Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

141 件のコメント
yao_zhou 2023年1月1日 3時06分 
Mod BROKEN. Use this instead:
ModTools 3.7.9
berlinfan1 2021年9月5日 12時15分 
the ModTool is inkompatibel Cities Skyline
BloodyPenguin 2018年3月14日 13時26分 
@(G.E.W.P) This version of ModTools is not supported any longer by its original author. Unsub it and use my fixed and improved version instead:
Jarthuzad 2018年2月9日 21時10分 
Its broken btw
egi 2017年7月8日 4時10分 
@BloodyPenguin we need a way to mark mods as deprecated even when the author is gone :/
Cleavus 2016年11月19日 3時08分 
sweet will do bud
BloodyPenguin 2016年11月19日 0時05分 
Guys, it's not funny that you come here. This version of ModTools is long dead. Unsub it and use my fixed version instead:
Moca Latte 2016年8月28日 13時06分 
help me i need someone to make a mod that make the error thing to goaway :steamsad:
Drinking Gasoline 2016年7月11日 9時06分 
i still am not sure what all this is about, what this mod is for
Davai-Lamah 2016年4月3日 13時48分 
I tried un-subscribing or running the verify game integrity - that didn't work. I was able to fix the issue by deleting userGameState.cgs... and after a couple of hours it crashed again. Do you think I could provide some more info to address this issue?
Davai-Lamah 2016年4月2日 18時16分 
And the weird part is that in the main menu I am able to see the console, but in game I just can't bring it up, and it still shows me the vanilla console...
Davai-Lamah 2016年4月2日 17時23分 
Ctrl+Q stopped working after restarting the game to check my updated mod. After I reverted my changes on the mode, I still wasn't able to Ctrl+Q...
RAY 2016年3月16日 2時59分 
have new vision?
Nicholas 2016年2月10日 15時27分 
@xeluht Use extra landscaping tools, also by BloodyPenguin
xeluht 2016年2月9日 16時30分 
Can I change sea level ingame with this?
MGD 2015年12月30日 15時22分 
can you provide a offline modtool download link ? (without steam )
Big Bad Nonja 2015年10月11日 19時47分 
@BloddyPenguin > OK, literally 5 seconds after I posted my question, I found ShroomBlazes' tut here > Soooo, I will give it a go !
Big Bad Nonja 2015年10月11日 19時42分 
@BloddyPenguin > Can an existing asset (i.e a park) have it's in-game menu location changed with this tool? I'm looking to find a new menu home for all the new canal assets created by CGVos, and some others. The parks menu has a finite limit and I have to (currently) run with only 1/2 to 3/4's of the parks I have, or I can't see the canals. Perhaps you can help with this?
BloodyPenguin 2015年5月28日 10時54分 
Good news, guys! I've just fixed ModTools for C:SL v1.1. My fix can be found here:
If you find any problems remaining, just tell me.
ized 2015年5月25日 17時08分 
ModTools works fine for me except the command line tool in debug. The error is long and I can't attach an image. So this is some of it:

- [Error] : Error building assembly '/var/folders/r2/......./dll/tmp_967391192/tmp_967391192/.dll
- [Error] ModToolsCommandLineScript.cs(18,9) : error CS1525
- [Error] ModToolsCommandLineScript.cs(18,9) : error CS8025
- [Error] Failed to compile commandline
Orchid 2015年5月25日 4時56分 
In my case, I repaired my cache, disabled all mods, reloaded the game to enable the modtool, and it worked once as I enter either the asset editor or a city, but I have to disable it before I leave the game to prevent the error message (no key definition or something) from showing, so the next time I start the game this mod will work.
Erke 2015年5月24日 9時16分 
will this mod be updated?
Erei 2015年5月24日 6時40分 
Un-subscribing, repairing the cache, even manually deleting the mod don't change a thing for me.
h2oQueen 2015年5月24日 6時34分 
In order to get this mod to work every time I exit the game is I need to unsubscribe and resubscribe this mod, I've tried to clear game cache via steam and it did nothing.

Thank you.
h2oQueen 2015年5月24日 0時00分 
I had ModToosl work once yesterday however CTRL+E is not working for me like others are experiencing which is such a pity.

Please patch.

