410 ratings
All Factions Unlocked
This collection contains all of the Faction Packs for my Faction Unlocker, which provide access to all Grand Campaign and Mini Campaign factions (depending on the DLCs you own) in both Single Player and Multiplayer, access to most of them in Custom Battle and many improvements to the campaign such as repositioned Legendary Lords, All 7 Norsca Tribes, fully customizable Faction Leaders & Settlements and much more!

Due to the very limited faction selection user interface, it is currently not possible to properly enable all factions for Single Player without overloading the selection screen, but you mix and match these (or create your own custom selection) as long as you don't mind the UI getting a bit crowded.
Items (13)
Faction Unlocker Submod - Mixed Factions
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Middenland ⚫ Wissenland ⚫ Kislev ⚫ Border Princes ⚫ Estalia ⚫ Tilea ⚫ Karak Azul ⚫ Karak Kadrin ⚫ Karak Ziflin ⚫ Kraka Drak ⚫ Azhag'z Waaagh! ⚫ Skullsmasherz ⚫ Skull-t...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Vanilla Factions
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will display all vanilla factions and all Mini Campaign Factions. (Requires the related DLCs) More Faction Packs (Don't use all of them at once) Faction Unlocker Submod - Mixed Factions Faction Unlocker Su...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Bretonnia & Wood Elfs
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Artois ⚫ Bastonne ⚫ Lyonesse ⚫ Parravon All Mini Campaign Factions (Requires the related DLCs) Furthermore these DLC factions can be played without owning the related ...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Dwarfs
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Barak Varr ⚫ Karak Azul ⚫ Karak Hirn ⚫ Karak Kadrin ⚫ Karak Norn ⚫ Karak Ziflin ⚫ Kraka Drak ⚫ Zhufbar All Mini Campaign Factions (Requires the related DLCs) Other Fac...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Empire, Kislev, Southern Realms
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Averland ⚫ Empire Secessionists ⚫ Hochland ⚫ Marienburg ⚫ Middenland ⚫ Nordland ⚫ Ostermark ⚫ Ostland ⚫ Stirland ⚫ Talabecland ⚫ Wissenland ⚫ Kislev ⚫ Erengrad (New Fa...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Greenskins
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Azhag'z Waaagh! (Red Eye Tribe) ⚫ Black Venom ⚫ Bloody Spearz ⚫ Broken Nose ⚫ Crooked Moon Mutinous Gits ⚫ Red Fangs ⚫ Scabby Eye ⚫ Skullsmasherz ⚫ Skull-takerz (Savag...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Vampires, Chaos, Norsca, Beastmen
Created by Crynsos
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Mousillon ⚫ Templehof ⚫ Horde of the Ever-Watcher ⚫ Aesling ⚫ Baersonling ⚫ Bjornling ⚫ Graeling ⚫ Skaeling ⚫ Varg All Mini Campaign Factions (Requires the related DLC...
Suspense Style: IV - Crynsos Unlock - All Legendary Lords
Created by Suspense
Updated for Norsca! NOTE: SCREENSHOTS INCLUDE FEATURES FROM MY SHADES OF SUSPENSE RECOLOR AND RENAME MOD AS WELL. FACTIONS SHOULD APPEAR IN DEFAULT FORM WITHOUT IT. Screenshots show combined elements from my complete "Suspense Style" collection found here:...
Zorbaz Heroic Campaign: AI, Factions, & PCBSO
Created by _ZorbazEnglander
THIS MOD WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT 'Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+' BEING ENABLED!!!! -->> <<--Linked here for Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ This mod is a combination of Three mods. Zorbaz Heroic Campaign AI...
My personnal unlocker / submod for crynsos campaign overhaul+
Created by That's Glitchy
En Français : Ce sous-mod ne marchera que si vous avez Crynsos campaign overhaul+ dans votre liste de mod. Bonjour à tous, Voici un petit mod qui sert à déverrouiller diverses factions dans le jeu. Il y a 45 factions en tout disponible sur la campagne du V...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Order Factions
Created by Wolfy
This submod will only work if you have Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ Hi, I'm a really lover of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ but I wanted a submod to play with all the factions. I tried to do it but there is a limitation of visibl...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Destruction Factions
Created by Wolfy
This submod will only work if you have Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ Hi, I'm a really lover of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ but I wanted a submod to play with all the factions. I tried to do it but there is a limitation of visibl...
Faction Unlocker Submod - Vanilla+Mixed+Ordo Draconis
Created by Rachel L
This is a submod of Crynsos' Faction Unlocker+ and will make these factions available: ⚫ Vanilla Factions ⚫ Middenland ⚫ Wissenland ⚫ Kislev ⚫ Border Princes ⚫ Estalia ⚫ Tilea ⚫ Karak Azul ⚫ Karak Kadrin ⚫ Karak Ziflin ⚫ Kraka Drak ⚫ Azhag'z Waaagh! ⚫ Skul...