Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

105 ratings
Play and Survive after update/hotfix 1.21.0 - Tips & Tricks for the hunt and for raising up Legend-Levels
By kaishark
I'll give you some up to date tips how you can survive the nights and reach LL 300 without the game is becoming boring.

Just to let you know - I'll update this guide permanently when I get new informations.

LLs are a leveling system for players that reached Character Rank 9. Actually you should meanwhile know the basics about leveling up the LLs by playing the game . So I don't want to tell it here again.

Reaching LL 300 was actually a long way. At LL 200 you need around 50,000 LLPs to raise up just one level - and from Level 250 to 300 you need 63,000 for each Level.. Reaching LL 200 means that you have not even half of the points gained to reach LL 300.

To get max points you should play a NG+. As all the infectet have a higher level (depending on your own) you'll also get more points by killing them. And doing this by night will double them too.

With the update 1.16.0 we got with the difficulty "Nightmare" a big game changer. Even in a basic game you'll have a now a XP-Multiplicator of 5.25

And depending on how often you've replayed a NG+ you'll will raise up your XP-multiplicator too. So with my Main-Char I've now a XP-Multiplicator of 10.25 what gives me +20.000 LLPs for killing a special infected target at night (with using a XP-Booster).

New to the Game?
Then you should read my other guide first:
The Bounty-Hunter-Guides
Buying LL-Points
Since update 1.13.0 you can buy LLPs at a craftmaster.

You'll get for:

1 Military Tech - 500 LLPs
1 Unique Trophy - 100 LLPs
1 Rare Trophy - 60 LLPs
1 Uncommon Trophie - 10 LLPs
1 Mutation Sample - 2 LLPs

But be aware: you need almost 12,000,000 LLPs for all 300 LLs - and you'll miss the feeling when you reached it by yourself. And for the people who likes to fight and hunt is this guide.
XP depending from your NG+ replays

Every time you replay the game with the same character (NG+) will increase your XP-Multiplicator by 0.4 points.

1. Step - check your gear
Check your Gear again! TL nerfed and changed some stats - have also a look at chapter 7

Owning the right gear can give you up to 52.8% more XP. You can buy in Harpers shop jackets, shoes, trousers etc. which can give up to 8.8% more XP each. So when you have luck (or enough Tokens) you'll get more XP by playing the game and wearing this stuff.
2. Keep your own game alive
You'll never reach LL 300 when you try to force yourself to keep playing just to level up. As I do not like farming (I find it boring) I just play nighthunts, doing all the daily/weekly bounties from the Outpost, Harper and Shen and every event. Even with some events you can gain a lot of LP's. So I raised up during the "VIral Rush" one of my chars from LL 210 to LL 250. But for that you have not to stop when you reached your personel goal - just keep on playing. I ended up by around 5400 kills.
3. Step by step
Leveling up, means that you are also ranking up. So you are on:

LL 1-24 Adventurer
LL 25-49 Survivalist
LL 50 -74 Daredevil
LL 75-99 Fighter
LL 100-124 Savior
LL 125-149 Vanquisher
LL 150-224 Gladiator
LL 225-249 Master
LL 250- Luminous Legend
LL 300 - Platinum Legend

I don't know why the step between Gladiator and Master is so long - maybe somebody of the Dev's could not count ?

So don't start and just think about LL 300. Set your personell goals closer and reach them step by step. But be aware - it'll take a lot of hours to reach LL 300.
4. Be more carefull then ever
Playing on hard does not mean only a multiplicator of 2.25 - it means also that you'll loose 50% of your points if you're dying. So don't play too risky (I also lost meanwhile some 100,000 points with my 4 chars on that) . And be sure to have enough boosters for regeneration, thoughness and muscle if you need them.

The best territory for nighthunts are in the area between Trinity and Horseshoe, because the buildings are not so high. You can move quicker and even when you fell down, you can survive (with full upgraded health).
5. Wellcome to the Nighthunt

So I always start at the Metro-Station in Trinty. Cross the field with the GRE-Anomalie to the nearby dark Hollow in Horesshoe. There you have a great chance that a Tyrann or a Volatile-Hive spawns. When you destroyed it, just leave the aerea for a short time and go back - a Tyrann or the Volatile-Hive will respawn. And runnung there around the roofs will give you also a lot of Infectet to kill.

Sounds easy but after the update it's a nightmare. Beside Boosters take UV-Flares with you. When you try to fight down a Volatile be sure that he is alone - when there are more, you'll have no chance to survive without the right gear or throwing a flare. Crouch, keep hidden and leave only to kill other infectet. You have to be cool - and don't mess up directly with the new Volatiles when you do not have the right gear (just have a look at the next chapters).

