Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (31)
[LEGACY] Harsher Nick
Created by couch
23rd July 2023: this mod is now officially obsolete but it will stay, because i know some people will prefer this over RVC V2 update. this mod includes racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, misogynistic voicelines that weren't shown in previewed video. subscri...
Crunchy Louis
Created by Indepths
Makes all of Louis' voice lines 8000 Hz, as apposed to the 441000 Hz it should be. He also gets excited about pills. Really excited....
Mmmm Fortnite healing sound
Created by TFalkon
mmmmmm fortnite healing sounds when you heal...
[Medkit] BIG Donut
Created by ched salvia
Replaces Medkit on Valve anim. Added lod files for optimization. Fixed a minor mesh issue. Increased the texture's vibrance so it can be spotted easily. Added the link to sketchfab model + original author. Full Credits: Sowjet - Porting to L4D2, QC, final ...
Sirenhead Remplaces Smoker
SIrenHead is a tall mysterious humanoid creature known for its odd appearance and the various sounds that emanate out of its head, which consists of a metallic pole with sirens attached to it. DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION I'm open t...
Baguette (Baseball Bat)
Created by 8sianDude
Bonjour, I present to you an iconic French bread called the baguette. This bread is pretty long, very long in fact that it can be the same length as an average baseball bat (~1 metre), though smaller sizes are also available. If the baguette is left out fo...
Peter Griffin for Boomer
Created by Minnie Mouse
"Oh man, this is even worse than that time I was the Boomer in Left 4 Dead 2." Peter Griffin from Family Guy replaces the Boomer & Boomette. Features: - All 3 Boomer models replaced - Voice clips - Viewmodel arms - Scorch texture - LOD models - Boomer gib ...
Sexy Ellis
Created by ๖ۣۜGrass
Wow! What a sexy hunk! It is well-known Ellis the Left 4 Dead 2, who wore tight pants Green in England called "banana hammock"...
[Flashlight] Funny bald man from tik tok lighting your way
Created by viske_
YLYL and you will loose everytime! Guaranteed! @chezpierrealtea from tiktok bald man makes animal noises! hahahah BatChest! Join our FLART group if you lost from it too! https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/groups/funnytiktokmeme...
Squidward Tentacles replaces Rochelle
Created by Minnie Mouse
Replaces Rochelle with Squidward Tentacles from the SpongeBob SquarePants series. Features: - Bile texture - Facial animations - LOD models - Jiggle bones - Viewmodel - VGUI icons Credits: models-resource - Uploading the Squidward model. Heavy Iron Studios...
Timmy's Dad (Nick)
Created by Hell Inspector
Stxrzzz Roblox Character [Coach]
Created by nickwithblick
Replaces Coach with Stxrzzz Roblox Character any bugs? lmk in comment secc Roblox: Textures and models Me: Porting, Rigging, Animation, Etc. ...
Love Taste Toy Chica Replace Zoey
FEATURES -fp arms -custom proportions -jiggle bones (not in breast, go take a bath) -facial animations -glowing eyes -bile texture DO NOT REUPLOAD ANY OF MY MODS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION I'm open to commissions for survivor mods or model swap https://i.imgur....
Dr. Mario
Created by Milk-0
*Death By an Overdose* It's-A-Me, Your Prostate Examiner! Oh and also, pills here! And yes, this is from Super Smash Bros. Melee! Alright, Enjoy!...
SCP-3166 for Hunter
Created by Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Hunter with SCP-3166 (Garfield). Credits: Decimate - Model & textures....
🗿 (Gnome)
Created by мяFunreal
Turns the gnome into a Moai head, because I was bored 🗿. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal" Modifications or Redistribution of this addon without explicit permission is prohi...
Pink Guy Hunter [Sound mod]
Created by Huddeys
Ey boss! This mod replaces Hunter's sounds with voices of the FilthyFrank's character Pink Guy FilthyFrank's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TVFilthyFrank Pink skin: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=653792060 Questa mod s...
randy marsh as spitter
Created by BruceFox
Saxton Hale Tank Voice Mod
Created by Emily Rosebug
The Saxton Hale Tank Voice Mod is now here! I had this idea for a while and I decided to created a tank voice replacement with Saxton hale's voice. I hope you enjoy the mod! SAXTON HALE!!! TF2 (C) Valve...
Russian Mob [Voice]
Created by Jo
Replaces all the common Infected voicelines with the russian mob from Max Payne 2 Special Thanks to Yossarian the Assyrian for the Commission. ...
Hotline Miami mobsters common infected
Created by imelman
A commission piece. Replaces common infected with members of russian mafia from Hotline Miami. Model source: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1967495534...
Demopan (Charger)
Created by Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Charger Infected with the TF2 Demoman wearing cosmetics to make him look like the Demopan. Features: - Animations ported from TF2 - Voice clips - Viewmodel arm - LOD support - Scorch texture Credit to Valve for creating Team Fortress 2. ...
Johnnie Walker's Blue Label.
Created by Helmet12
https://i.imgur.com/fEQJ5aj.png The best in the world, Johnnie Walker's Blue Label. A black label Johnnie Walker I take it, But when it's something special I take a Blue Label, it's an elixir and the other is a whiskey, one is taken and the other is savore...
Hotline Miami 2 Concert
Created by Mango Man
Includes posters, billboards, etc with Hotline Miami images and replaced the concert finale music in Dark Carnival with Hotline Miami 2 songs. 1st song: She Swallowed Burning Coals - by El Tigr3 1st tank song: Divide - by Magna 2nd song: Run - by iamthekid...
Urban Flight
Created by The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Created by xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[xdR] California Girls
Created by xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
Energy Drinks (Adrenaline)
Created by Ellie
This mod turns the Adrenaline into Energy Drinks with HD Textures and Light Reflections. It got a complete overhaul at the end of 2020, with more than 50 new HD skins added. It now features Pure RNG, which means that you can find different cans on each map...
Hot Dog
Created by Zaeryn
Replaces the jockey with a hot dog. Basically this mod exists so you can say "There's a weiner on your back!" No pun title this time, but in this case, you really wouldn't wanna see that. Credits: Doktor haus - rigging, compiling GriiM - model, texture...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Created by Deep Thunder
During the day, it's a place of joy. But you aren't here during the day. Now including checkpoints and jumpscares. Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! From your small office you must prevent the restaurant from any intruders and put F...