Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Collection for Japanese scene
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When you want to see the Japanese scene, this collection can help you to be delight to your eyes.
Öğe (399)
日本の近郊小学校(夜間照明対応版) Japanese Suburban Elementary School for AFTER DARK DLC
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
夜間照明の変更に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 480人の子供が学習可能。プールはありません。 480 ppls of children can study. Swimming pool for education is not installed in the facility. ゲームでは9年制みたいですが、建物および人数は6年制で設計されています。 A structure and capacity is designed on the Japanese 6 grades ...
Japanese cherry
Yaratıcı: Ston3D
Japanese cherry by Ston3D...
Yaratıcı: pih
Simple football/soccer goalposts without the net. My first attempt at 3D modeling. Can be used as a prop in asset creator under 'Park > Bench.'...
Soldyne's Brick Wall
Yaratıcı: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Brick Wall Column
Yaratıcı: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Japan Style Elementary School 1
Yaratıcı: JSF-1
The first in a series of Elementary and High Schools based around designs used in Tokyo Japan. For those doing Japan styled cities or just want schools that blend in with high density areas, I hope that this asset and the ones that follow will fulfill thos...
Yaratıcı: qqfx6be9
 生徒数500にして過剰な教育を抑制し、特化産業就職を守りつつ、維持費を抑えたコンセプトにしています。  建築デザインも自作したかったのですが断念しました。 Construction Cost:18000 Education Accumuation:300 Education Count:500...
日本の現代的消防署 Japanese Modern Fire Station
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
昭和の高度成長期の香りがまだ漂う、古臭い消防署です。 性能はデフォルトと変わりません。また、旗はなびきません。 The quaint fire station with 1960's Japanese architecture. All efficiency is not changed, and flags cannot flutter. 旗がないバージョンはこちら No-Flags Version is here
日本の現代的消防署(国旗なし) Japanese Modern Fire Station (without Flag)
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
パソコン等にも優しいバージョンです。性能に差異はありません。 For PC. There's no different from
日本の現代的警察署 Japanese Modern Police Station
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
普段の作り方と変えたために窓のテクスチャがとても汚いですが、どうかご容赦ください。 I apologize for very disgraceful window textures because I've changed a method of making and missed for the Render Baking on Blender. I'm so sorry. -------------------------- 都内のある警察署を基にした、現代的な警察署です。 職員数・警察車両・水道・電力...
[PROP] Flag & Pole - Japan
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
For PROP. 日本の国旗とポールです。...
[PROP] Japanese Water Storage Tank 日本風の貯水槽
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
For prop. Best for install on the top of Asian buildings or apartment. 東洋的なビルやマンション・アパートの屋上に最適です。...
[PROP] Large Outdoor Unit 大型室外機
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
For prop. Best for high-rise buildings. 高層ビルに最適な室外機です。...
Koban - Japanese police box. 1x1 (AD)
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
Koban - Japanese policebox 1x1 by stmSantana (After Dark) + Required Asset: police bicycle01 A kōban (交番) is a small neighborhood police station found in Japan. Kōban also refers to the smallest ...
[prop] police bicycle01
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
Japanese police bike prop for "KOBAN" asset. low poly, but over 900 Polygons. * Koban - Japanese police box. 1x1 (v1.04) 拙作の交番アセットに必要な警察自転車プロップです。 プロップ用なのでローポリゴンで作ってタイヤもカクカク、フレームも四角パイプ、各部品も省略し...
[GROW] 日本の雑居ビル Japanese Multi-tenants Builidings
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
L3 2x2 JPN Multi-tenants ニコイチの雑居ビルです。レベル3の高密度商業地域に建設されます。2x2です。 Multi-tenants buildings. 2 buildings 1 asset. Level 3 High-density Commercial Zone. 2x2....
[GROW] Danchi Apartment 日本の団地 (4x3 Level 3)
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
9918 tris, 512x256 tex; LoD 44 tris, 128x64 tex 少し古めの団地の建物です。高密度住宅地区に建設されます。 平坦な地面であれば、横長のアパートに見せかけることも出来ます。 A Japanese not-so-new public housing. Builds on High-density Residence Zone. On the flat ground, you can connect like a long apartment. ...
[PROP] Japanese Substation Box 変電設備
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
For rooftop. 屋上向け。...
[PROP] VHF/UHF Antenna - Tall 大きいテレビアンテナ
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
For flat roof or tall building. 平らな屋上やビル向け。...
Yaratıcı: kei_em
ある程度以上の年齢の方にはお馴染みの下宿屋さんです。高密度住宅区画レベル1で出現します。 This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Dog house (犬小屋) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A dog house. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ishibei (石塀) Type A - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ishibei (石塀) Type B - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A stone fence. This prop was created by Mr. 551 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 551さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ebisu East Gallery 1.1
Yaratıcı: Paradox
Ebisu East Gallery in Japan. Restaurant, banquet hall. Same stats as Courthouse mostly, for balance. 4x4 size, unique level 3 building. update: added reflections to windows....
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
This is Level 1 Low-Density Commercial building(3×4). Original 3D Model made by noboru from Sketchup 3D Warehouse . 某コンビニエンスストアです。 レベル1の低層商業地区に建ちます。 オリジナルはSketchup 3D Warehouse...
Yaratıcı: samksy
7-11 by samksyuen...
Yaratıcı: Takouma
LAWSON (AD Update) reduce file size...
Yaratıcı: matamihu
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). " Seicomart " is familiar convenience store in Hokkaido 道民お馴染みのセイコーマートを作りました! 処女作ということもあり、色々粗いところがありますので、不具合などがあればご報告お願いしますm(_ _)m 4/10 セイコーマート同士が隣り合わせになると柵が重なってしまったので 後ろの柵を消去し、3x4にしました...
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
”Seiyu(西友)” is grocery store in Japan. This is Level 2 growable Low Commercial building(4×4). 西友はお店ごとずいぶんデザインが違うので、それらしく見えるか心配ですがどうでしょう。 今回は屋上駐車場を設けてみました。一応駐車はしてくれますが、車はスロープを走行せず1F入り口の自動ドアに突っ込んでいきます・・ Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応し...
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
”Fashion Center Shimamura(ファッションセンター しまむら)” is low price clothing store in Japan. This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). みんなだいすき、しまむらです。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). 大手外食チェーン店第3弾です。メニューも調味料も充実しているので迷ったらここにします。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4). 大手外食チェーン店第4弾です。製作中はなか卯の店内BGMが頭から離れませんでした。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low Commercial building(3×4) . 大手外食チェーン店第2弾です。新とりそぼろ丼が安くて好きです。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
This is Level 1 growable Low-Density Commercial building(4×4). おなじみの大手外食チェーン店です。今回はモデリングして仕上げました。 このアセットについて問題があればお知らせください。 Updated for After Dark! (And fixed some Textures) AD対応しました! イルミネーション以外のテクスチャも手直ししています 。...
Yaratıcı: kei_em
おなじみのココイチが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Yaratıcı: kei_em
一部の地方ではおなじみのスガキヤが、Cities: Skylines に進出です。低密度商業区画レベル2を指定してあります。 このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Yaratıcı: nekote
日本の有名な玩具店。 現在は全店舗閉鎖&他の業種へと変更されていますが、 特徴的な城壁を模した建造物は一目で見てわかる形状をしております。 Growable Commercial Low LV1 2x3 2x4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになっております。...
Yaratıcı: nekote
日本の靴屋 元々玩具店だった店舗を別業種として再度活用された業態 なので特徴的な塔のような形状はそのまま残り、広告塔となっている。 Growable Commercial Low LV1 2x3 2x4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになっております。...
Japanese Sushi-Bar Azumasushi
Yaratıcı: nekote
日本風味の寿司屋。 モデルにしたのは東京、下北沢…というより北沢にあった寿司屋。 閑静な住宅街にある事から、住人の評判は良かった…かと思われる。 だが2006年頃に惜しまれつつ閉店してしまった。 此方にお邪魔の際は黒塗りの高級車に衝突しないように注意しよう。 Growable Commercial Low L1 1x2~4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになってますが、 小型なので狙わないと厳しいかもしれません。...
Japanese dining kinugawa
Yaratıcı: nekote
日本風味の食堂。 モデルにしたのは東京都台東区にある食堂。 安価でボリュームも多く、近所の人の評判も良い食堂である。 しかし不定休なので注意が必要。 ぶた肉ととん汁でぶたがダブってしまった。 Growable Commercial Low L1 1x2~4 低密度商業区に自動的に建つようになってますが、 小型なので狙わないと厳しいかもしれません。...
Benihana Japanese Restaurant
Yaratıcı: Tair
Benihana Japanese Restaurant by Tair Heres a 3x3 Growable Low Density Commerecial asset. Benihana Japanese restaurant,so your cims have some variety, and not only burgers and pizza! Enjoy! If you feel like it support me at
UNIQLO (ユニクロ) - Growable
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A clothing mass retailer in Japan. Grown in commercial low density area as a level 2 building. 知らない人はいない日本の衣類量販店です。低密度商業地区レベル2で出現します。 This model was created by Mr. 749 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skyli...
UNIQLO (ユニクロ) - Unique Building
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A clothing mass retailer in Japan. Placed in Unique Building. 知らない人はいない日本の衣類量販店です。ユニーク建築物に登録されます。 This model was created by Mr. 749 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このアセットのモデルは、 の「Cities: Skylines 10タイル目」の 749 さんが作成したものです。 Growab...
雑居ビル併設地下鉄駅(夜間照明対応版) Subway Station with Office Building for AFTER DARK DLC
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 東京のある駅を元にした地下鉄駅です。性能はデフォルトのままです。 The subway station based on a station of Tokyo. All capacity is not changed. 商業・オフィスの機能はありません。 It does not work as a commercial or an office building. 注意 Attention 斜面に設置した場合、土地の傾斜に沿ってビルが大...
新築の相対式近郊駅(夜間照明対応版) Newly Suburban Station and Facing Platform for AFTER DARK DLC
Yaratıcı: n_mosimo
夜間照明に対応しました。Updated for After Dark. 2010年以降に立て替えられた、という設定の近郊地域駅です。 性能はデフォルトの鉄道駅と変わりません。 サイズは12x4ですが、デフォルトの車両は全両収まります。 ホームのそばに通過線を設置するといったギミックも可能です。 A suburban station in Japan, like a rebuilt one in 2010's. All capacity is not changed. Size is 12 x 4, so a...
