Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition

58 ratings
Jai's Survivor Missions - how to get the guns and level up easier
By kaishark
I'll give you some Tips & Tricks where to find the targets and how to finish some of the weekly/daily bounties easier. Last update: added a second method for fighting a Boss without taking a hit. I'll keep this guide updated permanently. So stay tuned.
The Start

First you have to do the sidequest "The Lost Armory". To activate it you must have access to the central loop and finished at least the main quest "Orders". After you did it, it can take some time till Jai talks to you via radio and ask you for help. So join him near the "Fish Eye".

Note: By starting a new NG+ (after you did already some of Jai's missions) you'll keep your Progress and Tokens, but you've to play the sidequest "The Lost Armory" again, before you've access to the missions and Jai's store. That means also that you'll get the gun a second time. Same happens by playing this mission in coop. As you can't get rid of the guns at this time they will stay in your inventory.
Missable Mementos
Next you have to fight down some renegades in the Muddy Ground Metro Station - here you can find the first memento - this is the only one you'll have access after finishing the quest.

The second memento is in Deltas office - you'll have no access to this place after the quest at this time.

Following the quest you'll meet Tackhead in the sub. In this area you can find two more mementos.

Note: You have to collect them before you open the container with the weapons. As soon as the cutscene beginns you'll have no access to this place again at this time.

The Survivor Missions
After you've finished the quest you've unlocked Jai's office to have access to 9 Surviver missions, as well as the 3 daily and 5 weekly bounties. As the weekly bounties are always the same till now, the dailys are a little bit changing. You can play the regular missions in normal or Elite, but the Tower Raid only in normal. The Mission-Boards are scattered around the whole map - marked by an orange sign. You can play the missions as a singleplayer or in coop.

By doing the bounties you'll earn RPs to level up and get access to the better guns, weapons and gear
After getting the guns, you can find ammo by
  • looting armored Zombies
  • looting containers in the Military Convoys
  • just buy it from Jai
Try not to die
If you have no more lifes left and you're dying during one of Jay's missions without comlpeting it, will cost you LLPs like in the regular game (after you reached LL 50).
The kills are also counting for other bounties
All infected you're killing during a mission will also count for Harper's, Shen Xiu's and ingame daily/weekly bounties as well as for the weekly Outpost-Bounties.

Just play the "Priceless" Mission. Randomly you'll find during this mission Spitters, Howlers, Hags, Goons, Chargers and at the end always a demolischer. Most of the special infected are on the second roof. If you did not find there you're looking for, leave at least one chest closed, go to the roof of the building in the next section and return. Beside a Goon or charger some other special infected will have respawned too. Repeat it till you've reached the goal.
Reaching Jai's Level 15
Till time Level 15 is the highest ranking you can get. After passing the level (22,500 RPs) the counter is stopping at 23,499 RPs. As you can't level up at this point, you can just play for fun or some tokens.
Where to find the Targets
Howlers, Bombers and Spitters: Randomly in almost every Mission

Goons: Most likely in the "Priceless", "Highway Star", "Roof Awakenings" and "VNC Tower Elevator Pitch" Missions.

Banshees: Most likely in "The VNC Tower Elevator Pitch" and "Priceless" Missions.

Charger: Randomly in "The VNC Tower Elevator Pitch" and "Priceless" Missions

Demolisher: Only in the "Priceless" Mission.

Bosses: In the end of the "Firestarter", "Toxic Work Environment" and "Highway Star" Mission

Renegades: Some at the end of the "Fast Food" Mission on the last roof and up to 20 in the "Firestarter" Mission
Kill 4 Chargers (weekly bounty)
One chance to find a charger is random on the second roof in the "Priceless" Misssion. But most of the time there is a goon on the roof. Instead of doing the mission again and again, still hoping to find a charger, there is an other opportunity.

Enter the roof, fight the Goon down and leave at least one chest closed. Go to the roof of the building in the next section and return. A Goon or charger will have respawned. Repeat it till you've reached the goal.

There are random also some Chargers in the "VNC Tower Elevator Pitch" Mission.
Kill 3 Demolisher (weekly bounty)
The only Demolisher you'll find till now is in the end of the "Priceless" Mission. Do the mission and play it again.
Decapitate 40 Enemys (weekly bounty)
Select the Ferry Mission. There are enough infected to do it in one run. But be aware: in the end of the mission you'll be surrouded and attacked by a lot of Virals and Biters at the same time. So be prepared.

Even if you're playing not in coop, you'll need a real good gear and weapon. Maybe my other guide is helpfull for you:
Kill a Boss without taking a hit (daily bounty)
The only Boss you can easy defeat by using melee weapons without getting hit, is the Goon "Toxic Alice" in the end of the "Toxic Work Environment" Mission.

Method 1: Use the "Camouflage Grease" you'll get from Astrid after the side quest "The Gilded Cage" in the DLC 1 (Bloody Ties). Sneak behind the goon and hit him with a fast weapon like a knife or claws. Immediately after one or two hits run/jump out of his range and hide yourself till your next attack.

Method 2: Also counting are hits with the Skoll (the throwable long-axe from the last Christmas-Event). Just keep your distance to the Goon and keep an eye on the biters (or kill them before).

However, as it is a Boss, it seems that the kill is not counting for other bounties.

The other Boss is Keith in the "Firedevil" Mission. But you'll have no chance to defeat him without getting a hit.

The third Boss till now is a demolisher in the end of the "Highway Star" mission. As it is a Boss, it seems that the kill is not counting for other bounties.
Kills with Fall-Damage (daily bounty)
Along the "Priceless" Mission there are also Biters and virals in the "Roof Awakenings" and "Fast Food" Mission on the roofs. At the end of the "Fast Food" Mission you're facing some Renegades on the last roof too.
Kills with Landmines (daily bounty)
The charger you can find in the "Priceless" Mission (see the weekly bounty). Lure or kick him from the roof into the backyard. Now you can throw mines from the roof behind him - without killing yourself be the explosion.

You'll always find a demolischer in the end of the "Priceless" Mission. Kill all the biters and virals around him and lower his health with one of your weapons. Place a mine in front of him and run away. In the moment he will follow you, he's done.
Don't forget to like and fav this Guide please if it was helpful for you
I'll update this guide permanetly when I get new informations. So stay tuned

If you see any mistakes or improvements, just let me know. And thanks to Cello-Bs for his support.

Good night, good luck......

.... and stay human

Klyvex 15 Sep, 2024 @ 7:06am 
Jäger 11 Mar, 2024 @ 11:55am 
Well the daily bounties are very outdated. You need to add the other daily bounties that you can acquire from him. Otherwise it's a good guide
kaishark  [author] 11 Mar, 2024 @ 2:56am 
Shure - as long as we get new missions I'll update this gude too.
Jäger 8 Mar, 2024 @ 8:47pm 
Will the guide be updated with more of the different bounties that Jai offers?
kaishark  [author] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 2:26am 
Thank you my friend. I've just reworked the whole guide. If I missed something, please let me know.
Jäger 29 Feb, 2024 @ 7:40pm 
Hey dude? Can I help with this guide? I know a lot about the new agent so perhaps I can add something to the guide?