Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

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The Bounty-Hunter-Guide I - Where to find the Targets
Por kaishark y 1 colaboradores
A guide about where to find the specific infected for the daily/weekly bounties. Last update: more special infectedt in Jai's Survivor Missions

The best method to complete the bounties is by playing Harper's and Shen Xiu's missions, playing on a NG+ save and also by owning the Bloody Ties DLC. This will give you the most opportunities to find and farm unique enemies.

But be aware: Dying in the Arena or in the Missions will cost you Legend-Level-Points like in the normal game after you reached Legend Level 50

Note, that in order to unlock Harper's and Shen Xiu's missions, you must reach Central Loop first. However, there are still a few good areas in Old Villedor. There are two places for Spitters and Goons

And one more thing: All pictures are from playing NG+, so some of the infected might look different in the basic game.
New to the Game?
Then you should read my other guide first:
Play and Survive
If you are looking for the right hunting-gear, just read my other guide:
You can find many biters at the evacuation-convoy on the eastern border between Quarry End and Horseshoe (Old Villedor)
This is a great location for when you need to kill a large number with throwable gas-tanks, remote explosives or doing the quest "The eye of the Tiger" where you have to headshot more then one target with only one arrow/bolt.
Electric Biters

They are new after the update 1.13.0 - roaming around in the streets and backyards. But be aware and keep distance. Their electric shocks are very intensive. Better try to hit them on the head or in the legs to avoid it.

Till now there are no bounties to hunt them
After the update 1.13.0 they are now also to find at daytime in the streets. However locations such as Dark Hollows and Shen Xiu's and Harpers Missions are great places to find them as they have set spawns too.

The best source is the regular or elite mission from Shen Xiu. You can find at least 3 in the bottom area when you reach the large area after exiting the elevator shaft.

You can also find a few Howlers in Harper's regular mission.
There are two sorts of Bombers. A smaller and a bigger one. The smaller one you can even find outside at daytime. One of the best locations is on the island with the Newfound-Military-Relais in the most south on the map of Villedor. There are not only a lot of them roaming around - staying inside the base they'll respawn permanently.

You can always find three in the dark hollow in Horseshoe next to the anomaly in Old Villedor - even in the daytime. Just enter through the roof. Kill them, fast travel to the nearby metro-station in Trinity and they'll respawn.

Or do the regular mission from Shen Xiu or Harper
Viral Spitters - a very dangerous enemy
After the last update we got Viral-Spitters in grey clothes at daytime. And they are as dangerous as the others at nighttime. Making to much noise or alerted by a Howler let them appear - in the worst case two or three off them at the same time. They can take you out in seconds.
Elemental Biter Gastanks - new enemies
Also very dangerous. Some are wearing a red coat and will flame everything all around them. As soon they appear, you have to take them out first. You'll find them randomly in the streets and backyards.
Other Variations have poisontanks........... or will frost everything

Beside in the end of Harper'sregular mission you can find Demolisher at two dark hollows in Villedor - even in the basic game. One is in New Dawn Park and the other in the Wharf.

Playing NG+ you can hunt them also during daytime in the last top backyard high in the north of Houndfield, or on the bridge west to Jack and Joe's camp - both locations are in Old Villedor. On this bridge is every time also a Goon.
There is always one in Harper's regular mission. And one in the basement of the building on the island with the Newfound-Military-Relais in the most south on the map of Villedor.
You can find them only outside at night. Mostly one, when you have luck two in one night. Except you own the DLC1 Bloody Ties. Just have a look at the chapter with the "Bolter Hunt"
You can hunt them in the nightime by starting a chase and at daytime by making some noise (like exploding gastanks or grenades) or getting to close to a Howler. While at daytime othey are easy to kill, you need the right gear in the night because the Volatiles will visit you too.

How to manage this? Just have a look at my other Guide

There is actually no difference if you hunt Volatiles on day- or nighttime (except the risk of starting a chase at night). But they are extremely dangerous and can kill you with one or two hits.

Importend is to have the right gear - Just have a look at my other Guide
Volatile Hives
Without playing nighthunts, the only chance is Harper's elite misssion. In the endzone you'll find 3 Hives and a Tyran

But if you want to kill them during night hunts, there is a dark hollow in Horseshoe (Old Villedor) where 2 to 3 are spwaning in one night


They are extremly rare. Most of the time you'll find only one in a whole night.

What seems to work to 80% is the following method:
Do some quest or bounties at daytime till around 12 noon. Quick travel to the metrostation in Trinity, sleep and start the night. Immediatly leave the station and head to the next Faction Structure in the east (next to the GRE-Anomalie) without starting a chase. Just wait some time and a Tyrant should appear.

If not:

.....patrol on the roofs next to the dark hollow in Horseshoe. If a Tyrants-Hive appears take it down, quick travel to the metrostation and make a next try.

.....or quick travel to Muddy Grounds, leave the metrostation on the right side, jump down to the canal and run to the right till you reach the bridge.

After you've found and killed the Tyrant start a new day and repeat the first step.

An other way is to do Hunter's elite misssion or kill the Phantom in the DLC 1 - Bloody Ties.
If you want to do it in regular nighthunts you need the right gear - Just have a look at my other Guide

Counted together there are 12 GRE-Anomalies on the map where the Revenants are spotting. After the update 1.13.0 they are replayable. That has also a nice sideeffect.
The only place you can find them too is in the Boody Ties Arena (DLC 1)

For more informations have a look in my other Guide
Actually they are easy to find, but faster is it by doing Shen Xiu's regular mission - you'll find and kill at least 10 of them in one run. Use your sense and they wiil show up green - but be carefull about the poison-cloud when they die. She'll kill you in seconds.