Den-en-chofu Train Station(Ver.3)
Yaratıcı: ragutaro
Den-en-chofu Train Station by ragutaro 東京都大田区にある田園調布駅です。 Den-en-chofu station is located in Ota, Tokyo, Japan. *Update 2015/09/26 Ver.3 After Dark用に作り直した。 Recreated for After Dark. 2015/05/23 Ver.2 ツールチップ画像を追加した。 Added a tooltip image. Building Name : Den-...
Mojiko Train Station(Ver.3)
Yaratıcı: ragutaro
Mojiko Train Station by ragutaro 福岡県北九州市にある門司港(もじこう)駅です。 駅舎としては日本で最初に重要文化財に指定されました。 終着駅ですので本当は行き止まりタイプなのですが、 使用の便宜とアセットエディターでの制限もあって、通常の通過タイプに変更しました。 Mojiko station is located in Kitakyushu-city, Japan. The first important cultural properties as station bu...
Nikkō Train Station(Ver.3)
Yaratıcı: ragutaro
Nikkō Train Station by ragutaro 栃木県日光市にある日光駅です。 ランダムな4色の壁色となります。気に入らない場合は、asset editorで好きに変更してください。 Nikkō station is located in Tochigi, Japan. 4 color variations. If you do not like these 4 colors, change by asset editor as you like . Update 2015/09/27 Ve...
Orio Train Station(Ver.3)
Yaratıcı: ragutaro
Orio Train Station by ragutaro 福岡県北九州市にある折尾駅です。 日本初の立体交差駅ですが、Skylinesではそれを作ることはできませんので、このような形に変更しました。 Orio station is located in Kitakyushu-city, Japan which is the first bi-level pratforms station in Japan. Because we can't create bi-level platforms by as...
JR East series E231-500
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本E231系500番台 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series E231-500 The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it h...
JR East series E233-1000
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本E233系1000番台 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series E233-1000 The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been...
JR East series E233-2000
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本E233系2000番台 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series E233-2000 The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it...
JR East series E233-3000
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本E233系3000番台 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:680名 (120名 X 5+80名) 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series E233-3000 The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Station platform is short in this game. For this reas...
JR-EAST Series E233 EMU
Yaratıcı: NAKA-MOO
Standard commuter train in Tokyo. Passenger = 300 (100*3cars) JR東日本の一般形電車E233系です。 一定の長さ(おそらく1編成79mほど)を超えると、マップ端で渋滞を引き起こす不具合が発生するようなので 3両編成という何とも残念な仕様になっていますorz (不具合が改善され次第、車両数を増やそうとは思っています) 帯色は路線カラーで変更可能です。お好みの色でどうぞ。 6/3 Update Train formation was changed....
JR East series 209
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本209系 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h East Japan Railway series 209 The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been sho...
JR E231 Trainset (Japan)
Yaratıcı: Windows 95
JR E231 Passenger Train Continuing on with the Japanese Train Theme This is the current train stock in use by the Japan Rail East company, operating in high capacity urban lines such as the Yamanote Line in Tokyo. Want engine cars on both ends of the train...
JR East series 183-1000
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本183系1000番台 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:360名 (60名/両) 速度:120km/h East Japan Railway series 183-1000 Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 360 person (60 person/car) Speed : 120km/h このア...
JR700 Shinkansen Trainset (Japan)
Yaratıcı: Windows 95
Line Colours represented by the blue stripe below the windows. The locomotive should show up on both ends of the train regardless of Advanced Vehicle Options. This model took me some time since the front end of the train has quite a complex geometry; makin...
JR700 Railstar Livery Trainset (Japan)
Yaratıcı: Windows 95
This is the "Railstar" livery re-skin of the JR700 Series bullet train I released earlier. Line Colours represented by the stripe below the windows. The locomotive should show up on both ends of the train regardless of Advanced Vehicle Options. ===========...
JR700 Dr.Yellow Trainset
Yaratıcı: Windows 95
As promised, here's a Dr.Yellow reskin of the JR700 Trainset (or Dr.__INSERT COLOUR HERE___) Train line colours are represented by the train body. Unlike the regular JR700 or Railstar assets.. In real life, the Dr.Yellow trainsets are used as a diagnostic ...
JR500 Series Shinkansen
Yaratıcı: Windows 95
My First Ever mod for a video game... EVER! The Train is fully capable of being assigned colours based on whatever line it is on. Stats are default passenger train stats, next update will have new stats. Updates: October 07 2015 - Updated for After Dark Au...
JR East series 189 (Azusa color)
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR東日本189系(あずさ色) 定員:360名 (60名/両) 速度:120km/h East Japan Railway series 189 (Azusa color) Capacity : 360 person (60 person/car) Speed : 120km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not required in order t...
JR West series 321
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
JR西日本321系 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:720名 (120名/両) 速度:100km/h West Japan Railway series 321 Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 720 person (120 person/car) Speed : 100km/h ...
Series 100 Shinkansen Trainset
Yaratıcı: Windows 95
Assignable line colours **Note: the "lightcone" only comes out of one side of the train... and only when it travels "forward" in that direction. With this in mind, sometimes the headlight lightcones may not show up at all. This is strictly an IN GAME LIMIT...
Hanshin series 5500
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
阪神電鉄5500系 車体の色はラインカラーで変化します。 定員:400名 (100名/両) 速度:100km/h Hanshin Electric Railway series 5500 The color of the body will change by Line color. Capacity : 400 person (100 person/car) Speed : 100km/h ...
Keihan series 3000
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
京阪3000系 ゲームのプラットホームが短い為、編成を短くしてあります。 定員:600名 (100名/両) 速度:100km/h Keihan Electric Railway series 3000 Station platform is short in this game. For this reason, it has been short train formation. Capacity : 600 person (100 person/car) Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以...
Keihan series 13000
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
京阪13000系 定員:400名 (100名/両) 速度:100km/h Keihan Electric Railway series 13000 Capacity : 400 person (100 person/car) Speed : 100km/h このアセットは以下のMODを使用して制作しています。(使用する際、MODは不要です.) This Asset has produced using this MOD. (MOD is not required in order to use.) "Ass...
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
<軽快気動車"NDC"> 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 定員:60名 速度:100km/h <Japanese DMU "NDC"> The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Capacity : 60 person Speed : 100km/h...
NDC DMU 4 car
Yaratıcı: ron_fu-ta
<軽快気動車"NDC"4両編成> 車体の帯の色はラインカラーで変化します。 定員:240名 (60名/両) 速度:100km/h <Japanese DMU "NDC" 4 car> The color of the line under the window will change by Line color. Capacity : 240 person (60 person/car) Speed : 100km/h...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOKYO Metropolitan bus The government bus which Tokyo runs. Passengers: 76 *** Change Log *** 26/May : Adding LOD Model Change Destination indication board...
Yaratıcı: nekote I failed to fix... The modified version was uploaded to the address above. アップデートミスにより新たに修正版をアップロードし直しております、 申し訳ございませんが上記リンクより再度ダウンロードして下さいorz...
Double Decker Bus
Yaratıcı: nekote
Double Decker Bus Note: nine years and is not in front of a work of so good can. passenger= 80 大型の2階建てバスです。 ネオプランが販売していたN128/4をモデルとしています。 注意:9年前に製作したモデルをインポートしたので、 モデル、テクスチャともに余り良い出来では御座いません。 今後修正するかと思いますので、気長にお待ちください。 また、乗客数80名と相当大きな設定なのでご注意下さい。...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
ISUZU ERGA WB-4800 A route, the trailer bus which J-BUS produces Elgar, and Isuzu Motors sells from 2000 for private use. Passengers : 76 *** Change Log *** 23/June : Reduction of the number of the polygons 29/Nov : Supported AfterDark Update custom LOD...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Tokyu Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 東急バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60...
[Always] HINO BD34 BUS Tokyo
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
HINO BD34 BUS Tokyo In BD34 type bus of Hino Motors, we have painted of the old metropolitan bus. Passengers : 50 Original 3D Model from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted and ReT...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
DAIHATSU MIDGET MP4 The midget is the tricar which Daihatsu Motor produced. Midget was named with small size, the thought called the short car by the word of the meaning "micro-mini" in English. *** Change Log *** 24/June : Reduction of the number of the p...
Toyota Camry
Yaratıcı: lopiv2
Toyota Camry by lopiv2...
Toyota Hilux 1992 (AD UPDATE)
Yaratıcı: Lord Drol
Toyota Hilux 1992 by ramoncontell - LIGHTS - Diffuse map - Specular map - Illumination map (turning, braking signals and headlights) - Alpha map - Color Mask (4 colors). Mod to change colors: Advanced Vehicle Options
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA COROLLA LEVIN (AE86) A common vehicle model type of fourth generation COROLLA LEVIN / SPRINTER TRUENO which is Corolla and the sports model of the sprinter that Toyota Motor Corporation released in 1983 with AE86 (Sport Coupe). For COROLLA LEVIN / S...
Toyota Soarer
Yaratıcı: Archie Cuntingham
Soarer from Gran Turismo Updated for After Dark. 562 tris 512x512 textures lod 44 tris 64x64 texture...
Toyota Supra
Yaratıcı: Archie Cuntingham
Yay, Gran Turismo!! Updated for After Dark. model; 500 tris 256x256 textures lod; 43 tris 64x64 texture Model and texture converted from Gran Turismo ...
Yaratıcı: Takouma
TOYOTA PRIUS (AD Update) Applied color valiation (white, gray, black and wine red)...
Subaru Outback 2004
Yaratıcı: lopiv2
Subaru Outback 2004 by lopiv2 Low Residential Car If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Subaru Impreza WRX STi (2006)
Yaratıcı: Wilhelm Winter [GER]
Subaru Impreza WRX STi (2006) by Wilhelm Winter Tris: 6.3k - LOD Tris: ~800. Some optimization updates are soon to follow to fix the polygon size of the LOD and the visible seams on the mesh....
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86 Donut van is a base. It’s a low volume high speed delivery specification. A chief character appearing in comics initial D is AE86 model (HACHI ROKU) TOYOTA Sprinter Trueno which "Takumi Fujiwara" handles. "藤原とうふ店(Fujiwara T...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R (BNR32) Of the eighth generation skyline is the most upper grade. Exclusive develop it, and twin turbo crimson RB26DETT is carried with the BNR32 type. Half-finished displacement volume is set to the displacement volume for those days o...
