll do the Best ;)

Thanks for subscribe it at first ;)
ah, do you subscribed(downloaded) all of PROP and ASSET both each walls ?
This 'Seawall 01''s icon will be added in Park-menu, but this icon is TEXT-type(no pics), looking for again an icon written with text as 'Seawall 01 S32m' pls ;)
clockmaker 16.2.2016 klo 2.55 
I can't seem to find this in-game as well as the other similar assets, I really really wanna use this prop for my ports :(
Gfurst 15.1.2016 klo 20.06 
Ahh okey than, cheers, let me know when you make the better one.
If you could also take on a request, to make a similar pier walkway (but without the water wall
Mas71  [tekijä] 15.1.2016 klo 18.54 
Hi again ;) ah, to tell the truth, a model file(by 3dsmax) was broken, so I can't rework it me too X( I'm sorry.
I have a plan to remake it "Seawall 01-Rivised version" from zero to more better in near future ;)
Gfurst 15.1.2016 klo 12.29 
So tried for a bit, I think the invisible ground will work fine, but there is a slight problem, the asset is misaligned, I don't know how to fix this, never did anything 3d modeling.
For this I'll need you to help me: change the origin (pivot point) of the model to begin exactly at its inner edge, and make sure it fits exactly two squares wide.
Gfurst 14.1.2016 klo 20.55 
Hey @Mas71,
still haven't tried my own take on the asset as we discussed some months ago, I'll give it a try this week. you haven't found a solution for the below ground level textures have you?

also check out:
I would like to include it as well on the mod, cheers!
Darth Modus - God of Richards 17.10.2015 klo 11.13 
@Mas71 Wow, that's how it looks close up? Wow, I should get the camera mod hahaha. I really didn't notice it from that angle. xD

now I gets ya. :)
Mas71  [tekijä] 17.10.2015 klo 10.57 
Aha, You talking about this pipe-fence ?
If it's right, I'm sorry to my misreading for your message X)

This area is for a space to parking cars for visiter and it's for stop to traffics of them ;)
You can see a bend one, It's my producted that someone break it with car (lol)
Darth Modus - God of Richards 17.10.2015 klo 9.25 
@Mas71 - If you plop this down in game and observe the top of the asset, you will see red and white stripped barricades. You know like the ones they put on the roads to stop or divert traffic. They look like barricades or cones, I can't quite make out which is right. However, they are there if you look very carefully.

I just don't know what they are meant to be for? I tried plopping roads on top of it but to no avail. So beats me why they are there.
Mas71  [tekijä] 16.10.2015 klo 13.46 
A1) I don't know what's BARRICADES on a TOP ? :(
I plopped some props in Asset one of Light-Pole and Parked-Car only.

A2) ah sorry, I don't have knowledges for make tutrial-movie and as English as well for that :P How ask that for more better players in forum ? ;)

Thanks for warm comment :) I'm so glad to you like my works ;)
The Jamster! 13.10.2015 klo 23.05 
This is an amazing prop, it makes shore lines and rivers look so much better. keep up the good work.
Darth Modus - God of Richards 11.10.2015 klo 15.11 
I've two questions:

1) When plopping your sea walls, I noticed that there are barricades on the top? Are they supposed to be there or not? Just doesn't look right with barricades on top of the Sea Walls. Could you possibly take them off?

2) Also, do you have any proper tutorial on how this should be placed because I've been following your pic tut but its just not looking right for me.
CQitussaurus Rex 28.9.2015 klo 5.25 
update coming?
Gfurst 29.8.2015 klo 7.33 
@Mas71 ありがとう 宜しくね
I'll try it out mate, thanks!
Let you know if the results end up okay!
Londsw 29.8.2015 klo 4.29 
SOOO COOOOOL MATE =) you are amazing thanks
Mas71  [tekijä] 29.8.2015 klo 4.26 
ok, I uploaded FBX files, free to use them how do you want in your game ;)
but plaese DON'T upload them on anywhere without my permission or Credit.
(LINK is in description above) ;)
Londsw 29.8.2015 klo 3.41 
i mean i ll be really happy to build my waterfront with it i you can send it to me as a zip fil would be awesome =))
Londsw 29.8.2015 klo 3.41 
oh i like the asset version on the picture with gray concrete you shoul upload it dude
Mas71  [tekijä] 29.8.2015 klo 1.44 
Muito obrigado for your good advice and idea ;)
Yes, I'd try to use this base-texture(Clip) too, but It was not get a good result in this seawall's model because it can not used well for my other version's asset (i.e. Free-Rotate-Version in Option-asset)
When I make something someday, I'll notice a point as you said too ;)
Thanks again for your helps ;)
Gfurst 28.8.2015 klo 18.22 
Hummm right! Thats explains a lot. Have you tried applying the invisible (void) ground texture. The one I'm pointing here:

Try it out, use that all around the asset and keep the 2x1 size.
One other alternative would be to have the model higher in the Y axis. Above the ground with more space to the back. And then have placement on the shore line instead of a road.
Mas71  [tekijä] 28.8.2015 klo 16.46 
Thank you for advice ;) ok, See this picture pls,

It's a result that same 3D-model(fbx) inported to a PROP and an ASSET,
you can see that all of part under ground-level (under 0.0m) becaome automatically with Gray-Concrete-Texture.
This is a specification of program of the Cities:Skylines.

I imported it to PROP and use it on purpose to evade this issue.
but PROP can not be displayed to far distant (if even used a LOD as like an ASSET for)
Gfurst 28.8.2015 klo 11.07 
@Mas71, I mean for you to use the 3d model as an asset instead of a prop
Mas71  [tekijä] 28.8.2015 klo 8.07 
Thanks, but do you know how to making LOD for PROP for far distant ?
It's not worked with same way with common-Buildings you know?

Please read a description on my asset-page.
Get a zip, and try to install-manually please ;)

I'll stop an using WorkShop of the Steam in a future.
Sorry to inconvenienced with my works X(
funker 28.8.2015 klo 7.32 
Deleting the asset file wasn't the best idea. My harbours look crappy now. :steamfacepalm:
Londsw 27.8.2015 klo 8.21 
what do you mean? you know how to fix the problem?
Gfurst 27.8.2015 klo 8.15 
I also believe, having the model as the actual asset should fix the LOD issue.
Please, contact me if you want help.
Gfurst 22.8.2015 klo 8.53 
So I can make that asset, to make the park plopable anywhere, easier to place and etc... but would be better to have the model as the actual asset instead of a prop.
Koinsky 13.8.2015 klo 1.53 
I'll wait and even continue to use the Seawall ! Hope you can fix the distant model. Thanks ! :)
Mas71  [tekijä] 11.8.2015 klo 17.09 
Hi, Thanks for subscribed and comments :D
I got a way to solved for this(LOD issue), but my PC is not worked fine now X(
It would be fixed it soon maybe, please wait for my update ;)
Thanks for your understanding and sorry to inconvenience.
Koinsky 11.8.2015 klo 3.57 
Hi, first thanks for the great work. Simplement extraordinairement utile !

Could it be possible to add a distant model ? The looks of the city greatly suffers without one.
Mas71  [tekijä] 26.5.2015 klo 2.30 
@Extreme Saintz
Huuum, about a modeling? Importing? or Subscribing? (how to use this in Game)?
sorry, ask me again what do you want to know please ;)
Extreme Saintz 25.5.2015 klo 15.13 
How do you add this?
Mas71  [tekijä] 24.5.2015 klo 7.54 
ah, maybe yes ;) I'd make some works in the SC4 exactly, Thanks for remember me ;)