It is also a good territory for doing nearby Shens, Harpers and the Outpost daily/weekly bounties.

But as I said - you have to be more carefull after the last update.
6. Killing Volatiles without starting a chase
You want to become a Nightrunner and a Nighthunter?

The first thing you need is a powerfull 1h weapon with 3 mod-slots. Then add Crit Frost to the tip, Crit Fling to the shaft and Empowerment to the Grip (all fully upgraded).

All what you have to do now is to sneak behind the Volatile. His circle has to be white. If he recognize you to early and something went to red you'll have no chance to kill him without he is alarming the other. So stay close and look how he is moving - he can suddenly turn around. So be carefull. When you're close enough and his circle is still white attack him in the back. With the right weapon he is done without alarming the others.

As this works on hard and NG+ it should work also for the other difficulties. Thanks to Cello-Bs, you did again a great job
7. How to take less damage from virals & volatiles
Ok - that is for avanced players who have enough stuff to upgrade the needed boosters, the ingredients to craft them and gear with gives you an around 40% infected-resistance.

All combined together Gear (with 40%+ infected resistance), regenation booster (maximized) and toughness booster (maximized) and you'll survive almost every chase/fight. And when you've enough luck by getting your gear you'll have a good balance between the infected-resistance and the Xp-Bonus. Even after update 1.15.0

So, check your Gear again! After update 1.15.0 TL nerfed and changed some stats
8. Finding ingredients to craft the boosters
The most important boosteers are the regeneration and the toughness booster - even for the nighthunts. They nerfed the effect after the last update but the health booster it's still working - just slower. The best source to get enough ingredients for all boosters is Baba the plague witch in the Chapel of Resurrection on Saint Paul Island. When you have your hideout there just go to her shop, buy them, sleep two times go back, buy and so on. And you'll need enough stuff for the other boosters - except the XP-Booster
9. The XP-Booster

Actually only players who bought the ultimate-edition got one. But only one - and that without a blueprint. So you have just one use, and it is done.

Since update 1.15.0 you can them buy also at Jai's shop for 170 Tokens. It gains 120 minutes gametime at night and is inactive during daytime. To buy them you have to reach Jai Level 6.
10. Getting trophies
As that was easy before the update to farm infected trophies with a chase it's now getting harder to kill enough virals. But you can do it not only at night, you can farm them also at daytime. Just make noise, blow up gas tanks, throw grenades or use other explosives and at least three will find you.

Otherwise you still have the opportunity to buy them at Harper's and Jai's shops. You can find both at the "Fish Eye" in New Dawn Park (Central Loop). Open their Vendor-Menues and scroll down to the bottom.

At Harper's shop:

For 1 Token and 150 Mutation Samples you'll get 18 uncommen trophies
For 1 Token and 400 Mutation Samples you'll get 12 rare trophies
For 1 Token and 600 Mutation Samples you'll get 5 unique trophies

At Jai's shop:

For 1 Token you'll get 1 uncommen trophy
For 6 Tokens you'll get 1 rare trophy
For 10 Tokens you'll get 1 unique trophy
11. Leveling up faster
For those who absolutly want to level up faster without nighthunts: with the knowledge of chapter 8 you still have the chance of farming. Just start a chase and look for a save spot behind you, like the entrance of the Metrostation in Trinity or in Front the Floating Fortress.
You can also look for a volatile-hive and start a chase before entering it. As long as you do not destroy the hive, the chase would keep going. If the chase seems to stop just go outside and attract some infected again. And don't forget to take enough UV-Flares with you if a volatile is jumping at you.

But when you want to level up very fast just have a look at my other guide:
12. Double-XP on Legendary Thursdays
On randomly Thursdays from 12:00 to 12:00 next day, they double the Legend Levels experience you obtain. Just have a look for it.

13. Seeing in the dark without to be seen
Hope thats helps you a little bit
So that's it - if you see any mistakes or improvements, just let me know. And thanks to Cello-Bs for his support.

Don't forget to like and fav this Guide please if it was helpful for you
I'll update this guide permanetly when I get new informations. So stay tuned

Good night, good luck......

.... and stay human

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Pinguinese 12 Sep, 2024 @ 3:07pm 
:shantae_elephant: Kaishark

:story: nice usefull & complete guide :D
Pinguinese 12 Sep, 2024 @ 3:07pm 
:junoHi: Its Thursday :D !!

my guide
mrpoopybutt 6 Aug, 2024 @ 6:46pm 
best way to find volatile hives
! Ustaw あさひ 26 Jul, 2024 @ 12:52am 
Coco 16 Jul, 2024 @ 11:24am 
Rated! :Speech_Love:
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