[car] GTR BNR34 mAD200
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
SKYLINE GTR BNR34 mAD200 by stmSantana ------------------------------ Category: Sports-car v2.00 Add: After Dark light v1.01 Fix: brake caliper 日産 NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R BNR34 (1999-2002 Japan) SKYLINE GTR-BNR34
Lancer Evo. V
Yaratıcı: Wilhelm Winter [GER]
Lancer Evo. V by Wilhelm Winter 5k low poly Model from HighRes (30 million Model). Level of Detail Mesh was added - no distortion any more :). 100% Selfmade - No usage of foreign textures....
Mazda Miata MX-5 NA
Yaratıcı: Starkiller 6x
Mazda Miata MX-5 NA by Starkiller 6x Comes in red, white, blue, and black Enjoy! Model: 1372 Tris 1080 Textures Lod: 128 Textures 110 Polys **Note** As you probably know, this car has pop-up headlights, but the game does not allow us to have animations for...
Mazda RX-8 Series 1
Yaratıcı: Starkiller 6x
Mazda RX-8 by Starkiller 6x Model -Tris: 1912 -Textures: 1080 LOD -Polys: 110 -Textures: 128 Comes in red, white, blue, and black Enjoy! Don't like it? Let me know why in the comments! Only then can it get better!...
CrownSedan Green Cab
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
CrownSedan SuperDeluxe Green Cab The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the purcha...
Isuzu Trooper
Yaratıcı: Eyegis-Garr
Isuzu Trooper by Sergeant Potato Peeler (IGB44) This car does not replace other vehicles and spawns randomly. This car spawns in multiple colors, but still needs a few tweeks. I'll update as I go....
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
ISUZU PACCAR By mechanical dust cart spreading most in Japan, 2 tons of cars of the method to hold down with a rotary board are used for collection of household waste. Because I load it onto a box-shaped container while reducing it by press mechanism, I pr...
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Car
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Car It is a vehicle called by the police car of the GRS180 CROWN of Toyota, the affinity called the popular name zero crown. The police car of the Japanese police becomes the thing based on white and black, and there is a guidelin...
[car] Police car Japan GT-R v2.0(AD)
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
Police car Japan GT-R by stmSantana Express way Traffic Police Unit, Saitama , Japan GT-R R34 Model Max speed: 30 (Vanilla 20) v2.00 Sep 29 add: AfterDark lights v1.01 fix: texture (brake caliper) ------------------------------ 2058 Tris 1024*1024px 47 LOD...
[repaint]GTR-policecar 002 (AD)
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
GTR-policecar 002 (AD) by stmSantana Max speed 30. (Vanilla 20) v002.02 Add: AfterDark lights v002.01 Fixed: Texture (Brake caliper) This is a repainted car! Original Asset by stmSantana Police car USA (GTR)
Tokyo GarbageTruck #01(AD) 東京ゴミ収集車
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
*Tokyo 23-ku Garbage Truck (lowpoly) v2.0 Sep 30 - Add: AfterDark lights Category: Garbage Truck Capacity: 20000 (Vanilla) Polygons: 966 Tris Texture: 512*256 pixels _c,_d,_i,_n,_s - Tokyo 18km Japan
Tokyo GarbageTruck #05 (AD) 東京ゴミ収集車 容量5倍
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
*Tokyo 23-ku Garbage Truck (lowpoly) v2.0 Sep 30 - Add: AfterDark lights Category: Garbage Truck Capacity: 100,000 (5 times of a Vanilla(20,000)) Polygons: 966 Tris Texture: 512*256 pixels _c,_d,_i,_n,_s - Tokyo 18km Japan
[car] PACMAN (Garbage Truck)
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
PACMAN (Garbage Truck) ---- Today, May 22 (japan), Namco's Pac-Man 35th anniversary. 1980 --- First Pacman (PUCK MAN) machine ran @Shibuya Tokyo. ---- Type:Garbage Truck PAC-PAC ---- Ghost car
[car] pacman Ghost (sedan)
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
pacman Ghost (sedan) ---- Today, May 22 (japan), Namco's Pac-Man 35th anniversary. 1980 --- First Pacman (PUCK MAN) machine ran @Shibuya Tokyo. ---- PACMAN car
Japan Airlines 737-800
Yaratıcı: SvenBerlin
Japan Airlines 737-800 by Svenpotsdam after dark updated All stuff is free of course and if you like that stuff maybe you would like to donate for all the time I invested to reskin this aircraft Thank you very much.
Madoka's House
Yaratıcı: Ruoca
L5 3x4 "Kaname Residence" from Magica Madoka. Want to make a Contract? 〴( ◕‿‿◕ )〵 ...
Japan tokyo tower
Yaratıcı: dabaofu
tokyo tower by dabaofu unique Space:6*6 Cost: 50000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000 sewage accumulation:10 waterconsumption:10...
Rokuon-ji Kinkaku(Ver.4)
Yaratıcı: ragutaro
京都にある鹿苑寺金閣です。 Rokuon-ji Kinkaku in Kyoto, Japan. *Update 2015/09/26 Ver.4 After Darkに対応した。 Recreated for After Dark. 2015/05/23 Ver.3 メニューアイコンとツールチップ画像を追加した。 Added menu icons and a tooltip image. 2015/04/03 Ver.2 池を追加した。 Added a pond. ------------------ Bu...
Edo Castle 江戸城
Yaratıcı: hkhrm2003
Edo Castle (Kan'ei Era) Original 3D Model made by SeaGate from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted, modified and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Osaka Castle 2.0
Yaratıcı: dabaofu
Osaka Castle V2 by dabaofu The new LOD model and the lod_d map unique Space:10*8 Cost: 150000 Electricity:5 Maintenance: 1000...
Japanese Castle
Yaratıcı: Optron Warrior
**03/10/2015 V1.5:Updated to include night lighting for After Dark expansion. I managed to update this asset directly so no need to re-sub :-)! Description: A Large Japanese Castle based in part on Karumoto Castle bat for SC4 as reference, as well as real ...
Bamboo Tree Cluster
Yaratıcı: Leo Mystic Magic
Please Rate Up! Thanks :) This is a model that I got from the 3D Warehouse. I changed the trunks to geometric cylinder and re-textured everything. You can find the original listing here...
Rice Field (Eye Candy : ver.Autumn)
Yaratıcı: Mas71
This is an Autumn-version's 'Paddy Field (Rice Field)' 1x1. It's an Eye-candy asset for decorate a farm area. - Icon added in menu of "Water and Sewage" - Plop cost : $10 : No monthly-cost, water and power. - Hold Right-button and move a mouse to rotate as...
Rice Field (Eye Candy : ver.Summer)
Yaratıcı: Mas71
This is a Summer-version's 'Paddy Field (Rice Field)' 1x1. It's an Eye-candy asset for decorate a farm area. - Icon added in menu of "Water and Sewage" - Plop cost : $10 : No monthly-cost, water and power. - Hold Right-button and move a mouse to rotate ass...
Patch (畑)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
作物が植えられる前の畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Empty patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines ...
Cabbage Patch (キャベツ畑)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
キャベツ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Cabbage patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Japanese radish Patch (大根畑)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
大根畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Radish patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD fac...
Negi Patch (ネギ畑)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
ネギ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Negi (green onion) patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skyl...
Pumpkin Patch (カボチャ畑)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
カボチャ畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Pumpkin patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD ...
Watermelon Patch (西瓜畑)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
西瓜畑です。農業特化指定産業区画に出現します。 サイズ: 3x4 Watermelon patch. Growable in industry zones specialized in farming. Size: 3x4 畑のモデルと関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 This mode and related props were created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD...
Cabbage (キャベツ) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD...
Cart (荷車) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A wooden cart. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Japanese radish (大根) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
Japanese radish is good for cooked, boiled, and fried cooking. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Negi (ネギ) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
Neri are sometimes used as cold med. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Pumpkin (カボチャ) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
a large rounded orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Watermelon (西瓜) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
Watermelons. This prop was created by Mr. 192 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 192さんが作成したものです。 ...
Japanese Onion Hut -EMPTY- (たまねぎ小屋)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
日本の農村には必ずあるやつ。 空っぽの玉葱小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Onion Hut -FULL- (たまねぎ小屋)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
日本の農村には必ずあるやつ。 滿杯の玉葱小屋 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Yodobashi AKIBA
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Yodobashi AKIBA Tokyo is Yodobashi Camera Akihabara store in Akihabara. The total sales floor area becomes the huge general electric appliance shop which there is 63,558 m². Building Info: Level: 1 Electricity Consumption: 150 Construction Cost: 45000 Main...
Yodobashi UMEDA
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Yodobashi UMEDA Yodobashi Umeda is a commercial complex in Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka (the JR Osaka station square). Including "Yodobashi Camera multimedia Umeda of the major household appliance general merchandising store," a large number of tena...
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan (RHD)
Yaratıcı: Moofers
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan - for RHD. This version has the expressway road going through it, this is for right hand drive players. This version RHD has the road facing it's real life equivalent, which in Japan is Left Hand Drive. -- The LHD version...
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan (LHD)
Yaratıcı: Moofers
Gate Tower Building - Osaka, Japan - for LHD. This version has the expressway road going through it, this is for left hand drive players....
Umeda Sky Building
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
The Umeda Sky Building (梅田スカイビル) is a Unique high rise building in Osaka. This is high poly model and using highres textures.Please be careful when Build in your city. Stats Size : 16 x 8 Construction cost : 125,000 Maintenance cost : 8000 Electricity : 40...
SOMPO JAPAN Building (Growable Office)
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SOMPO JAPAN Building It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry the group of the Shinjuku high-rise building street on in a headquarters building of the Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Original 3D Model from Sketchup 3D Warehouse
SHINJYUKU MITSUI Building (Growable Office)
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SHINJYUKU MITSUI Building ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ You were not able to update it, please use this which improved newly. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry...
