Barotrauma 潜渊症

Barotrauma 潜渊症

164 个评价
记住生存游戏模式 | Husk Survival Gamemode
3.769 MB
1 月 4 日 上午 7:10
1 月 25 日 下午 2:49
31 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

记住生存游戏模式 | Husk Survival Gamemode

-自动 husk 波。只有当您或 1000 名敌人死亡时,游戏才会结束。您不需要 GM 即可玩游戏,因此您可以独自玩游戏。
-杀死 husk 会给您货币,可以在地图上的特殊商店中兑换。
-极具攻击性的 husk 会穿过整个地图向您跑来。

- 订阅此模组、性能修复、纯空级别和用于气压创伤的 Lua。
- 在游戏中,在“模组”选项卡中,将所有 4 个模组从右列拖到左列并应用。
- 单击“主机服务器”,在出现的窗口中,在“服务器可执行文件”行中选择“用于气压创伤的 Lua”
(如果您以其他方式安装了 Lua,那就更好了,只需选择所有模组)

- 理想情况下,主机是具有最佳互联网连接和处理器的主机,我不知道什么更重要。
- 尽可能多地禁用资源密集型后台应用程序
(barotrauma 仅使用一个核心,该核心已经可以加载种子、浏览器、YouTube 等。如果您知道如何超频 CPU,这将非常有帮助,因为温度相同,但您可以在该单核上获得高达 30% 的性能提升。如果您从未这样做过,那么不要尝试!)
- 将难度设置为 0%,沙盒游戏模式,2 艘潜艇(位置)可供选择:Gorky-17 和 Sierra。
Gorky 较小,Sierra 较大且更有趣。
- 我建议至少再与一个人一起玩,单人 husk 太可预测,你很快就会被击败,当然如果你知道如何玩的话。
- 根据您的喜好设置重生及其时间,但不要忘记,您拥有的玩家越多,难度就越大
- “死亡时失去技能”我更喜欢 100%,但仍然由您决定。
- 当您到达第 10-15 波时,在弹药商店旁边,会有一个开关,可以立即移除尸体。如果您不打开它,那么迟早您会陷入延迟。
-22 波是最后一波。

如果您突然 100% 确定您杀死了所有怪物,但什么也没发生,请按 F3,输入 Enablecheats(按 Enter),输入 killmonsters(按 Enter)并再次按 F3。


- 每个外壳都经过平衡,因此它们 +- 相等。它们是完全随机选择的。
- 原版外壳是唯一可以蹒跚而行的,不要让它们挤压你。造成大量感染。
- 快速外壳生命值最低,但造成大量流血并且……速度快。
- 变异外壳 - 速度最慢、最坚韧且打击力度大。
- 装甲外壳 - 速度适中、韧性适中、强度适中。
- 头上戴着水桶的外壳 - 哈哈哈哈,谁发明了它?!

- 马库斯商店中武器的主要参数没有任何变化。(但废枪的眩晕效果更强,步枪可以穿透敌人)
- 套装中的每种武器,即使没有增加伤害,也会略有变化。它可以射击得更快,具有独特的效果,更多的弹药等,但我不建议在没有“蓝色”品质机会的情况下升级。


-暴民的难度。例如,第 20 波必须生成 50 分的 husk,普通 husk 是 2 分,但 chimera 是 10 分,mod 会随机组合它们以获得总共 50 分。在当前迭代中,仅由于技术限制,所有 husk 都是 +- 相等的。或者至少让某些 husk 在某一波之后完全消失,然后 mod 从另一组 husk 中选择。
- 如果所有类型的 husk 都能在一波中出现,那就太酷了。
- 调整攻击性。这些 husk 由纯巴罗德夫能量驱动。无论我多么努力地让其他 husk 变得具有攻击性,它们都不会试图从地图的另一侧向玩家跑去,而是不断进入“空闲”模式。
- 在波次开始时播放声音(至少是第一波)
- 能够为带弹匣的武器制作两个弹夹
- 这样外壳就可以打破舱口
- 在开始前选择难度会影响敌人的数量\hp
- 重新设计全副武装的枪支的视觉和音频?这是我唯一知道如何自己制作的东西,但我不确定它是否值得。


(if you installed Lua other way, it is even better, just select all mods)

