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Paraakie's Single Player mods
These are the best mods I ever created - Enjoy!
Items (3)
[PvE] Galaxy War
Created by Paraakie
Defend against hords of robots, until you are strong enough to defeat Galactron. How to play -> Click Subscribe! -> In-game click Play->Custom -> Select 'GalaxyWar' map/level -> Use 'GalaxyWarSettings' gamesettings A) Choose Team Red to join the Order of Z...
Gnaw Story Mode
Created by Paraakie
Gnaw Story Mode, is single player story & puzzle plattformer mod. Note: While the mod is supposed to be played with Gnaw, if you don't have him unlocked you should be able to play this mod with Leon. Lore & Info: It takes place in a non-canon Awesomenauts ...
[PvE] Rise of Galactron
Created by Paraakie
In this wave-survival mod, defend against hords of Robots and Droids. Contains 3 Maps. Easy -> For Single Player or just casual fun. Hard -> A real challgne, almost impossible for one player to complete. RedvsBlue -> 3v3 mode, try to survive longer than th...
Linked collections (1)
Paraakie's niche mods
Contains 7 items
In 1 collection by Paraakie
Paraakie's niche mods
7 items