ShinjyukuCenterBuilding (Growable Office)
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Shinjyuku Center Building (Growable Office) It becomes one of the skyscrapers to carry the group of the Shinjuku high-rise building street. Building Info Level: 3 Tile: 4x4...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TokyoMetropolitanGovernment It is this Government building of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in the Shinjuku newly developed city center of Tokyo. Because a building loosens when I build it on the land with the pitch difference, please build it after pr...
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office)
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER V3.0 (Growable Office) Ver.3.0 RICO Supported. The size of the asset file is big now because texture is not compressed. If a patch is released, I update it. Difference with previous version ・ Made size of the texture half. ・ Add sea...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MODE COCOON TOWER (Unique Building) I added a dome on making a unique building. Growable Office Version: Building Info: Level: 2 Size: 8 x 7 Electricity Consumption: 60 Construction Cost...
Japanese Rural Shrine (神社)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A Japanese rural shrine placed in Park category. This 3D model and related props were created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on 3Dモデル、および関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 #UPDATE# Now compatible wit...
Haiden (拝殿) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A house for worship in Japanese shirines. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Torii (鳥居) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A gate of Japanese shrines. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Ishidourou (石灯籠) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A lantern for gardens of Japanese shrine or temples. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Ema (絵馬) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A picture tablet for the realization of visitors' wishes. This prop was created by Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。 ...
Chozu (手水) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A place where visitors purify their hands with water. This prop was created Mr. 483 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 483さんが作成したものです。...
Ishidatami (石畳) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A path paved with stones....
Japanese Shimmei Torii(鳥居,park)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
一般的な石製の神明鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a simple Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version 神明鳥居(石) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying...
Japanese Myojin Torii(鳥居,park)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
☆26/7/2015 Thumbnail image,Tooltip image fixed 一般的な朱い明神鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a general Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version
Japanese Miwa Torii(鳥居,park)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
一般的な朱い三輪鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 白峰神宮の鳥居がモデルです。 This is a Torii complex of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. Shiramine Shrine torii is the model. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 Prop Version
Japanese Ryobu Torii(鳥居,park)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
一般的な朱い両部鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 彌彦神社の鳥居がモデルです。 This is a three-dimensional Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. Torii of Yahiko-Jinja is the model. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version
Japanese Mihashira Torii(鳥居,park)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
石製の三柱鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a strange Torii complex of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Prop Version 三柱鳥居(石) by 萬朶櫻(wandu...
Japanese Kataashi Torii (鳥居)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
このアセットを使ふために、以下のアセットをサブスクライブしてください。 In order to use this asset, please subscribe to the following asset. 長崎に在る山王神社の二の鳥居です。 原子爆彈の凄まじさを物...
Heian Jingu Great Torii (平安神宮大鳥居)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
平安神宮の應天門から300メートル南の神宮道に在る巨大な鳥居である。 昭和四年四月十日に創建され、鉄筋コンクリートとモルタルと云ふ近代的な素材によって作られた。 Heian Jingu Great Torii (平安神宮大鳥...
Itsukushima JinJa Great Torii  (嚴嶋神社大鳥居)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
説明不要。最も雄大な鳥居。 一應水に浸して現實の場景を再現できますが、水没アイコンが煩はしいので推獎はしません。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Itsukushima JinJa Great Torii Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Unique building Construction cost : 2800 Maintenance cost : 12...
Japanese Kataashi Torii L (鳥居,prop)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
長崎に在る山王神社の二の鳥居です。 原子爆彈の凄まじさを物語ってゐます。 片足鳥居(左半分) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Kataashi Torii R(鳥居,prop)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
長崎に在る山王神社の二の鳥居です。 原子爆彈の凄まじさを物語ってゐます。 片足鳥居(右半分) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Shimmei Torii(鳥居,prop)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
一般的な石製の神明鳥居です。 とある美人姉妹を祀ってゐます。 This is a simple Torii of Japan. Phrase sisters have been enshrined. ↓CS動畫上げてます。 ↓Park Version 神明鳥居(石) by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying...
神社 shrine
Yaratıcı: se7enthgame
神社 shrine by se7enthgame 7×5 park...
Old-Fashioned Japanese Rural Station (日本の田舎駅)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
どこかの田舎にありそうな寂れた駅です。なお、外れにあるバス停は飾りですのでお間違えなく。 この3Dモデル、および関連プロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。 #更新# パッチ 1.2.0 (After Dark) に対応しました。...
Japanese Rural Bus Stop (田舎のバス停) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A Japanese rural bus stop. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Information Board (観光案内板) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
An information board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Message Board (伝言板) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A message board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Old-fashioned Japanese Post Box (古い郵便ポスト) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
An old-fashioned Japanese post box.This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread onこのプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Station-Name Board (駅名表示板) - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A station-name board. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Wooden Utility Pole (木製電柱) Type A - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A woden utility pole with a light This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Wooden Utility Pole (木製電柱) Type B - Prop
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A woden utility pole with a light and a sign. This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines MOD factory" thread on このプロップは、 の「Cities: Skylines MOD製作所」スレの 438 = 455 = 462 さんが作成したものです。...
Concrete Electric Pole (電柱)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
This asset is a concrete electric pole. This donesn't generate electric power but has an area with power feeding so can transfer electricity. コンクリート製の電柱です。発電はしませんが、給電エリアを持っているため、並べると電気を遠くへ伝えることができます。 This prop was created by Mr. 371 at "Cities: Skylines MO...
Wooden Utility Pole (木製電柱) Type A
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A woden utility pole with a light. This donesn't generate electric power but has an area with power feeding so can transfer electricity. 木製の電柱です。発電はしませんが、給電エリアを持っているため、並べると電気を遠くへ伝えることができます。 This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines ...
Wooden Utility Pole (木製電柱) Type B
Yaratıcı: kei_em
A woden utility pole with a light. This donesn't generate electric power but has an area with power feeding so can transfer electricity. 木製の電柱です。発電はしませんが、給電エリアを持っているため、並べると電気を遠くへ伝えることができます。 This prop was created by Mr. 438 = 455 = 462 at "Cities: Skylines ...
Creek/Stream/River with bridge
Yaratıcı: Tianlein
Creek with bridge by Tianlein A small creek (5x2) surrounded by trees and benches and a bridge. You can connect this one with the "creek asset" and you can create a creek :) With Pond Lily and Pond Rose i created some starting/end points:) Important: Place...
Creek / Stream / River
Yaratıcı: Tianlein
Creek by Tianlein A small creek (5x2) surrounded by trees and benches. You can connect this one with the "creek with bridge asset"and you can create a creek :) With my Pond Lily and Pond Rose you have now a starting/end for the creeks too. Important: Place...
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult
Yaratıcı: Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Adult by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Child Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Cherry Blossom Tree Child
Yaratıcı: Leo Mystic Magic
Cherry Blossom Tree Child by Shroomblaze 310 Tri's / 48 Polys Adult Version Located Here - Be sure to follow me to see new stuff first! Thanks :) http://i.imgur....
Japanese Cherry Blossom Sakura
Yaratıcı: Optron Warrior
I love cherry blossoms so I created this version as a tree prop you can place anywhere just like the ingame trees. I love the CO ones but they don't show up for me in the asset editor so these are totally custom trees I created from scratch....
Seawall 01 - Straight 32m (NOT RECOMMENDED)
Yaratıcı: Mas71
-Camera Crash Problem on Snow Fall update (V1.3) Report by Elessar This asset is incompatible with Snowfall. It messes up the camera, bring it miles into the clouds and the game screen goes blank until you move away from it. the problem appears to be cause...
Yaratıcı: Mas71
-Camera Crash Problem on Snow Fall update (V1.3) Report by Elessar This asset is incompatible with Snowfall. It messes up the camera, bring it miles into the clouds and the game screen goes blank until you move away from it. the problem appears to be cause...
Evangelion 01 Shogoki 初号機
Yaratıcı: hkhrm2003
Evangelion Test Type Unit-01(Shogōki: 初号機) Original 3D Model made by Katase from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003...
Kyrios Gundam Statue
Yaratıcı: Crazyjeffy
Kyrios Gundam Statue by 81 ARMY SOUL...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
E.F.S.F. WHITE BASE (SCV-70) It is vessels constructed in the middle of war with animated cartoon "Mobile Suit Gundam" for one year by the earth federation space forces. A standpipe becomes the base, but there is no function of the water supply. Commentary...
Robot Soldier from "Laputa, Castle in the Sky" 天空之城機械兵 天空の城ラピュタ ロボット兵
Yaratıcı: hkhrm2003
Robot Soldier from "Laputa, Castle in the Sky" Original 3D Model made by SeaGate from Sketchup 3D Warehouse Converted and adapted for C:S by hkhrm2003 *The scale of the robot s...
次世代高効率塵処理場 Next-generation high spec Garbage
Yaratıcı: belgre
Next-generation high spec Garbage Refuse collection vehicles can be operated 170 units, next-generation garbage treatment plant. Because the machine translation, I'm sorry if you were unknown meaning. 日本の優れた技術を用いたこの清掃工場は、都市に溢れる塵をあまねく回収し、高効率タービンにより莫大な電力を発電し...
Japanese Localization Mod (日本語化MOD)
Yaratıcı: kei_em
Japanese Localization Mod Final version - 日本語 #更新# パッチ 1.18.1-f3 (Mountain Village Pack and Map Pack 3) への暫定対応。 このMODは、日本語ロケールファイル Final 版 を自動でインストールします。 日本語ロケールファイルは、Discord - Cities: Skylines Japan サーバーの有志によって作成されました。 注意: 日本語ロケールファイルは、サブスクライブを解除しても自動では削除...
Japanese Arch Prop
Yaratıcı: Leo Mystic Magic
I did not create this model, I got it from a website for free. All I did was add a texture. Here is the original listing... Arch This is a prop so you will need to make your own park/asset using this prop before you can use it in game. Also I reduced the s...
Large Lantern Prop
Yaratıcı: Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model I got it free from here... Latern Model Total Tris = 500...
Small Lantern Prop
Yaratıcı: Leo Mystic Magic
I did not make this model I got it free from here... Latern Model Total Tris = 500...
逆L字型橋脚No.01 - side pillar [dark 1-elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "...
逆L字型橋脚No.02 - side pillar [dirty 1-elevated]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated You need "NoPillars" MOD. please put it anywhere you want to do, and Construct "...
