Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

307 ratings
Improved "c8m2" helicopter dialogue Event (.lmp)
Game Modes: Co-op, Realism
File Size
653.541 KB
4 Oct, 2023 @ 2:27pm
11 Oct, 2023 @ 5:27pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Improved "c8m2" helicopter dialogue Event (.lmp)

In 1 collection by NB
[T.A.C.M]⚙️Scripts / Mods Compatibility⚙️
68 items
On No Mercy have you noticed that the pilot repeats the same line of the intro again on the second chapter...not only that, the survivors and pilot at the end of the campaign mentioned that they were on contact , HOW? they technically have 0 dialogue interactions with each others during the entire campaign ; so this should help to close the lore gap inconsistency.
and yes clients without the mod can hear the new lines playing as well if you are the host.

[Information and details]
• Now the pilot uses his cut voicelines "npc\chopper_pilot\hospital_intro_hello 1 & 2" instead of using the same dialogue lines from the first chapter which IMO sounds repetitive.

• Adjusted the position of the ambient generic entity to a better place and increased the sound range , just a QoL change so you can play at lower volumes and still be able to hear the lines.

• Added "filtersurvivor" and "filter_activador_team" into the trigger and now the event only plays when a survivor goes nearby to it , with this preventing the specials to trigger the event.

this mod edits the "c8m2_subway_l_0.lmp" ; also a big thanks to "Jugger" for helping me out to fix the messy trigger event.

I heard this same dialogue in a different version of No Mercy on this workshop, sweet addon to add it back though?
NB  [author] 4 Oct @ 7:45pm 
@Poalpina am not a huge fan of making mods that require "manual installation" so aint happening because adding subtitles isnt something that vpks can do by itselfs.
Poalpina 3 Oct @ 8:03am 
Subtitles seem to be missing
commando ice 3 Jul @ 4:25pm 
can you do military voice lines at the end of blood harvest and use the military voice lines from the parish campaign
Beer I owe ya 23 Jun @ 11:44am 
well im getting those console errors, and I dont see how I could possibly delete the audio files, or cause the typo mistakes on my own
NB  [author] 23 Jun @ 6:46am 
@Solid Ellie it is working totally fine on my end.
Beer I owe ya 22 Jun @ 5:42pm 
Beer I owe ya 22 Jun @ 5:41pm 
it seems you made a typo mistake
console says

S_StartSound: Failed to load sound 'npcchopper_pilothospital_intro_hello_01.wav', file probably missing from disk/repository

instead of

you missed a Slash
Beer I owe ya 21 Jun @ 7:16pm 
the console says the voiceline is completely missing from the game files
k65569404 9 Nov, 2023 @ 8:17am 