Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 ratings
Variable Props - 3x1 Forestry Extractor 4
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486.898 KB
21 Dec, 2015 @ 9:23pm
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Variable Props - 3x1 Forestry Extractor 4

In 1 collection by Hawk Tuah
Better Forestry Industry Expansion
9 items
0 Tris / 0.5 MB - Custom asset with no 3D Model

The buildings in this collection use up to 64 props and trees. Each time the asset grows, approximately 20-30 of these props/trees will randomly grow with the building, creating a unique look each time it grows

Props Required
Many of the props used with this asset are from the default library of props. However, I am also using props from the Forestry Industry Props and it is recommended that you subscribe to all the props in this collection. If you don't subscribe to this collection, it will still work, but there will be a few props/trees missing.

Check out the More Better Buildings Collection collection for more assets such as this.
Annika 10 Feb, 2022 @ 1:53pm 
Missing asset "sawmill (prop)"
Beckler OM 7 Feb, 2022 @ 6:48am 
Unsub'd. Too many missing props and no props are listed in Requirements area of this asset page.
rock_and_troll 19 Jan, 2019 @ 12:49pm 
not fuckin working
Darkangel 16 Jun, 2018 @ 1:59am 
Forkboy have you fixed all your mistakes so people can use your extractors and processors now?
morz_morz 3 Mar, 2017 @ 9:38pm 
I´m having the same issue. Some assets in the forestry collection are half empty. Any update?
Jimmytrouser 22 Jan, 2017 @ 5:08am 
Getting this error with Loading MOD

Assets that were not found

Note: the following missing assets are used in buildings and parks. These cases should not break savegames.

Required in: 661986448.Forestry-park 10 x 6_Data

Required in: 661986448.Forestry-park 10 x 6_Data

Required in: 581017975.VP - 2x1 Forestry Extractor5_Data 581018134.VP - 3x1 Forestry Extractor4_Data 581018280.VP - 4x1 Forestry Processing3_Data 581018394.VP - 4x4 Forestry Extractor1_Data 581018547.VP - 4x4 Forestry Processing1_Data 581018622.VP - 4x4 Forestry Processing2_Data

Required in: 581018134.VP - 3x1 Forestry Extractor4_Data 581018211.VP - 4x1 Forestry Extractor3_Data

Required in: 581017975.VP - 2x1 Forestry Extractor5_Data

I am subscribed to all so I'm not sure what is happening.
Hawk Tuah  [author] 10 Jan, 2016 @ 6:06am 
Thanks, I will update it.
Sparks 10 Jan, 2016 @ 5:31am 
You are using a log asset wich I removed from the workshop wich you still have acsess too. Look closley at the picture you can see a floating log. I replaced it with slightly different layout possibly with the same name therefore subscribers will have some clipping ect because the asset is different. Or not maybe they see no logs at all.