門型橋脚No.01 - gate pillars [H1xW2]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:2レーン道路(2マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:2grid 2-lane road can pass under it. its height is for 1-ele...
門型橋脚No.02 - gate pillars [H1xW3]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:高速道路(3マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:3grid highway can pass under it. its height is for 1-elevated ...
門型橋脚No.03 - gate pillars [H1xW4]
高架用の橋脚です. 高さ:1段階 幅:6レーン道路(4マス) NoPillars MOD必須.Floatingモードで敷設した道路に橋脚を付け加えることを想定しています.発電所タブに配置されます.インターチェンジ等と同様に右クリック+ドラッグで回転してください. This is side pillar asset for overpass. height:1-elevated width:4grid 6-lane road can pass under it. its height is for 1-ele...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SPACE BATTLE SHIP YAMATO MUSEUM They carry radioactivity removal device Cosmo cleaner D from the Iscandar star in the Large Magellanic Cloud for A.D. 2200 and am the warship which brought the radioactivity polluted earth to life by Gamilon empire. https://...
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
那珂ちゃんのファンやめます。 2 Oil Drum,4 Cannonball & 11 Iron Ingot ↓CS動畫上げてます。 燃2弾4鋼11 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
古びた自轉車置き場です。 廢驛の自轉車置き場01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Bicycle Shelter 02
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
ちょっと大きめです。 廢驛の自轉車置き場02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Garbage Can
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
吸ひ殼入れです。 廢驛の吸ひ殼入れ by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Hut 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
かなりガタがきてます。 廢驛の小屋02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Light
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
電氣は點きません。 廢驛の電燈 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Abandoned Telephone Box
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
錆びついとる。 廢驛の電話ボックス by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Dowdy Bench
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
普通のベンチ。デフォルトのは御洒落すぎたので……。 廢驛のベンチ by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Station Sign "Kisaragi" 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
入り口とかに建ってゐるものです。 きさらぎ驛看板 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Station Sign "Kisaragi" 02
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
きさらぎ驛の驛名表示です。 きさらぎ驛驛名表示 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Station Toilet 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
男女+α兼用です。たぶんボットン便所です。 廢驛の便所01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Station Waiting Room 02
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
單線とかにありさう。 廢驛の待合室02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Waste 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
コイルとバネ。 廢驛_廢棄物001 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Kisaragi Abandoned Station(きさらぎ驛)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
オカルト界隈で有名なきさらぎ驛です(知らない人はググってね)。 最初は普通の廢驛として作ってゐましたが、途中できさらぎ驛の存在を思ひ出して今に至ります。 なほ、廢驛と銘打ってはゐますが、路線設定をして普通の驛としても使へます。 This station is fictitious. You can be stopping the train to this station. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ↓かたす驛
Station Sign "Katasu" T-G
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
かたす驛驛名表示T-G by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Station Sign "Katasu" G-T
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
かたす驛驛名表示G-T by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Katasu Abandoned Station(かたす驛)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
きさらぎ驛の隣に在る驛です。きさらぎ驛とは違ひ、生還した人が居る樣です。 なほ、廢驛と銘打ってはゐますが、路線設定をして普通の驛としても使へます。 Katasu station is the station next to the Kisaragi Station. This station is fictitious. You can be stopping the train to this station. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ↓きさらぎ驛(Kisaragi st...
Ware Tada Taruo Shiru (吾唯知足)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
竜安寺に在る有名な蹲踞です。 Ware Tada Taruo Shiru (吾唯知足) Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Park Construction cost : 500 Maintenance cost : 80 Electricity consumption : none Fire hazard : none Fire Tolerance : none Garbage ac...
Shinryaku Sign 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
OPの謎看板その1。 海の家れもん侵略看板01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Shinryaku Sign 02
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
OPの謎看板その1。 海の家れもん侵略看板02 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
LP Gas Cylinder
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
家や店の裏側に配置するといいかも。 プロパンガスボンベ by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Nook's Cranny タヌキ商店 (growable CL L1 1x1)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
あの胡散臭い狸がやってきた。これであなたも借金生活。 Tanuki Variety Store タヌキ商店 (growable CL L1 1x1) Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 タヌキ商店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Sensyu Aviation Jinja Chozu (prop)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
泉州航空神社にある手水。 泉州航空神社手水 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Sensyu Aviation Jinja Helicopter
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
泉州航空神社にある狛犬代はりのヘリコプター。 泉州航空神社ヘリコプター by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Propeller Torii(鳥居,prop)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
實在しなささうで實在する鳥居。 泉州航空神社にある。 泉州航空神社鳥居 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Park Light 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
公園とかにあるやつ。 笠かぶりの電燈 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Sensyu Aviation Jinja 泉州航空神社
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
大阪府泉佐野市にある神社。關西空港完成の時に建てられた。 航空安全祈願と渡航安全祈願を行ってゐる。 This is a shrine was built when the Kansai International Airport was completed. This shrine praying the safety of world aviation.
Sensyu Aviation Jinja Sign
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
同神社の看板です。 泉州航空神社看板 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Bamboo Fence
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
日本を演出する竹柵。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 竹柵 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Stone Fence
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
日本を演出する石塀。多くの場面で使へるでせう。 石塀 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
The Nobori 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
裏側から讀んではいけない。 幟001 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
The Nobori 02
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
何かの感謝祭だってよ。 幟002 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Well 01
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
井戸01 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese House 01 民家(growable RL L4 4x3)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Japanese House 民家 Building Info 4x3 Category :Residential Low Level4 Texture : 1024x1024 日本民家4x3 L4 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Cafe "HIUN-AN" 飛雲庵 (growable CL L1 2x2)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
泉州航空神社の付屬施設を移植したもの。 Building Info 1x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 2048x2048 御茶處 飛雲庵 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Izumisano store (growable CH L2 1x4)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新泉佐野店。 Building Info 1x4 plots Category : Commerical High Level2 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、泉佐野店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Kishiwada store (growable CL L1 3x1)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新岸和田店。 Building Info 3x1 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、岸和田店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Seven-eleven-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t セブンイレブン配送トラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Kuroneko_yamato_Van Kuroneko_yamato is Japan shipping company. Car model : Toyota QuickDelivery Type200 1999 model Payload : 2t クロネコヤマトの運送バンです。 トヨタ・クイックデリバリー200 1999年型 ------------------------------------------------------------- 更新がうまくいかず新規でアップし直しました。 今度は...
Kuroneko_yamato_Van クロネコヤマト
Yaratıcı: kaeru
*** WARNING! *** このモデルは不具合がある為消します。修正したものを新規でアップしたので そちらを使用してください。 This model is error ,Do not subscriptions. New model is here...
Kuroneko-yamato-truck クロネコヤマト(クール宅急便モデル)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Kuroneko-yamato-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006)       Reefer Container model Payload : 3t クロネコヤマト(クール宅急便モデル)配送トラック 冷蔵コンテナ いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and s...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Art-moving-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t アート引越しセンタートラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更し...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
FamilyMart-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006)       Reefer Container model Payload : 3t ファミリーマート配送トラック 冷蔵コンテナ いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the text...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Lawson-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006)       Reefer Container model Payload : 3t ローソン配送トラック 冷蔵コンテナ いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Yamazaki-bread-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t ヤマザキパン配送トラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Seven-eleven-truck Car model : ISUZU Elf 5th(1993-2006) Payload : 3t 佐川急便配送トラック いすゞ エルフ 第5世代 Other model is here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Updated AD and some of the texture. ADに対応しました。フロント・リアのライトのテクスチャを変更しまし...
Color_edit Bus(色変えバス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Color_edit Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 色変えバス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスです。 ///////////////////...
Hakata Nishitetu Bus(博多西鉄バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Hakata Nishitetu Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 博多西鉄バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ///////...
Hokkaido-Chuou Bus(北海道中央バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Hokkaido-Chuou Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 北海道中央バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ////////...
Nagoya-Shiei Bus(名古屋市営バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Nagoya-Shiei Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 名古屋市営バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 //////////...
Osaka-Shiei Bus(大阪市営バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Osaka-Shiei Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 大阪市営バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ////////////...
Seibu Bus(西武バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Seibu Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 西武バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 ////////////////////...
Tokyo-toei Bus(東京都営バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Tokyo-toei Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 東京都営バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 /////////////...
Yokohama-Shiei Bus(横浜市営バス)
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Yokohama-Shiei Bus Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star Bus Type:K Eco Hybrid Non-step Low-Floor Max speed:20 capacity:60 -------------------------------------------------------- 横浜市営バス 三菱ふそう エアロスター バス K型 エコハイブリッド 都市型超低床バス 最高速度:20 積載人数:60 色変えに対応したバスを作成しました。 /////////...
大きい駐車場  羽田風 ver1.0 /Large Parking
Yaratıcı: relativity
羽田空港にある駐車場を参考に作成したものです。再現ではないので色々と違いがあります。 LODの設定、大きさの調整、after darkへの対応を行ないました...
Tokyo Big Sight (Conference Tower)
Yaratıcı: Nasvic
Tokyo Big Sight (東京ビッグサイト Tōkyō Biggu Saito) is the popular nickname for the Tokyo International Exhibition Center (東京国際展示場 Tōkyō Kokusai Tenjijō), a Japanese convention center that opened in April 1996. Located in the Ariake district on Tokyo Bay, the cen...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 12Feet JRF Red Container Cargo#2 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#3 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#3 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#5 31Feet Wing Container Cargo#6 31Feet Wing Container...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 12Feet JRF Blue Container Cargo#2 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#3 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#4 12Feet JRF Green White Cargo#5 12Feet JRF Green White Cargo#6 20Feet JRF Tank Cargo#7 20Feet JRF ...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#2 20Feet Nittsu Seino Container Cargo#3 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#4 20Feet Sagawa Kuroneko Container Cargo#5 31Feet Wing Container Cargo#6 31Feet Wing C...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 31Feet DHL K-Line Container Cargo#2 31Feet DHL K-Line Container Cargo#3 31Feet EVERGREEN MAERSK Container Cargo#4 31Feet EVERGREEN MAERSK Container Cargo#5 12Feet JRF Red Blue Container Cargo#6 12Feet ...
Yaratıcı: kaeru
Engine EF65(1965–1979) Cargo Train コキ(KOKI)107 Cargo#1 Tank Cargo#2 Tank Cargo#3 Tank Cargo#3 Tank Cargo#5 Tank Cargo#6 Tank Cargo#7 Empty コキ107の実物はもっと長いのですが、ゲーム用に短くしています。 それでもゲーム内のデフォルトモデルより長いです。そこでホーム長を考え 編成数を通常の9→7にしています。編成が短いので積載できる荷物量も若干少なめです All trai...
Checker Cab
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA Crown Comfort Checker Cab It is the car of the sedan type which Toyota Motor Corporation where I appeared in December, 1995 produces. Such as having been developed assuming using it as a taxi, and a thing and the muffler which the sash of the rear s...
Checker Cab CrownSedan
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Checker Cab CrownSedan SuperSaloon The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the purc...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA Crown Comfort NIHON KOTSU TAXI It is the car of the sedan type which Toyota Motor Corporation where I appeared in December, 1995 produces. Such as having been developed assuming using it as a taxi, and a thing and the muffler which the sash of the r...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
NIHON KOTSU TAXI CrownSedan SuperSaloon The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA Crown Comfort TOKYO MUSEN TAXI It is the car of the sedan type which Toyota Motor Corporation where I appeared in December, 1995 produces. Such as having been developed assuming using it as a taxi, and a thing and the muffler which the sash of the r...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOKYO MUSEN TAXI CrownSedan SuperSaloon The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
YASAKA TAXI CrownSedan SuperSaloon The crown sedan is the sedan type car which Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is a model for public car, company car, car for hire, individual, corporation taxi, business uses such as the instruction car, but the purc...
MAZDA Cosmo Sport (Nerv Official Business Coupe)
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
MAZDA Cosmo Sport (Nerv Official Business Coupe) The Cosmo sports were released as 2 sheeter coupe models in May, 1967. It was the car which carried the world's first practical use, mass production rotary engine at the same time. A Alpine A310 of Katsuragi...
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner ANA The next-generation medium-sized jetliner that Boeing of the United States of America performs development and production of the Boeing 787 dream liner. The color becomes the thing of All Nippon Airways of the launch customer. P...
KURO Building
Yaratıcı: creepyeyes
My first building to welcome in the new After Dark expansion, the KURO building is modeled after the creation by KINO Architects of the same name. Found in downtown Tokyo, Japan, this building is a noodle shop on the bottom floor and a residence on the upp...
SHELL gas station growable
Yaratıcı: SvenBerlin
SHELL gas station by Svenpotsdam commercial L1 4x4 growable triangles 2569 3D Shell logo takes some of them LOD 284 triangles unique version: ploppable version:
Shell gas station unique(Ploppable RICO ready)
Yaratıcı: SvenBerlin
Shell gas station unique by Svenpotsdam unique building LEVEL III 4x4 triangles 2569 3D Shell logo takes some of them LOD 284 triangles ploppable version: growable version: http://steamcommuni...
ESSO gas station growable
Yaratıcı: SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station growable by Svenpotsdam Commercial L1 4x4 triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version: ploppable version: If you li...
ESSO gas station ploppable
Yaratıcı: SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station by Svenpotsdam park 4x4 , tourists yes, workers no :-) triangles 1950 lod 295 unique version : growable version:
ESSO gas station unique (Ploppable RICO ready)
Yaratıcı: SvenBerlin
ESSO gas station unique by Svenpotsdam unique building 4x4 with "not so unique building"- mod you can build it more than one time. with unique building you have both, tourists and workers. triangles 1950 lod 295 ploppable version:
AKB 48 Theather
Yaratıcı: Lot Creator
This little upload has been sitting around on my hard drive for quite a while now. It's probably surpassed 4 or so months from the time I had finished it. A week ago I had finished the rather dubious night light work. I still need work and help on that sin...
Yaratıcı: Takouma
InstantFamilyMart prop (AD update) Example of use:
Yaratıcı: Takouma
InstantLAWSON prop (AD update) Example of use:
Yaratıcı: Takouma
InstantSevenEleven prop (AD) Example of use:
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
MITSUBISHI i-MiEV POLICE CAR It is i-MiEV produced for proof driving tests with the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. Triangle : 2303 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Change Log *** 5/Mar : Add Normal map texture Reduction of the file size....
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
MITSUBISHI i-MiEV The electric car which MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION announced i-MiEV in October, 2006, and started mass production production on June 4, 2009. It becomes the mass production car using the lithium ion rechargeable battery with quantity of...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SUZUKI ALTO LAPIN Lapin is a hatchback type light car of the SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION. Triangle : 1972 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Change Log *** 29/Feb : Add Normal map texture Reduction of the file size....
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SUZUKI WAGON R Wagon R is the light Thor wagon which Suzuki manufactures and sells. Triangle : 1968 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Change Log *** 29/Feb : Add Normal map texture Reduction of the file siz...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SUZUKI JIMNY (JB23) JIMNY is off-road four-wheel drive car of the light cars which a sea bass markets from 1970. It continue using the ladder type frame which made much of strength and the durability, and the suspension still uses a fixed axis for all fron...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
ISUZU ELF LOADING TRUCK A small and medium-sized truck that Isuzu Motors produces the elves and sells. It is placed as representative existence of the Japanese small under-seat engine truck in the world since I took the share top in 2 tons of crust racks i...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
MITSUBISHI MINICAB The light commercial vehicle that MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION sells MINICAB. Of the car model that Suzuki produces the seventh generation later OEM. The template is a tractor. Triangle : 1392 Texture : 512 x 512 *** Change Log *** 5/Ma...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA ProBox XP5 The probox is a car of the station wagon type that Toyota Motor Corporation produces and the station wagon type that has ever prepared it. It is a model developed using the exclusive design that took the convenience as the van into consid...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIACE H200 The hiace is an under-seat engine-shaped car produced in Toyota Motor Corporation. Besides, it is used the passenger use such as pick-up bus jumbo taxi, the route bus community bus as special use cars such as an ambulance or the sleeping ...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
HONDA ACTY 4WD Acty is a light car of the commercial van which Honda Motor Co., Ltd. sells and the truck. The body shape is an under-seat engine to a semi-under-seat engine, but there is the engine to the mid ship of the under floor. Therefore I may be sai...
Subaru Forester 2005
Yaratıcı: lopiv2
Subaru Forester 2005 Version 2000 Tris Low Residential Car If you like my work, please consider to donate ...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIACE POLICE VAN A Japanese patrol wagon is a vehicle for the police to transfer a suspect to a police station and District Public Prosecutor's Office, the court, but becomes the vehicle to transfer to the prison in C:S. The vehicle coat color often...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA HIMEDIC TRH226S HIMEDIC is the high standard ambulance which Toyota Motor Corporation releases. HIACE (by the combination of super long + both sides slide doors export 200 to the Japanese foreign territory with the setting) becomes the base vehicle ...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 200 A LANDCRUISER is a large four-wheel drive car of the superlative degree model that Toyota Motor Corporation produces. It is commonly called as "LANCRU" in Japan. They said to be one of the SUV having highest popularity in the world, ...
Mazda MX-5 ND
Yaratıcı: Starkiller 6x
Mazda MX-5 ND by Starkiller 6x Model: -883 polys -1024 x 1024 textures LOD: -243 polys -128 x 128 textures Comes in red, blue, white, and black. Enjoy! Don't like it? Let me know why in the comments! Only then can it get better!...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
MITSUBISHI PAJERO It's off-road SUV that MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION produces Pajero and sells. It participates in the Dakar rally (popular name Paris-Dakar, following Paris-Dakar and notation) including many stock car no remodeling sections of what is t...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
NISSAN GT-R NISMO It is the coupe type car which Nissan Motor produces GT-R from 2007 and sells. Tochigi factory is all in charge of the production regardless of a forwarding place. GT-R is a virtual succession car model of Skyline GT-R which was the symbo...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
NISSAN 180SX (RPS13) 180SX is the coupe-shaped car which Nissan Motor produced. It omits a part of SX in Japan and am often called one eighty. In 180SX, 240SX for North America which is an overseas export type of S13 type Silvia in Japan becomes the base. ...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
NISSAN 240SX (RMS13) A model for North America of Silvia, 180SX where 240SX is a car made in Nissan Motor. It is the fourth and fifth generation for SX for North America. It carries inline four-cylinder engine, KA24DE of capacity 2,400cc and KA24E as 240 c...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SUZUKI SWIFT The SWIFT is a hatchback type compact car of SUZUKI. The first swift in the Japanese market came up in 2000, and, using a platform of wagon R+ (SOLIO), the sale that emphasized the thing called the inexpensive compact car was done. This model ...
Honda Today Police Car
Yaratıcı: kazuma76
Honda Today Police Car 逮捕しちゃうぞ version Triangle : 7690 Texture : 1024 x 1024 lod Triangle : 56 Texture : 64x 64 2016/04/23 lod model & texture fix...
Yaratıcı: jaijai
Isuzu ERGA LV290Q1 The Isuzu Erga is a heavy-duty bus marketed by the Isuzu Motors Ltd. and introduced in 2000. This asset is the 2nd generation Erga since 2015. This bus has many sheet variations. This asset is one of the largest capacity, and the passeng...
Toyota Lucida
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
I've noticed a strange lack of minivans on the workshop. Let's remedy that problem, shall we? This is a Toyota Lucida. UPDATE: Model completely redone! Now has a lower tri count! Residential vehicle Tris: 2003 Like what I'm doing? Donate to my Paypal!...
Toyota LiteAce
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A van of the more boxy variety. This is a late 1980s Toyota LiteAce. Residential vehicle Tris: 1610 LOD Tris: 660 Like my work? Donate to my Paypal!...
JPN Wall 01 - 32m
Yaratıcı: Mas71
Hello Mayors ;) This asset is one of puzzle piece of the JRP Walls - No.1. Wall texture is converted from my Wall-Pack of the Simcity 4 (2008) It's one kind of popular wall-design and seem well in various areas in Japan. I hope that would be your help to d...
JPN Wall 01 - IN
Yaratıcı: Mas71
Icon added in Park menu - Other Part Wall 01 - Straight 32m 2x1 Wall 01 - Outer Corner 2x1 - Optional Asset + Wall 01 - Straight...
JPN Wall 01 - OUT
Yaratıcı: Mas71
Icon added in Park menu Other Part Wall 01 - Straight 32m Wall 01 - Inner Corner - Optional Asset Wall 01 - Straight 128m (14x1)...
