Airships: Conquer the Skies

Airships: Conquer the Skies

35 vurderinger
Youjo Senki Mage Corps REDUX
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Type: Mods
6.312 MB
3. juni 2024 kl. 11:51
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Youjo Senki Mage Corps REDUX

Adds weapons and troops from the world of Youjo Senki, AKA Saga of Tanya the Evil, as well as some other thematic weapons and miscellaneous modules.

I'd love to have made a better logo, but that's hardly important. Expect some preview images soon, though.

Full tech Tree Integration
Aerial Mages for boarding and fighting
Powerful spell-firing rifles

All feedback is welcome, especially in the balancing department, or if you notice something wrong.

Full module contents:
Mage Barracks (Boarder)
Mage Barracks (Fighter)
Spell Rifle
Spell Rifle (Artillery)
Spell Rifle (Optical)
Spell Caster [+sponson]
Defensive MG [+dorsal/ventral pod]
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12. juni 2024 kl. 9:59
12. juni 2024 kl. 23:21
FASTGJORT: Suggestions
15 kommentarer
Xenai 9. jan. kl. 10:28 
Unfortunate the campaign map lag issue continues to persist, I can tell I would have loved this mod otherwise.
chryssjanzonio 14. juli 2024 kl. 20:27 
finally its here!
Geesemen 28. juni 2024 kl. 10:50 
It seems like for some reason the machine gun lags the game in conquest map whenever a unit has it. Works fine in battle for me. But also breaks any saves with it. Really rad as hell mod otherwise! Hope it gets you fix it whenever you can/want to and keep up the great work
cllmsteele 23. juni 2024 kl. 18:14 
i had 2 airships with my ground forces and the game was lagging there were only 2 ariships and 3 ground walkers all small and the game lagged like hell not sure what was causing it the airships had optical and artillery the ground had artillery mage users
StrangeSpeeder 12. juni 2024 kl. 13:14 
Okay, so I went back and did it again- even without any mods, it still lags. its not QUITE as bad with the mods also there but, even without them it still stutters pretty hard. Not quite sure what the cause is there.

Even making a fresh new design, saving that, and then opening it in the saved designs sections can cause it, with it immediately ending if you select something else instead.
inkyboi  [ophavsmand] 12. juni 2024 kl. 10:17 
Also Barrel Roll, learn what words mean before you go spouting them off to demand that people conform to your preferences. Also, if you don't like it just ignore it, it would save everyone some brain cells. Thanks, and have a great day.
inkyboi  [ophavsmand] 12. juni 2024 kl. 10:11 
I'll be looking into the issue, but I have no clue what would be causing it so it might take some time. Until I can look into it, can one of you disable any other mods and reproduce the issue with only this mod running? If not, any info on what mods you are using when the issue arises would be appreciated.

On mage upgrades, I'll have another pass at their stats/bonuses to see what I can do to make them more dynamic. Unfortunately the game's framework for crew is very limited compared to modules, so things like firing beams or having mana pools/shields is (to my knowledge) not possible currently.
StrangeSpeeder 12. juni 2024 kl. 7:17 
I also have the problem Dr.Cabbage does. Not sure if its related to having other mods installed, or what...

Also, any chance that the fighter/boarder mages will get bonuses when related techs or rifle upgrades are unlocked too?

As in, they get the ability to unleash artillery spells or opticals. Maybe treat it like a shared mana amount for the whole squad, for simplicity? Although ammo for individual ships and fighters is a thing too so, maybe a special ammo type.

Similarly, shields, if they don't have them already perhaps.
Chocobo Enjoyer 12. juni 2024 kl. 3:55 
what is this Gyat sh*t.. everywhere this Hentai anime garbage. Take it off
Dr.cabbage 6. juni 2024 kl. 9:50 
um there's something very wrong with the Mage Barracks (Border) and
Mage Barracks (Fighter) every time i selected a ship whit the module it makes the game lag like a big lag and disappears after un-selecting it, and also this problem does not occur in the ship design screen