First launch:
- Ideally, the host is the one with the best internet internet connection and processor, I don't know what's more important.
- Disable as many resource-intensive background applications as possible
(barotrauma utilizes only one core, which can already be loaded with torrents, browser, YouTube, etc. If you know how to overclock your CPU it will help very much, since temperatures will be the same, but you can get up to 30% performance increase on that single core. If you never do such thing, then dont try it!)
- Set difficulty to 0%, sandbox game mode, 2 submarines (locations) to choose from: Gorky-17 and Sierra.
Gorky is smaller, Sierra is larger and more interesting.
- I recommend playing with at least one more person, in solo husks are too predictable and you will be overpowered way too soon, of course if you know how to play.
- Set the respawn and its time to your liking, but do not forget that the more players you have, the more difficult it will be
- "Skill lose on death" i prefer to be 100%, but still up to you.
- When you get to the 10-15th wave, next to the store with ammo, there will be a switch that instantly removes the corpses of husks. If you do not turn it on, then sooner or later you will drown in lags.
-22 wave is the last one.

If suddenly you are 100% sure that you killed all the monsters, but nothing happens, press F3, write Enablecheats (press Enter), write killmonsters (press Enter) and F3 again.
Any enemy on the map is considered an enemy associated with the wave, sometimes the game spawns enemies behind the outpost for some reason. Mutated players are also considered such enemies.

Steam limitations sorry...
热门讨论 查看全部(1)
1 月 11 日 上午 2:55
How to adjust rules for yourself
99 条留言
Potemkin Guilty Gear 2 月 5 日 上午 2:33 
помогло спасибо
покачто поиграл только 1 и как отдельный режим для баротраумы выглядит просто шикарно
единсвенное что стало проблемой это то что нужно перезаряжать реактор и я умер несколько раз просто потомучто в этой же комнате сразу появились хаски и разорвали меня но это скорее скилл ишью
класный мод ставлю класс :trolol:
Kookoorooza  [作者] 2 月 5 日 上午 2:20 
Make sure you select server executable "Lua for barotrauma" or follow this instruction from Lua developer:
(I honestly recommend to install it this way and never uninstall, cause you might be having desyncs from servers that require clientside lua. This mod is asking for serverside only tho)

Make sure your game is closed
Go to your Steam Library
Right Click Barotrauma and Click Properties
You should be able to see the Launch Options and below it a text box that you can enter text into
Enter the following code into the text box:

cmd /c "curl -L -o && start /b %COMMAND%"

Save. Start the game and wait. Lua is installed, you can disable it in mod list.
ThatGuyRock 2 月 4 日 下午 10:06 
how do i start the first round??????????????????
Kookoorooza  [作者] 2 月 4 日 上午 10:16 
you can spawn them via console, and they will act like usual chimera, but tougher.
Lonely Tear 2 月 4 日 上午 8:50 
Ah i see, thank you for the answer. i did look trough "how to adjust the rules yourself" and i saw that they were spawnable there but didnt think they were played controlled
thought there was a a passive way to enable them
Kookoorooza  [作者] 2 月 4 日 上午 6:38 
It was controlled by Initial Desu himself. For this gamemode host can spawn husk_chimera1, husk_chimera2 and husk_chimera3 which have 2500, 5000 and 10k hp.
there are actually 5 types of husks, but you need to survive longer than 12 waves

Sadly i cant adjust code to make boss husks or something like that.
Lonely Tear 2 月 4 日 上午 6:22 
Hey apologies for the question but
A fellow content creator made a video on your gamemode and i noticed something odd in it.
Namely some vanilla husks were available as enemies including the Husked Exosuit

iv played the gamemode plenty but never seen any husks outside of 4 normal ones.
How can we add them to the spawn-pool? is this a mod add-on or am i missing something?
Here is a video and a timestamp for clarification
(Also gratz!)
Kookoorooza  [作者] 2 月 4 日 上午 3:38 
100% что проблема с луа. попробуй так.

Make sure your game is closed
Go to your Steam Library
Right Click Barotrauma and Click Properties
You should be able to see the Launch Options and below it a text box that you can enter text into
Enter the following code into the text box:

cmd /c "curl -L -o && start /b %COMMAND%"

Save. Start the game and wait. Lua is installed, you can disable it in mod list.
Potemkin Guilty Gear 2 月 4 日 上午 12:02 
да пишу спустя неделю но
да все установлено правильно 4 мода
луа; перфоманс фикс; хаск геймомд; чистый уровень
исполняймый файл тоже выбираю правильно
создаю захожу на карту и пустота
я наверняка не понимаю как начать сам раунд чтоб начали появляться хаски либо хз
Kookoorooza  [作者] 2 月 3 日 上午 5:54 
No idea, you can try. Personally i bind Q and R button for 9 and 0 slot in game settings and it is more than enough for me.