JPN Wall 02 - IN
Yaratıcı: Mas71
### No Added Icon Issue ### I confirmed an issue that does not add right Icon in a menu sometime. When you have this problem, Load other MAP once and confirm that icon added right return to main map please. I don't know yet a cause, I'll repair asset when ...
JPN Wall 02 - OUT
Yaratıcı: Mas71
Other Part Wall 02 - Straight 32m Wall 02 - Inner Corner - Optional Asset - Wall 01 - Straight 128m (14x1) - Stairs DL : https://...
JPN Wall 02 - s32m
Yaratıcı: Mas71
Hello Mayors ;) This asset is one of puzzle piece of the JRP Walls - No.2 Wall texture is converted from my Wall-Pack of the Simcity 4 (2008) It's one kind of popular wall-design and seem well in various areas in Japan. I hope that would be your help to de...
PROP for Wall 01 - S32m
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Wall01 - Straight 32m by Mas71 Triangles : 468 (Same as LOD) Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2),...
PROP for Wall 02 - Inner Corner
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Wall 02 - Inner Corner Triangles : 4056 (LOD : 2078) Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2), some ga...
PROP for Wall 02 - Outer Corner (SF updated v1.3)
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Wall 02 - Outer Corner - Re LOD for Snow Fall Update ver 1.3 - Fixed LOD size for SF v1.3 Triangles : 11347 (LOD : 5157(old) -> 2193) Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps ==================================== - An answe...
PROP for Wall 02 - Straight 32m
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Wall 02 - s32m Triangles : 5216 (LOD : 1512) Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2), some game's pro...
PROP for Wall01 - IN
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Wall01 - Inner Corner by Mas71 Triangles : 404 (Same as LOD) Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2),...
PROP for Wall01 - OUT
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Wall01 - OUT by Mas71 Triangles : 1043 (Same as LOD) Texture : Diffuse Map (1024x1024 and 512x512), no used other maps ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2), some ga...
PROP for Seawall02 - Inner Corner
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Seawall 02 - Inner Corner 1x1 Triangles : 110 (LOD : 96) Diffuse Texture : 1024x1024 (LOD : 512x512) Normal Map : 1024x1024 (LOD : none) ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Upda...
PROP for Seawall02 - Outer Corner
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Seawall 02 - Outer Corner 2x1 Triangles : 326 (LOD : 158) Diffuse Texture : 1024x1024 (LOD : 512x512) Normal Map : 1024x1024 (LOD : none) ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Upd...
PROP for Seawall02 - Straight 32m
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Seawall 02 - s32m Triangles : 144 (LOD : 138) Diffuse Texture : 1024x1024 (LOD : 512x512) Normal Map : 1024x1024 (LDO : no) ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2), so...
PROP for Tetrapod 01
Yaratıcı: Mas71
PROP for Tetrapod 01 - 1x1 Triangles : 2664 (LOD : 1854) Diffuse Texture : 1024x1024 (LOD : 256x256) Normal Map : 1024x1024 (LDO : no) ==================================== - An answer to question "Why your LOD is BIG ?" After the After-Dark-Update (v1.2), ...
Seawall 02 - Inner Corner 1x1
Yaratıcı: Mas71
- Details Asset Size : 1 x 1 (PROP is appeared 3 x 3) Plop Cost : $250 (no need Water, Power and Monthly cost) Park Effect : 30 / R150m Icon Added in "Ship" of Transpotation menu Triangles : 268 (LOD : 285) Diffuse Map : 1024x1024 (LOD : 128x128) Normal Ma...
Seawall 02 - Outer Corner 2x1
Yaratıcı: Mas71
- Details Asset Size : 2 x 1 (PROP is appeared 3 x 3) Plop Cost : $250 (no need Water, Power and Monthly cost) Park Effect : 30 / R150m Icon Added in "Ship" of Transpotation menu Triangles : 912 (LOD : 440) Diffuse Map : 1024x1024 (LOD : 128x128) Normal Ma...
Seawall 02 - Straight 128m 14x1
Yaratıcı: Mas71
- Details Asset Size : 14 x 1 (PROP is appeared 16 x 2) Plop Cost : $600 (no need Water, Power and Monthly cost) Park Effect : 100 / R150m Icon Added in "SHIP" of Transpotation menu Triangles : 1168 (LOD : 482) Diffuse Map : 1024x1024 (LOD : 256x256) Norma...
Seawall 02 - Straight 32m 2x1
Yaratıcı: Mas71
Hello Mayors ;) This is a puzzle piece of the Seawalls No.2 It's very simple and very popular designed seawall, I didn't place much PROPs on purpose in this work. Decorate free with PROPs as you like by MOD More Beautification by BloodyPenguin please. I ho...
Tetrapod (Breakwater Block) - 1x1
Yaratıcı: Mas71
### Update ### 02,Feb,2016 : Removed strange edges in a water. I'm sorry, All existing asset in your map will be removed maybe, you need to re-plop Asset(replace Asset) once again. Thanks for your understanding. 19,Nov,2015 : Added a Guide-Frame when a plo...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
BX293A PEN2 A new variety of hot spring penguin. The official name "BX293A PEN2." The sex is male. He live in the house of Misato and am given a refrigerator-shaped living room. Liquor can drink and loves a hot spring and a bath. Utterance seems to underst...
Soldyne's Chain Link Fence x4
Yaratıcı: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
Soldyne's Chain Link Gate
Yaratıcı: soldyne
This item is a prop and can be found when creating new assets. For more of my creations please visit my collection and remember to rate so others can find these items too! Disscus my props and ot...
[TOKYO-III] Comfort 17 Mansion
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Comfort 17 Mansion The 11-story apartment where Misato, Shinji, Asuka and PENPEN do cohabitation. Their room seems to be fully occupied until a southwestern corner, the third angel(SACHIEL) invasion in a 11-A-2 room, but most rooms move in the sixth angel ...
[TOKYO-III] Comfort 17 Mansion Residential High
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Comfort 17 Mansion Residential High The 11-story apartment where Misato, Shinji, Asuka and PENPEN do cohabitation. Their room seems to be fully occupied until a southwestern corner, the third angel(SACHIEL) invasion in a 11-A-2 room, but most rooms move in...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TowerCrane.JP The tower crane is a kind of the cranes. It is temporary crane which can go up and down used at a construction site. It paint and am divided into yellow red (international orange) and the white called the obstacle mark for Aviation Act in the...
[TOKYO-III] EODL Structure TypeA
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Eva Ordinance Depot Lift Structure TypeA They can change a weapon to be able to take out with a hangar holding a weapon of Evangelion, a lift type. A power supply cable for Evangelion is attached to the side. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection http://steamcommun...
[TOKYO-III] EODL Structure TypeB
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Eva Ordinance Depot Lift Structure TypeB The hangar which holds a weapon (AU ASSAULT RIFLE) of Evangelion. A power supply cable for Evangelion is attached to the side. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection
[TOKYO-III] ETLH Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Eva Tower Lift Housing Structure Evangelion is lift uploaded sortie exit from the seventh cage of the geo-front. A weapon (portable turn type many gun barrels 440mm cannons for exclusive use of M-226 Evangelion, etc) is stored away in the box of the both s...
[TOKYO-III] EW&IPC Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
ElectronicWarfare & InterProcessCommunication Structure Electronic warfare, building for the communication. The building flank is provided with various antennas, and SPY-1F is delivered to four sides. In addition, the roof is provided with 4 gunports the p...
[TOKYO-III] FW Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Fire prevention Water tank Structure A fire prevention water tank for the fire fire extinguishing. The rock bolt of the structure elevator sticks out of three sides. Not water of Ashinoko, It use the seawater after the second impact. PROJECT TOKYO-III Coll...
[TOKYO-III] NCH Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Nerv Central Hospital Structure NERV center Hospital of the original was Building No. 1, a building consisting of Building No. 2, but misappropriated another building because there was not the document except the central roofed passage connecting buildings...
[TOKYO-III] SS UnderConstraction
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Stasndard Structure UnderConstraction The defense armament building which protects third Shin Tokyo City and Evangelion from the attack of the Angel. The roof is provided with the VLS discharge silo, too. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection http://steamcommunity....
[TOKYO-III] Standard Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Stasndard Structure The defense armament building which protects third Shin Tokyo City and Evangelion from the attack of the Angel. The roof is provided with the VLS discharge silo, too. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection
[TOKYO-III] VEA Structure TypeA
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Vertical Elevated Adjustable Structure TypeA The attack armament building which is equipped with Mk 41 Vertical Launching System. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 5 x 4 Electricit...
[TOKYO-III] VEA Structure TypeB
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Vertical Elevated Adjustable Structure TypeB The attack armament building which is equipped with Mk 41 Vertical Launching System. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 5 x 4 Electricit...
[TOKYO-III] VEA Structure TypeC
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Vertical Elevated Adjustable Structure TypeC The attack armament building which is equipped with Mk 41 Vertical Launching System. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 5 x 4 Electricit...
[TOKYO-III] APR Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Airconditioning Plenum ReturnAir Structure A structure to circulate air to the geo-front. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 7 x 3 Electricity consumption : 60 Construction Cost : 1...
[TOKYO-III] VLSH Structure
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Vertical Launching System Housing Structure The next cell is loaded after huge VLS silo , missile launch immediately . PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 3 x 6 Electricity consumpti...
Oto Melara 127/54 Gun
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Oto Melara 127/54 Gun The naval gun system which Italian Oto Melara company developed. I balance lightweighting with high discharge speed and have superior performance. Triangle : 2977 Texture : 512 x 512...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
PATRIOT AN/MPQ-53 A Phased Array Radar. Other than a search, the pursuit of the aim, It perform IFF, the field guidance. One RS per 1 high-angle corps (FU:Fire Unit) is deployed. Triangle : 1459 Texture : 512 x 512...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
PATRIOT AN/MRC-137 Communication Relay Group When It doesn't get a prospect of the UHF radio by communication between ECS-ICC, It sandwich CRG between and relay communication. The communication between ECS-ICC is carried out with a format called PADIL(PATR...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
PATRIOT M901 PAC-2 It is equipped with up to four missiles (choose it among an STD bullet, PAC-2 bullet, SOJC bullet, a GEM bullet) with the M901 discharge machine. It interface with ECS by an SINCGARS radio machine or optical fiber through DLU. I have one...
