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[Fun] HideNSeek Portal Edition
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12 Feb, 2017 @ 2:30am
12 May, 2017 @ 10:26pm
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[Fun] HideNSeek Portal Edition

In 1 collection by Paraakie
Paraakie's niche mods
7 items
You only have 1HP, so you better kill your enemies fast!

->This map was made for intense chasing, hiding and of course seeking.
->Additonally the map comes with 12 rooms, each having a hiding areas
and portals to 2 other rooms.
->Also featuring a stealth-orb in the secret room, but can you find the secret room?
-> Better INstagib gamesetting - Everyone has 1HP and the game ends after 50 kills

Voltar and Professor Yollip were studying the eye of Aiguillon, when suddenly the eye came in contact with a Sentry Portal. Walls began to move and the portal duplicated. Time and Space broke into itself and formed an unstable blackhole, sucking in various planets and merging into one. When the Awesomenauts awakened they found themselves stuck in somekind of Space temple, formed out of the planets. It was quickly clear that there was no escape. As the desperation for somethign to eat grew the Awesomenauts started fighting and killing each other, only to be reborn as a new Awesomenaut.

Or so they thought....
After what felt like an eternity, everythng and everyone was sucked into a blackhole that poped out of nowhere and everyone was catapulted back into existance. However they came back in a time before the Awesomenauts hadn't been found yet. Not everyone remembered what happened. Voltar, did though and promised himself to never work with Prof. Yoolip again, to avoid this painful event from repeating itself. Things would never be the same. He also developed hate for Robots like Sentry


Like this mod? I created a few other mods too, check them out here:

This map participated in the first Map Editor Contest
Thanks to everyone, who upvoted!
REPTOR 17 Nov, 2017 @ 7:47am 
its a good map
Yolvenzind 24 Mar, 2017 @ 12:23am 
Haha thanks. I'm glad I could inspire you. The hide and seek map was my first and it had some mistakes in the gameplay. Like it wasn't really needed to use the full map. There weren't that many hide spots. Your map has improved a lot on the points where mine failed though. Because of the portals you can move around and hide way quicker which makes the gameplay more active I think. And it looks way better too ;P
Paraakie  [author] 23 Mar, 2017 @ 9:37pm 
Thanks, I actually saw your map and then decided to make one with Portals, so you in a way inspired this map, thanks for that :)
Yolvenzind 23 Mar, 2017 @ 1:20pm 
Welp I don't think I'll submit my old hide & seek map after seeing this one xD