Thank you.
Cyberdemon 2015年5月23日 5時59分 
Hey guys, try the "verify game cache" option in steam. The keyboard shortcuts started to work again for me after this measure...
Stooge 2015年5月22日 19時24分 
You're welcome. It's odd, because I was looking for the information this morning and found it. Then later on, saw that you were looking for it, and I was like "ooh oooh! me me! pick me, I know the answer!!" :-)
h2oQueen 2015年5月22日 17時16分 
You are totally awesome dude! Thank you GrokU!
Stooge 2015年5月22日 17時11分 
h2oQueen 2015年5月22日 15時17分 
I hear there is an option in the asset editor to place a building/park free park/off road, where do you go for this option?

Is there a tutorial for how to use this in the asset editor? I'm not even sure how you save your settings once its been made.

Thank you :)
ized 2015年5月21日 12時05分 
I've had intermittent problems as well. The Watch doesn't work, and debug console commands don't work due to a dll compiling error.

Initially CTRL+Q and E weren't working for me but they magically started working again after a fresh install of the game.
Erke 2015年5月21日 10時36分 
CTRL+Q stopped working.. I can not open the menu... please help!
DontCryJustDie 2015年5月21日 1時40分 
The log is broken with 1.1 please update.
Erei 2015年5月20日 10時28分 
No it doesn't work with 1.1. I had it work the first time I logged in after the patch, but it doesn't work anymore. Similar to at least another report.
StarLite 2015年5月20日 10時07分 
Ive got a feeling that it doesn't work anymore as it should after patch 1.1, anyone else having problems with it?
It doesn't seem to log stuff anymore and the watch doesn't populate anymore as well for me.
DRen72 2015年5月11日 10時48分 
Anyone know if we can tweak Tourism levels with this?
I'm experimenting with tourism and want to raise tourists to very high levels.
michaelmozzie 2015年5月10日 11時29分 
Is there any way to speed up the subscrition! It seems to take a whole week before any items I subscribe to are actually playable.
guywithpups 2015年5月9日 11時55分 
I'm having trouble dumping meshes using ModTools -- when I try to dump a node mesh (m_mesh for example) for a road node, I get a .obj file, but all that it has appears to be the Unity header and nothing more. I confirmed this by looking at the files with TextPad and trying to import them to Blender
hellodave 2015年5月2日 17時43分 
I worked it out :) You can edit the values in ModToolsConfig.xml for the window position
hellodave 2015年5月2日 14時36分 
Somehow, through messing around with the resolution, I've managed to move the scene explorer panel so the top of it is above the top of the screen preventing me from using it. Any ideas how I can move it again? I've tried every resolution available with no luck.
geecko 2015年5月2日 5時57分 
There's an error I can't identify and it's bulking up and counting, even in the main menu. What could it possibly be?
BadPeanut  [開発者] 2015年4月27日 9時22分 
would be nice to see added support for m_netinfo itemclass connectionclass. (i think this will add the ability for custom transport assets to attract tourists - but i have no idea really)
leftbehind 2015年4月26日 16時36分 
Would be great if the model preview could be implemented in Sapphire UI mod so that Sapphire skins could show basic render of items that don't yet have build menu icons :)
Elias 2015年4月25日 6時39分 
Question about this mod: is it possible to change the "category" where I find an object ingame? the reason is: when someone uploads a unique building lvl 6 for example and I change the value to lvl 3 for example, then it will still be listet in the section "unique buildings lvl 6". everything else (cost, maintanance, workers etc) works of course, but the category doesn't seem to change with the ingame asset-editor. would apreciate help with that problem.
FoxInABox 2015年4月22日 22時19分 
Is there any way to find a specific building(non growable) or citizen in the scene editor?
I'm working on a mod that affects crime, and want to be able to view whether it is changing individual citizens crime rates or just the buildings?
Vip 2015年4月22日 5時50分 
Is there somewhere a more detailed guide. if I wanted to change the configuration of the building. Well, that would put it in the water or on the water and on land. or change the shape of a circle. What would the other players have seen changes. Without further mods?
"MrHindsight" 2015年4月12日 16時24分 
If there was a "User" Edition just so we could take our mods that we subscribe to from the workshop without the asset preview in game, and be able to create a preview photo for any or all assets we download. I see it more and more in the subscriptions I download with no thumbnail in game. It's quite difficult to navigate. Any input? Thank you greatly for this mod by the way! Everyone appreciates your hard work!
Windows 10 2015年4月11日 15時18分 
i looked at this and died, this is all your fault mod maker. JK lol
Delebre 2015年4月9日 9時50分 
Ok, thanks. First thing I tried was to exit main menu and back and it didn't change. I had to restart the whole program. I will try it again though. Thank you for the quick reply.
nlight  [作成者] 2015年4月9日 9時44分 
That's a known ModTools bug, exit to main menu and back to fix it.