[TOKYO-III] ETLH in Eva Test Unit-01
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
ETLH in Eva Test Unit-01 It is the scene which an Evangelion Test Unit-01 lifts it in fourth angel, SHAMSHEL, and was uploaded. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 7 x 7 Electricity ...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
FLAK TOWER Type-C A armament building with Oto Melara. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 4 x 6 Electricity consumption : 15 Construction Cost : 80,000 Maintenance Cost : 180 Sewage...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Vertical Carrousel Carpark Improvised Fire Support Structure A structure to manage a Patriot missile system. It is able to replace a launcher by a rotary pedestal quickly. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection
[TOKYO-III] Eva Awaken State 1
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Eva Awaken State 1 擬似シン化第1覚醒形態(Awakening form first para-Shin) There is the gaff door in the sky and is in condition to have the rings of the angel on Eva. It's greatly obstructive , it is unsuitable for a play. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection http://steamcom...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
FLAK TOWER TYPE-C RO A armament building with Oto Melara. PROJECT TOKYO-III Collection Property: Size : 4 x 6 Electricity consumption : 15 Construction Cost : 80,000 Maintenance Cost : 180 Sew...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
OKABE SWEET SHOP (TRADITIONAL SWEET SHOP) It's the traditional candy shop which stops that Shinji buys it for a school return with Touji and Shinsuke and eats it, and to do it. The traditional candy shop is a business condition seen universally in the muni...
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SolarPowerTower I made this asset by a request of Mr. nanodog. This solar heat power station is made from a collecting tower to send light to the NERV headquarters in the geo-front with animated cartoon "Evangelion". Do not generate electricity by night; s...
MUKASHIN the wagashi shop Kaizuka store (growable CL L1 3x3)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新貝塚店。 Building Info 3x3 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 ☆平成二十七年十一月十三日 指摘に從ひ芝生の色合ひを修正したけれど、更新の方法不明に就き何如ともし難し。 向新、貝塚店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Commercial signage complex 郊外の商業看板
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
國道沿ひにありがちな看板。 商業看板_大 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Truck Ad SEINO [repaint]
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
Truck SEINO by stmSantana ======================================== Industrial Lorry. This asset use the paintable Truck template. Truck Ad - Paint It Yourself =================================...
Yaratıcı: jaijai
Tonami Express トナミ運輸 This asset use the paintable Truck template by stmSantana. Truck Ad - Paint It Yourself Also use Texture Template....
[PROP] Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Initial D FujiwaraTofu Spec AE86 Prop It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R (BNR32) It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SUZUKI LAPIN It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
SUZUKI WAGON R It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
[PROP] Tokyo Metropolitan Police Car
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Car It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
TOYOTA COROLLA LEVIN (AE86) It's prop version. Vehicle model is here.
Hiroden Type 1000 GreenMoverLEX
Yaratıcı: Takouma
Hiroden Type 1000 is the latest car of Hiroden. They are low-floor trams developed by Mitsubishi, Kinki-Sharyo and Toyo-denki. Though, these trams are based on GreenMover by Siemens AG in Germany. Capasity: 90...
Hiroden Type 1000 PICCOLO
Yaratıcı: Takouma
Hiroden Type 1000 is the latest car of Hiroden. They are low-floor trams developed by Mitsubishi, Kinki-Sharyo and Toyo-denki. Though, these trams are based on GreenMover by Siemens AG in Germany. Capasity: 90...
Hiroden Type 5100 GreenMoverMax
Yaratıcı: Takouma
Hiroden Type 5100 GreenMoverMax is a low-floor tram. It is really similar to Type 1000, and both of them are based on Green Mover by siemens. Type 5100 is 5 cars type. Capasity: 150...
Yaratıcı: pekorin
D'station-Japanese-PACHINKO&SLOT SIZE 4x3 It will be a pachinko parlor of the asset of Japan . Please be built in the plane ! There is a possibility that the building may collapse . Gambling is sparingly ... 日本のD'stationのアセットになります。 平面に設置してください!建物が崩れる可能性があり...
Don Quixote-Japanese shop
Yaratıcı: pekorin
Don Quixote Japanese shop Commercial High H3 SIZE 4x4 This building will be buried in the ground with it to be installed on the slopes . I wish to be installed in the Flat ground. 日本の激安の殿堂 ドン.キホーテ 高密度商業区 Lv3 サイズ 4x4 斜面に設置すると建物が埋まってしまうので平面に設置してください。 Shop ne...
Yaratıcı: pekorin
MARUHAN-Japanese-PACHINKO&SLOT SIZE 7x11 It will be a pachinko parlor of the asset of Japan . Please be built in the plane ! There is a possibility that the building may collapse . Gambling is sparingly ... 日本のマルハンのアセットになります。 平面に設置してください!建物が崩れる可能性があります。 ギャ...
stmSantana Japanese Flags Mod
Yaratıcı: stmSantana
Japanese Flags Mod by stmSantana ------------------------------------------------------------ ゲーム標準では欧州6カ国の風にはためく旗がありますが、このMODではそれにスクリーンショットにあるような日本風の旗を追加して、地面や壁のポールに掲げられるようになります。 警察や病院などの飾り、目印になるように作りました。 そのうち都道府県や企業の旗など、種類を増やすかもしれませんが未定です。 旗の作り方ガイドとテンプレー...
More Flags ( + flags replacer )
Yaratıcı: BloodyPenguin
Adds more flags props and also allows to replace stock flags with any of those flags This mod requires Prefab Hook by @boformer to function properly!. Like stock flags (United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France) prop, most props this mod provi...
Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency)
Yaratıcı: boformer
This mod is used as a bridge between different mods (for better compatibility). Using Harmony for redirection. Note: If you are a mod creator, consider using Harmony instead to add prefixes/postfixed to InitializePrefab! This mod was created before the exi...
Shinjuku Center Building
Yaratıcı: Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Center Building My 3rd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Center Building (新宿センタービル) is ...
Shinjuku Mitsui Building
Yaratıcı: Zatline
9x8 - Shinjuku Mitsui Building My 2nd skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) The Shinjuku Mitsui Building (新宿三井ビル) is a ...
Shinjuku Sumitomo Building
Yaratıcı: Zatline
10x13 - Shinjuku Sumitomo Building My 4th skyscraper from Tokyo and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) Shinjuku Sumitomo Building (新宿住友ビルディング)...
Tokyo Opera City Tower
Yaratıcı: Zatline
8x8 - Tokyo Opera City Tower My first skyscraper of this size and one of four buildings that add up my first real city themed asset bundle "Tokyo Asset Pack #1" Hope you enjoy it, feedback is highly appreciated! :) Tokyo Opera City Tower (東京オペラシティ) is a sk...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Iwade store (growable Cl L1 4x4)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新岩出店。 Building Info 4x4 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、岩出店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Kumatori store (growable Cl L2 2x3)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新熊取店。 Building Info 2x3 plots Category : Commerical Low Level2 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、熊取店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Kuzunoha store (growable Cl L1 4x2)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新葛の葉店。 Building Info 4x2 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、葛の葉店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Tondabayashi store (growable Cl L1 4x2)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新富田林店。 Building Info 4x2 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、富田林店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
MUKASHIN the Wagashi shop Wakayama-kita store (growable Cl L1 4x3)
Yaratıcı: 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)
向新和歌山北店。 Building Info 4x3 plots Category : Commerical Low Level1 Texture : 1024x1024 向新、和歌山北店 by 萬朶櫻(wanduoying)...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 1b
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 2b
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Corner 3b
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1a
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1ab
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 1b
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 1 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 2b
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Japanese Commercial Building Straight 3b
Yaratıcı: stockjr97
A commercial building model from the Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC. It features an updated illumination, and specular map and a reworked diffuse map. The model is edited to fit a 2 tile wide lot for a tightly packed, wall-to-wall commercial area. Details: Lo...
Toll Booth Elevated 12m Japan ETC
Yaratıcı: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Toll Booth Elevated 24m Japan ETC
Yaratıcı: Ronyx69
Outdated release, description & required items removed, comments unsubscribed....
Train Station Display (single)
Yaratıcı: boformer
Train Station Display (single) by boformer This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ...
Large Modular Train Station Complex
Yaratıcı: JSF-1
This station is modular similar to BadPeanut's central station. It works the exact same as his aswell. The overall inspiration for the design of this station was Nagoya Station in Japan. So what do you get? 3 Assets: 1) Large Station Complex Front: This pi...
Sunshine 60 RICO
Yaratıcı: CityOfTokyo
Sunshine 60 RICO Sunshine 60 is a high-rise building at the core of the Sunshine City in Toshima-ku, Tokyo Higashi-Ikebukuro. At that time completed in ground height 239.7 meters the highest in Asia, it is a building that, Inc. Sunshine City is owned and m...
Yaratıcı: RonSatoyan
Japanese fire truck It was created because there was no asset of Japan of the fire engine. It is a standard fire engine in Japan. Those of the standard called ”CD-Ⅰ”, truck has to model the Hino ”Dutro”. Performance such as fire fighting capacity is the sa...
4x4C Kyoto Block #4 (Lv2 HD.Commercial)
Yaratıcı: BachToBaroque
I hope the black wall textures aren't too flat or too dark for some players, maybe I'm not skilled enough but I had difficulty replicating a mattish-plaster wall texture. I'd also strongly recommend using the Daylight classic Mod by Bloody Penguin, otherwi...
Yaratıcı: KingLeno
kl-balcony by KingLeno...
Vents Office L1 3x3 (Prop)
Yaratıcı: DanDeKalb
Vents Office L1 3x3 from vanilla building...
Japanese Traffic Lights (LHT) 日本風信号機MOD (左側通行用)
Yaratıcı: ako_ako
This mod is WORKING with Sunset Harbor update! 信号機を日本風に置き換えるMODです。 BloodyPenguin/Matt Crux氏のAmerican Traffic LightsからPropを置き換えたものになります。 このMODは左側通行用となります。右側通行用はこちら。 仕様 ディフューズ色が発光するので、現実だと黒である部分にも色が入っているように見えます。順光だと特に顕著です。 極端に鋭角/鈍角な交差点だとそっぽを向くかもしれません。 赤から青に戻...