Easiest way to find them is a military-convoy. There is always one - even in the daytime. Good spot is the convoy south/east in Trinity (Old Villedor). Just kill him, fast travel to the nearby Trinity metro-station and repeat.
Goon Callers
While in a basic game they look like "normal" Goons, they have in NG+ the luminescent of howlers. You have to be carefull because when he notice you, his call can alert up to three Banshee-Witches. And when you don't kill him even more.
Banshee-Witches (Goon Callers alert)
They only appears when they are alerted by a Goon-Caller. This can happen in the daytime (like Hags) and also in the nighttime (like Banshees). Killing them will not count as Hags for daily/weekly bounties but as Banshees. And they are also counting for "Special Infected".
As they avoid the daylight you can only find them outside at night. The best source is the regular mission from Shen Xiu. You can find at least 3 when you reach
the large area after exiting the elevator shaft.

You can random find some Banshees also in Harper's regular mission.
Hags are appearing randomly outside near the Hag-Tracks during the daytime. Without running again and again through the map and hoping to find some, the easiest way is to play Shen Xiu's regular misssion
You can run the whole day through the map or just do Shen Xiu's regular mission. You can find up to 5 Hag-Tracks in one run.
Shen Xiu's regular mission
The best source for a couple of infected is the regular mission from Shen Xiu. You can find at least 3 Bombers, Spitters and Banshees when you come into the poisend area - and a Hag by completing the mission.

And be aware: Dying in the Missions will cost you LL-Points like in the basic game after you reached LL 50

During the mission you can also collect up to five Hag-Tracks and around 10 Plaguebearers.

Before you can start you have to buy in mission-ticket in her store, then cross the nearby river. Right and left beside the gate you can activate the missions
Harper's Missions
Doing the regular mission you'll find random some Howlers, Spitters, Bombers and Banshees. . For sure you can hunt also one Charger (even the bounty with remote explosives count) and at the end a Demolisher.

And be aware: Dying in a Mission will cost you LL-Points like in the basic game when you reached LL 50+

Before you can start you have to buy mission-tickets in his store. To activate a mission you have to travel to the Trinity-Subway-Station. There you'll find a billboard to start them

You'll get there also access to the elite-mission. Beside random other infected you'll find in the end 3 Volatile-Hives and a Tyran.
Jai's Survivor Missions
Playing some of his missions you can also find Virals, Spitters, Howlers, Bombers, Banshees, Goons, Charger and Demolisher. Here is my new guide about that:

Bloody Ties - DLC1
If you own the DLC and already played it, you now that this is the ultimate hunting-ground as all kills also counting for the bounties. Starting outside, you'll find 3 Demolisher on the left side of the building. Playing the Arena-Quests will give you almost every sort of infected - except the Volatile-Hives. For example: Fighting down the "Phantom" counts for a killed Tyran. For the complete list have a look at my Bounty-Hunter-Guide III

You can hunt there also Revenants - but till now there are no bounties about them

Note: Dying in the Arena will cost you LL-Points like in the basic game after you reached LL 50

For a easy way to find and kill Bolters look at the next chapter.
Bolter Hunt - Bloody Ties - Bozak mode
Entering the areal with the 3 Demolishers beside of the building, you'll find a statue with a bozak-poster on her back. Grapping it will unlock the bozak-mode.

Now enter the building through the nearby door, Go through the passageway to the next room and turn directly to the right. Follow the path and at the end you'll find a crate with the Bozak-Poster on it.
Click on it and you'll start the challenge. Kill the first waves of Virals and 5/6 Bolters will spawn. Killing them will also count for the bounties.

The importend thing is: Do not finish the Quest. Let the time run out or kill yourself and you can play it again and again.

Nice bonus: By looting the Bolters you can randomly find a "Quad-Damage-Gun" with 8 shots which you can keep.
The Bounty-Hunter-Guide II + III
Special Infected from Ended Events
If you're looking for the special infected of the ended events.....


Naughty Bolters

Uncle Snows

Naughty Virals

Naughty Biters


Pumpkintile Tyrants


Banshee Witches

Hounted Biters

Crossover "FOR HONOR"

Kensei Samurai

Berserker Viking
A big Thank You
to XeRnUno and Jäger for their help and their support

I'll update this guide permanetly when something changes or I get new informations. So stay tuned

Don't forget to like and fav this Guide please if it was helpful for you
... and leave a comment. Thx !

Good night, good luck.....

.... and stay human

103 comentarios
TMart 21 AGO 2024 a las 0:24 
look for such footprints in the yards. If you see footprints among the gazebos, then do not rush to run to them. Find a long gazebo and sneak up from the far aisle away from the witch's tracks. Two representatives of the Renegade faction will be squatting there. One of them is the bandit you need.
TMart 21 AGO 2024 a las 0:21 
@Porkins, you need are Renegade who calling all units of Renegade Fraction. In Old Vieledor You can find a Hag-Tracks and some sneaking Renegades.
Porkins 14 AGO 2024 a las 4:42 
Do you have any tips for the "Hold the Phone" bounty? I can never find a good opportunity to do a takedown on humans with horns. I already cleared all the bandit camps. Thanks!
ouroboros 20 JUN 2024 a las 18:14 
Great thanks
Nevermore 10 ABR 2024 a las 8:40 
SnaketoPlays 7 MAR 2024 a las 8:01 
https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3174418797 𝑷𝒍𝒔 𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚎 & 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚎