Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Lord of The Stars
Type: Game
Game Category: Board Games, Strategy Games
Complexity: High Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Language: English
File Size
672.532 KB
27 Oct, 2023 @ 7:59am
3 Dec, 2023 @ 9:04am
15 Change Notes ( view )

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Lord of The Stars

ID: 3062864966

Welcome to Lords of The Stars Tabletop Simulator game!

This colorful space 4x game was highly inspired by original Master of Orion I and II pc games, Imperium Galactica, Pax Emperium, original Starcontrol I and II and many other space games of golden era of space games!

In Lords of The Stars you control one of the 8 unique species and push their economical, technological, military development and expansion onward to becoming a sole Lord of The Stars!

Game features:

- choice-base technological progress with several sources of techs
- large hex-based player generated map with explorable systems
- full map exploration with random encounters
- random events system from little tips to extreme situations
- advanced economy based on 4 resources and specialist-colonies
- detailed combats and invasions with multiple ship classes and ship upgrades
- freedom of choice with each choice making a difference
- flexible system of victory points
- great replayability

Discord (select the 'Tabletop Simulator' role there):

Game design and graphics - Mikhail "Okim" Ermilin
Species and 'Space battle' arts - Peter "Hirgonn" Dora

Special thanks:
Alex Ermilin, Tasha, Artem Proskurov, Kerberos Productions, PmGhost,
Solarious Scorch, Steven Warner, Mendonca, Erik Nettelbladt, Anthony Mitch,
Martti Aarnio-Wihuri, Stefan Hensen, Catherine E Fields, Space Voyager, Vladimir Valuev-Elliston
and others who's attributed to game testing.
Okim  [author] 3 Dec, 2023 @ 7:59am 
New features:

- Legendary Leaders.
Cost Victory Points to purchase.
These provide +1 to resourse output of CAPITAL/COLONY and STATION in the sector.
Also these provide +1 to all results of all rolls for TORPEDO, REGULAR, BOMBARDMENT and DAMAGE RESISTANCE rolls made by CAPITAL/COLONY, STATION, ALL SHIPS and GROUND FORCES in a sector.


- Neutron Star was removed from Deep Space Objects. Instead there is now a pre-placed GALAXY CORE that acts the same way, but is always placed in the center of the map.

- a number of economy technologies got their costs reduced to boost early expansion.

- colonization cost was reduced from 12 food (15 mats for energons) to 9 food (12 mats for energons).

- ship, techtree cards and rulebook were changed to reflect the mentioned changes.
Okim  [author] 22 Nov, 2023 @ 10:13am 
Updated the mod.

- fixed module cards an green ships card not properly loading from the cloud.
- fixed a bunch of typos and poor spellings.
- expanded rules regarding multiplayer combats against Hostile Encounters.
- added a missing victory point for destroying colonies through bombarding them.
Okim  [author] 21 Nov, 2023 @ 10:07pm 
Update pending. Known issues:

- module cards not properly loading for some players.
- green ships card not always loading.
- automaton / monster exploration card has 'pirates' in it
- some text typos
- 'gas giants' being refered to in some places (should be 'space whales')
- hip points (no comments....)
- some rules clarifications
Okim  [author] 30 Oct, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
Updated the game:

- remade all ACTION, NEWS and EXPLORATION cards (better wording, clear conditions, improved effects and etc).

- updated SPECIAL PROJECTS to match GENERAL TECHNOLOGIES cost increase step of 3 science, added new cards, adjusted existing

- added two double sided reference cards for GAME ROUND ORDER, VICTORY POINTS, HOSTILE ENCOUNTERS and SYSTEM / PLANET / SPACE OBJECT types as these being the most commonly used parts of the rulebook

- renamed neutral colonies into independent colonies, this was causing some confusion

- colony abandoning and changing colony type happens BEFORE accounting and they don't produce resources or build ships

- colonizing is not allowed if there are enemy ships in the sector

- added rules for blocaded colonies

- fixed some typos
Okim  [author] 28 Oct, 2023 @ 12:18pm 
Rolling out an update soon to fix the player zone cards. Some contain shifted texts.

Sorry for that.
Okim  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 8:18am 
Hey all!

Releasing this old tabletop project of mine as a Tabletop Simulator workshop item!
Please use either discord, or this chat or DMs to contact me with feedback and questions.

And have fun!