

518 ratings
Base In A Box
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1.076 MB
22 Jul, 2016 @ 11:08am
9 Dec, 2017 @ 1:33pm
17 Change Notes ( view )

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Base In A Box

To get started, build a Science Station from the Engineer's Table

Make sure you also subscribe to Modules in a box, as this mod requires it to run:

Lets you scan and print buildings to easily move or duplicate them.

Science Station - advanced crafting table to craft new items (Made at Engineer's Table)
Base In A Box - instantly deployable base modules for a variety of purposes
Medical Tank - sleep in this for increased healing
Building Scanner & Printer - scan in custom buildings and print them elsewhere
Delayers - wired items that delay the transmission of a current
Mechorations - a static version of the human and apex mechs for decoration
Arcade Machine - a fully working, playable arcade cabinet
Wiring Stuff - some extra wirable doodads

Known issues:
Wiring is not copied, this is a limitation of the game's API unfortunately
Standing in a building as it's being printed is asking for trouble
Scanner cannot scan trees or unbreakable objects
Scanning a protected area (such as an apex lab before it's forcefield is disabled) will take the furniture but leave the blocks
Building Scanner & Printer are highly experimental, so if they break or don't behave as expected, please let me know what happened, with steps to recreate the problem if possible

If you want to use the 'export to starbound.log' feature without having to copy & paste everything by hand, there's a useful tool to help with that:
Popular Discussions View All (10)
27 Jul, 2020 @ 5:41pm
Sometimes no Printer
3 Jan, 2024 @ 6:54pm
Can't print :(
5 Aug, 2018 @ 1:18pm
Glass filled constructions bug
M0chii大 8 Feb @ 6:44pm 
Please fix this, it has became corrupted and now crashes the game.
Rotaerk 10 Jan @ 4:48pm 
I like the idea of this mod, but I wish it accounted for costs... If you build something using 10 blocks, and then you use a duplicator on it to make 10 printers, you should need 100 blocks to use all the printers...
Nephirus90 7 Jan @ 7:19am 
@Peter Morin What tool did you use? I suggest to use the scanner console (the one with the icon of a PC monitor) so you can have full control over your operations.
Before ticking the "clear area" and "drop contents" checkboxes, I suggest to only scan the building and be sure you got the blueprint.
Plus when doing so for an important building, like your byos ship, I also suggest to tick the "save blueprint to starbound.log" checkbox and extract the blueprint from your log following this mod page instructions, so that the blueprint will be more accessible for future use in the custom blueprint section for all your characters
Peter Morin 7 Jan @ 4:29am 
Well... This mod definitely does... something. Trying to move some part of my BYOS ship, but while everything was successfully removed save for some Avali furniture, no printers were created at all... Any tips on what I am doing wrong?
Nephirus90 20 Oct, 2024 @ 7:06am 
It works in my game, maybe you are trying to scan some modded block or object?
It throws errors, has issues with cointainer contents, sometimes it leaves glass blocks and has heavy performance issues with big scan/blueprints, but it just works :P
Ewok116 20 Oct, 2024 @ 5:14am 
yea nvm i take that back it doesnt work anymore with xsb client too wtf
Ewok116 20 Oct, 2024 @ 4:59am 
@Zooks that is because the printer didnt finish it places glass for airblocks that normally would get removed at the end maybe u were too hasty the printer should also normally disappear at the end so u cant place one activate it and pick it back up the job wasnt finished then
but now back to my problem it still doesnt work on vanilla client why the fk ever it does work with xsb client
Ewok116 17 Aug, 2024 @ 9:56am 
doesnt work for me anymore any mods that are incompatible with it ?
Zooks 29 Feb, 2024 @ 12:33pm 
Why does my copied structures spawn filled with glass?
Ewok116 3 Jan, 2024 @ 6:34am 
mod doesnt work for me anymore everytime i want to scan a building it keeps spitting out this error:
[Error] Exception while invoking lua function 'update'. (LuaException) Error code 2, [string "/scripts/basestorage/"]:289: std::exception: bad allocation
stack traceback:
[C]: in ?
[C]: in field 'spawnItem'
[string "/scripts/basestorage/"]:289: in global 'spawnPrinterItem'
[string "/scripts/basestorage/"]:116: in global 'readModule'
[string "/objects/basestorage/miab_basestore_scanner/m..."]:135: in function <[string "/objects/basestorage/miab_basestore_scanner/m..."]:125>