Warlock 2: the Exiled

Warlock 2: the Exiled

Negative modes
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2015年3月3日 7時55分
2015年3月4日 5時40分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Negative modes

This is a small mod that i was thinking about for a long time. It gives you the opportunity to get some more creation points for a cost.

Big thanks to Shidan and Uncia who helped me out on my first mode >^.^<

update #1 Some renaming and speling ciorections + fixed the flat resource reduction
8 件のコメント
Ma5kot  [作成者] 2015年6月28日 13時14分 
Seems risenable sadly i dont know jow to do it ^^ . ill do it as soon as i figure out how
xune_everhate 2015年6月28日 12時21分 
Post was too long :)

Maybe ban perks, they do it in vanilla with strating plain perks. When you pick a negative perk you should ban it's counters, you pick either -10 or -20% food and +20% food, elven plain, intolerance should be banned, so you really struggle with food.
All in all I think your mod is a gem, but it still needs a lot of polishment.
xune_everhate 2015年6月28日 12時21分 
I played a game, and it has serious balance issues. Being able to get multiple perks is a huge adventage, playing multiplayer it's alright, more toys for all, but you will obliterate AI. To balance it, maybe include vanilla mages tweaked with your new toys.
Some perks counter your negative perks and still give a massive advantage late game, let's say you pick -10 food and -10 gold and +20% food+start in elven plane, the massive amount of food you can get will quickly counter your negative perks, mid game and later it will give you an adventage production and you still have -2 points to use.
Steroid perks to your units and -20% production perks it's broken too, -20% production it's not that harsh at the start, and you can rely on your basic and cheap units until you fix your economy becouse now they rock and will clear camps with ease. Intolerance perk and 3x -20% production perks it's crazy good too.
xune_everhate 2015年6月28日 8時12分 
Nice idea, a catch
-Farmer 3 points +20% food
-Black Thumb -4 points -20% food
You get a free point there.
Now as AI mages won't use those negative perks a mod with standard mages modified with negative perks would be nice.
Ma5kot  [作成者] 2015年3月4日 5時44分 
ok i updated it should be fine now. i think i got all the misspels out. Changed the names a wee bit too. if you have any more sugestions im all open for them. :D
Ma5kot  [作成者] 2015年3月3日 18時42分 
ill do that thnx forthe tips
Shidan 2015年3月3日 18時32分 
There are also some typos with the names of some of the perks, I figured I should mention them. Though they're not a huge issue, they look nicer when spelled right. :)

Simpelton -> Simpleton

Tacticacly Chalanged -> Tactically Challenged

Sguandorus -> Squanderous

Coruped -> Corrupted

Slow Mana destilation -> Slow Mana Distillation

Wastfull economy -> Wasteful Economy

Beyond those issues, I'm looking forward to playing with this mod once my current match is over. I always have just barely not enough points. This should fix that problem. :)
Shidan 2015年3月3日 18時32分 
Overall it seems pretty well balanced. Except for the flat -10 perks for mana and food. As those would be a pretty big hit in the early game. I think they should probably be worth 4 points instead, like their gold counterpart.

I also noticed that the none of the flat fee perks are actually costing the -10 to their respective resources. First guess is you set them up as production bonus, which doesn't work. Change them to "StealResources" in the editor and it should work. They also won't need to be a -10 once changed, just 10.