Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress

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[DFHack] Poisoner's workshop [1.2]
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19 Jun, 2024 @ 10:14am
23 Jun, 2024 @ 3:33am
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[DFHack] Poisoner's workshop [1.2]


Warning: This mod requires DFHack (found on Steam store) installed and running to function.

You simply need to have it installed and running, no manual scripting is required. The mod will just work.

It adds a Poisoner's workshop that requires a rock/log and a bucket to build.
The workshop can be used to coat edged weapons and ammo with creature venoms (all vanilla venoms) and plant poisons (added by this mod).

It adds four new plants that grow underground and are available to farm from the start.
It also adds an new poison to Slither Barb (vanilla plant).

You grow the plants, then process them in Farmer's workshop into barrels (extract), then you apply them to weapons/ammo.

Extract (barrel)
Poison cap
Farmer's workshop
Poison cap extract
Severe pain, nausea, fever
Death lily
Farmer's workshop
Death lily poison
Necrosis (localized), impairing function (localized)
Cave nightshade
Farmer's workshop
Cave nightshade poison
Paralysis (all limbs, hands, feet, head/body)
Corpse bloom
Farmer's workshop
Corpse bloom poison
Massive slow, unconsciousness
Slither Barb
Farmer's workshop
ghoul poison
brain necrosis, crazed+opposed to life effect

All new plants also add drink variants, so they could be used for multiple purposes. The drinks are safe to drink.
- Poisoncap: poisoncap noir
- Death lily: coffin malt
- Cave nightshade: dark nectar
- Corpse bloom: sanguis wine

The poisoner's workshop uses advanced function from DFhack (plugin "add-spatter").
You can use "coat edged weapon with X poison" reaction to coat with poison any weapon that has an edge.
You can use "coat ammo (25) with X poison" reaction to coat with poison a 25 stack of ammo.

The coating will not be cleaned and stay on the weapon thanks to DFHack. Weapon attacks will insert this poison into opponents, so do not use this weapon for training.

If you like the mod, you will make me happy if you rate it and share it with your friends. And remember, Losing is Fun!

This mod adds new plants and a new workshop, so it's fully compatible with other mods.
This mod requires DFHack!
Stogie 10 Dec, 2024 @ 3:49pm 
Only dwarves would look at a plant called "Death Lily" and go "yeah I can brew that."
Screw 19 Oct, 2024 @ 7:23am 
A dwarf? Killing with puny plants?!?! Preposterous...
Violence Enjoyer 6 Oct, 2024 @ 8:01pm 
Oh man you gotta add Gnomeblight to the workshop reactions
상자 4 Oct, 2024 @ 5:49am 
Very cool mod. I'm trying to coat all ammunition with poison. Dorf! Grab some ammo!
BTW Corpse bloom appears to paralyze like Cave nightshade rather than causing unconsciousness. I'm reporting this just in case.
상자 21 Aug, 2024 @ 11:27pm 
Deon ☣  [author] 5 Aug, 2024 @ 2:43am 
From the latest DFHack release:
- add-spatter: fix a crash related to unloading a savegame with add-spatter reactions, then loading a second savegame with add-spatter reactions

So our report was processed and fixed, no more crashes on exiting to menu, InFeaRnO :)
Deon ☣  [author] 23 Jul, 2024 @ 1:14am 
Yes, you need a new world generation to add mods in Dwarf Fortress.
kravun 22 Jul, 2024 @ 11:08am 
I really love this mod, it gives me a rimworld vibe, which i adore. Maybe you can make a mod that adds more hospital interaction? I really loved the surgeries in rimworld, be it for torturing slaves, or for helping out a pawn with an infection. I have one question, do i need to create a new world in order to use it?
Deon ☣  [author] 6 Jul, 2024 @ 3:35am 
I do confirm that this was not an issue on older version of DFHack, at least according to my memory.

I've made an issue:

Thank you for reporting InFeaRn0
Deon ☣  [author] 6 Jul, 2024 @ 3:30am 
This mod cannot cause crashes per se, as it adds plants and reactions in a vanilla way.

All the magic is done using DFHack and add-splatter plugin.

However I do confirm that just trying to "save and quit to title" with the mod loaded immediately closes the game for me, so there is indeed some problem. The save is successful but the game closes.

Most likely it's their plugin master crashing with any mod that trying to go to menu while a plugin is loaded. I will report it.