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Items (17)
Thorium Mod
Created by DivermanSam Welcome to the Thorium Mod! The Thorium Mod is a "Vanilla+" content pack that adds a massive variety of new items, weapons, armors, NPCs, bosses, and even 3 new classes into the vast world of Terraria! With magnificent sprit...
Created by CrafterDaemon
Ragnarok. A great calamity in norse mythology, Is now a mod that allows Thorium and Calamity to be used together with minimal issues. Adds more content for Thorium classes, Merges Thrower + Rogue, and creates a more coherent experience throughout all stage...
Loot Beams
Created by ChemAtDark
A special thank-you to everyone who has supported this small mod that I threw together in a few minutes, I never would have imagined something like this becoming as popular as it is, and for that I am very grateful. Latest Update: As there has been only on...
Calamity Rarities
Created by The Golden Knight
Calamity has added ModRarity support to their items as of Calamity v2.0.1.2. This mod now only gives Calamity items with unique rarities ModRarity compatibility. Config Options Use Unique Rarities: Enable this to give calamity items with unique colored tex...
Better Blending
Created by Orion
Better Blending simply modifies which tiles blend together, primarily blending environmental tiles to make the world look less disconnected, such as ores blending with stone, ice, or other ores. Sandstone, granite, and marble also blend with stone, dirt, a...
Atmospheric Torches
Created by Orion
This mod simply adds an orange tint to normal torches and tiki torches, with their placed tiles and biome torches getting a slight flicker for atmosphere. The flicker can be disabled and brightness edited in the mod's config. Unfortunately, due to complica...
High FPS Support
Created by Stellar
Allows rendering the game at above 60FPS without affecting the speed of world simulation. This mod is entirely client-side. In singleplayer there are config settings to speed up or slow down the game for fun. This mod also contains a few optimizations that...
absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)
Created by absoluteAquarian
The common library for absoluteAquarian's various mods. The DLL, PDB and XML files for this mod can be found at: Many features are included in this mod, including but not limited to:...
Magic Storage
Created by absoluteAquarian
Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems! This mod offers a solution to storage problems on...
Unofficial Calamity Whips
Created by Poroboros
Do you like whips? Do you like Calamity? So do we! Unofficial Calamity Whips is a mod that aims to add several whips to the Calamity mod, in order to fill in progression gaps for summoner whip builds. DISCLAIMER: Unofficial Calamity Whips is in no way affi...
Calamity Mod Music
Created by Fabsol
Calamity Mod Music Discord Official Wiki This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to use the Calamity Mod in order to naturally o...
Calamity Mod
Created by Fabsol
Calamity Mod Discord Official Wiki The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria! With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over two thousand new items, new NPCs, a...
Shared World Map
Created by Jake
Shared World Map is a mod that allows players to share what they've explored on any world. Features: Share map data in real time as you explore. Share previously explored sections of your map by selecting the desired region on your fullscreen map. Share al...
Chat Source
Created by Vlidmir Putan
For those who need to know which mod writes stuff to the chat! Shows the source of messages in the chat. Clientside, toggleable via config Example: Before: "Your world has been blessed with Cobalt!" "Player got 10 tier 1 Reversivity coins and now has 70 in...
Final Fantasy Vanities
Created by Michaelsoftman
This mod adds vanity outfits from many of the different Final Fantasy games. One NPC is added, who sells clothing catalogs for each game. The catalog can be crafted at a workbench into the outfit of your choice. All outfits are vanity, there are no other N...
Created by 浅亦沐
骷髅王以及地牢守卫改动: 贴图替换为牢大,科比 吼叫声替换为“Man!” 受击声替换为“Hahahaha” 骷髅手死亡声替换为“What can I say?” 骷髅头死亡声替换为“Manba out!” 战斗音乐替换为2倍速See you again 目前只有牢大,其他的还没做 This is a mod about Kobe Bryant's memes in China If you don't understand, you can go to the Internet to find out Sk...
Created by Billybobmcbo
 TerraTCG: The Terraria Collectible Card Game! Mod Source Terraria Forums TerraTCG is a Collectible Card Game built inside of Terraria! Challenge your Town NPCs to intense games of 1v1 card-based combat, grow your collection with booster packs, and experi...